a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Letter To SantaPaws

Well finally a quiet Sunday aftewnoon when I can wite my lettew to Santapaws..I hope it's not too late...how faw is the NowthPole?????????????????

I think I made that too big......I bettew stawt again
I pwobably should have used my wight hand! this takes some thinking...
The papew keeps slipping away and it gets all wonky lookin..I hope Santa doesn't mind
I think I need mowe papew..I don't seem to be vewy good at spacing my lettews


MAKE MY FWIENDS Healthy(I especially need help fow Jackson and Jaffaman-STINKY and my big fwiend Finny)

I would love a big tub of vanilla ICE CWEam(but it's not absolutely necesssawy...I'd wathew have wowld pizza like RUBY wanted!)

Pleez keep my pAWEnts healthy!

Send me a fwiend to play with at my house sometime pleez

If you have tweats ow toys leftovew, pleez take them to doggies who awe in owphanages

I think that's all!

Thank you Santapaws fow listening to me
smoochie kisses


DK & The Fluffies said...

Gosh, we sure hope you get everything on your list!

Ben & Darling said...

Aww....Asta, thats soooooooooo sweet of you. You really working hard to wrote that letter to SantaPaw. Im sure you going to get what you wish. You are such a good gal.

By the way, Asta sweetie. The pawty is on 30 Nov 2007, not 31/12/2007. Its typo error...hehe.

Ruby Bleu said...

Asta...that letter is pawfect!!! I especially liked the parts about all our pup friends getting better! Great idea...I sure hope Santa can help in that department!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
You look great with that outfit! Is it a pajama??
I am sure Santa will give you everything you want! Health for our friends is very important!
Have a good night

Noah the Airedale said...

Great letter Asta. We sure hope Santa paws helps out with our sick maties.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Stanley said...


You are so cute in your jamjammies. Your letter is very sweet, and I can't imagine why Santa Paws wouldn't give you everything on your list (even the ice cream & world pizza).

I especially am hoping for healing for our buddies. I was so shocked to hear about our Jaffaman today ~ my girl and I went right over to check out his blog.

Sneep tight in your cuddly pj's all snuggled up with your mommi & daddi.

Goober love & smooches galore,
Stanley Boy

the many Bs said...

HI Asta, that's such a nice letter to Santa Paws. you are so thoughtful.

you look very cutie pie in your jammies.


Daniella said...

That was some precious letter Asta, you are the most wonderful little soul. I adore the photos of you writing your letter - you look so cuddly in your red pjs. I hope to bring one of your wishes true and bring Axie Pax over to visit you.

Dani, Ax's Mommy

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
You look great in your pj' s .did Butchy and Snickers mommy make that for you ?
Thats a great list Asta...are you sure you did not have any pawtinis ?they make your words slide right off the page !!!or off your tongue !!

The Meezers or Billy said...

that's a great letter Asta! we hopes you get efurryfing on your list

Joe Stains said...

What a great letter Asta. I am sure Santa will pay close attention and hopefully he grants your wishes!

Faya said...

J'espère que tous tes voeux se réaliseront (qui pourrait te résister?)....
Bisous, Faya

Snowball said...

I believe Santa will grant your Christmas wishes. Good health is priceless. I hope all our friends (and their Hoomans) to be well and healthy forever.


Emily and Ike said...

Excellent list! Can I have some of your pizza crusts?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That's a great list. You are such a kind, considerate doggie. Do you know that you are going to be Dr Hinweis in the new CCSI production. Sounds very impressive. I am the Tooth Fairy - I like it!!!! Great to be with you in a show again.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful letter to Santa... you're so sweet, Asta!! Always when I see your name shown up I think extra of our doggie Asta, who's gone to the bridge 4 1/2 years ago...


PS -- You don't know what a lizard is??? Your friend Daisy has her Master’s degree in lizards! ;)

Lacy said...

woofies Ms Asta!!! how cute u lookies in dose jamjams...and watta grate letter to santa paws...me hopies u gets all u wishes...me hopies jaffa gets well soons...me hopies all of our sick doggies and kittys get better soon...

b safe,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, you have such cute paw writing. Those are very good things to ask for santa paws. I hope they all come true. :)

~ Girl girl

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what a pawsome list for Santa. I hope he gives you all you asked for and more besides!

I think I might be left pawed too cos J1 is left handed and she says that lefties are the best! J x

Amber-Mae said...

Awww, that's a great letter to Santa Paws! Those wishes are great & your writing is very nice Asta.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Amber said...

Oh my, you are so cute with the red snowflake pjs!! you look really comfy in it too :)
Oh whoa, you did a great job, I could't write at all.
The letter to Santa is really sweet. I hope on th list comes true.

Amber :)

Duke said...

