Susan is heartbroken..this is twuly howwible aftew all that Susan has been thwough..

and then I found out that my wriend
Miral who I was pwaying fow went to the Wainbow Bwidge yesterday after being recently diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy. I will miss you, sweet Miral.My sympafies to youw family and especially to my fwiend Ruis
and then I wead the news about the tewwible fiwe that destwoyed the home of
Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, Iris and of their mom, Laura. We awe still waiting to heaw wowd about the fate of Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris, but I am hoping that somehow they wewe able to escape to safety. Hewe is a link to the
news story about the fiwe.
I just heawd the good news that these kitties wewe found and awe now wenited wif theiw Mom

this is vewy impowtant fow evewy fuwwkid!!!
One way you can help keep cats and dogs safer in a fire is with pet rescue window decals that will alert rescue personnel that pets are inside your home. And you can get them
free from the
ASPCA. We are going to order some today.
please cwoss youw paws fow a miwacle fow these little innocent kids!!!!!!!
I m so vewy sad about all this news
so now back to my stowy
We got back fwom Wavenna and dwopped ouw stuff off in the hotel, and got going again
I went out on the tewwace to sniff the aiw and see what the weathew was like

stawted walking awound ouw neighbowhood again

evewywhewe you look thewe awe hoomans sitting awound enjoying themselves..these Woman's know how to live

They use tiny little smawt caws ow nevew see the monstew hooge caws we have hewe..even theiw twucks in the city awe small...we weally liked that

I love the flowewing twees

Mommi only did window shopping..she said the dollaw was wowfless and she didn't have much of even that anyway, hehehe..but we love looking at stuff anyway

I pwefew meeting doggies and contwibooting to intewnational good welations

We went to the Twevi Fountain, cause I had a date to meet Scruffy and babyStan..nobody believed me

Hahahahaha...who has the last laugh now????
Thewe they wewe..I didn't think they meant to meet IN the fountain, but you nevew can tell wif those guys

I told them to come out of the watew and come see some of the sights

we went to the woof of the Hotel's kind of a snazzy hotel wif a gweat view, but they let you go up if you act like you belong and know what you'we doing and of couwse we did

Scwuffy and BabyStan wewn't all that intewested in the sights, they came fow the essentials

I don't know why that old guy is being so wude and stawing at us...hasn't he evew seen tewwiews enjoying gelato????????

my Pawents wanted to keep going and seeing mowe stuff...but babyStan andScruffy just wanted to stay at the gelato place and then they had to go wight home, cause they wewe planning some secwet pawty,

in the late aftewnoon ..evewyone walks awound's called the
passiagiata sit and have a dwink and watch all the people....wif youw dwink, you get all kinds of munchies

we did the sitting awound till it got dawk and then walkied some mowe and found a place to go eat

all these windy stweets all of a sudden get big and thewe is a squawe..always wif westauwants awound

we weally liked this stweet and thewe was a westauwant next to this baw, whewe my pawents wanted to come back to

