a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So Much To BE Thankful fow

Mommi was feeling a little bettew today, and she said I shouldn't stay cooped up in the gwey ugly weathew..
I had a wondewful invitation fwom my fwiends Roscoe and Opus the cats in Italy to go touw Rome on a vespa..
well how could I possibly wefoose???
I felt like an audwey hepbuwn pwincess as we zoomed thwough the stweets of this bootiful city!
if you want to see all the places I visited, pleez go to theiw bloggie catnapsinitaly.blogspot.com
at the end of the twip, guess who I wan into zooming by in a fewwawi....Momo fwom Towonto..I guess , she wants to get all hew twaveling in befowe hew baby bwuddew awwives!

Noah my gowgeos aiwefwiend fwom Austwalia gave me this wondewful awawd..I humbly thank you!
Blogging has bwought so many of us togethew fwom all ovew the wowld, and has given us so much joy, sometimes heawtache, but aways feeling like we awe pawt of a cawing community..Thank You so vewy much!
My Good fwiend LacyLulu and Simba gave me this tewwific awawd..thank you so vewy much!!!!!
I think I've seen these awawds on just about evewyone's bloggie..if fow some weason you wewe left out..Pleez except this awawd fwom me! You all make such a diffewence evewy day of ouw lives with youw hoomow and cawing and fwiendship

I am so vewy gwateful fow all I have!! Not least of all fow all of you my vewy good fwiends!
Pleez have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! and don't eat too much!, hehehe

and now fow a giggle.....Perfect Tosca suggested we look up ouw pecooliaw awistocwatic title..and it suwe is pecooliaw,hehehe
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Asta the Portable of Lesser Cheese Winston
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title


Lacy said...

woofies Girlie!!! hmmm me awristcradic name iz a wierd one....heehee and u welcome on u awarwd sweetie..

b safe,

Sir Chance-Lot said...

I love Roma too!!!
Happy thanks giving to you!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Well if you don't just make the most adorable Pilgrim!!!!!! Congratulations on all your fabulous awards!!!!! Most well deserved!!! We hope you have a wonderfull Thanksgiving!! Don't eat too much!!!!!(easier sad than done!!! ) Love and a millions smoochies A+A

Duke said...

You look just adorable as a pilgrim, Asta! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and don't eat too much pumpkin pie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Asta!
Congrats on the awards!!!
And great Thanksgiving pic! That turkey makes us hungry!!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Juno said...

Asta!! I just came back from Opus & Roscoe's blog. You and Roscoe on the red vespa look absolutely stunning! You are much much prettier than Audrey! I was excited to see all these fabolous photos in Rome I guess coz A Roman Holiday is one of my mom's favorite movies and I've seen it so many times.
Thank you for mentioning about my little brother. I am sure I'll have lots of fun. I'll keep you updated. :)

Momo xoxo

Snowball said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you will get lots of turkey.


Boo Casanova said...

asta, happy thanks giving!

enjoy your meal.

wet wet licks


Gus said...

Happy thanksgiving, we listened to the weather, and I think you might get some chilly stuff soon. Pictures in your snow suit, please.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Sure you did a great tour by Italy!
Congratulations on your awards! You know you deserve them!
Is your mom feeling better? I hope so!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

ooooh what a long name! portable cheese? heehee

glad your mommy is feeling better. just in time for Thanksgiving and turkey! since we aren't having turkey here in singapore, please eat enough for us both, asta :)


Koobuss said...

Oh wow!!

Kousin Asta, you have been so busy. I don't know what to say.

Thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes. Same to you!

I am very impressed with your title. You are indeed a special canine!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Joe Stains said...

wow when you were in Rome did you do as the Romans do?

If so, what in the heck is it that the Romans do?

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Happy Thanksgiving Asta!

Ben & Darling said...

Happy Thanksgiving Asta. Hows the turkey taste??

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Asta, I'm back and I missed you. Did you had a nice thanksgiving?

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Happee Thanksgiving to you too Asta! The Turkey looks superb. I can smell it through my comp screen...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Pilgrim.....that's my best John Wayne impersonation...lol.
So glad to hear you mum is feeling better.
Sounds like you had fun riding the vespa in Rome.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving Asta. Don't over do it with the turkey. We'll be thinking of you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta,

Glad to see you had a good time on your Roman Holiday! Did you put your paw in the Bocca della verita like Audrey Hepburn?

