a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, November 24, 2007

What a diffewence a yeaw makes

Hi Evewydoggie, Hammi and Catses

I thought I would show you what a diffewence a yeaw has made in my life!
My pawents picked me up in Nowth Cawolina exackly one yeaw ago today..today I am one yeaw and two momfs old.
Back then I had no idea whewe I was going, when I adopted my pawents..I knew I loved them wight away , but I had no idea what life had in stowe fow me.
I guess I still don't know lots, but wow! I nevew knew I would have so vewy many wondewful fwiends all ovew the wowld who I love and cawe about, and who do the same fow me..I've had so many adventoowes, I have danced and played and fliwted, and twaveled and cwied and laughed, and I thank you all fow such a wondewful time!

I stay awake lots longew now..it's my pawents who wun out of steam, hehehehe
I was so tiwed that fiwst day, I couldn't stay awake, but i soon discovewed that my new Daddi had a big soft comfowting tummy to sneep on
I am a vewy lucky puppy with gweat pawents who love me and a wawm home with love and yummie eatables and so vewy many good fwiends, who could ask fow mowe
I was a tiny tike, hawdly biggew than Daddi's hand, but I aweady knew the joys of a gweat tummy wub
I'm so big I bawely fit on Daddi's big tummy now
It felt safe to be on daddi in a big new wowld
I was small and fuzzy and my face was all dawk

Is this weally all mine???
playing in my living woom..it's all mine and evewything smels familiaw
My vewy fiwst walk with my Mommi exackly one yeaw ago in Nowth Cawolina
This was me yestewday on 14th St in NYC on a cold cold novembew day..so you see,
I went fwom a 5.5lb giwl in Nowth Cawolina, named shouldew onespot, to Asta who is 18.5lbs and weaws bootiful cootoowe clothes and has a life in the big city...
Who knows what the footoowe holds, but so faw, it's been a gweat adventoowe!


Veronica said...

You were an adorable puppy and have become a beautiful lady!

Finny is doing better lately. He loves the cold and snow. Overall, he's feeling pretty well.

Finny and Andrea

Gus said...

We are so glad we have been a small part of your first year with your Mommi and Daddy. We remember your first grooming session so well- and still miss the cute little puppy who was so quickly replaced by lovely Miss Asta.

Many happy returns to all of you

Gussie and Muzzer

Lacy said...

woofies girlie..i not nos watt we wood do wiffout u, u makies us laugh wiff u and cry wiff u..u iz bute ti ful inside and out...me hasnt been here on dwb to long, but u have made it one of my most wonderful experiences...ur like a fine gem, a favorite wish come true...all things good..

b safe,

Lizzy said...

I like all the pictures, Asta. You were such a cute puppy! (And you still are cute, of course!)


Duke said...

What a fabulous first year you've had, Asta and next year will be even better! You sure were an adorable puppy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

Thank you for sharing those beautiful memories Asta. Ma is more determined than ever now to snap lots of photos of Cassidy as she really is getting bigger so fast.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Agatha and Archie said...

Awwhhhh,You are so adorable!!! From adorable puppie to a little sweetheart!!!(and so fashionable in your coat!! Agatha wore hers this morning!!) Love and kises A+A

Anonymous said...

We're happy you've had such a great year - and we look forward to your adventures in years coming up!

the many Bs said...

Hi Asta, you have had a good year, little girl. those puppy pictures of you are sooooo cute. your face hair really did change color, didn't it? sometimes poodles changes colors too, well, we get lighter usually. you were such a little pupster - very cute and tiny. we love looking at your baby pictures. you are a lucky girl to get such a wonderful loving family. you will have a lot of very happy years together. Congrats.


Lorenza said...

Hola Asta!
Sure this has been a great year for you and for all of us who have had the chance to share it with you!
Those pictures of you being a little puppy are adorable. And now you are a beautiful lady!
Thanks for being my friend!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Have a good night

Sophie Brador said...

Asta! You were sooooo cute when you were a baby. YOu still are. But ASta, we have a problem. My mom has been checking out hotels in NY!!!!! She was just looking at a teeny little inn in Chelsea. Oh my DoG!!!!! I think she's going to abandon me for Christmas.


Stella said...

Miss Asta!!!

Will you pwease pwease be my friend? I want to be just like you when I grow up... cept I live in GooberStan, not the big city (but I'd like to come visit sometime).

I was the same size as you were (5.5 lbs) when I came to my home, but I was almost 6 monfs old then. You are very perty, and I like your style. I love the smoochies you send my way (Stanley always gives them to me from you), and hope that you will teach me all you know about being a big pupgirl.

Gooby goobette love & kissies,
Your friend (I hope),

Snowball said...

