a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, January 31, 2008

SOOOPEWBOWL and anothew fabulous awawd!

I'm all packed and weady to go to Gussie and Joe's gweat sooopewbowl weekend pawty..
but I 'm getting a little newvous..I looked left, I looked stwaight fowwawd, and I looked wight
.........................................................I can't see aiw Ruby anywhewe

I'm not weally taking sides
( I and my team of cheewleadews will be cheewing fow bof sides)
I love too many of my fwiendz who awe wooting fow the othew team...but if they weally need me to help out, I can be a kickoff -wetuwn specialist to help the Giants out...the Patwiots have an unfaiw advantages having Archie as theiw special consultant to the coach, so this is the least I can do.

On a diffewent note!!!!! I'm honowed yet again!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sassy sissy , and Karl of the catrealm gave me This Blog is Rated E for Excellence Award. I want to thank them both for honoring me with this award. It makes me so happy to think that that's how fwiends see my bloggie.

I now need to send this to ten Blogger writers of outstanding style and ability.

I would like to give this award to :
Scruffie,Lacie and babyStan
Joe and Tanner
Stanley and Stella,
Harry and Cassidy
Patience Please
Butchy and Snickers
Bob T bear

I have about a dozen mowe I can think of , but the stoopid wules say 10, so I guess they will have to pass it on to all the othew fabulous blogs!

All these Bloggers have wonderful outstanding styles and a fantastic ability to keep us thinking, amused and entertained.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sick and Tiwed and anothew awawd

Hewe we awe...anothew boowing indoow day..wotten weathew, only quicky walks outside, and no chance of going to the wun..the wind is howling..good gwief, am I sick and tiwed of this!
I went to find my sissy Myrna to see if she would come play..., she was standing awound all dwessed up..."can You come play Mywna??"
"I'm vewy sowwy sissy Asta, Mommi won't let me come and play...I caught hew cold,and I'm supposed to stay in my coat to keep wawm and west"
gazing with longing out the window...sighhh........
ummm, so what if I have pawt of efelant hanging out of my mouf???you got a pwoblem with that?/
Thinking about pouncing on my efelant
I shake the you know what out of him...but he doesn't seem to cawe
This is an efelant with cwunchy eaws and a wope nose..he's quite nice, but not like having someone to play bitey face with
do you think it will evew be nice enough to play at the wun again????I suwe hope the west of you awe enjoying the snow and the nice muddy fields and know how lucky you awe to get to wun awound!

I got the lovely thinking awawd fwom BenBen..thank you so vewy much my fwiend..I am flattewed and gwateful!!!!..I always love to see you and heaw about youw adventoowes!

The rules for the Thinking Award are ..

1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

=Sitka and Tia..who make me wealise the special bond siblings have, no mattew what species

=Jan'Funny Farm..who's deep cawing fow fellow animals always moves me

=Gussie..who wites so vewy bootifully and is philosophew like his Dad

=Daisy the curly cat..who's sunday comics have vewy impowtant lessons fow us all

=joestains.and tanner..who make me look at the wowld in the most wondewful upside down way

=my kousin Koobie..hew cheewful outlook on life makes evewything get back into pwopowtion when I'm sad

I know this is six...but I couldn't help myself! and wules awe made to be bwoken anyway..may I have my cookies pleez?

2. Acknowledge this post.( BenBen)
3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats!

1 check, 2 check, 3.....mayb check and 4......"MOm~~!!!! Get me the treats!!!!"



Monday, January 28, 2008

Some Sggestions fow When The Weathew is Lousy

When this is what you see outside..hewe's what you can do...........MakeSoup!!!!Hewe I come into the kitchen to help Mommi..she says evewything is bettew with my help
Hewe's the yummilicious ingwedientses..(the meet is duck confit, that Mommi took off the bone)
You have to sautee the onions and gawlic in the pancetta...gweat smells...
Yummie cannelini beansI have to make suwe the vegebals awe fwesh..then Mommi can add them

kitchens wewe cleawly not built with the cowwect specifications fow WFTs..evewything is WAY up thewe.
I wanna see the wesults of my hawd wowk..( why am I not an aiwekid??)
TAH DAH!!!!!!!!!! WAWM , YUMMY AND NOUWISHING!! I HAD SEVEWAL BOWLS, HEHEHEaftew eating, may I suggest some quiet play on a soft suwface, so when you plop ovew and snooze, you don't injoowe youwself

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Maya and Kena had this on theiw bloggie and I just wanted to pass the wowd about Poor Bruno,

He has a really bad tumor on his hind leg, and his mommy just doesn't have the $ to help pay fur the surgery.... Please please please at least go read his diary and send him your prayers!!

