a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The holy Tewwows in Manhattan

We finally had ouw day in Manhattan!
We managed to set up an appointment fow Asta-Mawie fow a whole day of spa tweatments,(wead that , we ditched her,hehehe)

We got an eawly stawt fow ouw touw..and since Koobie's caw was out of comission, we took my Vespa with a side caw.Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! this is the way to twavel!
Well, Koobie,Lacie and I covewed all of Manhattan,we went to all the stowes (Bergdorf's, Barney's,Bloomies, Henry Bendel,Tiffanys, and of couwse all the boootikes) and did a tiny bit of shopping..we all got matching outfits, and I think we'll pwobably appeaw in the papew as the best dwessed giwls on Fifth Ave
Confwonted with all ouw shopping , the boyz decided to find theiw own amoosement
Scruffy and Dewey spent the whole day playing pool...I twuly wowwy about these guys!
When we came back downtown to my neighbowhood, we walked awound some mowe.
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Thewe awe some stoopid westauwants that won't let you go inside the gates..we don't go thewe evew!

Thewe awe doggies evewywhewe awound hewe, it's slow going when you stop to gossip with evewyone

We checked out some books on the stweet, you nevew know when you need a book to eat, I mean wead,hehe
We finally got home,but Lacie got stuck in this wevolving doow ,she had soooo many packages

When we got upstaiws, thewe was a message that Koobie's caw is weady, so I guess evewyone is leaving tomowwow..
I had so many mowe things to show them, and I wanted to go to a mooseum to get some kultshuwe too, but I guess that will have to be next time....we suwe had fun!!!When we got upstaiws, thewe was a message that Koobie's caw is weady, so I guess evewyone is leaving tomowwow..
I had so many mowe things to show them, and I wanted to go to a mooseum to get some kultshuwe too, but I guess that will have to be next time....we suwe had fun!!!


William Tell said...

Sounds like a fun girl's day outing for all of you. And the guys got in some pool time, too.

William Tell

Koobuss said...

Oh kousin Asta,

What a great day we had today! This is such a fun city! You can get everything you want here!!

Kousin Asta, thank you for showing us such a wonderful time and for being so good to us after we caused you so much trouble when we arrived. You took excellent care of us and even got us out of jail.
We love you!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Sir Chance-Lot said...

0Wow Asta..You sure can make a Girls day out fantastic..I specially love the picture of you guys in matching outfits,and high heels...way OUT there...You are getting way professional at this photo editing stuff too..heheh
Mamma is a bit better today but not all the way..the doctor said that He will Not permit her to ONE more time take her camera in a wet bag and wade into the ocean cause she wants to take a picture of a horseshoe crab she fell in love with...and it was 43 degrees in the water...mamma just shrugged her shoulders and the doctor looked really frustrated..Now I don't think 43 degrees is cold ...is it? Maybe it is for humans..but I will jump right in even when it is a little bit of ice floating on top..
Maybe tomorrow I will get to go somewhere fun!
Thanks for posting around your neighborhood* pictures I loved seeing what you see every day!
Your truly
Sir ItrulyloveyouasafriendAlot

Lacy said...

hi Asta, Lacylulu is sicky today sooo she sent me to check out bloggys today..boyyy u all sure had a fun time...i went to NYC a long time ago, and u cant c all the sites there in one day, that is for sure...i am surprised the scruffman didnt conjure up a poker game..heehee

b safe,
;)lacylulu n mama

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That sure is a pawsome day shopping and hanging out with your doggie friends. I hope I'll get to go out shopping with you when I visit you in New York too. :)

~ Girl girl

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You sure had a fun day shopping. Such an amusing blog! See you at Roscoe and Opus's movie night on Sunday!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta
Looks like you, Kobbie and Lacie had a great shopping day! So many places and so little time! Sure the boys had fun too!
Thanks for sharing it with us!
Have a good night

Lacy said...

woofies Asta girlie, lacy will b ok, i think she just ate to much last nite...she been throwing up today and kinda moopie..shes asneep now...if she still like this tomorrow i will give her some pepto... and ty for the prayers, we all need them...

b safe,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Wow.. such a fun day out! My ma loves Manhattan too and wants to go back for a holiday someday.. hopefully she will take me with her..

Boo Casanova said...

oh asta, so many choices of books for eating. oh, send me one please!

wet wet licks


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I never realised what long legs you girls had! Looks like you had a fun day! Who won at pool? My money's on Scruffy! J X

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Oh you guys look like you are having so much fun! New York is a wonderful city and you are lucky to live there. Do you think we could come for a visit sometime? Maybe we could spend a day in New York and you could show us around. Then we could show you around Rome, unless you would rather go to Florence or Venice.

It was so nice to see you at the picnic. Hope we can do it again soon!
Opus and Roscoe

Amber-Mae said...

Woh, you guys actually flew on a bike! Did that bike get jinxed or something? You girls have nicer legs than mine...Bet many boys can't stop looking at you ladies. What a day you guys had!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

you did some serious shopping didn't you?! It all turned out alright in the end.

Simba x

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Wowza! Scruffy knows how to have fun!

Bussie Kissies

Maya and Kena said...

