They sell all kinds of foods and clothes and stuff in a mawket that is not touwisty at all

We loved all the bootiful vegebals and fishes

then walked awound and found one of the most famous delis in the awea..called Volpetti

I wanted to eat all the cheeses wight then and thewe

and then the salumewie....look at all the yummie sausages......the pwices wewe like going to Dean and Deluca in NY(vewy expensive fow hoomans wif wowfless dollaws)

It was a bootiful day, so we just walked and walked

I met this cute wiwy dachsie..he was stawtled at fiwst

but aftew a few smoochies we came to be fwiends

on the way walking back to ouw own neighbowhood again

I love the twees in Wome

these pictoowes wewe fwom the bus..that's why they'we wonky

back to ouw favowite lunch place..Mommi and I had Fettucine all'awabiata

this is sooo gweat

Mommi and Daddi always had to have an espwesso macchiato...I didn't

I went back to the hotel fow a nap, while My pawents went to the GalleriaDoria Pamphilj

It was a pwivate Villa , and the pwesent Pwince still lives on the top floow...They had a pope in the family among othew things, and have most of the paintews of the Wenaissance wepwesented in theiw colection..you'we not supposed to take pictoowes, but Mommi is disobbediant always hehehehe...she thought the cwib in the above pictoowe would be gweat fow Hewc's new baby sissy

This is the couwtyawd of the Gallewie

They came back fow me and we went walking awound some mowe

Isn't the wystewia bootiful?

time to stop fow an aftewnoon cocktail, hehehe(thewe's always eatables wif that)

when is it coming Daddi?

Ah finally...I like the little smoked salmon samiches and the mini pizzas

evewyone is just walking awound enjoying the day

this doggie was sniffing the aiw

my vewy last Gealato in Wome...boooo hoooooo hoooooo

Mommi and Daddi went back to the westauwant they loved fwom the fiwst day fow theiw last dinnew

The next mowning I didn't want to get up, cause it meant going home and the end of ouw vacation

It was weally eawly in the mowning...the lights wewe still on in the baws and caffes

Mommi went up to the woof to look awound a last time

All ouw days had been pawfect, but on the day we left, it got cloudy and thweatened wain

We had ouw last bweakfast inside in the bweakfast woom of the hotel...what a wondewful twip !!!
We wewe so lucky...evewyone was nice to us..the weathew was pawfect..We wewe vewy happy!

