My fwiendz,...pleez don't be upset if I don't answew you ..wight away..Mommi is sick..she has a fevew and is dizzy and has Di Rea, and othew yucky's pwobably fwom withdwawel of vacation, hehehe, anyway..she can't wite without falling ovew fow too long, so don't think I've fowgottn you ow anything like that pleez
love and smoochie kisses
sign by Butchy and Snickers
love and smoochie kisses

Hi Evewyone..It's Myrna hewe..
Asta has one mowe day of hew twip to tel you about, but she let me intewwupt fow Wheeley hewe goes..
I'm finally weunited wif my sissy Asta and my pawents...I had the most wondewful time at my auntie Kawen's while they wewe in Wome......Geowges, Stewawt and Snowy wewe so vewy sweet to me . It twuly was wondewful, but now I was weady to welcome Asta home....Asta has one mowe day of hew twip to tel you about, but she let me intewwupt fow Wheeley hewe goes..
Asta gave me lots of smoochie kisses..(she moves so fast, you can't get an unbluwwy pictoowe)

I wondew if she's welated to any of my wheeley fwiends??

Do you think he will like me dwiving up to see him???
I suwe hope so.
Myrna, you look absolutely smashing in that scarf. We are waiting for Asta to arrive. She said she would visit us on Wednesday. Is she driving the Ferrari?
Hi Myrna! That scarf looks good on you. You are very lucky to get to sample some of the delicious gelato.
woofies and burfs ms myrna..u lookies sooo purdy in u scarf...i nos u glad asta and u mommi and daddi iz home...auntie karwen iz lots of fun..
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
What a gorgeous scarf Myrna! You are a smashing Diva.
If you come to Pixburgh...make sure you stop & see ME!
Wheelie Wednesday wocks! I mean, rocks!
Love the scarf, Myrna! You'll be quite a sight flying down the highway in your/Asta's new red Fewwawi with that beautiful scarf blowing in the breeze! That certain someone will be speechless!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a sweet homecoming for you. Asta is such a sweetie and you two seem to get along so well.
That is like the coolest car ever...I am sure the hansome airedale will be very glad you drove up to see him....
Hi, Myrna -
Kaci and I (Hershey) are glad that you had a good time with your Aunt Karen and family.
We bet you really missed Asta and your Mommi and Daddi. That scarf looks pawsome on you and your Mommi has really good taste in scarves.
That Ferrari looks like it could be a race car. Mama likes the color - it matches my collar.
Did you like the gelato? I (Hershey) get to eat Frosty Paws - ice cream just for dogs.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi, Myrna -
We missed you and are glad you enjoyed being at Aunt Karen's house. The snow is finally melting in New Hampshire. I forget what the grass looks like.
Love -
OMDOG we hope your Mom feels better soon! I would hate if she has to go to the doctor and get poked and stabbed!
Myrna you are so cute!!
Hi, Myrna!
I really hope your mom is feeling better now!
You look great with your scarf! Sure the gelato was yummy!
Kisses and hugs
Hector here,
you are one smokin hot wheelie!
Oh it I of whom you speak?? Could I dare hope? Oh, my sweet girl...I would be estatic if you came to visit me!!!!
Ah Heck Myrna...I can't talk like that'd be fab if you could wheel on over here...the dogs are beggin' ya to bring Asta...and stop and pick up Koobie on the way...
Barkin' at ya...huge aire kisses
PeeESS Lacie wants to know if Asta had given ur mom some nourishin' broth and tea? We hope she's feelin' lots better tomorrow...mumsie works tomorrow...she'll call her on Friday
hi Myrna, that's the coolest ferrarri. we hope you can drive it all over the place. maybe you and Asta can go on an adventure - back to Rome for more gelato. hee hee. you look lovely in your new scarf and we like that picture that Asta bought for you. it's very pretty.
Oh no!! Don't tell me that your Mommi is sick. We hope that whatever she has, it goes away soon and she feels better.
You look great in your new scarf, Myrna. I especially like the red & sign.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Crikey Asta, we hope your mum is feeling better soon. Maybe she had gelato overload......
Myrna you look smashing in the scarf. We're so glad you had a good time at Auntie Karens place.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Myrna, love your scarf looking, beautiful!!!
My mommy's terribly sick too! She's coughing & coughing like a disgusting monster, spreading germs everywhere! Hope your mom & my mommy will get better as soon as possible. Btw, that scarf looks good on you!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Myrna , You look pretty in that scarf.
How pawsome of Asta to get a Ferrari. I wonder if she wants to go speed racing with me. :)
~ Girl girl
Hi, Asta -
How awful that your Mommi is sick -maybe she is not used to eating American food after all of that wonderful food you all had in Italy. I am sure you will take really good care of her.
We hope she gets better soon!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
With that scarf on, you are quite the beautiful urbanista yourself Myrna!!
I hope mommie gets to feeling better soon.
Myrna, we hope that your Mommy feels better soon!