Any aristocratic title that has the word "cheese" in it has got to be good!

Happy Thanksgiving! J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Is that a cat driving? No it must just be my eyes. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Simba x

Harry said...

Glad to hear your mum is feeling a little better. I hope you have a lovely thanksgiving.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Sassy Kat said...

Dear Empress Asta the Portable of Lesser Cheese Winston congrats on your new title. Most stunning. I loved the photo of ya and Roscoe on the bike. Hey are ya two going together? Ya do make a cute couple. Wishing you the best Thanksgiving Day, hope some good food falls on the floor and ya get to it first. Love reading about your adventures.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Awe, you be such a cute little pilgrim. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

xoxoFour Pugz

Daisy said...

Asta, you baked up a delicious looking turkey! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

Hi Asta..
thank you for your good wishes towards my....
happy thanksgiving... too

Unknown said...

Hi Asta..
thank you for your good wishes towards my....
happy thanksgiving... too

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Thanksgiving Asta!!! Glad your Mom is feeling better!!! That IS something to be Thankful for!

Oh and I LOVE your name. I so need to get mine.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey....ferrari was my mommi's favourite..... i mean in F1 sport

Stanley said...

Sweetpea Astaroni!

You and Roscoe look like you had a blast! Staying true to the movie, I see he dressed just like Gregory Peck. I hope he was a gentleman like Gregory Peck was. (From what I hear, when can trust Roscoe and the gang. They have the Momo Seal of Approval so they've got to be okay).

You are an adorable pilgrim pup. Who could take their eyes off of you to eat their dinner? (I couldn't).

At least your aristoratic name had the word "cheese" in it. That's something. And, congratulations on your awards! They are both so you!

Goober love & thankful smooches,
Stanley Boy

the many Bs said...

Hi Asta, you sure are making the rounds on your vespa.

congrats on your awards.

we are thankful today for all of our wonderful DWB friends. Oh yeah, and for some special food too.

happy woofers.

Anonymous said...

Asta, I wish you and your family beans a Happy Thanksgiving!!

I have seen the photos of your tour with Roscoe, and also agree you are much more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn!

You told me your Daddi's daddi comes from Hoorn (in North Holland?). This is great! You definitaly have Dutch blood!:)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi Asta,
Looks like you had a smashing time in Rome on the Vespa. That picture of you and Roscoe flying down the Spanish Steps is so funny! Did you see all of us waving to you from the Ferrari. That was a bit of a lark when Opus decided he would take Momo, Sassy and me for a spin in that red hot machine. Whoaweeeeee!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Congrats on getting those awards Asta and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Have a lovely time!

Amber said...

Hey Asta, coongrats for the award! Have a great Thankgiving with your family and friends.

Amber :)

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Sending you belated Thanksgiving wishes! I had so much fun with you in Rome. Hope we can get together again soon.

Happy Turkey Day (did you get any? We didn't)!

Roscoe (and Opus too)

Sophie Brador said...

Asta, My says Rome is wonderful this time of year. A bit cold, but fewer tourists. Of course, you are never a tourist Asta. You are a dog of the world!

My pecular title is: Venerable Lady Sophie the Decent of Much Leering

I love it!


Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Willow and I are thankful for friends like you! Hope you had a great day with lots to eat, like we did - boy, did we eat some turkey! We enjoyed seeing your pictures in Rome with Roscoe - it looked like so much fun!

Purrrrrrs, China Cat

Bogart H. Devil said...

Such fun photos Asta - love it!!!


Ferndoggle said...

Asta, you make a boootiful pilgram!! I'd eat your turkey any day. Oh wait...that sounded forward. Sorry. I just like turkey...A LOT!


Ferndoggle said...

Asta, you make a boootiful pilgram!! I'd eat your turkey any day. Oh wait...that sounded forward. Sorry. I just like turkey...A LOT!


Maggie said...

Hellow Asta!
Happy belated Thanksgiving..
sowie..for the late greetings..coz mommy is busy with her presentation..
do you have enought turkey???
I dont..:(

PerfectTosca said...

I love your aristicratic title sister! You got lots of new awards, wow! I am gonna have to give myself those awards. I never get any so I give them to myownself. I mean who's gonna know, right?

Wow you have a Talian cat friend!! I am biting my foot here! The Woman is Talian and the woman says she would love to put me on a Vespa with a cat in Italy, cept I might break it cause I am kind of big, but so what, right?