a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Wedding of the Yeaw

Ike and Martha got mawwied today in a bootiful cathedwal in Fwance!

The bwide and gwoom couldn't have been loviliew..thewe wasn't a dwy eye in the place when Martha,a vision in pink walked in..and then we saw that evewyone..even Joey and Tanner wore pink to honow theiw wishes..well it was pawsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to add my vewy best wishes to the bootiful couple!!!
That was the loveliestest cewemony I've evew seen..and an histowic occasion fow DWB!!!!!


Koobuss said...

What a lovely ceremony. Everyone looked so elegant. Best of luck to the happy couple. May they have many wonderful years together.

You also look smashing, kousin Asta!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Lorenza said...

We all wish Ike and Martha all the happiness they deserve!
Sure it was a beautiful ceremony.
Have a good night

Kirby said...

What a beautiful wedding Asta, and what a lovely card you made for Ike and Martha. You are such a sweetie. I hope everyone had a wonderful time!

Your pal,

Juno said...

Asta!! What a boootiful ceremony!!
I missed to join it but I am very happy to be as a witness on your blog.


Unknown said...

I am happy to say that I made it through the ceremony without crying. Wearing pink AND crying would have been horrible for my reputation!

Joe Stains

Stanley said...

Asta Sweetpea!

Unlike Joe, I wore pink & DID cry, several times, throughout the wedding. It was just so bootiful and I'm so happy for them.

I wonder where they're going to live after the honeymoon. They never said.

You are a vision in your victorian dress with the flowers in your hair.

Goober love,

Boo Casanova said...

oh, that's one bootiful cathedwal wedding. i love love love your card asta.

wet wet licks


Ben & Darling said...

Oh thats a great ceremony, of coz I will dance with you....Im waiting ya.

Pee mail: Dopey doesnt has a moomoo costume becauze he already a moomoo himself.

Lacy said...

woofies Asta!!!! watt a bute ti ful weddin it wuz...may da bride and groom b happy fur always...and girlie ur card wuz fantastic...ooooooo lala that dress u had on wuz a vision fur our eyes to feast on...luv ya, girlie...

b safe,

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like a lovely wedding.

Simba x

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my, they both looked really bootiful together! I bet it was a very successful wedding...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

It was a beautiful wedding and we had the best time! I want to tell you again how beautiful you looked, Asta, and to thank you for the dance! You're one beautiful girl!

Yer friend,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Owwww... how sweet... What a lovely couple!

Noah the Airedale said...

Ike and Martha look very happy together. Congratulations to them both. Everyone looks just beautiful especially in pink.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Emily and Ike said...

That is so beautiful.
Thanks Asta!

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
That is a great picture!!!
I think we forgot to comment on the post where you were sad and depressed over the evil puppy mill people but we wanted to say that for every evil person there must be atleast 10 good people who rescue and look after us abused doggies.So cheer up,sweet stuff!

Gus said...

Asta: Wonderful commentary and a lovely, lovely card as usual. Just the right touch!


the many Bs said...

what a pretty wedding and the guests were all dressed so beautifully.

Ruby Bleu said...

You looked SO bootiful yourself...almost out shined Martha!!!

What a fun and memorable event.

Lots of Licsk, ruby

Lizzy said...

The pictures do indeed look lovely! Everyone's so beautiful!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I'm sorry I missed Ike and Martha's big day. I hope they're very happy together! J x

Ashley said...

Cute pictures! Looks like a lovely ceremony!
Thanks for checking out my Dog Blog :)

Agatha and Archie said...

Stunning dress!!!You look divine!!!It looked like a wonderfull time!!!Who did your makeup?? LoveA+A

Patience-please said...

Asta, you are the very best repotuwe, oh geez, I mean reporter in the canine world! I'm going to tell Michele Norris at NPR about you. I think you could get a roving reporter job in the canine events department, and it is the most trustworthy news organization ever.
You're a natural!
all the best-
Patience, loyal Servant to the whippet waggle

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...I see you have a job offer!! We knew u were a fab reporter...soon the world will know it too!! We are sooo sorry we missed the wedding. It was stoooopid Scruffy's and Mumsie's fault...Scruffy was in jail with Koobie, and Mumsie grounded BOTH of us. NOT FAIR!!!

Dunstan went back to see Jackson as he was worried bout him and I think he wanted some Brit food. He's gained a little weight here eating all of those pierogies, but at 35lbs, I think he's still trim for a fox terrier. Well...maybe a tad plump.
I want to go over and help u nurse Jackson...I am in nursing school now and could flip his pillows for him and Dunstan without any problem. I've heard Seymour may need some help...so I have volunteered.
Your dress was simply stunning, Sweet Asta...Scruffy passed out on the floor...


ChaChi Lu said...

Are they going on a honeymoon?

Such a lovely couple!Asta, your card is so enchanting!

~ChaChi LU