a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, November 5, 2007

The gweat wiwe fox tewwiew get togethew...NOT!!!

This Sunday, I was supposed to go to the Wiwe Fox Tewwiew get togethew in Wivewside Pawk...
I wasn't suwe I could go ,cause i was sick the night befowe, but Sunday I woke up all bettew and full of enewgy anxious to go..so we took the subway up to 103rd stweet and walked to the wun...imagine my disappointment, when I saw that the only wiwe thewe was Gypsy, who had owganised it...
I decided to make the best of things and intwoduced myself to all the othew kinds of doggies thewe and played like a maniac in my usual style.
Gypsy wasn't intewested in playing at all.
Finally one othew cutie wiwe ,named Jeeves, fwom the uppew East side showed up..he was a dawling and played weally well.
I had a tewwific time despite being disappointed in not seeing hundweds of wiwes..I guess no one weads the invitations.
hewe is a video of the mowning

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Aftew all the play I was hungwy, and since I was feeling fine today..Mommi gave me some of the leftovew soup to wawm me up

hewe's the wecipe fow any of you who want to twy to make it...Mommi just guessed at the amounts

5 Potatoes (peel, cut into dice and cook in salted water till ¾ done, drain and save)
1 onion diced (small)
½ green pepper (roughly chopped up)
I tomato (peeled and chopped)
2 Hungarian gyulai kolbasz (this is a sausage-sweet or hot) depending on your taste.. You can get it on line from BENDE Inc in Chicago
2 T canola oil
1T flour
1T sweet Hungarian paprika
1/8t hot Hungarian paprika
Salt to taste
2T chopped parsley
1-pint sour cream
About 4quarts water

Sauté onion in the oil till soft but clear on med. heat
Add green pepper and stir
Sprinkle flour over it and stir till it becomes pale orange
Take off heat and add paprika
Stir well
Add kolbasz cut into thin slices
Continue to sauté stirring all the time (don’t let the onion or flour burn)
After about 2 minutes add tomato, water, salt, parsley
Cook for about ½ hour
Add potatoes and sour cream and cook for another 15minutes to half hour on low heat(don’t overcook the potatoes)

Jo Etvagyat kivanok

Serve with fresh crusty bread
Please realize this is all approximate. I cook Hungarian things without measuring. I just know when it’s right, and tastes like my mothers’


Ferndoggle said...

Sorry things didn't work out for you Asta...looks like you had fun anyway.

Mom says that soup looks super yummy & she's gonna try to make some this weekend. She's a soup-a-holic!


Putter said...

OMG! Asta! I am asking Mom right now to make this amazing soup! Thanks for sharing the recipee!!!! ME and MY baby brothers want to eat this soup!!!!!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Putter said...


I am so gladdest ever that you are feeling betterest!!!!


Putter ...:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta,

I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the get together. I've been a bit under the weather too (throwing up, ya know.) Sorry I missed you and Jeeves & Gypsy. :-( I'm glad you all had a good time though! My vet said I could have oatmeal tonight for dinner (hmmm, that soup looks better!)

- Smitty

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oh my dogness...there it is ..the soup recipe. Mamma wrote it ALL down. Thank you very much for this special treat!!!
I wanted to tell you to come to my blog, and see the new friend I found for ALL of us today..hurry up...come see.
Sir ImInLoveWithaCoyote~Alot

Daniella said...

Sorry it was a wee wire get together, but it still looked like fun. Mom met Jeeves once and loves that boy. He is a big smiler.
Soup sounds delish...Mom wants to know if you can get beef sausage as she's guessing that had pork and Mom don't eat no swine. Silly Mommy, I eat Pigs ears, and I love swine. Dad does too. Heh heh


PS Glad you feel better.

Gus said...

glad you are feeling better. Sorry the get together didn't work out...but you met some nice doggies, huh?

muzzer says...What, no wine in the soup? Maybe sub some for the water and hold the sour cream until it at the table, or not? what does your mommi think?



Duke said...

We loved the photo album, Asta! It sure looked like a fun time to us! Thank you for posting your recipe! We're going to get mom to make that!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh well, hopefully next time there's a WFT get together more will show up. At least you got to meet some other doggies.

Wow, thanks so much for the soup recipe. We're going to ask D to make it while we're in Beechworth. If we have trouble getting that sausage is there a different type we can use??

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Koobuss said...

What a terrific slide show!! I loved seeing all those foxies together. We are so darn cute.

The soup recipe looks wonderful, but my mom usually doesn't make anything that has more than four ingredients. As soon as she read, "5 potatoes peel, cut into dice and cook until 3/4 done", I knew that we'd never see that soup. It was nice of you to share the recipe with us though.

My mom does make something that she calls "Pizza Soup". It has six ingredients. She really splurges sometimes. Here it is, if your are interested. It doesn't get any easier than this.

1 can Cream of Chicken soup
1 can Tomato Rice soup

Add 3 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard

Let come to a boil. Serve.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Asta Marie said...


Imagine meeting another Asta, cause that's my name too ? My son Cedric moved to New York last April, but I guess he didn't know about the get-together or he woulda been there. When you see my Dewey tell him to behave. He is in so much hot water right now, he doesn't need anymore or he'll drown.

Wow, what a nice slideshow and such a great day to meet other wires, the best of the best......

The weather here is turning stormy and it may be coming your way. Make sure the 4 wanderers hanging out of that Austin Healey put the roof up.

Asta Marie said...


Imagine meeting another Asta, cause that's my name too ? My son Cedric moved to New York last April, but I guess he didn't know about the get-together or he woulda been there. When you see my Dewey tell him to behave. He is in so much hot water right now, he doesn't need anymore or he'll drown.

