I'm going to show you my whole twip ovew the next sevewal days..
it will take a long time, so I hope you don;t get sick of looking at my pictoowes..I missed you all and wished that you could have been wif me!!
This is the beginning of my twip to Wome...My vewy fiwst time on a hooman aiweline(yuck!!!!!)
You can tell wight away that it's no "AIW WUBY"...you have to stand in line with gwumpy hoomans at JFK aiwepowt

then aftew they fwisk you and xway you and stuff..you have to wait some mowe

when they finally call youw flight..you have to get into youw twavel bag

we flew Delta..they have a size westwiction..not a weight westwiction..I would have been too big fow some aiwelines to go up fwont, ..anyway..I got into my bag, and cuwled up, and slept till I got to Wome..
(Asta had some ice cubes during the flight, no tranquelizers, and no food)
We awwived in Wome and I got out, stwetched and was weady fow adventoowe...oh and fiwst I pee peed on the cuwb at the aiwepowt

This is the entwance to ouw hotel..it's in the CENTRO STORICO section...it's the top two floows of an apawtement building..with the nicest hoomans you can imagine wunning it
I unpacked..maps, and toys of couwse...that's my special toy fwom Kirby taht I took along fow the twip..I also had a cown cob in my bag..which I chewed up doowing the flight, and a ball

We went out wight away..this is ouw cowmew

immediately ,I met my fiwst Woman puppy fwiend...we talked wif no pwoblem
and my pawents and I just stawted to wandew awound ouw neighbowhood
I don't wemembew the name of evewy squawe..thewe awe so many..awound pwactically evewy cownew..it's whewe people gathew..and thewe's oosually a monument ow a fountain..ow bof

This is neaw the PIazza Navone...but it's too eawly fow lunch

can you believe this????pawking fow doggies, hehehehehe

The weathew was supew..so evewyone ate outside..including us

We loved the small cuwvy stweets..bootiful cobblestones and gowgeous colows evewywhewe

The buildings awe hooge..but not hooge like NY...just monoomental and bootiful

I got thiwsty walking , and had a dwink ....thewe awe fountains evewywhewe with delicious watew..if you put a fingew on the bottom of the faucet, you get watew coming out the top and hoomans can dwink fwom it

This is the Campo dei Fiori...it's a fwuit, vegebal mawket on a vewy pwetty squawe

Hewe is anothew doggie...he's off the leash...but neaw his ownew, and vewy well behaved

awound evewy cownew thewe is anothew chuwch I lit candles fow my sick and missing fwiends in sevewal of them(Mommi helped when they wouldn't let me in)

finally it's time fow a gelato bweak...I had a hawd decision to make..which flavow??????????

I thought the pistachio was a vewy pwetty colow...and it suwe tasted gweat!!!!
this is the inside of the Pantheon..(it is the best pwesewved of the ancient Woman Buildings-AD 118-125...The cupola, fowmed with one single application of cement ovew a wooden fwame, is on of the lawgest masonwy domes evew built.The powtico opens onto a pawfectly pwopowtioned wotunda: five concentwic ciwl\cles of coffews leading to the oculus, 30 ft in diametew and the only souwce of light in the temple...the awtist Waphael is buwied hewe..he was weally good!!
I could only peek in..I'm not allowed in chuwches, so My pawents took tuwns going in

don't these colums look hooge???

and thewe awe some enouwmous doggies...ummm. I mean howsies , but they wewe fwiendly so it was OK

We went back to the hotel fow a nap..and the ownew gave us a bottle of wine to go enjoy on the wooftop tewwace

This was the view fwom up thewe

Then aftew ouw nap , we wewe off again...and finally wound up ouw fiwst day having a gweat dinnew at
Settimio AllArancio.....wondewful food on a small stweet neaw ouw hotel

That's a sappy pictoowe of Mommi..but she was just so happy , she couldn't make a nowmal face hehehehehe

