I dwagged Mommi towawds a place whewe I had planted some special seeds eawliew this yeaw
I have been vewy anxious about this pwoject
I'm not suwe that my bushes can flowew in this weathew
Woo Hooo..I think my suwpwise wowked, I think it wowked
look, look
They awe weady to pick.
A special bush wif a tennis ball named aftew you..it's a bwand new stwain and much sought aftew..but they awe all fow you
I hope you have a vewy Happy Biwfday sweet Fwiend!!!!
(we will celebwate togethew when you get back to NewYawk City! MUWAHHHHHHH)
now that I can welax about Petey's gift,
I'm off fow a pawty celebwating my dawling fwiend Olive's eighth Biwfday
(hew Bwofuw Opus is thwowing a suwpwise pawty fow hew)
We awe going to have a sock hop
lots of dancing and wock and woll, and sundaes and sodas and fun to be had
I was able to get this special caw as a pwesent fow Ollie, I hope she likes it
come and join us ..
I'd love to do the twist wif all of you..
we need a little fun in ouw lives
smoochie kisses

That's a lot of celebrating and we need that around here. Go girl, go! Your pwesent is magnifique. Love the tennis ball field with the specially engraved flowers. What a thoughtful pwesent.
As for the pawty, I think you're going to knock them off their paws. You look stunning, so Ollie will probably miss the car like I did. BOL Seriously Asta, I read this carefully, but I only had eyes for you and I missed the present.
Have a "ball" BOL
I'm sure Petey will be thrilled to harvest them!
Woo have MY snow!
I hopew woo enjoyed it fur me!
Nice outfit for the pawty and khwite the pawesome gift!
Have fun, and remember to come to Paris after the party.
Sally Ann
OH WOW we think that peteys tennis plant is the coolest pressie in the whole universe, you are SO SO SO creative asta, what fun!!! we thinks you could be furry rich if you patented it...
Where do I get those seeds?! I want a tennis ball bush in my yard for my birthday----June 6-the day my Parental Unit adopted me from the pound!
Not that I'm hinting or anything:-)
Your buddy,
That is one cool bush! I'll bet Petey loves it! I hope you had fun at the party!
We love the bush! You're looking very nice for the party and your gift is pawsome....see you there!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi, Asta!
Petey is going to love his bush!
If he sees your post... he will be back in no time!
Have fun at the party!
Kisses and hugs
Love the tennis ball bush. See you at Ollie's party!
Good job, Asta!
- Charlie
Please send tennis ball bush seeds to my estate immediately.
oh sweet lemonade cookie asta love
we did'nt know you were such a pawty girl. plese to not stay out so late cause next day poopyhead ok??
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
You always know just what the purrrfect gifts should be. These are two great ideas! I know both will really appreciate and love your gifts!
Great snow photos! You look so cute in your sweater.
OMG, OMG, OMG I am speechless! A pink 1957 Chevrolet just for me! Do I like it, NO, I LOVE IT!!!!! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!! You are the best! Thanks for making my birthday so special. You have been such a big help in getting things going on at the party. - Ollie
A car! Wow! I am wondering if Ollie will let me borrow it. Anyway, thanks for coming to the party and helping to keep the secret making this a total surprise for Ollie. It is always so much fun haviing the gang all together! Now let's hit the dance floor and see if we can do some of these fifties moves! - Opus
Asta, you are such a sweet and thoughtful pup to think of that wonderful present for Petey!! We bet he will LOVE his tennis bush...
Hi Asta,
Whats the name of the nursery where you get your shrubs? Do they sell foot ball trees?
Have a grrrreat weekend!
Luv ya,
Star and Riley.
OH BOY!!! That's gotta be the bestest present EVER! I just hope I get home before all the tennis balls have been harvested. Hope they don't spoil in the snow - you know how the peach crop always has a devastating freeze each year? Can't wait to see you! Maybe Monday at the dog run if it's not too snowy!
You're a sweetheart!
Your pal,
Asta! What a lovely surprise for Petey! Are they blooming yellow because of the special dog watering?
Do they squeak too!
How delightful!
We just dropped by on our way over to Olive's place. It is really rockin' and rollin' over there. Her momma sure knows how to make the place swing!
Oh kousin Asta,
You did such a wonderful job inventing and growing that new Petey Tennis Ball Bush. Maybe you have a future career in bush invention!
You have been very busy lately inventing bushes and running off to birthday parties. And here I thought nothing happened in February after we were finished with the Presidents.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
That is really thoughtful of you - that tennis ball bush is just the right present for Petey! We are also loving that car - you are one stylish gal.
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
You are such a thoughtful girl, Asta. Petey is going to LOVE his Personalized Tennis Ball Tree. And Ollie is going to swoon with her pink chevy. Those gifts couldn't be more perfect. Just like you.
BruvverJake and SissieFergi xxoo
Oh wow, look at what you grew Asta. Petey is going to love it. You're such a good friend.
Noah Willow Tess lucy
Just wanted to stop in and say hi! Love all the pictures. Hope you are doing well. We are getting snow right now!! Mom doesn't like it but we love the snow!!!
We're glad to see the celebration back in your step!
The Rocky Creek Gang
Hey there Asta Sweetie
What a generous pup you are! Planting a whole orchard of Petey bushes! Wow! He is lucky seven year old.
