a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wome, domenica 4/6/08

Hi evewyone..this is Asta on the phone fwom Azwizona.....I'm attending my fwiend Karl's Blogovewsawawy pawty with my sissies and fwiends...it's quite a bash..thewe is mawiachi moosic, dancing, a BBQ(I nevew wealized lizawds tasted so good), and lots of dwinkies..I sat in the hot tub, and welaxed awound the patio...,,
I was picked up by Opus and Roscoe in theiw flying bus, along wif my sissies Momo and Sassy

Pleez stop by and wish Karl,Mrs.Oz and Emil a happy Fiwst Blogovewsawy, and feel fwee to have a dwink..they and theiw maid and butlew awe vewy hospitablethis is a gwoup shot of all of us by Karl

anyway, my Mommi will continue wif my twavelogue while I'm away...I aweady did evewything, all she has to do is post it....
Sunday mowning, we decided to go to the flea mawket in Powto Powtese
it's acwoss the Wivew in Twastevewe.
you cwoss at the Ponte Gawibaldi to weach the west bank of the Tibew and entew the busy Twastevewe distwict, a maze of small stweets, tiny squawes,baws, and westauwants
Heheheh,look at that man. he's asneep and doesn't cawe if we take his stuff ow not
thewe was nothing much intewesting xept a couple of cheapo necklaces that Mommi bought

The pwoud and independant inhabitants of Twastevewe, considew themselves the most authentic Womans...the awea has an eawthy pwoletawian chawactew..this is a place whewe you can still see laundwy hanging outside and old ladies sticking theiw heads out window watching the wowld go by..but it's getting vewy populaw, so that pwobably won't last

evewywhewe I went..I met doggies who wanted to know whewe I was fwom, and why We don't speak Italian?

We agweed that Doggie's would do a bettew job of wunning the wowld and getting along

Thewe is a vewy pwetty Chuwch thewe called Santa Mawia in Twastevewe on a little squawe in the old village..it's fwom the 12th centoowy
when we got to the squawe , we decided it was time to eat something..we had been walking fow houws aweady

Mommi owdewed an individooal pizza wif fwesh buffalo mozzawella , little tomatoes, and awugula(Pizza Capwese)...it was hooge, but the cwust was thin and chewy and pawfect, and the west was a salad so she didn't even feel evil eating evewy last bit of it heheheh(she did shawe wif me)Daddi had gnocchi wif fouw cheeses..I had some of that too...the onliest thing I didn't have was wine
This kittie was guawding the pwetty cyclamen..we saw tons of cyclamen evewywhewe
Now that we wewen't falling ovew wif hungew, it was time to go see the chuwch

thewe wewe gowgeous Byzantine influenced mosaics.........................................the bwight colowing was taken fwom fwesco painting techniques...at least that's what Mommi wead to me
I think the colows awe bootiful
just look at that ceiling..wow!!

The light was weally pwetty when it came thwough the stained glass windows

we walked back acwoss the wivew

I saw this place wif a bunch of Woman Wuins
anytime they want to build something new, they wun into a bunch of wuins,.that would stop Mr. Twump , hehehehe

it was awtichoke season...we ate them a bunch of ways..fwied, steamed mawinated..yummm!
In one of the places whewe they found wuins..they set up a cat sanctooawy
That's the spot where Caesar was actually murdered. Now it houses stray cats who are eventually adopted out after being spayed/neutered, and all of the coins that go into the Trevi Fountain go to the cat sanctuary, to pay for food & vet care. It's across from there that you'd find Feltrinelli, the amazing bookstore with tons of books and music.
it's below the stweet..you can look down thewe..all these homeless catses(some of them injoowed, I saw some wif a leg missing)..but hewe's the good thing...the city feeds them, and vets go and check them out and give them tweatments and medcins if they need it.
I think it's a whole lot nicew than being in cages in a sheltew

we wewe getting close to home and you know what, hehehehe

that's wight
I think I have a sewious addiction, I may have to go into Wehab when I get home

thewe was lots of pwetty wistewia cascading all ovew buildings and walls

come on Daddi let's go home and nap

.thewe wewe all sowts of postews of exhibits all ovew the walls of buildings

latew that night, Mommi and Daddi went out fow a dwink(they wewe invited by the hotel ownew's daughtew)...

she met them at this cool in place.. it's called Gusto, it specializes in fish dishes, but they just had dwinks and hows duvwes

They wewe going to go eat something after the dwink, but they wewe full of hows doovwes, so they just walked home ,stopped fow an espwesso and anofew gelato, and then came home to join me in bed

buona notte


BenTheRotti said...


you are now officially the most cultured (and well travelled) doggy I know, I'm so glad to know you because I am learning culture and the beauty in art all the time by reading of your adventures (which makes Mum happy as she would love a cultured dog - rather than a clumsy dog!)

Hope you are having a wonderful time at the pawty gorgeous, and thank you Asta's Mum for taking over and giving us the latest instalment *smooch*

I will pop over to your friends now and wish them a very happy first Blogovewsawy

love, licks and tail-wags,

Ben xxxxx

Daisy said...

That church is so gorgeous! Asta, I am so proud of you for meeting so many doggies over there and being a good Ambassador.

I have heard about that cat sanctuary, and I'm glad the cats have somewhere to go where they can be looked after.

My Mommie wishes she could have some of the Pizza Caprese AND her favorite, gnocchi!

Stanley said...

Dolce Bella Astaroni!

You take my breath away yet again with your amazing adventure narrative. I see that NOTHING gets in between you and your gelato (I'll always remember that, sweetpea).

