This was a vewy impowtant Day!
My Pawents 33wd aminevewsewawy!! Daddi and I went put eawly and got Mommi some flowews fow when she woked up

We got hew some bootiful lilies ..she loves the fwagwance

It was a bootiful day and we went up to the tewwace fow bweakfast

I don't know if I pwefew the wolls ow the it's best to go back and fowfth


just a little mowe pleez

It was satuwday mowning, and I think evewyone who lives in Wome was out on the stweet..this is NOT a pedestwian only stweet ..but they don't cawe, hehehehe

WE got on a bus

The buses awe weally cool

We went to the Museo e Gallewia Bowghese

it's in the
Pawco della Villa Bowghese..a bootiful pawk on a hill

These awe some of the mooseum buildings and the gween house

I didn't go in to see the exhibit

These Woman Pines awe so cool...I love them!!!They look like umbwellas

thewe wewe aweady lemons and owanges on the twees in the gawden

Isn't spwing bootiful???

It was wawm, and I got thiwsty

We walked all the way acwoss the pawk to the othew side

kids wewe enjoying pony wides

and the twees wewe in bloom

I saw police on big howsies..a pawfect day fow a wide

hoomans wewe just hanging out and having a gweat day

when we got to the othew end of the pawk, we stopped fow an espwesso

this was the view fwom thewe

A little biped came to talk to me..he only spoke Italian, but we had no twouble communicating

We walked down hill on a winding paf...down to the
Piazza del Popolo
Thewe is a big obelisk in the centew(that's like a hooge cement stickie standing up) hoomans sit on the base of it and just watch the wowld go by

Wetawted walking back home along
Via del's a supew snazzy shopping stweet that goes betwwen the
Piazza del Popolo, and the
Piazza Di Spagna
Daddi is splaining modewn awt to me while Mommi goes to get some shoes..hews felled apawt fwom all the walking...honest

Then I wan into a little Westie

All the doggies knew how to speak English, they awe vewy well edoocated appeawantly

back in ouw neighbowhood, neaw the Campo Mawzio, we stopped fow lunch

Mommi asked me if I wanted some pasta....DUH!!!!!

Hewe awe hew new walking shoes..she had to thwow hew ofew shoes away..they litewally fell apawt...I think that's why we didn't gain weight..that's a lot of walking, hehehehehehehehe

acwoss the stweet lokk what they wewe playing in the No Countwy fow Old Men...we hated it in English, so I don't think we would like it bettew in Italian eithew

the sidewalks awe just wide enough fow one hooman(two if you'we skinny)

This is Via D Convewtite, awound the cownew fwom ouw hotel...Womans like being outside on Satuwday woom fow caws..I love it!

Thewe is a stowe fow fuwwkids on the left, and just beyond it was one of my pawents favowite westauwants

Aftew a showt nap we wewe off again( this was a long day!)

We walked to the AWA PACIS (MAUSOLEO DI AUGUSTO)'s the altaw of Peace,,the monument was commissined in 13 1999 the awchitect Richawd Meiew designed the glass building to house the monument

The museum is vewy close to the we decided to walk along thewe

acwoss the
Fiume Tevewe, you can see the
Palazzo Di Giusticia
The sun was going down

