a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Sudden Wetuwn Home

Well as you can see evewydoggie and hammie and cat fwiends, We'we headed home on Aiw Ruby!
Jackson has been getting tiwed of being in bed all the time, and my Mommi kept asking me when I was coming home, and to tell the twoof, I was a little home sick, too, and then thewe was the movie I had to come home and have a wole in(it's a long stowy)..and Asta down Undew had to get back home befowe hew Mom discovewed she was gone..anyway I thought it would be a gweat idea to get back in time fow Scruffy's Poker Party, so that Jackson could have a little divewsion................

I twied to get the New Yowk Watew Taxi to come pick us up in England so we could come home, but all we got is NY attitoode..so I mad a fwantic call to Ruby, and asked fow hew help..
Ruby has a class tonight, and isn't even going to the poker pawty at Scruffy's, but she heawd my despewation, and dwopped evewything to come and get us..now that's what I call a twue fwiend!!! Thank you so vewy much Ruby!!!!

Lacie almost missed the plane.it was aweady taxying when she got thewe..I guess she had a hawd time teawing hewself away fwom Dunstan...I managed to pull hew onboawd, but not befowe she caught hew footie on the wing and twisted it.......I have a feeling my nuwsing days awe not behind me
Finally we wewe all on boawd Ruby's luxuwious plane, we bundled Jackson all up, he still gets cold cause the dogtor shaved his legs and belly , my poow sweetie is weawing a jumper and a blankie to stay wawm....Lacie kept complaining about hew foot..I suwe hope she's OK!
As soon as we landed, I went fow a walk in Centwal Pawk, and all of a sudden I heawd my name called..
my cute fwiends,Maya and Kena, flew in fwom Califownia on theiw magic plane to suwpwise me..we had a lovely visit, even though it was way too showt, but we pwomised to do it again weal soon!
what dawlings those two little caiwns awe! mayaandkena.blogspot.com

aftew a nap and snuggle with my pawents,I was off again...
I was invited to audition fow a movie, and got the pawt of the old fishmonger..This is a pictoowe of me in makeup
we awe filming wite now, and the pwemiew will be Sat. on littlesassycat.blogspot.com

I think I'm going to spend all of next week sneeping, unless of couwse someone needs me fow something!

Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Kidnapped Cat Caper
Miss Fistacufs - Miss Daisy
Detective Gill Fishham - Latte
Snarles - Tigger
Mr. Pesce - Asta
Sailor Sam - Ruis
First Mate Matt - Simba
Second Mate Melvin - Momo The Dog
Third Mate Christopher - Maggy
Fourth Mate Sunny - Zoey

Producer Sassy Cat Little
Writers - Opus & Roscoe
Director - Ruis


Ruby Bleu said...

Wow and I thought I had a busy schedule!!! Glad I could help you...you know anything for you Asta!!! And you know we really need to keep an eye on Lacie...she's gonna get a bad reputation at the rate she is going!!!

Have a restful weekend! Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta
I am speechless! You are a movie star!! Filming a movie is a great end for a great week!
Have fun and let us know about it!
Have a good night

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Asta,

You have been nominated for "Photo of the Month" over at the Bone Zone. Head on over and cast your vote :-)


Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

So glad that you're home again. You must be so tired from your trip AND filming a movie. Good work getting Lacie on board. Ahh, young love...Welcome Home!!

Your pal,

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Asta!
Looks like you had a busy day! Sorry we couldn't stay any longer! But I promise we'll see each other soon!
Have a good night!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Asta,
Thanks fur worrying about us, you're so nice! And don't worry, we're as warm as can be, snuggling up with our humans and watching t.v..
Have a good night!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Asta,
Thanks fur worrying about us, you're so nice! And don't worry, we're as warm as can be, snuggling up with our humans and watching t.v..
Have a good night!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Stanley said...

Asta FB!!

I can't wait for the debut tomorrow. Can anydog come? I'm sure you'll be the BEST fishmonger EVER!

Good thing you're looking out for so many dogs, especially Lacie. Her mama would NOT be happy if she missed the flight.

Be sure you remember to take care of yourself.

Goober love & smooches,

Amber-Mae said...

You are such a lady. We are so happee that we are your friends coz you're so caring & always thinking about others. What a very busy day you all had!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Gosh, you are one busy girl! Do your mom and dad see much of you at all these days?! So now you're into films! We're impressed!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Daisy said...