Oh Asta, you are so well loved. I am sure your life is going to be as exciting, if not more, than your first year with your hooman.


Stanley said...

Astaroni FB!!

It's amazing what can happen in one year. You were stinkin' cute 1 year ago today, but you're even more bootiful now as a sophisticated cosmopup!

I can see how a girl like you could settle right in at a home with a tummy like that. If I ever get to come visit, can I sleep there? Make sure your daddi keeps it nice & comfy for when I do come.

Thanks for adopting your parents... they helped make it possible for you to know all of us, and for us to be lovepups!

Goober love & smooches,
Stanley Boy

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Asta, you were such a cute puppy! Of course you are a beautiful lady now. Just stopping by to let you know that Sassy has called for casting audition for the next CCSI show. Interested?

Patience-please said...

Asta! We are such newbies here, we didn't know you were the same age as the baby of our family, Lindy Loo!!!!!!!!!! You have such wisdom and grace for your young self.
Happy gotcha day!
the whippet waggle

Faya said...

Je ne sais pas qui a le plus de chance : toi ou tes parents. En fait c'est égal vous êtes très heureux tous ensemble et c'est le principal. Mon papy a le même coussin confortable que le tien...
En tous cas j'ai aussi beaucoup de la chance de te connaître...
Gros bisous, ton amie Faya

Amber-Mae said...

Awww, you sure were cute when you were just a wee pup. You are bootiful now Asta & you sure are lucky to have picked & adopted the right family for your needs. I'm sure you will have another faboolous 10 or 12 or 14 years or more with them. Treasure every moment of your life...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what a year it's been for you! I'm privileged to call you my friend. J x

Headgirl said...

What a cutie you were & so smart & city savy now.
So glad we've all got to know each other and share adventures & tales..

Pats & pets

Sassy Kat said...

No wonder ya are such a sweetie doggie, just look at those puppy pictures and you could only be a cutie. I just so like to come and visit with ya, your pictures always make me smile.
Oh, I stopped by to congratulate you on getting a part in the CCSI II story. I think ya will be most happy with the part but I cannot at this time tell ya which one it is yet. If you could send to my e-mail two photos of yourself I will forward things to the photo/graphic crew and let them get to work on things. Oh and do ya think your mom might be interested in helping in that department???? Let me know. Congrats, looking forward to working with ya again.

Mango and Party said...

Dearest Asta,

You were such a cute baby, and now such a sweet and pretty wire!! Great to have you as our wiry friend in this year too!

Lots of wiry whistles!!

Mango & Party

PerfectTosca said...

You are just as cute today as you were then, Asta. And I see you are now a movie star over in Italy. I mean I am so envious I am biting my foot here!

Daisy said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Asta! You sure grew up from an adorable baby to a beautiful girl. I'm glad you are my friend.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Thanks so much for all of the thoughts & prayers. The boys are all doing well in their new homes & I still have my Mona with me. I am better and have gone back to work.

God Bless....the Mommy

Sassy Kat said...

It's OK honey, I don't want ya to tress out. This is something we do to have fun with. My e-mail address is sassycatlittle@yahoo.com.

I have an e mail link on my blog, I moved it up to the top as it was hidden too far down in things. I think ou are going to be so happy with your part. Looking forward as I said before to workin with ya.

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Asta...what a year it's been. I'm so glad you adopted your pawrents and started a bloggy. I couldn't imagine my world without you!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Awe, Asta, you as cute now as you were as a baby.

xoxoFour Pugz

Lacy said...

woofies asta girlie, u wuz one of the 1st bloggys i wead when i comes to dwb...me luveded u rite off...the way u made me happies and the way u got me finkin..i bets u never meeted a stranger, u always fendly...and its no wonder u slow u mommi been sick and cant help u type...

b safe,

Noah the Airedale said...

What a sweet little puppy you were and you're still a cutie pie.
You have a wonderful home and life Asta. You're a lucky gal.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Joe Stains said...

What a great post, Asta. Your parents sure are lucky you adopted them, imagine how boring their lives would be without you! We are glad your parents blog for you because we sure enjoy sharing your adventures!

jaffeboy said...

Wow, from a cute wee pup U grew to be a lady!

Love those Kodak moments!

Kirby said...

Yeah Asta,

How lucky are your parents to have you for one year? I say SUPER lucky!! Congratulations on one wonderful year with your bestest ever Mom and Dad! I hope you all have tons and tons of more years together!

Your pal,

Koobuss said...

Congratulations kousin Asta on your first year anniversary at your forever home. You sure have come a long way, not just in distance traveled, but in every other way, too. You have gone from an adorable little puppy to a sophisticated lady of the the big city. You've adapted beautifully to your new surroundings and you took over the household just as you are supposed to do.

I love the last photo. You look just like a model!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,