He doesn't have a bloggie, he's a fwiend of theiws fwom Dogster.

Here's his link:


And to help with the surgery:


Pleez keep Tia in youw thaoughts and pwayews..Today is hew 15th Birfday, and instead of clebwating at hew suwpwise pawty that Sitka had planned in Jamaica, she is in the hospital!!-

On a happiew note, I have been tagged for a meme. Here are the rules:

You have to post who tagged you and link back to them.

Sassy my sissy tagged me.

You have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.

What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences.

  1. I would get into my Mommi's closet and twy on all hew shoes and then taste them one by one and compawe them to the gloves and bags I would also taste,hehehe
  2. get off my leash and wun like the wind, and I pwobably wouldn't stop till I visited all my fwiends evewywhewe
  3. Eat all of the hooman food in the house all day long.

I tag

the 4Bs,

Katie,Zorra and Sam


Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Family is gwowing

You might wondew what all the stowks delivewing babies is all about...well it's like this:
Momo, Pinot,Sassy and Momo, I are becoming fursiblings officially!

Momo and Sassy cat both asked me if I would be theiw sissy..we all come fwom vewy small families and I've always wanted to live with lots and lots of sissys and bwuvvews, ..We have been fwiends fow a while now and weally loved each othew and so I was vewy happy to accept theiw invitation...well, thewe was even mowe to come, because, Momo is twins with Momo the cavaliew in Towonto, so obviously Momo and Pinot also became my siblings.

Sassy made the wondewful stowk pictoowes..she imagined us all being delivewed to the same family.

Mommi helped me make the buttons that will go on ouw side baw showing us as bwuvvew and sissys and then just all the giwls in one

This is an extension of the NOMSS challenge that Karl of the cat realm posted...lets show everybody how we cross borders and have no patience for prejudices, racism and intolerance towards others! hoomans could leawn fwom us!!

To celebrate this occasion Momo and Pinot's dad found this New Zealand wine, named Momo Pinot Noir, "momo" in Maori means offspring, how appropriate and auspicious! It is going to be our official family wine, to be used in toasting and consumed in celebrations.

Now, let's drink to that!
Sissys (and Bwuddew) Forever!
May our bonding be a long and happy one!

Have a gweat weekend evewyone!!
Love and happy smoochie kisses

Getting Weady fow the Big Game

I am so vewy excited about going to the big game weekend to Guss and Joe's in Azwizona..,but I had doubts about my place thewe...I gwew up with soccew in my family, and felt I neded some extwa skill to keep up with my fwiends...
luckily , I was asked by my cat fwiendz if I would be intewested in attending theiw cheewleading academy..it's the best in the countwy, with extwemely high standawds, so I happily accepted...all this was befowe my giwlfwiends came to visit in NY

I finally got the photogwaphs and diploma fwom CA...so now I'm weady!!!

If you think this was a walk in the pawk, ow just jumping up and down and yellling, you'we wong! Thewe was vewy sewious twaining involved...
Getting into shape for the field work ahead.
Back l-r: Asta, Mystery, & Daisy
Front l-r: Sassy & Percy
photo by Sassy

Momo and I twying out one of the cheews
The fashion and color design show.
Momo's outfit designed by Momo.
Asta's outfit designed by Asta.
Photo by Sassy

I think you'll all agwee that I'm weady to come to the pawty and help cheew..I only have one pwoblem, I'm fwom NY, and I lke the giants, but so many of my good fwiends awe fow the patwiots, that I've decided to be like Switzewland and just cheew fow evewybody...I hope that's OK
Team spirit.
Front center: Chilly
Second row l-r: Brownie & Miss Peach
Third row l-r: Percy, Norman, Roscoe, Mystery, Ruis, Opus & Karl
Fourth row l-r: Asta, Daisy & Sassy
photo by Sassy

This is a pictoowe of the gwaduating class..pwetty impwessivePresenting the graduates of Cheerleading Academy 2008.
photo by Sassy

As you can see I gwaduated..it was no small feet..those catses awe vewy agile and I had to keep up with all theiw bending, but my expewience with doga helped a lot, and of couwse, us tewwiews awe gweat jumpews and twiwlews, and cewtainly wont quit till we've achieved ouw goals

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Giwl's Janooawy Bweak

As you can see a few of my giwlfwiends decided to come ovew fow a little giwltalk and shopping

It's been a vewy stwessful few weeks..so many of ouw fwiends have been sick ow injoowed..we just needed a little welaxation with close fwiends..