Its so nice to see you celebrating and happy. We are so glad that mom got a job.
Lots and lotsalicks
I need to get #1 to plant some of those bushes too!!!
Tennis ball bushes! Maybe Petey will share seeds with all of us and we can all have tennis ball bushes in our yards! You are brilliant, Asta, and one heck of a gardener!
We just love your header photo! It's just adorable!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great pressie for Petey! Do they make squeaks that sound like his Rosie Posie?
And you look GREAT in that WFT skirt (I'm assuming it is not a POODLE on there!) Save me a slow dance, I will be there if I can
Asta...can I have a cutting from one of those Petey Bushes...OMD...a tennis ball bush of my own...I could harvest every morning...HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE!
That car is um SO GIRLIE...Lacie loves it...
I'm thinkin' a little Triumph would be cooler? In black...
Barkin' at ya Asta...
Your husband, Scruffy
How kind to grow all those tennis bushes for Petey's birthday.
What a great gift for Petey!! We'd love to do the twist with you, Asta!
We love your new header in that cute snow suit too!
Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!
That was the best present ever for Petey.
Asta you think of everything. You are such a sweet doggie.
Martha & Bailey xx
That is a very cool tennis ball bush! What a great gift for Petey!
And we can't wait to see you at Olive's party - we know it will be super fun!
You're so thoughtful. A tennis ball bush for Petey's birthday and a car for Ollie's. Terrific party at Opus & Ollie's, isn't it!
Asta green paws. Wickedly wonderful perfect present for Petey! You are a squillion star gift giver. Can you get hold of cuz tree seeds? The orange strain of course that blooms all year?
I'm trying to grow kibble bushes under the sofa. Spread the kibble seeds direct from my wobbler. They grow well in all the dust balls.Give it a try.
Wiry loves and billions of kisses Asta.xxxx
Petey is going to love that special tennis ball bush you have there for him. Those seeds must be magical.
And that car - Wow - Mom says she remembers those from when she was a little girl.
OK, ready - let's twist - party on!!!
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh the tennis ball bush is sure to please Petey. In fact we thinks any dog would love it. We wonders if we can get one to grow it our garden.
Ollie, will LOVE the car. It is such a pretty PINK car. ~AFSS
oh my oh my OMG!!! wilson/petey's... uh...those are fantastic bushes asta. i hope you'll share your secret with theBUSTER...he's so beside himself he can't even post. the humomm never said they grew on bushes! anyhow.. that's a great b-day present for petey. you always look so....put together in your beeeUtifull clothes.. and now a pink pink pink chevy.. wOw.. i've got to tell my sissy, wonder how that would look in front of her new-little-house..
Persephone, Ms.Blue and theBUSTER (somewhat speechless knowing there is a tennis ball crop out there...and soooooo close. I think he's getting on the train as we speak!
Wow, Asta! I didn't know you could grow tennis balls. You are so very clever, sissy. Petey will go absolutely crazy over it. If you need someone to guard it until he gets home, I'm available, hehehe.
Your bruvver Duffy
Oh Asta where can we get one of those special tennis ball bushes? Louie and Callie would absolutely love it...
What a cool car you got for Olive we are sure she will enjoy driving that around...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ohhhhhh we are sooooo behind...BUT we are wuite happy that the bush bloomed!!9 it really got a lot of tennis balls didn't it??) and you cna not believe it!! PL2 said that when she was little they had a car like that!! But it was PINK AND BLACK!!!!!! AND we are so happy that you got a pupcale from Stanley.....He really is the man....Love A+Awho FINALLY got a bath and now look like their hair is standing at attention...
PS it is a little chilly in here..that is why their are so many typos......A+A
We just loved that post!
Firstly, there was the colour yellow, secondly they were tennis balls and thirdly and most importantly - it was a great birthday surprise for Petey!
The NSLM jumped up and down in joy when he saw the photo of the yellow tennis balls just for Petey!
Brillant - thank you for putting a big smile on our faces!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Hey Miss Asta...
I've got a message for your mama from my mama - she says that the hat she's wearing isn't made anymore, but she tracked down the company that bought out that original company and they do make a similar one... http://www.zephron.ca/garments.html#hats
And we both send our love!
Do not know what happened to our comment, but it's gone! Perhaps our mommy is going nuts and really didn't post it. Hope you are having a great weekend. You are, like, everywhere! Love that the blogisphere allows teleportation. Smooches, BabyRD and Hootie
Asta, our fabulous sissy!!! The tennis balls bushes is so cute and great idea!! You're always so sweet and you prepare the ONE for our friend. We're sure you made Petey very happy. Happy birthday, Petey!!
Momo & Pinot
Hello Asta,
Thanks so much for dropping by our world. We are so happy to see you and we hope we can be better friends.
Looks like you got lots of celebrations to attend to this weekend. Happy Birthday to Petey and Olive.
The tennis ball blooms are amazing. So sweet of you to grow them and we are sure Petey would love them!
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Smoochie kisses to you Asta!
Love the parties that we have been having but I think they are catching up to me. I am soooooooo tired. But no time to rest.
What a wonderful present!
wow that is a totally awesome and wonderful present. you are so thoughtful!!
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