a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, February 28, 2010


As I told you, I headed ovew to Opus and Olives fow the suwpwise Biwfday Pawty that Opus is thwowing fow his sisse Ollie

photo by Gracie
hewe is the gang in full fifties wegalia, hehehehe
l-r: Kawl,Wuis, me, Gwacie, the biwfday giwl Olive,Opus and Momo

I asked if I could be behind the countew and make shakes and  soda's and sundaes fow evewyone..I loooved doing it..(I got to lick my paws all the time, yummmm)
Olive got the most wondewful Biwfday cake fwom Kawl and Wuis and I gave hew a poodel scawf to go wif the Chevy I bwought hew

photo by Gwacie
They'we all pwetty good Wock and Wollews, hehehe

my sweet sissie Gwacie insisted that i should sit and get sewved fow a change..GWEAT BUWGEWS!!!!!! and a Woot Beew Float!

latew, my dawling fwiend Gussie joined us and  was the bestest dance pawtnew ..(he seems vewy familiaw wif this ewa and is a tewwific slow dancew)
don't you just love his Buddy Holly  outfit?

photo by Kawl

then someone bwought out the hoolaloops and things stawted to get out of contwol, heheheh

photo by Momo

as usual wif these fwiends, we sowt of twashed the place heheehehe..they all beat me to sneep, but I was soon to follow..what a faboolous biwfday Pawty

 Thank you Opus  fow inviting us all

umm, also, I don't know if you awe awawe of it ow not, but one of the bestest things about being in the blogosphewe, I can telelpowt to places instantly, and I have been wunning to Pawis to be on the wondewful touw hosted by Mack and Sally Ann..It's absolutely magnifique!!!!!!!
They awe incwedibull hosts and we'we having a blast. Pleez come and look at ouw adventoowe.
They have done so much wowk to insoowe that we have a good time!!!!


hope all of you had a gweat weekend!
smoochie kisses

Thursday, February 25, 2010


It was snowing like mad today..nowmally that would make me vewy happy, but tomowwow is my fwiend Petey's Biwfday and I had been planning a suwpwise fow him and this might wuin things

I dwagged Mommi towawds a place whewe I had planted some special seeds eawliew this yeaw

I have been vewy anxious about  this pwoject

I'm not suwe that  my bushes can  flowew in this weathew

Woo Hooo..I think my suwpwise  wowked, I think it wowked

look, look 

They awe weady to pick.
A special bush  wif  a tennis ball named aftew you..it's a bwand new stwain and much sought aftew..but they awe all fow you

I hope you have a vewy Happy Biwfday sweet Fwiend!!!!
(we will celebwate togethew when you get back to NewYawk City! MUWAHHHHHHH)

now that I can welax about Petey's gift, 

I'm off fow a pawty celebwating my dawling fwiend Olive's eighth Biwfday
(hew Bwofuw Opus is thwowing a suwpwise pawty fow hew)
We awe going to have a sock hop

lots of dancing and wock and woll, and sundaes and sodas  and fun to be had

I was able to get this special caw as a pwesent fow Ollie, I hope she likes it

come and join us ..

I'd love to do the twist wif all of you..

we need a little fun in ouw lives

smoochie kisses

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Twoo Heawts and a big wequest for CHEF

Befowe I tell you a nice stowy, pleez go to Chef's bloggie and cwoss youw paws fow his Dad.

also pleez go to Butchy and Snickew's bloggie and vote fow him

now fow my nice stowy
You know , us fuwwkids  have to wely on ouw hooman secwetawies to help us  wite ouw lettews and posts, and sometimes, they don't do it..
Thewe's all sowts of excooses
Wowk, laziness, sickies, hooman family, all sowts of things happend, but the thing is, we get neglected .

Fow instance, many of you know that Stanley the woolew of Goobewstan is sowt of my financee
umm, Imean , he did come and spend the night at my house and gave me a hooge diamond, but that was last yeaw.

Since then, his Giwl has had lots of pwoblems wif hew time..like looking fow wowk,  being depwessed fwom no wowk, and, well, Stanley has not been posting ow witing like he used to.

(meantime, his Giwl gots a new jobs and just stawted this week..go wish hew luck!)

My newew fwiends pwobably don't even know that he and I awe an item.  I was quite sad about this, but knew it wasn't his fault, and I'm a twoo bloo sowt of giwl, so even though I love lots of boyz, my one twoo love has aways been Stanley.

(He undewstands when I go on adventoowes ow dates wif othews as long as my heawt stays twoo.)

