waiting fow the hot milk and espwesso and cownetti(like cwoissants..only even bettew!)

this is a little fountain on the woof top deck

wight next to us is a chuwch and we can heaw the pwetty bells

we went down to see what it looks like..
this is the couwtyawd of the chuwch..
just look at those faboolous columns and colows..Mommi was getting all inspiwed

all ovew the wall thewew awe tablets set in..they awe vewy, vewy old(oldew than even my pawents)

I peeked into the chuwch..it's all silent and peaceful, and I love the way the light comes in

then Daddi and I scoped out the cownew flowew stand(we had a plan fow the fifth)

Well Ciao little cane
we checked each othew out

I told him all about NY..he was amazed

This is a covewed gallewia..thewe awe shops and places to have coffee and snackses..it's awound the cownew fwom us on the
Via del Cowso
We poked ouw noses in evewy couwtyawd...thewe's something bootiful awound evewy cownew

we wound up on the
Piazza diSpagna...this was just fifteen minutes walk fwom ouw hotel..it's vewy famous ,and bootiful, but I pwefew places wif less touwists(I knowI'm one too, but I want to heaw Italian, not English when I'm in Wome)...so we quickly left fow less twaveled stweets

These little kiosks sell papews and magzazines, and postcawds and stuff

Thewe were lots of cyclamen in tubs evewywhewe..they must like Woman climate Mommi said

We went to see the
Chiesa Del Gesu ..it's one of the pwettiest chuwches..but Daddi and I stayed outside and just wested and talked while Mommi went in..she lit candles fow all my fuwwfwiends who awe sick ow lost and I suwe hope someone is listening to my pwayews.

They suwe have lots of mawble in Wome...can you believe those colows???
It was time fow lunch again(we ate all the time!!!!)
I waited patiently fow a table

finally I could west my paws...I walked about 6-7 houws a day...Mommi and Daddi shawed theiw lunch wif me(I ate avewything, and nevew had Di -Wea.ow fwow up ow anything..I think my tummy likes italian food)

mowe walking, heheheh..I love all the balconies and flowews and stuff

finally ..my favowite time of day...GELATO TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was ouw favowite Gelato place..it's called
Giolitti's...we had about thwee diffewent flavows evewy day...today..it was fwagola, champagne, and nocce( stwawbewwy, champagne and walmut)...as you can see..Mommi is as much in love wif Gelato as I am

While thewe I had a nice talk wif a little cutie dachshund..I asked if he knew Lorenza, but he didn't..his loss

slowly we wound ouw way home......latew , aftew a nap we went out again...but I have no mowe pictoowes fwom that day