Thank goodness you saved Lacie! That was a close one. I hope her foot is not too hurty.

I am very, very excited about the CCSI Premiere! You are very excellent in the role of the fishmonger.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a fabolous trip u had there... we love all ur funny pic...

Agatha and Archie said...

Wow we had a lot of catching up to do!!! We missed 2 days of reading the post and feel like we are WAY beind!! You must be exhausted!!!!!! We are on our way to visit Faya becasue we hadn't heard about her hip dysplasia Oh dear. You have been a busy little girl!!! Love adn kisses A+A

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
You have been so busy with all your adventures.And now you are in a movie !Can I have an autograph before you get too famous ?

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Glad you are home safe and sound, and just in time for our show! It is airing right now on Sassy's blog. You did such a wonderufl job! YOu should think about acting full time!

Opus and Roscoe

Sir Chance-Lot said...

I am humbly requesting the autograph of the upcoming and very famous Celebrity ~Asta~ I cannot believe that I now know a super star!!!

I also wanted to tell you that Nanook..well I am speechless...but the Gorton fish people that makes the gorton fish sticks...are looking for a new "first mate" for their fish commercial...a big gentle sea faring Dog...who can sit still on a fishing boat for more then 2 minutes..and take the big waves...and They are thinking about hiring NANOOK for the Job!!!!

So...maybe ther will be TWO super stars here in DWB soon!?

Please stop by my blog ..Big NEws..I was nominated for Best Blog Award in DWB's. I am so honored! Would You stop by and vote for me..the race is ON!

Best regards
Sir AllNerves~alot

(P.S. Nanook was also nominated...and I would simply die if he beat me in this AND became a super star!)

Joe Stains said...

Asta this week is thanksgiving you have to stay close to home to beg for lots and lots of food! You sure are having a lot of adventures lately taking care of everyone, I hope your Mom is giving you lots of belly rubs for being so selfless!

The Black and Tans. said...

Great you got home safely ASta. You just have a relaxing weekend after all your nursing and acting you will be quite worn out otherwise.
Molly and Taffy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, thanks for taking such good care of me, along with Asta DU and Lacie. You certainly have been busy lately. I think you need to rest for a while! Hope your acting debut goes well. J x

ChaChi Lu said...


~ChaChi LU

Lacy said...

woofies ms asta, boyyy me gets tired juz watchin u buz around...u soo sweet to take cares of jackson...but u has grate help wiff asta DU, and lacie too iffin u can keep her mind off da boy dogs.....heehee...i got to go watch ur movie....

b safe,

pp's me gots a headacke, dwink to many beers at dat poker game...

the many Bs said...

geesh Asta, we don't know how you keep up this busy schedule. you are quite the jet setter these days.

you take good care of your friends.


Sophie Brador said...

Asta! I just saw your brilliant performance and you deserve a Doscar for it. You are also very brave to cavort creatively with those felines. They can be very dangerous, although Daisy is a doll. I think.


Noah the Airedale said...

Cripes Asta,
You must be exhausted. How do you do it???? You are always on the go.
You make a great fishmonger btw. Good luck with the movie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Lacy said...

woofies girlie, heehee me will send ya da #'s thingy in emails, it makies a little more sense in dar...and me checkeded out sassy cats bloggy..heehee me tolded her me finks u lookied verwy guilty....

b safe,

Juno said...

Asta!! You've got so tight schedule! I went to see the premiere of CCSI at Sassy's and you looked fabulous on the screen. I actually begged Sassy and she gave me a small role which was great!!!

Momo xoxo

Sassy Kat said...

Great job today! Rest up as tomorrow is another big day on the CCSI set. I would like all cast member to be present at showtime tomorrow, 11:00 am est. Thanks for a good job well done.

Koobuss said...

Welcome back, kousin Asta. You sure have been very busy. Good luck in your film career. Acting can be tough than it looks.

Joe Stains is right about Thanksgiving. From what I've heard it's a lot of fun, especially for doggies since they get to eat a lot and don't have to do any work. Sounds good to me!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Asta, you have such darn fun adventures!

It was lovely seeing you! But I am pleased you got home safe via Ruby! What a doll she is!!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Amber said...

Hey pweety Asta, what an adventure you had. It sure looks like a fun and thrilling trip. I can't wait to watch the film. Hope you have a nice rest.

Take care

Ashley said...

Very cute story... you sure sound like a busy jet-setting puppy!