As I told you, I headed ovew to Opus and Olives fow the suwpwise Biwfday Pawty that Opus is thwowing fow his sisse Ollie
photo by Gracie
hewe is the gang in full fifties wegalia, hehehehe
l-r: Kawl,Wuis, me, Gwacie, the biwfday giwl Olive,Opus and Momo
I asked if I could be behind the countew and make shakes and soda's and sundaes fow evewyone..I loooved doing it..(I got to lick my paws all the time, yummmm)
Olive got the most wondewful Biwfday cake fwom Kawl and Wuis and I gave hew a poodel scawf to go wif the Chevy I bwought hew
photo by Gwacie
They'we all pwetty good Wock and Wollews, hehehe
my sweet sissie Gwacie insisted that i should sit and get sewved fow a change..GWEAT BUWGEWS!!!!!! and a Woot Beew Float!
latew, my dawling fwiend Gussie joined us and was the bestest dance pawtnew ..(he seems vewy familiaw wif this ewa and is a tewwific slow dancew)
don't you just love his Buddy Holly outfit?
photo by Kawl
then someone bwought out the hoolaloops and things stawted to get out of contwol, heheheh
photo by Momo
as usual wif these fwiends, we sowt of twashed the place heheehehe..they all beat me to sneep, but I was soon to follow..what a faboolous biwfday Pawty
Thank you Opus fow inviting us all
umm, also, I don't know if you awe awawe of it ow not, but one of the bestest things about being in the blogosphewe, I can telelpowt to places instantly, and I have been wunning to Pawis to be on the wondewful touw hosted by Mack and Sally Ann..It's absolutely magnifique!!!!!!!
They awe incwedibull hosts and we'we having a blast. Pleez come and look at ouw adventoowe.
They have done so much wowk to insoowe that we have a good time!!!!
smoochie kisses