Those are awesome wishes and we hope Sanata is listening! You look so cute in your red jammies, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

oooh! Vanilla ice creeeeem! Wiv choklit sorce? YUM!

Mummy's fayvrit flayver is rarsbry rippol. Can yu get that over thare?

I like choklit!


Kien said...

Oh.. u sweetie pie Asta.. that are a wonderful wishes list.. am pretty sure Santa will fulfill ur wish..


Cassidy said...

You did good letter Asta. me no know what is Christmas, but me think it sounds fun, whee!

Cassidy x

Putter said...

Oh Asta!

This is the most wonderfulest ever letter to Santa Paws! I bet he is gonna meet every single request ... I jsut lOVE your RED fleece! :))))) Talk to you soonest and best to your sweet Mommi and Daddi!

Your Friend,

Putter ...)

Boo Casanova said...

asta, in the list, how about "a boo casanova for my boyfriend"?

wet wet licks


Gus said...

Love the jammies! You look all warm and cuddly. Nice list, don't forget to send it to the happy hounds for the contest, OK>


Daisy said...

Oh, Asta, what a sweet and wonderful list! I hope Santa brings you everything on your list. You look very cute in your red fleecey PJ's.

Basically Bears said...


You looked lovely in your red outfit. Very Christmassy we thought. Your writing is very neat and we are sure that Santa Paws will have no trouble at all reading it.

Hope all your requests are fulfilled by Santa Paws.

Molly and Taffy

Jake of Florida said...

Santa Paws won't be able to resist you in that sweet jammy outfit and that earnest message. How could he?

Jake and Just Harry

PB 'n J said...

What a great list Asta! We clearly need to get started on our lists too.

We're so glad we found you - our doggie is named "George" after the dog in Bringing Up Baby, which was played by the original Asta. How cool! We look forward to reading more.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

What an awesome letter to santa paws. We hope he grants all your wishes. You be looking cute in your jammies.

xoxoFour Pugz

The Cat Realm said...

Asta that is a wonderful list! And those pictures of you writing it are adorable!
Sassy tells me that you really want to work on Dr. Hinweis part - what great enthusiasm! Did you attend acting classes at Juillard?
First I think it is an awesome idea to talk like you talk, so I asked Sassy to send you your lines so you can re-write them in your special accent!
Second: you asked me about Dr. Hinweis background. She is a scientist with two Dr. titles actually, one in Chemistry, the other in Criminal Forensics. And for the rest of her life, her private life, her hobbies, the things that make her tick - knock yourself out, make her your own! Invent what you need to make this part work!!! If someone can do it, it's you!
I am so excited!!!

Lizzy said...

Asta, I really like your letter to Santa. I want everything you said you wanted. I hope it all happens!


Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

Your PJs are super cool, and you look so comfy in them. Great work on your letter. I modeled mine after yours (hope you don't mind, you were my inspiration). I hope Santa grants each and every one of your Christmas wishes. You are so sweet, you deserve each one to come true.

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

that's a wonderful wish list, asta :) don't worry, it will be on time, santa has flying reindeer remember? :) i'm sure they could do some flying here and there even before christmas to help get your list over to santa.

i love your red flannel pajamas!

your previous post was very heartwarming, asta. we are all very lucky pups to have found great homes.


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

g'day twinny,

That sure is a sweet message to Santa. I'm still waiting for mum to come home and celebwate my bawkday, so I haven't even begun thinking of Santa yet.

xxx Asta down under

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a lovely letter.

Simba xx

Lenny said...

What a nice letter, Asta! Your jammies are soooooo cute!!!!

Your friend, Lenny

Sassy Kat said...

Hey Dr. Sinweis stopping by to check in on ya. Just when I think ya cannot get any sweeter, ya do! Ya sure are a cutie!!!!! I know ya said your mom would help with graphic design/photo work. Please ask he if she would like to to the photos that your character is playing? Ya will need photos of Detective Schlau (Roscoe). At this time I am not sure which photos to send ya if ya want to do it but I am now looking ahead and will let ya know when I find out.

Agatha and Archie said...

What lovely jammies!!! Red really is your colour!! We too hope you get all that you ask for,it is a wonderfull list(world pizza would be nice) Love A+A

Koobuss said...

Very nice list for Santa, Asta. I can't add anything to that. And I love your jammies. But I'd rather sleep in the nude. (Don't tell anybody.)

Love and Kobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

The Brat Pack said...

We love your letter! I'm adding it to the letter blog right now along with your cute face!

I'm glad we met, we want to be friends!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...what a great letter!!!!! You have such a way with words...I'm sure Santa Paws will listen and grant you all ur wishes.

And you looked adorable when you wrote it. A girl has to be stylin' to get her best points across...

Simba said...

OMD! I love your PJ's!!! You are too cute for words! I hope you get everything on your list this year!!