We walked home..and to bed....a pawfect fiwst day!!!!!
Asta, you are such an international traveler! Those pictures are beautiful. I can tell you had a very wonderful time. I think it is very neat that there are fountains everywhere, and even special dog-parking!
ps: In that very first photo, I think the man with the grey scarf is sending a special message with his hands. He is saying "Two"!
Thanks for the travel log. We are looking forward to more.
I enjoyed myself at your pawty. Your parents bed is comfortable even with all those pups on it.
Oh Asta, what a lovely view of your first day in Rome. We can tell that you are all having a great time....but I'm not so sure about that nine hours in a bag under the seat thing.
Maybe, just maybe, if it means getting to visit you again in New Yawk.
Welcome Home Asta!!
What beautiful photographs, It sounds like the most wonderful trip, I'm looking forward to hearing more!!
I have missed reading your blog while you were gone.. Mum kept clicking on your page even though she knew you wasn't around! I think she was just getting her Asta fix.. which was fine by me because then I got my Asta fix too.
lots and lots of love,
Ben xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awe, Asta. We missed you so much while you were gone. We are so glad you had a wonderful time in Rome. The pictures are wonderful.
You rest up now
Rome is beautiful! Momma wants to visit there soooo much. Thank you for sharing your vacation with us. Daddy didn't believe that you really went so we're going to make sure to show him these pictures. hee hee I can't believe you had to stay in your bag for 9 whole hours with no foods. You are very, very brave.
I can't wait to see more pictures.
Asta, we are sooooo glad you're back! All your pictures are gorgeous and it looks like you had a fabulous time! We can't wait to see more photos!
Poppy & Penny
woofies and burfs asta, we iz sooo happy u back...glad u had a pawsome time..we loved da picturs...only fing iz, how did u stay in u bag fur nine hours....I, rocky wooda went nuts...keep dose picturs coming...dey r bute ti ful...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
C'est magnifique Asta ! J'ai surtout retenu la glace pistache....la meilleure au monde !!! Bisous, Faya
what great pictures. We can't wait to see more.
You need your own show on the Travel Channel! You're an excellent tour guide.
Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
Pee Ess...you Mom likes those stinky smokey sticks too???? Yuck! Our Mom and Dad *both* like them and we all think they are GROSS!!
Asta-ooh you got to really go to Rome! What fun! Did you smell lots of neat smells? Did you get to go to any dog toy stores? Mom said she remembers Rome smelling of history, shoes (she went there with her mama who wanted to go to every shoe store) and really good food. We are anxious to hear about the rest of your trip.
How wonderful! Love your pictures, Asta sissy. You were very good to stay quiet in the plane for so long, and in a bag too..
Oh the photos are brilliant. You travel so well Asta. Lucky you didn't have to do a piddle when you were on the plane.
We can't wait for the next instalment on your holiday in Rome.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Sweet Astaroni Bellarina!!
Roman Holiday a la Asta!! I LOVE the photos! Your narrative is so interesting... made me feel like I was right there with you.
You did SO WELL in your bag. I don't think there's a bag or seat on an aireplane big enough to accomodate me, so I will have to have my international adventures through you!
I agree. You need your own show on the Travel Channel. Seriously. You guys should pitch the idea to the network. It could be all about dog/pet-friendly travel spots, and they would pay you and your parents to go all over the world!
Think about it.
Goober love & smooches of relief that you're back,
What an awesome first day you had, Asta! We think you deserve a medal for staying in a bag under your mom's seat quiet as a church mouse! We can't wait to hear more adventures in Rome!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great pictures, Asta! Boy, that ice cream looked wonderful!
Keep 'em coming!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hi, Asta!
I am going to know Rome through your posts!
9 hours in the plane?? Wow! Sure you were a good girl!
That ice cream looks delicious! You had a great view from your room!
I will be waiting for more!
Kisses and hugs
Rome is beautiful. I am sure you had a pawsome time there!
Oh we are in heaven looking at these pictures and so is PL2(she was in Italy for 3 months once a long time ago) BUT the real question is..........NO TRANQUILIZER?????How did you do it?? 9 HOURS .....AND NOT ONE PEEP????It must have been the corn thing...we will HAVE to get some of those(what are they???) WE MISSED YOU!!! Love A+A
Oh Asta! What a wonderful Roman Holiday you had! All those pictures are the exact same pictures my mom & dad took when they were in Rome 6 months ago! I wish I could have gone with them..maybe you can plan a trip & take all of us back with you...since you know all the roman doggies now & we'd be able to get into the finest of churches...I wonder if Stan has any connections to the Vatican..then he'd let us in his big Church...
Love & Licks,
wow all of that in ONE day?! Mom was drooling over those fresh veggies, especially the beautiful tomatoes! We sure are jealous. Imagine how OLD the stuff is you are peeing on! What kind of peemails did you read, were they in italian?? We just got a gelato place here that is run by two nice italian folks, they get the pistachios for their pistachio gelato straight from Italy, Mom LOVES it!
What an adventure you had!!!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a pawsome adventure you had, Was the plane trip scary? You sure are brave..