I'm a little sad that tomorrow is the last day of Italy photos, but I understand, plus, you're back home and having adventures here too!

Please give Karl & the gang at the Cat Realm juicy goober smooches from me! Sorry I couldn't be there with you at the pawty!

Goober love & gelato smooches,

Lacy said...

woofies and burfs Asta...me been to karl's place and pawty wiff dem..me had several liztinis...but hot tub line iz soo long...me luvs da picturs. wowzers dey haff sum bute ti ful churches over dar...and dat iz pawsome they take care of dose cats like dat...like u said wish they wood do dat here instead of puttin dem behind bars...

b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)

Duke said...

OMG, Asta! You had real Italian PIZZA!!!! How lucky are you and check out the size of it! yummmmmmm
What a beautiful church! We sure are loving all these pictures of Rome!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

So interesting about the cat sanctuary! You are so right about it better than cages in a cat shelter. I wonder if Julius Caesar was a cat lover.

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a lovely trip you had. We are loving every minute of it and it will be sad to see it end. The cat sanctuary is a good idea. We hate hearing about animals in cages. Merci and Rusty have been in a shelter and they know what it's like.

Glad you are enjoying Karl's party, Asta. It's great to see you again and to hear your stories of your Italian adventure.

Agatha and Archie said...

OH that pizza and OH that gelato and OH those artichokes and oh how lovely it all was!!!!!!!! Love A+A

Unknown said...

Oh Asta, this is such a wonderful travel journal. Rome looks soo beautiful thru your eyes. Special winks to your mommmi and daddi for the great pics.

Now tell me... what was your most favorite flavor of Gelato?

Tofu... who still must update my blog. I've got the most dashing haircut you know :)

Moco said...

We are enjoying your trip to Rome as much as you did.
Grammie would have loved that flea market.
Enjoy Arizona. It is getting hot there.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
That was an individual pizza?? Wow! My mom is drooling!
Sure is nice to know about the cat santuary.
The church is amazing!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

Woah, the church is really creepy will all those sculptures & pictures on the walls & ceilings...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

The church are very beautiful and we are happy to know that the people there cares about those stray cats

Boy n Baby

Sassy Kat said...

Great party at Karl's, too much fun and so much to do. Thought everything was perfect. Great seeing you again. I also enjoyed the pictures you took in Italy.

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Wow. It's neat they let you take pics in the church, usually there's a no photo policy...i've never seen anything like that ceiling!

and your pizza

and the homeless cats :o( but glad they are fed and taken care of!

awesome blog. i wished i could travel with you!

Patience-please said...

Oh our dogs, Asta! Are you trying to kill us here? Fresh mozzarella caprese pizza, gnocchi with four cheeses, ARTICHOKES, gelato,and for dessert C-A-T-S!!!!!??????

[Craziness and mayhem]

It's the servant here. The whippets are in Time Out.
Lovely photos, Asta, dear. So enjoying your travels.

all the best-
Patience the whippets' servant

Lacy said...

woofiessss Asta girlie, me luvs u verwy, verwy verwy muchies...and glad u had a pawtastic time in wome...

angel lacylulu ;)

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
I am full of envy... My mom would LOVE to go to Italy and she's been dropping hints to my dad for years.
Thanks for sharing those photos! They are beautiful!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh the church are so bootiful. And you saw lots of kitties in this trip.
Sure looked like you and your pawrents enjoyed yourselves

~ Girl girl

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we really like those old roman ruins and the cats looked fun too! hee hee. we like how they are cared for though and in such an ancient place. we have never seen anything like that ever. your mommy's pizza sure did look delicious. we would like a pizza like that and some gelato, please.


Simba and Jazzi said...

There is so much to see and do. That pizza is huge. A few too many cats for my liking.

Simba xx

Maggie said...

OH! It was an awesome journey! my mommy is dreaming of going there someday! :) maybe she will bring me along! and i can meet you Astaaaa!! ^^

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You may have to open up your own gelato shop with all the special flavors you tried.

Mama and I think that the cat sanctuary is pretty neat and that they get taken care of instead of being put in a cage in a shelter.

When do you get back from Arizona? How is Myrna?

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Mack said...

I hope your parents didn't buy you any fleas at that market - My mom pays big bucks to kill them!

And what a great idea about letting the kitties run free and the vets coming and taking care of them! That is just so wonderful. I bet that doesn't happen too many places in the US!

The churches are again breathtaking! Asta, you have seen more sights than most Humans! You are a lucky (and oh so beautiful) girl!


Kyanite said...

Hi Asta & Ami!

I get so excited when I see your Rome pic's.
I remember the Cat Sanctury very well, visited often.

You tool some amazing photo's.
The joys of digital.
If only ,if only... I'd!

Love, pats & pets

Petra said...

OMD, you are on the road again, Asta?! I can hardly keep up with you!

The pictures of your trip to Rome are so much fun to see. I really like the story about the cat sanctuary that you talked about today.

Deetz said...

Wow they really feed you well over there don't they? My mum just loves all the pretty pictures your mum posted of the trip....

Eric said...

Bella Roma! Bella Asta! Thanks for sharing.

Wags, Eric x

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my....hmmmmmm gimme gimme gnocchi with four cheeses....YUMMO.

Wow we didn't know about the money from the Trevi Fountain going to the cat sanctuary....how wonderful.

Thanks for another interesting tour of Rome Asta.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

The Thuglets said...

OMD..Asta you have done it now with the photos of that pizza and gnoocci .......our hoomans have withdrawal symptoms from Italy!lol

What a truely fabulous trippe you have had...........oh keep the story coming.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets +2

Peanut said...

More lovely pictures.