I've been missing him and on top of all the othew sadness this wasn't good

well, look what came in the mail fow me

you can bigify it so that you can see his sweet wowds

he calls me Asta O' My Heart


I swooned, I fainted, I was soo happy that he still loves me

I had to get in that bag and see what he sent me

this is not so easy to open

I think I'm finally getting it

it's a fwosted stwawbewwy pupcake

a sweet just fow me fwom my Sweet

(pleez excoose my watty , diwty appeawance, but ouw stweets awe yucky  when wet, and this was befowe my baf)
I love it!!!
I munched it!!!

till  thewe was nothing left...  now I know, Stanley still won't have time fow me like he used to, but I have to wemembew his heawt is twoo

ahhhh twoo love

smoochie kisses

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fwiends always

I apologize fow not coming awound and  seeing you my deew fwiendses..Pleez know, I love you and even when I don't post, you awe in my heawt and mind aways!!!!

It's been a hawd time in bloggie land.  It's impossible to undewstand why some families awe given so much mowe than anyone should have to beaw.  Like Penny , Poppy and Patches' Mom Lana who lost hew deaw husband and then Poppy a week latew..
so tewibully unfaiw and I have no wowds to give  as  solace.  
Mommi was so sad that she couldn't even post and twy to acknowledge my fwiends' cwossing ovew the wainbow bwidge

I've been holding hew tight and twying to tell hew that  it's diffewent fow us doggies.

We don't wowwy the way hoomans do, and while we miss ouw fwiends, we know that we will see them again and awe happy that they had lives whewe they wewe loved and tweasoowed by theiw families and fwiends and they won't evew be fowgotten, and now they awe young again and pain fwee and waiting fow us and time is not the same as hewe on eawf.......so it's OK...
I wish we could teach ouw hoomans to 
enjoy the moments and not keep thinking of the losses.  It's hawd

I tweasoowe the memowies I have of my sweet and wise and polite fwiend Hamish..he taught me so much about life and his bootiful pawt of the wowld.  We shawed some gweat fun times, and I'm happy to say, I was able to intwodooce him to the joys of taking a  baf in powwidge while dwinking a wee dwam to soof his itchie skin a while ago.
I look fowawd to seeing him again one day..fawe thee well my deew fwiend

and sweet Poppy, what can I say fow hew Mom's bwoken heawt..I think maybe she wanted hew Dad not to be alone, and went to join him .  She knew  that Penny and Patches would be hewe to love and comfowt theiw Mom.
I love you Poppy and will always keep you in my heawt.

Sometimes it seems like being pawt of the bloggie wowld is too painful, then we get a wemindew of the bootiful side of being in this commoonity.

Ouw Deew Fwiend the Gowgeous Max fwom souf Afwica was invited by his fwiends to come and visit. So many fuwwfwiends fwom all ovew the wowld wanted to  have him visit that it tuwned into a wowld touw!
This touw showed ouw love fow each othew and the suppowt that we always twy to pwovide when a fwiend is in need.

Mommi made this pictoowe fow Max and his Mom Cawyl as a sooveneew of that love.

You can biggify it and hopefully find youwself if you wewe pawt of this pwoject.
Pleez feel fwee to take the pictoowe and use it on youw bloggie if you want.

Pleez take cawe and tweasoowe the good times we have
Smoochie kisses

Thursday, February 18, 2010

SLUDGE and Books


This is widicoolous..this is what we get instead of bootiful snow..we had snow fow a day..lovely, then they said it would snow again all day..xept it must have been a nonseeing weathewman (he needed a seeing eye helpew doggie in my opinion)
cause when I went out, stuff that was falling was white all wight, but by the time it hit the gwound, it was just watew..diwty watew at that..YUCK!!!!

natoowally it destwoyed all the nice white snow.

despite that, Mommi said I needed a walkie and fwesh aiw, so she gwabbed me and dwagged me acwoss the West village to go to one of hew favowite Book Stowes
(thank dog it's still hewe..these little pwivate bookstowes awe dwopping like flies, and while Mommi likes the intewnet , she adowes WEAL BOOKS
theiw smell, theiw feel, the noise of tuwning a page..just the whole thing

we awwived and you can see the stoopid howizontal wain-snow coming down

don't wowwy, I was only tied up fow the photoop..I nevew stay outside by myself

well, this is nice..good smells (when my Mommi had my angel sissie Nowa, the ownews of the bookstowe had a welsh tewwiew giwl in the stowe wowking wif them..Nowa used to love to go visit hew)
Now thewe awe no mowe doggies ,but vewy nice hoomans

c'mon Mommi ..I see some good books hewe
let's buy one

well aftew about almost an houw of puttewing awound and weading into books by sitting on the wooden steps inside, while I said hello to evewyone who came in and helped wif selections,
Mommi finally decidewed and we could go home

thwoo the sludge  towawds home and a nice wawm fiweplace, some tea and a good book while Mommi scwitches my eaw and mooshes my tummie

all in all, the only way to spend this kind of day
(specially if you awe still too sad to be jumping awound)

take good cawe of youwselves
smoochie kisses

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wheeley Wednesday RIP TAYLOR

It's wif a heavy heawt that I come  to Wheeley Wednesday aftew a long  time off.. 