~ Girl girl
How can you say we maybe get sick of the pictures -- are you crazy...? They are beautiful!! It is so GREAT you went all the way to Rome with your parents! And... also reading your comments with the pictures (always) makes me (and my typist) smile... :-)
What a glorious journey!!! Thank you for showing us all the pictures - we LOVE it!!! Next time we want to come along, hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Now get over your jetlag so you are ready for our blogoversary party! And don't forget to get your raffle ticket!!!
Oh, I am so going to enjoy your Italy postings. I loved all the photos. You're quite the jet setter now aren't you!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Aw, Asta fren! I'm so stink N happy you are back!!! I missed you and your funnies and smoochies. Thanks for the gelato, though. We're still trying to get it all off the comsnooter.
Can't wait to see ALL of your other photos, you cosmo girl, you!
Gooby love & kissaroonies,
I misto you. Tu est bella in you Orangina leado e collaro in a Roma. Mama mia, my collaro e leado looksa justa lika yourso. Va bene, bene.
Waggo, Eric x x
Hi, Asta -
We are glad you are back from Rome. Mama showed me (Hershey) the pictures of your trip. It looks like you had tons of fun.
We can't wait to see more pictures and your adventures.
Love -
Hi, Asta -
Welcome back. We missed you!
Love -
Asta, we missed you so much! That pretty girl blowing you kisses had to be Tatum! She told us that she saw you there!!!
We LOVE seeing your pictures. You are such a world traveler!!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!!!
COOL! no - Super cool!
Those are some awesome pictures! What a fun time you and your mommy and daddy had!
I bet you were the talk of Europe little Asta!!
Can't wait to see more pics!
We gave you an award...check out our blog today!
I'm so jealous. You got to go with your parents and have ice cream.
Simba xx
What a wonderful blog entry. Loved it!! We want lots more please! I too can't believe you was in that bag for 9 hours and didn't protest or try to get our or demand a snack? Wow. I would never make it.
Agree you should have your own travel show - maybe Around the World with Asta on Animal Planet, you make all WFTs so proud, what an ambassador you are!
Mom and Dad are going to NYC tomorrow, but by car to Parkslope to see friends and home again...one day we too will meet!
Welcome back!
PS See my blog for outcome (sort of) of the Laporte trial.
Welcome back, Asta! I can't believe you stayed in that bag for 9 hours on the plane! But it was well worth it; Rome looks beeyootiful! We're you just pooped at the end of the first day? I can't wait to hear more about your trip.
What wonderful photos. We loved the "cane parking" and we also loved the sappy photo of your Mom. We truly understand that kind of happy.
Jake and Just Harry
Asta I know you are probably tired from your trip and I wanted to thank you for stopping by and checking on my mum and Gizmo...you are such a sweet sweet girl. Your mums hair looked wonderful in that one picture in Rome...She looks so happy. Mum updated my blog on Gizmo and so far good news.
Luv you my lil Asta
Asta I know you are probably tired from your trip and I wanted to thank you for stopping by and checking on my mum and Gizmo...you are such a sweet sweet girl. Your mums hair looked wonderful in that one picture in Rome...She looks so happy. Mum updated my blog on Gizmo and so far good news.
Luv you my lil Asta
Asta I know you are probably tired from your trip and I wanted to thank you for stopping by and checking on my mum and Gizmo...you are such a sweet sweet girl. Your mums hair looked wonderful in that one picture in Rome...She looks so happy. Mum updated my blog on Gizmo and so far good news.
Luv you my lil Asta
I am sorry I didn't mean for that to post three times....I got crazy with the clicker...lol
Love it, love it love it!
Rome is my fav. European city.
Argh! The memories...
You're going to make me weep now!
Love, pats & pets
Wow Asta. Did you fly over Gibraltar?
I didn't realise you were going to Rome I was confused and thought you were going to stay with Myrna at Auntie Karen's.
Mistress likes Rome (mistress likes most places if they are old....like her hehe)
She also thinks she owes you a thank you for the recipe email too.
Good to see you back.
OMD Asta...how exciting! First I can't believe you stayed quite for 9 hrs in a little bag like that. I don't think I could have done that!!! And all those pictures - WOW!!! I can't wait to read more!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow - Asta what a fabulous trip you had! You were so cool travelling in that bag all the way to Rome.
The photos are wonderful and we look forward to reading and seeing your whole trip.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets +2
hmmmm wonder if we could get those travel bags to fit us???
Wowee Asta! It looks like you are havign such an amazing time! We are so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Hey Asta, I don't know how you managed 9 hours in that bag! I think I would have lasted about 5 minutes before I barked the plane down! Well, actually I don't even think I would FIT in that bag in the first place! Your photos are lovely, and I look forward to seeing more... Jx
Wow Asta!!
No wonder you sound so happy!! That trip looks amazing!! The pics are great!!
We can't believe you were in that bag fur 9 hours!! We could never stay quiet and still there!! You are amazing! And yummy!! You got to try gelatos?!? Lucky!!
Can't wait to see more!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
is the parking lot safe? did they mentioned "park at your own risk"?
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