tomowwow , you'll see my picttowes fwom my twip to Bologna and Ravenna..whewe I went to meet my Cat fwiends Opus and Roscoe, and theiw pawents..oh and to see some mosaics too
Wow Asta, you were so lucky to be able to go to Rome with your pawents. You have the coolest parents around. Your mum lighting the candle in the church for all the sick fur kids, I know is what made Gizmo better, kiss your mum for me and give her a big paw hug. Those pictures are just glorious and my mum and I love them. I am so happy that you got to go to rome and met some other fur kids over there. I bet the ice cream was delicious!!!
That was really nice that you got to meet some other doggies in Rome! The gelato looks very yummy! Thank your mommi for lighting the candles for all the sick and missing furkids! We can't wait to see more pictures!
Poppy & Penny
Awesome pictures, Asta! You sure did a lot of walking. I bet you slept good at night. I think Italian food would make my tummy happy, too.
Your pal,
Great pictures, Asta! Rome is really beautiful and I am so happy that your are sharing your trip with us. What an experience for a doggie!
Tell me, do the Roman dogs bark with an accent? Did they think that you sounded funny?
I bet your pawrents had as much fun as you did.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Asta...you should be a travel corespondent...you have the talent! I can't wait for more!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
woofies and burfs asta..wow watt a trip ur havin...love all dose picturs...me never been to wome...and angel lacylulu says fank u fur liting candle fur all da sick and lost furkids..mayb dey will git founded and better soon...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
How wonderful of your Mom to light candles for all the sick and missing fur-kids. She is an angel, give her a kiss from me. I just love all these wonderful photographs you are showing us.. more! more! Maybe then I can convince Mum to take me to Rome (I can see she is tempted when she is reading about your trip!)
Lots of love,
Ben xxxx
There sure are a lot of really beautiful things in Rome! I almost feel like I was there. And I cannot wait to see when you got to meet Opus and Roscoe!
ps: Is it Gelato time yet?
Hello Asta
We are really enjoying the Chronicles of your visit to Rome. You are so lucky to have had the oppportunity to visit and taste all the scrummy Italain food.
Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip.
Molly and Taffy
OH Mistress can't wait for your Wavenna post. Or at least I think that is what you meant.:)
She loved the mosaics at Ravenna and can bore the socks off everyone about them.
Asta!! thank you for the beautiful pictures of Rome. My mama has just also returned from Europe. Your mommi and mine must of missed each other by just a few days!!! My mama stayed by Campo di Fiori and had pistachio gelato at Giolitti's every other night!!!
She has still not uploaded her pics yet, but seeing yours are bringing it all back!!! Thank you sooo much!
Tofu Burger... I'll have to update my blog too oops!
You had such a great time in Rome! The pictures are beautiful - how can I get tired of seeing them, sissy? The gelato looks very YUMMY. I don't like it much but SS loves it.
Can't wait to see the next lot when you meet Opus and Roscoe and their mom.
WOOO!!! That sure is some yummy looking Gelato!!! I LOVED seeing all of your photos!!!
Looks like you had a very exciting trip!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Bella Bella Astaroni Dolcepea!
SERIOUSLY! You need your own travel show. Your travel narrative is the BEST I've ever read. I feel like I'm right there with you (except for my inability to smooch you at will)!!!
Ahhh. The gelato break! Your mommi & daddi are obviously attentive to your primary needs... even while on vacation. Nothing tastes better, I bet, than that cool creamy goodness when you've been walking the streets of Rome all day. And, it looks like your mommi & daddi share right from their own cones. (My girl does that too and all the other hoomans say "Eww, GROSS!" We don't care, though.)
Bring on the next installment, girlie! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Goober love & gelato smooches,
What beeyoootiful pictures! This is a trip you'll never forget!
Asta...ur mom looks like she's in her 20's in that pic with her eatin' the gelato...it must be very nourishin' and maybe it exfoliates when ya get it on ur face????? Mumsie's gonna run out and buy some of it and use it as a mask to sleep in!!!
Those churches are beautiful...I'm so glad she lit some candles for everyone. I know it will help with our lost or sick friends!
You walked 6 hours a day??? Oh Asta...u need to do a hot soak with peppermint for ur tootsies. You and ur mom get in your tub and soak all that walkin' away! You must have NO nails left silly girl...how are ya gonna paint em?
Oh...and tell Stan that Mumsie shares ice cream with me and Babystan. Scruffy...er NO. She has some pride and his hygenic habits leave something to be desired.
We'll look at the rest of ur bloggie tomorrow...mumsie's feet hurt and I have to to some reflexology for her....she worked today...sigh...