You look fabulous in your scarf! What a nice welcome home party!
When does that wonderful car arrive! We want to ride in it too!
Myrna, you are so pretty in your new scarf, and what a lucky wheelie getting gelato!!
Please give your Mommy get well soon snuggles and kisses from me, very very gentle ones.
love to you all..
Ben xxxxx
Hey, Myrna Girl!
I see you are a fashionista just like your sissy, Asta! You look MAHvelous, darling, and you sure know how to accessorize. (You know what they say... accessories are the key to fashion.)
Thank you for welcoming my Asta home. You're such a thoughtful girl. And YES, I think ASta will let you borrow her Ferrari, and YES I think that Pittsburgh wheelie Aireboy will DEFINITELY want to see you.
Goober love & smooches,
I am sorry to hear that the mom of your house is ill. It is nice that you had company to keep you busy and do all kind of fun things with. Give your mom lots of licks and that will make her feel better soon.
Wow, Di Rea.....That sounds serious!!! I sure hope she will be okay. I would make her go to bed and then you can lay down beside her and cuddle and she will be healed in no time.....
That scarf is so you. Remember do not drink and drive.
Oh dear, I hope your mom feels better soon. Put on your nursing cap and wheel her meds to her and take good care of her.
You look very sofisticated in your scarf, Myrna --- and the car is fabulous. It looks like you have fun times ahead of you!
Love the scarf Myrna....very chic and trendy....And it looks like Asta is going to have a swell time in that new the color and style....drop by our place when you get to the Burgh, will ya?
It's good to be back home again except for no big yard here....
Dewey Dewster here......
Don't you look chick. Martini's all round.
Simba xx
I want that car.
What a BEAUTIFUL cocktail shaker!! Is it yours, Asta, or does it belong to your mum? You said she was dizzy...hmmmm. I do hope she feels better soon. Your pictures are so cute!
licks & slobbers
Sibe vibes to your mommy!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Hey Myrna, I still haven't let the wheely gang take over my blog on Wheely Wednesday. Don't want them getting too big for their boots. Maybe I'll think about it... J x
Hey Myrna,
I like your new scarf, it's very chic. I am sure a certain Airewheelie Boy will like it too!
Have a great weekend!
Dearest Asta,
We are sorry to hear that your mum's sick. Hope she gets well soon & will be looking forward to hearing more of your adventures!
Mango & Party
P.S. We can hardly believe when you said that your mum is older than Party; we all thought she looks like she is almost half his (human) age! Wow! Do you think it is the gelato ice-cream? We will need to convince mum for some it too!
That little model in the store window looks an awful lot like Peaches, who lives with us and Autumn, who lives with Maggie & Mitch. They might all be related! How nice that Asta let you have a taste of the gelato! We hope your mommi is feeling better VERY soon!
Poppy & Penny
Hi Asta and Asta's mummy.
Hope your mum is feeling better. Just wanted to tell you to have a most wonderful weekend and I will bark at you next week.
Paw hugs and kisses
Me luvs you
A red Ferrari for you Myrna - this is so awesome!!!
We will purr for your Mom to be better real soon!
Hi Myrna!!
Ooohh!! That Ferrari looks pawsome!! And we bet you'd look great in it!
Please tell your mommy we hope she gets better! Our mommy was sick too, in fact a lot of people have been getting sick or having allergies...
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
We hope your Mom is feeling better, we haven't heard from you in a while and we are worried!
Hope your Momma is feeling better Asta! Come check out my baby sister! She is hairless! Ahhh!
Love, Herc
Hope your Momma is feeling better Asta! Come check out my baby sister! She is hairless! Ahhh!
Love, Herc
Hope your Momma is feeling better Asta! Come check out my baby sister! She is hairless! Ahhh!
Love, Herc
We hope your mom is much better now. Please give her kisses for us.
Myrna, you look beautiful in the scarf :)
Boy n Baby
Hi Asta!
Thanks fur saying yes to coming to Kena's surprise pawty! Ask Myrna if she wants to come too! Anyone can come!
And we're praying fur your mommy to feel better!
Wags and licks,
You look gawgeous in that scard, and that car is pawsome, when Asta lets use go to Pissburgh picks me ups on the way pease, I would love to go crusin withs use.
Take good care of Mommi and gives her lotsa chicken soups and maybes some Pepto. Hope she is wellest weal soon.
Opal, Pearl & Nanny
Oh dear! Hope your Mumma is getting better!
Daddy isn't well at the moment. He has a snotty nose and feels hot and dizzy and wheezy.
That Ferrari looks great! Mom's always threatening to make me learn to drive so I can drive HER around, but my feet won't reach the pedals. I bet that car would be just my size, but watch -- then Mom would say she can't fit in the car. Picky picky!
(hope your Mom feels better soon)
Oh no, I can see that your mom still isn't feeling good. I am so sorry. Give her lots of licks and that will make her feel better.
Hey Asta!
Come see my new vid!!!
you lead the most extravagant life!
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