and guess what we did aftew dinnew, heheheheheheh

a pawfect way to end the day

nighty night
( I suwe hope Scruffy and babyStan got home OK...wasn't that sweet of them to come and suwpwise me???)
First...are we gonna be first? wow!!!!
Asta, we swore you said to meet IN the fountain??? Besides, Stan and I were lookin' for coins to buy gelato with....and we bought mumsie a blown glass was from Venice...we stopped there on the way back!
We had so much fun with ya Girl...seein' the sites of Rome!! I don't understand why that man in the long black robe with the backwards collar chased Stan and me outta the church. We had our baseball hats on, proper like too. And the scene at the Spanish Steps when we stole the car and tried to drive it down the steps...harumph....those cops couldn't even come close to catchin' us....oh least the audience we had with the Pope went well...we spoke to him in German and asked him to pray for not only hoomans with problems, but all animals who need homes or are lost...just like ur candles, Asta.
Glad the Pope has a sense of humor...I had no idea I wasn't supposed to play tuggie of war with his robes. Ooops...
Barkin' at ya, Asta...
Hey Asta's so good to see that none of the gelato has made any impact on the bootiful figure of yours! No wonder Stanny kept staring at you at the pawty!
Those crazy terrier boys...gotta love them and you now know what pawty they were planning - W00T!!!
What great pictures! So did your pawrents take you everywhere or did you stay in the hotel sometimes too?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
There has been a lot of very sad news lately. I am still hoping that Lilly Lu, Iris and Mu Shue will be found safely.
My Mommie thinks the drinks and snacks idea sounds great! And it seems very wonderful to have so many outside places to eat. It looks very romantic there.
Hi Asta,
What a surprise to find Scruffy and Stanley actually in the Trevi Fountain. Did anyone throw a coin at them? Todays gelato flavours look delish. We look forward to more Roman adventures.
We are very sad to hear about Khomet. Poor Susan, what a shock for her. Thanks for telling us we went straight over to pass on our condolences.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
I am so sorry about the loss of your friends and mine, and the missing kitties after that terrible fire at their home. This has been a bad few days. I was made happier when I saw your photos taken in Rome. What a beautiful trip you must have had. I am so glad that Stan got to Italy to meet you. Looks so romantic.
Fancy that meeting up with Scruffy and Stan in Rome! Who would have guessed! We're so glad they got to share gelatto with you and you're right, Asta - that man is rude for staring!
We're so sad to hear about Khomet. Thanks for telling us. We're on our way over there now!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
More lovely photos! All those eating places and gelato - so yummy - just hope your mommi and daddi have high metabolism to burn off all the calories. My SS would probably turn into the Parthenon by now if she were with you in Italy with all that yummy food.
Great News - Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris have been found safe hiding inside the apartment and will be re-united with Mom Laura soon.
Asta, its really sad to heard about Khomet, he is such a lovely boy and we are so worried about Susan as she went thru soooo many things...I hope Susan & the family are fine. We will be thinking of them. and I hope our kitties fren are safe too, those are very meanie fire that took away ppl home.
I read about trip and I can see you really having great time meeting ppl & doggies fren. Thats cool.
Yes, we are saddened by all the bad news too. Khomet and Miral and Laura's kitties all in one weekend.
The only redeeming feature of this weekend is that Laura now has her kitties back. Hooray!
WOW! Congrats on having such an awesome trip! Thanks for posting the pics!
Its really sad to hear about all this upsetting news :(
That look like so much fun, meeting youyr friends for gelato.
Boy n Baby
Wow what a trip! My Mom doesn't take me to nice places like that. She says something about buying my own ticket... hmm.....
We were so far behind in our blogging, that we have just now caught up on your trip. It all sounds very, very exciting. And, meeting Scruffy and babyStan.... How spectacular! The girls and I cannot wait to hear more.
Your Mom looks so pretty with her glasses!! She looks even prettier holding that Gelato! I can't believe anyone doubted that TERRIERS would show up where they said they would. We are nothing but determined!
We love Rome too! We were there last summer, so wonderful! And the Gelato, YUM.
We just added your blog to our blogroll links. We found your site off of Daisy Cat's.
It's nice to meet you Asta.
Gelato!! You had gelato again! Yummy!!
Your photos are really beautiful! You must have had a wonderful time. Especially with the gelato!!
You're right. Womans do know how to live. We can learn a lot from them.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Well when you get very hungry for gelato again, you will just have to come visit us in Paducah, because believe it or not, we have a YUMMY HOME MADE gelato place right here! Honest!
wags from the whippets
That's a few sad news on our furfriends.
You looked like you had a pawsome time in Rome. Scruffy & BabyStan are so nice to go meet up with you. :)
~ Girl girl
We heard about all the terrible news too about our friends & I'm kinda sad today. But I hope you're having a wonderful adventure with your hoomans!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You & your ice-cream, it's a good job you're walking lots Asta!
But that is the way to explore the city.