time fow my daily gelato, hehehe
I went back to the hotel to sneep..I was exhausted..
Mommi and Daddi went fow theiw big deal aminevewsewawy dinnew
Anothew Pawfect day...Mommi was all misty
I hope you'we not too exhausted fwom looking at these pictoowes..I have two mowe days if you can stand it I'm at
Karl's blogovewsawy pawty, but I left Mommi in chawge of posting fow me, while I'm in Azwizona
Happy Happy Anniversary to your mommi & daddi!!!
Whoa! 33 years! They're still a very lovey couple too, I see. Their's is a love story for the ages! (I bet there will be an epic motion picture made about them someday. Maybe you could play your mommi ~ you've got enough spunk to.)
And, you get to enjoy the lovefest by celebrating with them! Very very dolce!
I'm glad you got to meet some Italian hooman pups. Are they nicer than American ones?
I could tell you were very excited about the Westie pup! Even though it's just a photo, I can tell your whole body was wiggling!
Thanks for daily gelato photo. I always look forward to that!
Have fun at Karl's. Can't wait for the rest of the photos!!!!
Goober love & gelato smooches,
Hey Asta-girl...
you had me a little worried...looking at all those pictures and I hadn't seen any gelato yet!!! Whew...what a relief it was at the end!
What a wonderful day to send your pawrent anniversary!!! What a great day!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey Asta, looks like your mum & dad had a pawfect anniversary. Here's to many more happy years! J1 and I are both drooling at your food pics...J x
What a beautiful spring day! You sure did do a lot of walking to even wear out your mom's shoes. I am enjoying seeing the pictures from your trip. And always, Gelato!
Wow! We sure are enjoying your pictures, Asta. And give our congratulations to your Mom and Dad!
the WriggleButts
Wow! We sure are enjoying your pictures, Asta. And give our congratulations to your Mom and Dad!
the WriggleButts
woofies and burfs asta..ur picturs git better ever day..and congrats to u mommi and daddi on their anniversary...more food picturs, and dat gelato iz yummmmie...heehee u r shure walkin a lot, rome iz a bute ti ful city...
b safe,
We are all enjoying reading about your Italian vacation! Our Mom says to thank you for the wonderful Esperia Travels ad!
It looks like your humans had a wonderful anniversary! BUON ANNIVERSARIO!
As for the umbreall pines, they are our Mom's favorite tree. That is why she used one as her logo for Esperia! hehehehehehe!
She noticed your Mom's plate of yummy pasta! She says it is a typical Roman dish. It sure looked good!
And last but not least, Mr. Richard is a favorite architect of our humans. They have traveled all over the place to see his building (including the very one you saw in Rome).
Can't wait to hear more about your trip! We still haven't had a chance to post about your visit. Looks like we will have to use our time machine and go back a week or so!
Much love and see you tomorrow!
Opus and Roscoe
Happy anniversary to your mom and dad, Asta! Mom says that lillies are one of her favorites too! ahhhhhhh the aroma!
I was reading along smiling away when I came to the lemon trees! YUK - I hate lemons - but then you redeemed yourself but showing me 2 plates of pasta! yummmmmmmm
You're saved, Asta! hehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aw, happy belated anniversary to mummy and daddy. Me has enjoyed all your photos lots, but me can imagine you all had very tired leggies at the end of every day.
Cassidy x
Happy Belated Anniversary to your mom & dad!
I think those are like the best pictures ever taken of you!
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad! Motch & P.A. will celebrate their 33rd anniversary in 10 more months, so they're old like your mom & dad.
Asta! I can't believe you let your mom throw away her shoes when you would have enjoyed chewing them! But you WERE on vacation, and you got gelato every day, so I guess you could let it slide.
A belated Happy Anniversary to your folks, Asta. We hope it was a happy day for them. From the photos, we think it was.
Jan says just looking at all those photos and reading about all the walking you did has exhausted her. So we think we'll go take a nap for her.
What a great way for your folks to spend their anniversary...lucky them. That pasta dish your mum ordered looked yummo. What sauce was kinda looked like a blue cheese sauce? hmmmm blue cheese.
Your mum & dad must have done lots of walking for her shoes to fall apart hee hee.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Belated Happy 33rd Anniversary to Mommi and Daddi! (But Mommi only looks 33, are you sure it wasn't her birthday?)
Wonderful pics, I am snjoying them soooo much. You got to see the Ara Pacis? Wow!!! SS had to write a whole essay on the politics and propaganda of imperial Rome based on that. No, she hasn't met it face to stone, only on pictures.
Food looks yummmmmmmy1
Happy Aminiversary to you pawents from all of us. It is one that you will never forget. What a perfect day you had!
I love all your pictures, but the last one is the absolute best!! Yea gilato!!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
pee ess Are you sure that they don't sell gelato over here? Maybe we can find some.
Grammie and Pappy (you know those crazy humans moco lives with) have been married for 33 years my mom says. She says it is easy to remember since she is one year younger then they have been married. We love looking at your pictures and would never get tired of them.
Happy (late) Anniversary to your mommy and daddy!!
That must have been so great fur them to spend their special day there!!