It looks like all of you had a great time!
Thanks fur crossing your paws fur Kena's surgery, the vet called yesterday after the surgery and said it had gone fine! She'll be coming back home today. But I had fun without her (hee hee), my humans were treating me like royalty. But I have to admit, I do miss my sister!
Wags and licks,

Harry said...

You girls certainly do know how to shop 'til you drop, but I'd far rather play some billiards with the boys!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Gus said...

Muzzer says she hopes you all enjoyed your retail therapy, and next time, may she please come along. Pawsonally, I get enough of ladies and their clothes and stuff at work, so I would stay with the guys for pool. Teka would like to contact the Cosa Nostra and see if they need a hit dog.

kissies, you all looked stylin'!


Joe Stains said...

I am really sorry to hear the trip is ending because we have really enjoyed these entries! At least you gals got to ditch all the dead weight and have some fun!

Putter said...

OMG! Asta!

What FUN you had!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!


Putter ...:)

Stanley said...

Hey, Sweetpea!

No Wonder you've been incommunicado. You guys have been practically everywhere (at least everywhere you could buy things hehehe).

I'm sorry the trip is ending, but I bet you'll have fun this weekend with your mommi's friends. Rest up. I have a feeling you will be needed for each guest to relieve their need to give booty and ear scritches!

Goober love,

Daisy said...

Whoa! It sure looks like you had a wonderful time. Do not worry, having fun and going shopping is much more important than getting some culture.

Duke said...

What a fun and exhausting day you all had! You're going to Suki's pawty at Disney World tomorrow, right? Hope to see you there!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Asta...Salutations!!

Seymour here...Wow...the fab four took over New York! You are the hostess with the mostest, dear Girl! So are ya comin' to Suki's pawty? I have to be back for the Steeler/Brown's game...I'm going with Lola...but a short trip in Aire Ruby suits me fine...Have to find a pair of trunks around here...FLA is sure to be warm.
Kisses to your mum...she must be exhausted with all of the entertaining you've done!!
Aunt Mumsie was reading ur bloggie over my shoulder, and seems to be unconscious on the floor now. Evidently her Mastercard is missing. Not going to be pretty round her...
Had no idea the "right" clothes could give you foxy ladies such long elegant legs...wooo wooo!...I may have to remove some of my stuffin' to cool off!!!


Lacy said...

woofies Asta!!! me feelin a lots betters today...heehee barkin at everdog, cat and hooooman out my window...me not cees anys hammies yet...does squeerles count?? me barkin at dem too....

b safe,

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Asta!
Thanks fur telling us, and don't worry, of course we knew they were real pics! We were just wondering you know, because most doggies we know have programs, and mommy wants one, but she wants to know which ones are the best.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lizzy said...

It sure looks like you all had fun! I wish I couldn't been there too! I love all the pictures, hehe.


Bella said...

What a great day & a great story you shared with us - lots of fun

Juno said...

Asta!! Trip might be ending but your adventure will be continued!

Momo xoxo

Daisy said...

Ps: Asta, I gave you a little award because I have been enjoying your blog so much! You can see it on my blog today. Purrs to you.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Asta! We came here from our wonderful friend Daisy The Curly Cat's blog!

You look like a fun dog! do you like cats? we mean as friends, not as a snack.

It's nice to meet you - stop by our blog sometime and say HI!

Sammy and Miles

the many Bs said...

you have been having a nice adventure. we're glad you are staying out of jail, for the most part.

ChaChi Lu said...

Bergdorf, Barney's, and Bendels...OH MY!

~ChaChi Lu

Jay said...

the guys played pool all day, eh? those are my type of people!

oh wait...

those are my type of dogs!
: )

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey Asta, make sure you drop in at Opus and Roscoe's place tonight for the Mafia Movie Marathon. Lots of us are going to be there including Momo-dog, Charlie, Daisy, the Meezers and me of course. I'm going to be Scarface Momo for the occasion. Please sign in with a Mafia name when you arrive. See you there!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Hey Asta!
We are saving you some popcorn at Mafia movie night. Come on by when you get a chance.

Don Gattone and Lefty Litterpaw

Juno said...

Hello Asta! I just got to Don Gattone & Lefty Litterpaw's place. I saw your pretty costume and you look like a movie star. Hope to catch up more after the movie.

Cavey Momo :)

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Your interesting life just exhausts me!

But grrrrreat fun to read!

love and very tired licks, Marvin xxx

Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

What a gret time you guys had. I would have totally been hanging out with the fellas and playing pool. Glad you all had such a good time!

Your pal,

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
Mommy wants to be your friend more than I do since you would take her shopping in Manhattan and you guys would look very stylish!

Patience-please said...

Oh Asta-
You and your friends are very brave to take on The Big City. We have whippet friends who live there, but it is way too big and scary and loud and cold for us. We are basic Country Bumpkins; even though we live in a city now, it is really The Boonies. We are glad we got to see it through your eyes. (Safer that way!)

glad you had fun-
the whippet waggle

Asta Marie said...


Asta Marie here...just dropping a line to thank you for a wonderful time in the Big Apple...funny, I didn't see one apple there at all...let alone a big one....but hey, such a blast. Well, here's to the hostess with the mostess.

See ya soon,
Asta Marie