I too also use to love sitting outside with a wine & people watching.
Am soooo enjoying your travelogue!
Love, pats & pets
PS - AM now off over to Hammers - how sad.
I'm quite ashamed to say that I had to google Gelato! I asked Mum what it was and she just looked at me with a blank expression! Pffft! she should be punished for not introducing enough culture into my life.. I think a suitable punishment would be to feed me lots of Gelato immediatley.. whaddya think Asta?
I was so saddened to hear of Khomets passing, I left a message for Susan, Hammer and family yesterday, glad to hearthat the kitties have been safely found though. Those window decals are a great idea, Mum is going to look if there is anything similar we could order here in the UK.
My prayers to Miral .. may you rest peacefully at the bridge.
Loving reading about your adventures in Rome Asta, beautiful photographs, great stories.. the highlight of my day!
lots of love
Ben xxxx
Hi, Asta -
We are so sorry to hear about Khomet. We went to Hammer's blog and sent our condolences. They have been through so much - this is totally unfair.
We did not know Miral but we know you so we are sending you our condolences.
The gelato your Mommi has in her hand on this post looks really yummy. Mama loves chocolate.
We can't wait to see more pictures.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. Mama and I talked to Kaci and Grammy and they told us that some of the snow is finally gone - there is only about three feet of snow left in the front yard.
Asta ! Ta Mamy elle a pris combien de kilos en vacances ? Et toi ? Toutes ces glaces..... mais vous avez bien raison....
bisous à tous, Faya
Goodness you certainly had a great trip! Scruffy and Stan were IN THE FOUNTAIN! Hahahaha!!!
Great pictures!!!
Oh so much sad news. Mommy's best friend since third grade just emailed her that her Siamese had passed away yesterday (she was 17).
This Monday is worse than most!
Asta, I believe you are becoming a gelatoholic. I know I would!
Hellooooo Asta! wow it's been a long time since i had been around to read blogs, and alot has been happening indeed! yours is the first blog i am reading because i go alphabetically, and it's such a pleasant surprise to see you all the way over in Rome!! wow you managed to sit under your mommy's feet for 9 hours! did you have no trouble arranging the travels? how far ahead did you have to start preparing? did you have to get any shots?
anyhoo, i'm not in sweden, no longer in singapore :) and weather's been kinda erratic here, but i'm settling in well :) it's great to go around and hear what everyone is doing again. i'm sad to hear about the passing of Khomet and Miral, i hope their families find solace and closure soon. and i'm glad no one and no cat got hurt in the fire.
are you back in new york yet? :) hope you have a good rest after all that walking and sightseeing? the gelato is making me and HM drool!
We're very sad about Khomet and Miral...but we are very happy the three kitties are reunited with their hooman! That must have been very scary for all of them!
We just love your pictures, Asta! We are soooo glad you had a good time!
Poppy & Penny
Oh Asta, I am so sorry to hear yor sad news.... beary hugs comin....
but I am glad to see mor ov yor holiday fotoes!
I hav put sum ov mine up today. Com an see- there is wun of a foxy lookin terryer. It looks like Harry or Stanley. Wat do yu think?
Asta get ready soon Opus and Roscoe will be here in the flying van to take us to take us to Karl's party. We will have so much fun.
We are back, and trying very hard to catch up on all my friends. I did so enjoy the trip so far, and hope there are still more installments to come!
These pictures make Motch want to go to Rome, but I highly doubt that she would take me with her.
I'm sorry to hear of your sad news. It is always hard to lose family and friends who mean so much to us.
woofies and burfs Asta...hmm thot we lefted a comment yesterday but i gess mama furgot hard to find good help...we iz verwy sad about Khomet and least a little good came the weekend, they founded Lauras kittys...keep the pawsome picturs coming, lol u iz makin us hungry...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
I read this last night but it wouldn't let me comment. I'm speechless just thinking about all the great people and gelato you got to meet on your trip! Since your mommi and daddi are such jetsetters, you got into some primo spots.
I'm going up now to read your next installment. I'm getting all wiggly just thinking about it.
Goober love & smooches,
Asta ,BabyStan and Scruffy are such BOYS (like me)I wonder why they didn't do the orange p- pee in the Tervi fountain this time?I would have done that for you, he he,our favourite colour!!!!! Did you eat any orange gelato? We could have shared a cone or two.. but even better thanks for sharing your trip. Molto bene. Prego.
Wiry Wags, Eric x x
By the ways, the BOYS travelled back to NYC in the UFO that picked me up(did you see my blog about the Pawty and the one where I sent you a message?)
Hey Asta, sad news about Khomet and your pals.
You certainly packed a lot into your holiday, didn't you? I'm hoping you've got more gelato pics! J x
Our Mom was feeling sad that day. She said she was sorry that our visit with you guys was so short and we all hope that you will come back again soon!
You guys have GREAT taste! Did you know that the gelato shop your Mom is standing in front of is a favorite shop of the locals???? EVERYTIME we go to Rome, our humans make sure they stop in for cone! Did ya just love it?
Looking forward to hearing more!
Opus, Roscoe and the humans
But where the heck was Lacie???Love A+A
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