Love ya girl!!!
Hi, Asta!
Glad you liked italian food! But sure the best is the ice cream! Those flavors your mom chose sound delicious!
You were walking 7 hours?? That is a lot! But, it worth it, right?? You went to very nice places!
Kisses and hugs
Asta et molto bello!!!
You must know every inch of Rome with all that walking you did but we think the best part is trying all the yummy Italian food...
Oh I'm right at the moment for nursing care but I'm having my stitches out on Monday so I'll give you a burl if there are comlications. Thanks matie.
Hugs and tail wags
Hi Asta, you actually went to Rome! I can't believe it. You lucky, lucky doggie! What beautiful pictures! I am soooooo envious, couped up in my dark little house with my SMS busy working and studying all the time.
Mom loves church bells a whole lot. I can see why your Mom could get so inspired there. I don't really know what marble is but it sure is pretty. You are the luckiest dog to go there! I can't believe there is an entire town made of bologna!!
woofies and burfs ms asta..angel lacylulu misses u verwy much too, but u gots a whole bunch of years left down here...and she can wait on u..she havin a verwy pawsome time, playin wiff everdog, hammie and kitty..heehee me, rocky sneeps like dat most of da time...mama beed trying to download a video of me treein squeerls but blogger not being nice...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
This is so much fun, Asta! We feel like we're on the trip right there with you and your mommi and daddy!
(Only we missed you too much while you were gone.)
wags from the whippets
Your trip isn't over yet? Incredible!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
OMD...those gelato's sound just soooo daleicious!
We thing we really need to go to Rome!
Fabulous photos thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets +2
There seems to a lot of eating going on on this trip. The weather looks really good.
Simba x
What a magnificent spot, Asta! Only the best for you, right! We're so jealous that you got real Italian gelatto! yummmmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are so lucky to be able to travel to strange and exotic places with your parents. Sounds like they have most excellent foodies in Italy!
Hi, Asta & Mommi -
Thanks for your comment on our blog about ASPCA Day. Papa has to wear an orange apron every day when he is at work. He supported ASPCA and didn't even know it! Mama has a Mets T-shirt and wore it that day.
Mama loves croissants so I (Hershey) think that she will love the cornetti.
We are enjoying your adventures in Rome and you are right about that doxie not knowing Lorenza - definitely his loss and certainly not as cute as she is!
Your prayers (and Mommi's) for the missing and sick furkids must have worked - Deetz has some good news about Gizmo.
Have a good weekend!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi, Asta -
I'm so glad you and your family had a great trip and are home.
Love -
Hi, Asta -
Kaci and I had fun at your welcome home party. Please don't tell Mama that I took part throwing water balloons. I (Hershey) get into enough trouble eating dirt and rocks.
Mama even tried to get a picture of me sleeping but I never stay still long enough for that hahaha!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi, Asta -
Hope you liked the pawtinis!
Love -
Good Morning Asta! We are loving your pictures from your trip. You met some nice woofies!
Oh what lovely pictures. Mom says she missed the windows they had in their German apt. They opened up like that also.
Hi Asta, what lovely pictures, it looks beautiful in Rome! We didnt know that doggies could go there and back so easily.. we though that customs would be strict?
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Hey Asta, mmmm, gelato! I hope you got to eat some every day! That would make for the pawfect holiday! J x
What wonderful pictures. We are looking forward to seeing more.
Well,that is the beauty of being on vacation!! You walk all day so you can eat like a little piggy!!!!! AND this is what we think...you should tell your PL that you have to eat Italian food ALL THE TIME now since you tolerated it so well!! Espeacialy the gelato!! Mmmmmmmmmmm Love A+A
Hey did thoze doggys speek Inglish or do yu speek Italian?
That foto whare yu talk abowt the flowers an balconys an stuff- that big grween tree in the bak at the rite- I think it looks a bit like Stanley or Harry. Hehehee. Do yu see? It is defnitly fox terrier shayped. Heheheehe.
Asta, these pictures are beautiful. I'm so glad you brought back these wonderful pictures to share with us. Motch is a coffeeholic and was dying for some espresso with hot milk that you had on your terrace to begin your day.
And the ice cream, 3 times a day...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Thata wasa a greata touro of a Roma. Es bella non? Almosto as Asta!
Wiry wags n kisses
Eric x
Our mouths are open!! OMD Asta! You sure are one lucky doggie!! More gelato, great views, beautiful churches, and new doggie furriends... who could ask fur more?
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
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