I hope someday I can twavel again..I feel so lucky that I was able to go wif my pawents, and it wowked so bootifully, that if they evew have the money to go somewhewe again I'm suwe I can go along...thank you fow shawing my twip..it was fun to wemembew all the gweat times I had.
Asta, my DolcePea!
You can win ANY doggie over with those famous smoochie kisses of yours. That little wirey Dachsie found out just how lucky he was to run into you!
How did you keep from gobbling up all that cheese & salami? I'd still be there gorging myself probably.
The photo of you having your last gelato was heartbreaking. I'm still trying to recover from seeing it, knowing how much that gelato has come to mean to you.
Thank you for sharing all your photos and your adventures with us. Maybe someday we'll get to go on an adventure like this together!!
Goober love & gelato breath smooches,
We enjoyed every single photo from your trip, thank you for sharing them. It was like we got to be there with you guys. We felt sad looking at the pictures of your last day since you enjoyed it so much, but you sure did have a great experience!!
Hi, Asta!
Glad to hear that your mom is feeling a little better!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I am sure you will go to another great trip soon!
Kisses and hugs
woofies and burfs asta, iz sad ur trip had to come to a end..shure enjoyed all u picturs..and glad u had a pawtastic time in wome...happy u mama iz feelin better too...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
Asta, that market is cheese heaven....hmmmm so many to choose from.
So many beautiful sights. My pinkies should go there one day. Of course there is no hope in hell we'll get to go with them. Boo hoo.
Thanks so much for the wonderful tour of Rome. We enjoyed every minute.
We hope you mum is on the mend. Dale kisses to her.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pictures with us! It looks like you had a fabulous vacation, and my Mommie wishes she could go there, too.
Hello Asta!
I have had a hard time opening your blog in Firefox but I can do it now in Safari. Thank goodness because I love your Rome pictures! Much better than the HBO series Rome, I have to say. That cheese! That salami! That fettucine!
My ma ape says that all the things your 'rents went to looks so beautiful and I agree--the cafes! The lunch place!
My mom thought she had died and gone to heaven when she saw a picture of that deli!! She adores a good deli and there is not one to be found anywhere near us!
I bet that little furry weener dog is missing you!
I am glad your mom is feeling better today!
Thanks for sharing your days in beautiful Rome. Glad to hear that Mommi is feeling a little better. We miss you!!!!
We second all the comments above, and have really enjoyed your trip, even if only vicariously. Now you have muzzer worrying about whether there are going to be good delicatessens in Mayemphissss. I told her not to worry. She knows lots of good ones in St. Loulis and it is not as far as Rome!
AND we are super glad your Mommi is feeling better. Nasty flus
Oh all those markets! I'd love to live in Rome.
hi Asta, we're so glad your mommi is better now and we're happy to hear from you too!
your trip sounds so wonderful and the pictures are amazing. our mom has always wanted to go to Italy, but she says she won't go anywhere without us. we are all happy to stay home as our big happy family and see your pictures. it's almost like seeing it in person, but not quite.
we're happy to hear from you. we hope your mommi is gonna be well now and healthy. you probably gave her a lot of licks to make her feel better. we bet Myrna licked her too, huh?!
Asta, thank you, use Mommi & Daddi for sharing your vacakeshun with us all the photos were just pawsome and so educational, sorry use can't have any more Gelatto but just remeber all that use had in Woam. Sooo happy Mommi is feeling better.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
We are so happy your Mom is feeling better...We second all the opinions above...We feel like we were right there with you...We will never get to go anywhere..Pl2 had a little party and we were so naughty(hee hee_ and that was in our house!!!!!!!) Ciaou Bella...Love A+A
All of that food made me suddenly very hungry!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
We are happy your mom is feeling better. It must have been scary when she was falling over. She could have fallen over on you.
The trip was lovely, even if it was second-hand. We are amazed at all the places they were able to take you, Asta. Rome must be a fun place to visit.
We hope you don't get sick now.
asta, please give kisses to your mommi for me. i don't like sick human, it makes me sick too.
wet wet licks
We sure hope your mommi is feeling much better! Your trip was just magical. Our horrid servants are going to Italy this fall and they are NOT taking us. Imagine. We're at least glad we got to see it through your eyes.
wags from the whippets
I can't believe you're still on the trip! WOW!!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh sweet Asta, the pic of you with the gelato is soooo adorable!
Hope your mommy feels better soon.
Hey Asta, it certainly looks like you all had a GREAT holiday. J1 thinks you must be SOOOOO well behaved because they would never be able to leave me ALONE in a hotel room in case I
a) Barked the place down
b) Left them a little "present"
c) Escaped or was stolen
d) Or something worse that J1 hasn't even thought of yet!!!!
All the food looked so pawsome. Did you find the arrabiata a little too spicy? I like it, but then I have to drink like a gallon of water! J x
Asta, thank you for sharing your amazing vacation with us. We are happy that your mommy is feeling better! She is sure pretty! Your pictures and comments are wonderful!
We think you need to write a tour guide now!
Hi, Asta -
Thanks for showing us the pictures of your trip. Mama and Papa have never been to Italy.
We are glad your Mommi is feeling better.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I love all the food photos in the blog. It sure looks like a pawsome trip. I hope you get to go somewhere just as nice on your next trip
~ Girl girl
Asta, thank you sooooooooo much for sharing all your wonderful photos and adventures! It made us feel like we were almost there!
We hope your mommi is feeling lots better now!
Poppy & Penny
Quel magnifique voyage. Merci de nous faire découvrir Rome. Ca nous donne envie d'y aller. Ce n'est pas loin de chez moi...
Bisous à tous, Faya
We loved all the photos of your trip. For our Mom, it was like visiting Rome again and for Dogdad, well it made him want to go there too.
We're glad your mommi is feeling better. Take good care of her!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
I am so glad to hear your mummy is feeling better. My mum wasn't feeling well this past weekend, something about cramps. I don't like cramps cuz she is kinda mean when she has them. Daddy said it was best to probably stay away from her so I stayed in the garage with him, he said it was safer.
Your trip looked fabulous!!!
Hi Asta!
OMD! Looks like you had such a great trip. I really enjoyed looking at all of your pictures. Rome is very beautiful!! Thanks for sharing with us.
Love Clover xo
Oh Asta, I'm so glad you and your parents had such wonderful time in Rome. The place looks very dog friendly. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful pictures :D
Boohoo! I'm sad that the trip is over, too. Are you planning your next trip back to Rome, or do you want to go some other place next time?
Thanks again for sharing your trip with me, Asta. I felt like I was right beside you every gealato step of the way!
Wow, me feels so hungry after seeing all that delicious food in the restaurant and on your plates!
Looks like you had the bestest holiday ever!
Cassidy x
Sissy!! We're soooooo envy YOU!! :) Being in Rome, having gelato, pizza, pasta, wine while enjoying bootiful town is like our dream!!! Ohhhhhh.... we would love to go! We're glad you, your mommi & daddy had a wonderful trip.
Momo & Pinot
Man, you must have had a BLAST Asta! I'm so jealous! Thanks for sharing about your wonderful trip! I enjoyed look at all the beautiful pictures, especially the FOOD pictures! Hee hee.
I hope you had a grrrreat weekend!
I would like to thank you for sharing your photo of your trip to Italy. I sure would like to taste that gealato stuff, it sure looks yummy.
We loved sharing your trip to Rome with you. We loved all the picture. It made us feel as if we were right there.
How did you not eat all that great looking food? You would have walked it all off.
Wow Kousin Asta,
Rome was certainly a bootiful place and you are so lucky to have visited there. Myself, I think the gealato was probably the best part of the trip....my chops were a waterin' at that sight...did ya bring any home?
sloppy kisses
Dewey Dewster here.......
What a wonderful trip you had!! You must have some fabulous memories!
Excellent job reporting all your daily activities! You deserve a nice long rest and a nice big gelato!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
What a wonderful fabulous trip, Asta Girl!!!
Thank you so much for sharin' ur pics...we feel like we traveled right along with you...and we had an amazing time too!!!!
Love ya!!
What beautiful pictures! It looks so pretty there in Rome and we are so happy for you that you and your pawents had such a nice time :)We hope your mummy feels better soon
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
You're so lucky to get to go to Rome, Twinny, Because of the quarantine, mum always goes away and leaves me home. At least we have pwetty good gelato hewe.
Love, Asta down under
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