Wow, what a nice slideshow and such a great day to meet other wires, the best of the best......

The weather here is turning stormy and it may be coming your way. Make sure the 4 wanderers hanging out of that Austin Healey put the roof up.

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
You guys looks so similar,was the JRT a honorary wire haired fox terrier.
Thanks for the recipe Asta,its a perfect winter day soup.We need to get all the differant nationalities to share recipes !!
Mommy has a new food blog with some friends.Check it out if you have time

Faya said...

V�ronique adore la cuisine hongroise pour avoir pass� l�-bas ces vacances pendant plus de 10 ans... Dommage pour la rencontre mais tu as pu quand m�me jouer et te d�gourdir les pattes !
Contente que tu sois mieux. Bisous, Faya

Daisy said...

Asta, I am very happy that you got all better in time to attend the event. It looks like you had a great time. I think you were the most beautiful doggie there, too!

The WriggleButts said...

Oh.. and we forgot! Thanks for the recipe! Maybe mom will have to try that one day. She made some yummy soup today, and we'll get the leftovers right now. Yum!


Lizzy said...

That soup looks so yummy! Thanks for posting the recipe, I'm gonna get my human's to make it!


Lacy said...

woofies Asta girlie, meee verwy happy u gots to go to the park, and even wiffout the wires u still had lots of fun!!! wol, u always have fun...dat soup lookies yummmy, mama gonnna haff to make me sum...

b safe,

pp's, mama's sis got her new puppy today, she will prolly post picturs on her bloggy soon...

Anonymous said...

That's kind of like me making cabbage rolls. Recipes? My Baba would probably think it a waste of paper to write down what should be in your blood. Of course, my Baba thinks we are all born with cabbage roll expertise. Mine are never even remotely as good as hers.

Sophie Brador sends smoochies to Asta.


Stanley said...

Sweetpea Asta!

At least you know how to make the most out of ANY situation, and, you know how to have FUN, girlie! Good thing you showed up.

Gypsey looks like a sweetie, even though she didn't want to play. Looks to me like she's more of a networker type terrier. And Mr. Jeeves was very cool ~ giving love and showing interest to everydog.

At least you got to spend some good time with your mommi & daddi, and you got some great soup at the end of the day!

Thank your mommi for the recipe. If my girl EVER cooks again, she might try it!

Goober love,

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Asta,
I hope you have recovered from your cold. It sucks to be sick. That hungarian soup makes me hungry! Yummy!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta
I am so happy to know that you felt better to go to the get together! Looks like you had fun anyway!
Tell your mom thanks for sharing her recipe! Sure the soup looks delicious!
Have a good night

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh the soup looks really yummy. I wonder if I can drink some too. I hope you're feeling better now Asta, keep warm

~ Girl girl

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey AstaGirl..it's Mumsie...smoochie kisses to u and to ur mom for the soup recipe...it looks sooooo good...we've love potato soup...be on the lookout for the fab 4....Lacie called on her cell phone and I did hear sirens in the background...think I better pmail ur mom...

Hooman hugs and kisses...Mumsie

Joe Stains said...

We are glad you are feeling better but that sure stinks that no other wires showed up! Thanks for the recipe, my Mom loves to cook and really loves sweet and hot paprika, that is what she put in her beef stew! She will give this a try!

Anonymous said...

awww what a disappointment not to get to play with hundreds of wires! maybe the weather was just too cold. but it still looks like you had fun :) Jeeves is a handsome little guy. and he has good manners too? he's a keeper! :)

thank you for posting the recipe, asta :) when HM tries it out i will make sure i get some :)


Anonymous said...

thank you for the tip on the paprika stains, asta, HM didn't think of that! :) even pumpkin stains my hair! :p


Huskee and Hershey said...

The soup looks yum yum... I only hope my mom is a better cook, but well, can't complain too much myself cos she is a pretty good 'tummy-rubber'.. hee...
Looks like you had fun on your day out!

Boo Casanova said...

hmm... don't think i can get those hungarian ingredients here. i would love to know how it taste.

wet wet licks


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I think that soup looks yummy but J1 doesn't do soup (some strange thing she has against hot liquids. Don't ask!). What a shame about the lack of other WFTs at your get together. If I organised something similar where I live there would be about 3 of us I think. J x

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simba and Jazzi said...

Sorry your doggie friends didn't want to play. At least you got yummy soup.

Simba xx

Harry said...

What a lovely trio you made. The soup does indeed sound yummy. Ma and pa seem to enjoy cooking, so I may get to try some yet.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Next time you should post an add/invite on Craigslist!

I wish I was there to run around with you. I may be a lot older than you but I still play like a pup!

Bussie Kissies

Kien said...

oh darling Asta.. am sorry for not visiting u for a week now.. and i hope your flu is better now.. i think to be able to get out from a boring house is better than nothing.. my mom been neglecting me and i have not get my walkies since last 2 weeks now..


Urban Smoothie Read said...

so ur cold is over?? wat a great news....n u can go out to play wit ur wire frenz...

ChaChi Lu said...

Oh the soup sounds delish! I love your slideshow! Asta, you are so smart!

~ChaChi LU

Amber-Mae said...

Not much terriers were there? But atleast you had other four not-so-terrier friends there to play with. The soup looks really delicious! Must ask my mommy to make it one day...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Agatha and Archie said...

OMG! You net Jeeves!!! We know all about him from PL2's(and now your Mom,s too) email site!! We have been reading about his antics for a long time!! Did he tell you of hisbroken cuz coleection!!! PL2 has a very similar recipe from her Mom(who was Austrian and born in Hungary!!) DELISH!!!! Love A+A

Ashley said...

Thanks for signing my guestbook, Asta. You are always welcome to visit the sunny beaches of California :)