Ouw sweet fwiend
Taylow cwossed the bwidge yestewday.

(Hew family haven't blogged fow a while because things have been difficult and sad)

She was bwave , and bootiful and vewy vewy loved by hew family in the Nethewlands and hew fwiends 
I will miss hew, but know that she is wunning wifout pain and laughing and playing wif ouw othew fwiends ovew the bwidge.

You might wemembew when hew pawents Mawlene and Henni got hew a wheelie chaiw.
Hew legses couldn't do theiw wowk anymowe, but she was full of life and this was the pawfect solution.

Asta and I, Mywna, went to help hew get used to hew new chaiw and cheew hew on.
Since I'm a wheelie, Taylow asked me to give hew some tips on manoovewing wif hew new wheels

aftew a few adjustments, she was wolling wif the best of them
Those wheels allowed hew to be pawt of the fun  of sniffing and wunning in the lovely countwieside

While we wewe thewe, Taylow and hew bwuvvew Buzzew wewe pawfect hosts and intwodooced us to a local delicacy

(all these pictoows wewe made by hew Moms)

Taylow's bwuvvew Wuiz is  the husband of my fwiend Kawl of the Catwealm
and is often on adventoowes wif my sissie Asta and hew cat fwiends,

I offew my bootiful memowies,  and condolences to hew family.
Taylow, you will stay in ouw heawts always.

Deew Fwiends, this has been such a vewy vewy sad time..losses almost daily..sometimes mowe than one fwiend..It's hawd to keep going, but wemembew the love we all shawe, that is not evew going away, and the memowies we tweasoowe we keep fowevew.

Stay safe and well
I love you all

wheeley smoochies 

sad smoochie kisses

Monday, February 15, 2010


Yestewday was Wallentine's Day, and along wif woaching, eatables , and Wally Melon they will stay pawt of us  fuwwevew.   This pictoowe  was posted by  his good fwiend Ike (who needs some cwossed paws fow a  sick eye) and it is a bandaid fow ouw bwoken heawts..I wish it could have fixed Wallys , but life is unfaiw and it didn't.

I weceived so many bootiful Wallentine wishes fwom deew fwiends and i want to shawe some of them wif you..some, I can't put on bloggie cause they came as moving cawds.  If I got one and didn't put it up fwom you, pleez fowgive me..Mommi gets vewy absent minded when she's sad.

Those handsome bachelows fwom Texas, Mango the Maltese kiddo and his bwuvvews XiMui and Chubbs sent this gowgeous floweweing bwanch as Chinese NewYeaw also stawted  at the same time as Wallentine's Day.

Paco , Milo, Maya and theiw bootiful Mom Simona sent this  pawfect cawd filled wif love

my sweet kittie fwiends fwom Italy, Opus and his sissie Olive sent me this gowgeous cawd

My sweetest sissie Fewgie and Bwuvvew Jake sent me theiw heawt
and song

We love you sooooo much.
And we hope today is really really special for you.
All of you.
Full of sweets and treats.
Cuddles and snuggles
Music and flickering candles.
And love.
Lots and lots of love.
You so deserve it.

My fwiends at lifewithdogs sent this gowgeous coopid in a cloud

my dawling new fwiend Walph sent this sloppy lovely kiss
(pleez visit him, he would like new fwiends)


Then , thewe is my sweet Duffy my baby bwuvvew, wight hewe in NewYawk
Is that not fantastically bootiful????
and Mona and hew Mom sent me a whole box of Chocolates, hehehehe

What could be bettew???


My Butchy Love sent this Valentine..he has been  so much pawt of my life hewe on the bloggies, and I miss his sweet sissie Snickews so much

and sweet Kylie sent me big wet slobbewy kisses


Siw Love -a Lot (Sir Chance-a-Lot), Bogawt, Ewic , Scwuffy, Agatha and Awchie all sent me theiw love and fow all of these i am so vewy happy and gwateful, but I was missing one vewy special Valentine, and then it came.

My twoo love Stanley sent me this cawd and message, Sighhhhhhhh:

I am FLAT OUT in love with you, my  sweetpea!

  (when Asta saw this, she passed out with a big grin on her face)

after she woke up, she and Stanley hurried over to be with their friends for a trip to Niagara Falls

 to see their adventure, please go and visit Asta's sissie Gracie, Momo, Karl of the Cat Realm, Opus and Olive and the rest of the gang

Please leave them comments.  
The adventoowe will continoo fow sevewal days and we did some of the pictoowes too, and they awe all vewy vewy good fwiends
We ran out of time  and can't post it all because of the sadness and our Max tour, but we are part of this adventure and would like you to share it.

Pleez wemembew to visit Penny Poppy and Patches and theiw Mom Lana at this howwibully sad time.
They have lost theiw Dad and awe  vewy vewy sad.

Keep them and all ouw sick and sad fwiends in youw thoughts and heawts

smoochie kisses