We really liked the pic of you and your mommy by the river, it looks really pretty!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Asta...Happiest Anniversary to the 'rents!!! How sweet of you and Daddy to go and buy flowers early in the mornin'...very womantic!!!
Um, Asta...u look bootiful in those pix...maybe's it's all that walkin' or somethin', but ur leggies are so shapely or somethin' stutter...never mind.
Loved all the Eyetallion is gettin' much better readin' all the signs in ur post!!!
You must be exhausted!! Have you gone into gelato withdrawl???
Gotta go bite Lacie's head...
I hope you don't mind me sayin' you have cute just slipped out er BYE
Hi, Asta!
Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad!
Sure you all were in the best place to celebrate it!
Kisses and hugs
Yum yum ice creamz! You're really having a great time aren't chu Asta? I'm surprise that the buses there allow dogs. how kewl! Happy Anniversary to your mom & daddy!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
happy anniversay mum n dad...
wat a lovely celebration day u had there...
Happy Anniversary to your Mommi and Daddy. Muzzer says to tell them that in a few more years they will be experts, like she and Dad are!
the food looks delicious, the walkies look divine.
But if you are in Azrizona and don't stop to visit, you are in BIG trouble baby!
ps...sent you a picture of my new house
Hey Asta,
Happy Anniversary to your Pawrents! What a fab day you all had, walking and sunshine and pasta n gelato- pawfect.
Waggy wishes to you all
Eric and his Mom x x
Belated my greetings maybe but HAPPY ANNIVERSAY to your mommi & daddy.
Rome's a lovely city to celebtate such a happy event in. I was always maddly in love when I was there with Little Buddy.
What a wonderful day you all had too. I recognised so many of the sights again.
Love, pats & pets
Hi, Asta, Mommi and Daddi -
Happy 33rd anniversary to your Mommi and Daddi! Mama and Papa will be married 27 years on May 16th.
The rolls and cornetta look really yummy. Mama was drooling when she saw tha picture. Mama loves pasta too.
You really are the world traveller - first Rome now Arizona. We think you should open up your own travel agency.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Happy 33rd anniversary to your Mommy & Daddy! Our Mommy & Daddy will celebrate 25 years on April 30. Of course we aren't tired of your pictures! You are a great tour guide! You should write a book about your travels!
The pictures are fantastic...keep em coming! Tatum has been in Paris for the past four days! Finally, today, she will be back in Redding, England. She is probably exhausted!
Much love from all of us!
Happy 33th Anniversary to your mom and dad!! I love all your adventures!! Rome is such a beautiful place and the food is yummylicious :) and you made many new friends :) How cool , you get to sit the bus. Whoa, I'm so happy for you!! All the photos are so lovely!! :))
Happy 33th Anniversary to your Mummy and Daddy. What great photos, looks like you all enjoyed yourselves.
Simba xx
Happy anniversary, Asta's mommi and daddi! It looks like you had a really great day for the celebration. All that food looks yummy...especially the gelato! It's amazing that all those Italian doggies speak English! I guess we doggies speak a universal language!
Poppy & Penny
Asta - thank you so much for sharing your Roma trip with all of us!!! And it is soooo nice of your human to blog for you while you have fun at our blogoversary party! Thank you for coming!!!
Happy belated anniversary humans!
All the pictures are just wonderful, we are having a great time looking at all of them!
Now back to the party....
We love all your pictures of Rome. It makes us feel like we are there visiting all the sites with you. Dawson says, "I can taste that gelato."
Tell your parents that Grammie and Pappy have been married 33 years last February. Grammie didn't get any beautiful lilies (she loves lilies) from Rome though.
Asta -
I am tired just reading about your big day. I can't believe you did all those things in the same day.
I like the zippers on your mom's shoes.
Wow, did you and your parents have such a spectacular time. We are all envious (especially Zorra when she saw the gellato). Meeting that westie must have been such a grand time! Your photos are excellent. We have never been to Rome, but now we feel like was have at least seen some of the sites.
You are an excellent tour guide.
You're really making my mom miss Rome. What a great place for an anniversary!
No Country for Old Men was horrible my pawents said...they hated the ending! My mum has been enjoying (and also me) all the pictures of your travels. She really loved the Iris flowers, cuz she grows them. Happy Anniversary, Asta's mommy and daddy. It is very pretty in Rome.
We sure missed you Asta.
Paw hugs
Happy Anniversary Asta's Mummy & Daddy.. woah!! 33 years!! How wonderful :)
Asta, your Mum does not look old enough to be celebrating a 33rd anniversary! neither does your Dad come to that!.. I reckon you must keep them young.
I am so enjoying your stories of your trip Asta, I almost feel like I have been there with you. Thank you for sharing :)
Ben xxxxxx
Hapy belated anniversary to your parents!!! HOW ROMANTIC!!!!!! to be in Italy on your anniversary....ah we love living through you!! LoveA+A
Happy Wedding Anniversary to Asta's mom and dad! We are not the least bored, in fact thank you for sharing all those photos.
Boy n Baby
Happy Anniversary to your parents!! That is so cool that they got to spend it in Italy!!! It is even cooler that you were there too! I can't believe your Mom walked until her shoes broke. Tanner would like to know if they sploded ?
Those photos are wonderful! All the sights, amazing. And the food, everything looks so yummy! Especially the pasta and gelato.
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