a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Pawcel fwom Bob T. Bear esq.

While I was away in England,a pawcel awwived fow me..I've only just gotten the time to unwap it!
Thewe is a box on the table.....Oh JOY~!!! can see it..I can smell it..I just know it's fow me!

Will you look at that!!!!???? WOYAL MAIL!!!!!!!!!! does this mean he's woyalty ow am I??
It's a pawcel fwom my vewy good fwiend Bob T. Bear! bobs-diary.blogspot.com
if you haven't met him yet, you'we in fow a tweat! He lives in sunny Colchester , England and has the best adventoowes and wites gweat advice..you can ask him anything!
Bob wote me this lovely note..he wites weally well! and how wight he is..that box will make an excellent toy too!

Why is it so faw up..I wish I was an aiwegiwl, I'd have no pwoblem weaching it
I finally got the box on the floow, but i still had to get the pwessie out

I finally got it almost unwapped ...yesssss!

Mommi couldn't get a non bluwwy pictoowe, I was so busy chewing and playing with my new loofadoggie

Thank you so vewy much BOB!!!!!!!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Wow Asta, what a nice surprise! You are always getting parcels and presents - I am envious.

It was such fun being in the show with you. I am so glad it was a happy ending. Sure don't want Fluffy (aka me) hurt!

Ashley said...

Oh cool... a gift from far away! Max got a gift from his Auntie in North Carolina. He had such a fabulous time unwrapping it!

Lacy said...

woofies girlie, dat wuz a fantastic gift dar...u will haff a lots of funs wiff it...come c the video i founded on one of the bloggys on dwb....itssss funnys....me hopeies u iz havin a grate day..

b safe,

pp's me gots to go to sassy place and c iffin dey found da kitty cat...

Harry said...

I shall go and say hello to your pal right away. He sounds like a jolly nice chap.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Duke said...

What a nice gift Bob sent you! We'll have to check out his blog!

Love ya lots,

Unknown said...

loofah dogs RULE!!!! You are one lucky girl! You are excellent at present removal, I hate boxes so I could never do that! I like what comes out of the boxes, but the boxes just freak me out!

Noah the Airedale said...

Bob T Bear sounds like a nice fella. You sure know lots of doggies Asta. Enjoy your pressie.

Hugs & tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Rudy said...

Yes I love presents too. Mom gave me a Busy Bone for my birthday and I ate it right up! She's afraid if she gives me the other one I'll get fat... nooooo!
Maybe I should've had a loofah too.
We have one but Clancy hogs it most of the time.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I'm glad it got there safely, Asta! I hope yu enjoy it!

Dilly chose the wrappin payper. She sed that, bein a gerl, yu wud like sumthing flowery. Hey ho!

Wat do yu think ov the skweek? I think it sownds like a seagull!
Hav fun!!!!


Huskee and Hershey said...

What a lovely surprise Asta!! You sure look like you are having fun with your pressie..

Stanley said...

Astaroni FB!!

If Bob likes you that much, then he is okay in my book. My girl told me you guys were friends, but we haven't been able to stop by and say hi yet. We're going now to check him out.

Enjoy your loofah pup! I'm off to go meet Bob!

Goober love,

Boo Casanova said...

oh asta, Bob is a great friend! never met or heard of him before but he sure is a great friend.

wet wet licks


Kien said...

wow asta.. u lucky girl!.. who is Bob?.. new friend?.. hmm.. think he is fond on u.. hehehe..


DILLY said...

Hewo Asta!
Dilly help wrap pressie!
Enjoy box too!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow, that is so nice of Bob! That toy looks fun to kill...Bet you'll have no problem ripping it up, kekeke!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Cat Naps in Italy said...

A gift from England to New York! What a lucky dog you are! Sure looks like you enjoy your new toy!

Opus and Roscoe

Ruby Bleu said...

What a great gift. Bob sounds like a nice guy...I'll have to go visit and say hi!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Hammer said...

Hi Asta
That's a beaut toy and you really look as if you're having fun.
Love from Hammer

fee said...

bob? is it another of your admirers, asta? and is he really a bear? wow!


Gus said...

Ohh, wow. Nice pressie. And it looks like a great box too!


Daisy said...

Asta, I loved seeing your movie. You are such a cute girl full of personality. And that looks like a great toy you got!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


CORSE I'm reelly a Bear! Chek out the rownd eers on my foto! Wa-heyy!

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Whow you got all sort of readers in here...bears and cats..and....hehe
Click here to visit me at Our Home for the Holiday

Sir XmasBacon

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta
You got a nice loofa from Bob! Its a great toy!
I have not met him but I am going to check his blog!
Have a nice day

The WriggleButts said...

What a nice pressie, Asta! You're looking great as usual!

Bajas, Coco & Nimbus

Mr. Hendrix said...

hi asta! i'm a friend of sassy cat's and i wanted to tell you what a great job you did in the first episode of CCSI.

you were very convincing as the fish monger Mr. Pesce. i hope to see you in other episodes!

i'm glad you made it home safely and got a great present!

Goofy said...

hey, asta, i'm getting envy, u've got lots of parcels and pressies!

Kirby said...


What a great toy! Can't wait to see what it looks like after you perform a bit of surgery. He he! Thanks for introducing us all to Bob. He's got a great blog. Hope the packages keep on coming!!

Your pal,

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta!

What a nice gift Bob sent you!! He's a very thoughtful guy.

Good job opening the box!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Ferndoggle said...

Oh I LOVE the loofa dog! And yours is pink too...lucky Asta.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what a lovely gift! I've seen Bob's comments here before: I'll go and check him out. J x

i beati said...

so heartwarming from beginniing to end . made my day !!!