It's wif a heavy heawt that I come to Wheeley Wednesday aftew a long time off..
Ouw sweet fwiend
Taylow cwossed the bwidge yestewday.
(Hew family haven't blogged fow a while because things have been difficult and sad)
She was bwave , and bootiful and vewy vewy loved by hew family in the Nethewlands and hew fwiends
I will miss hew, but know that she is wunning wifout pain and laughing and playing wif ouw othew fwiends ovew the bwidge.
You might wemembew when hew pawents Mawlene and Henni got hew a wheelie chaiw.
Hew legses couldn't do theiw wowk anymowe, but she was full of life and this was the pawfect solution.
Asta and I, Mywna, went to help hew get used to hew new chaiw and cheew hew on.
Since I'm a wheelie, Taylow asked me to give hew some tips on manoovewing wif hew new wheels

aftew a few adjustments, she was wolling wif the best of them
Those wheels allowed hew to be pawt of the fun of sniffing and wunning in the lovely countwieside

While we wewe thewe, Taylow and hew bwuvvew Buzzew wewe pawfect hosts and intwodooced us to a local delicacy
(all these pictoows wewe made by hew Moms)
Taylow's bwuvvew Wuiz is the husband of my fwiend Kawl of the Catwealm
and is often on adventoowes wif my sissie Asta and hew cat fwiends,
I offew my bootiful memowies, and condolences to hew family.
Taylow, you will stay in ouw heawts always.
Deew Fwiends, this has been such a vewy vewy sad time..losses almost daily..sometimes mowe than one fwiend..It's hawd to keep going, but wemembew the love we all shawe, that is not evew going away, and the memowies we tweasoowe we keep fowevew.
Stay safe and well
I love you all
wheeley smoochies

sad smoochie kisses

Me heart is with Taylor and all the family!! It always brings tears to me eyes.
It seems that me have created some confusion though (Lacie's smoothies,you know?)...Me mom is spayed and coming just to keep me company and be a pal (and challenge me Mom even more probably)!
Check out me new post! I make it clearer!!! And a post-date surprise....
You are such a sweet girl...please keep all of us in your thoughts and prawers!!!!
PS...I need to pencil you iin on me new mom LOVES NYC and Grenwich Village is her fave!!!
Irish Love,
oh no we are so furry sad
that is just too many woggies going to the bridge already this year
no more! no more i say!
sad sniffles
the houston pittie pack
mommish wanted to know how you make your pikshures is is quite slo mo and not vewy techie
but she wants to know how you puts youself on other pikshures
could you pibble please email ush
panks you and smoochies
Too much sadness...
I hope Taylor and Chandler are taking the grand tour...
More sad news our hearts go out to Taylor,s family. Taylor will be running through fields with no need for wheels now.
Crikey, more sad news. You're right, every day there is something lately. It's sad but when we have so many pals all over the world that's just the way it is. All we can do is treasure the memories. It would be lonely if we didnt have all our maties.
Noah xx
Oh no! Not another sweetie! Our hearts are breaking for Taylor's family. There has been way too much sadness lately.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
She was a wheelie! I bet she brought lots of love to her family. So much sadness lately.
Asta Dear,
We are so sorry to hear of so many of our friends going to the bridge - but when we look at our sweet puppies we know there is a circle of life much more divinely inspired that we could ever imagine.
The Rocky Creek Gang
we are sorry to hear about Taylor, though we only knew her through your blog. So much bad such a short time.
and Teka
We did not know Taylor but it is so sad. This has not been a good month at all. We need all this sadness to stop. Please give our sympathy to Taylor's family.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Oh dear, what a sad couple of weeks.
We will go over and give our condolences.
Thank you for your good work helping doggies around the world - we all appreciate all the kind words and thoughts you send.
love you Asta,
silly me...I just realized when I clicke the link that you said there wasn't a blog. Will try and comment
Oh Myrna,
These last couple of weeks have just been so terribly sad! My mom is doing some eye leaking right now! Taylor was such a beautiful pooch. Her family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Sad sugars,
Hi Asta
Im sorry to hear about Taylor too! Another golden footprint in the sand.
I've seen programs about wheels for dogs -- now that's good technology. It was good of you to teach Taylor how to operate hers. Sorry to hear she has gone to the Bridge.
Dear Asta,
What a sweet tribute to Taylor. Thank you for sharing your memories. Our hearts go out to you and her family for this sad loss.
Riley and Star.
w00fs, me is sooo sad, me is finding out we lost 3 pups in the last 2 will go leave me love and support for Taylors pack..
a sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama..
Oh Asta, we are very sorry to read this. We remember Taylor and his wheels.
That was a beautiful tribute. We know how hard it is for the family - sending you virtual hugs too Asta cos we know how sad you are.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
We are soooo sorry that Taylor didn't get to use the wheelies for very long! We hope it was lots of fun while it lasted! This is just a terrible time of many lost peeps and pups. We sure hope March will be better for all of us!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Pee-ess: our mom slept a whole 8 hours last night and ate a whole meal (almost) today! Yay!
we are going through many black clouds at the moment it seems.
Condolences to Taylor's family
from us in Scotland xxxxx
What wonderful furiends and supporters! Asta and Myrna cheering your furiend on. And this fun and sweet. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with us all.
Oh most bootiful and adored Wifey...
This separation has to stop...I promise I will stop taking Bertie to the wain forest and other such places...honestly, wheelin' down the Himmie layas was AMAZING...
But, you're's time Bertie was going to school and you and I need a most romantic bout Billings, Montana...I hear they have wicked mountains out there....
All my love, my dearest Myrna...
Your Gilbert
I just read your post about loosing your good friend, Taylor. I'm so sorry! Please pass on my condolences to Taylor's family, And what wonderful parents they were to get him wheels so he could still enjoy his walks.
My poor Wire Fox, Carson, took a short walk on the morning we lost him, even begging for his usual biscuit from our mail carrier!
We remember meeting Taylow soon after we started blogging, and we were impressed both by her strength and courage, and by your nursing and therapeutic skills to get her up and moving. She'll be missed. We'll remember her, and think of her now running with her friends on the other side of the Bridge.
Jake and Fergi (Winston and Brady and Erin and Diana and Edwina, too)
What a sweet memorial to Taylor. We especially liked the photo with you cheering Taylor on. Nice pompoms! You're a good friend Asta.
XX-BabyRD & Hootie
Hey Asta,
More sad news with Taylor's journey to The Rainbow Bridge. It has been a rough week, what with Chandler going to The Bridge and Max Dog being so sick. We will hold Taylor and family in our hearts and prayers.
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