Snickers was sick and tiwed of the hoomungous snow(I told hew to send it to me , but no luck)

Stella was annoying Stanley a little too much, plus she needs some oldew sisssy advice

Koobie was lonely on Mountain top with snow and twees falling ovew

Lacie, well you can imagine the twauma of being the tuggeee in a tug-a -lakie game played by baby Stan and Scruffy

and poow Agatha has been nuwsing hew deeaw Bwuvvew Archie day and night , and was going stiw cwazy, not being allowed to wun, just cause he couldn't...so she gave him some wheels and shipped him off fow a holiday to England with Jackson..and she took the twain down to see me

Mommi pwomised not to tag along, so thewe will not be any pictoowes of us getting ouw haiw and nails done, ow shopping, ow having pastwies , ow shopping, ow having dwinks, ow shopping ow checking out the NY boyz, ow shopping...you get the pictoowe

This is the only one we wewe willing to pose fow..it was dinnew when evewyone fiwst awwived...then lots of gossip and looking at magzazines fow ideas fow ..you guessed it..shopping and then a good sneep. notice the bootiful necklace Agatha is weawing..she ummm bowwowed it fwom hew Mom..it was made by Lorenza's aunt..what a bootiful piece of jewelwy..I think hew om is a little anxious about it..she called about twenty times aweady.....don't wowwy..we'we looking out fow evewyone including Agatha's jewels.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


My pawents wewe living a pawfectly nice life in Los Angeles whewe they met(both wewe at UCLA) ................................but something was missing!!!

Obviously a doggie!!

The building they lived in wefoosed to let them get one...jewks!!!!!, plus Mommi was weally sick and tiwed of not having any weathew, and she was homesick fow Euwope and a weal city whewe you could walk awound, (In LA , they pwactically awwest you if you'we not in a caw)

she wanted to bump into fwiends on the stweet and have theatwe and stuff and, well since she couldn't go back to Euwope, she thought..why don't we move to NYC!!!!!!
she was sick of painting in owange hazy light.."give me nowth light she said"...and by the way..we'll be just like Nick and Nora Charles...we'll have a ball!(and of course a fox terrier)
(well as you know, I look like Asta, but my pawents didn't quite manage to look as good as Nick and Nowa,hehehe)
Anothew one of Ami's cwazy ideas is what he was thinking,but daddi being Daddi , he just said "OK let's go..."

So they got an apawtment in Manhattan's Faw West Village, looking nowth(as a bonus you can see the Hudson wivew and all the big ships goung to Euwope..plus wight outside ouw window is whewe Mommi fiwst stepped on Amewican soil..isn't that cool?)
Of couwse the fiwst thing they did aftew unpacking is wun and get a wiwe fox tewwiew..they named him Nikki, then came Nowa, and then Charly..then they wan out of the hooman names and had to get obvious and named me Asta

I got wight into the spiwit of my pawents cwazy NY life..I sometimes watch the movies stawwing Skippy(who played Asta , just to wefwesh my memowy about how to behave, hehehe)

And Mommi and hew fwiends sometimes get to pwetend theiw all Nowa Chawles and dwink vawious pawtinis

so now this is what we look like hehehe
So that's how come my pawents have wft.I guess it's mostly cause my Mommi is nuts and ummm, well, so awe we fwankly.

Thank you all fow wishing my Mommi a speedy wecovewy..she's been in bed all weekend, and is a pwetty bad patient as expected..but My Daddi and I awe nuwsing hew, and with ouw cawe she should be fine soonest
Now one mowe impowtant thing!!!
I got this lovely awawd fwon the wiggle butts in Nowway!

I thank them vewy vewy much and would like to pass it on to my dawling little Kousin Koobie, who can make my day by just giving me one of those adowable looks that make me laugh and want to wun to hew house and hug hew lots