I weally was in the saddest mood, but I would miss evewyone sooo much if I just gave up. I guess I just have to do the best I can, whenevew Mommi feels well enough to help me...I pwobably can't do as much as I'd like, but as evewyone pointed out, we all have the same pwoblem...so I'm going to keep twying. You awe all wondewful FWIENDZ!!!!!!
My Sissy Momo and My Italian fwiends Opus and Roscoe wewe home alone, theiw pawents had to go away, so they went to visit my sissy Sassy ovew the weekend, but then I said they could all come hewe, and Karl and Ruis joined them....
I wanted them to feel welcome..I don't have any gweat plans, cause Mommi is such a weck, but I hope we have a good time anyway just being togethew.
and then when I got home, I settled in the window to look fow them

Meanwhile it 's stawting to get dawk...I hope they can land
they made it safely, whew..
aftew a little chasy game,
we all got into ouw jammies to have cookies and milk and talk and play and have a welaxing evening at homeaftew a little chasy game,
( I guess Mommi and Daddi will have to sneep on the sofa in the living woom heheheh)
Pajama pawties are always so much fun to put everybody in better moods! We're glad your friends came to visit you, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
asta, i hope your mood is better now..
atleast u have ur friends over for a slumber pawty..
We came by to check on the arrival of your friends. Glad they were able to safely park the flying van.
Since you all hogged the bed, we sure hope your mom & dad slept comfortably on the couch.
Glad to see you had cookies and milk before bed. Too much junk food and Sassy has nightmares.
Hi sweetie Asta & Ami!
It was so lovely to briefly chat with you @ the w/e!
I'm so sorry you, Ami are not feeling well - do take care.
I'm supporting you from afar.
Love, pats & pets
Hi, Asta...
It's sooo nice to see you smiling again...
You are the sweetest doggie friend to everyone...
Enjoy your pajama party...
Abby xxxooo
I am so glad everyone was able to cheer you up, we love hearing from you and going to parties with you, it just wouldn't be the same without you!
Awe, Asta I am so glad you got to have friends over and have cookies and milk...All humans are so busy right now with all the nice weather and from being cooped up inside...I gots newer pictures to make you smile. So many fur babies are entrying the scary eye contest...lol...they are everywhere, scary eye here, scary eye there....lol
I would cry and cry if you left us!!!
woofs asta, us iz sooo happy u back...we wood b lost wiffout u...watt s nice pj pawty u had..its fun when u fends visit..
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu;)
Hey Asta, sounds like you're going to have a lovely evening with your pals. Milk and cookies? Mmmmm! J x
Glad you're feeling better, little furry friend!
wags from the whippets
Hi Asta,
We have seen you around but I think this is the first time we have actually met. It is very nice to hear that Ruiz, Sassy, Siss, Karl, Opus, Roscoe and Momo stopped by. We are also glad to hear that you are now in a better mood.
Anyway, we just wanted to say thanks for stopping by our blog and sending Orange Boy get well wishes. He is doing a little better today. (Full details can be found on our blog, which has now been updated.)
Mum tells me Gizmo's ears always reminded her of bat ears...lol..He is a cute lil guy for sure.
We all just recently moved and all the walls in the new home were white and mum hated it, so she paints, cleans, paints, cleans somemore...its a vishish circle
Woosh..we are glad you are feeling a bit more cheerful...now we just have to work on getting mommi feeling better so you can both enjoy the beautiful springtime.
Hi Asta
We'll we're glad everyone was able to help cheer you up. See matie you've so many friends here you could never be sad for very long...no we just wont allow it hee hee.
You look like you're having a blast with your friends.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey sissy, glad to see that you are a bit happier. What a ride! Great scenery from up there. Opus is such a good driver - he has had a lot of practice since our trip to Ireland.
Hope Mommi feels better soon. We'll try to play quietly and not be in her way. Remember we have a birthday party to go on May 1.
Glad to see that you are feeling better. Does that bus have a cloaking device? I think that is something we should try to work on for them.
You guys have pretty colorful PJ's.
Tell Mommi to get better. She has paintings to do.
Kousin Asta....how nice of you to have friends over...it looks like everyone was having a nice time....to bad your Mom and Dad had to sleep on the sofa but I bet they didn't mind....It's me, Dewey, feelin' a whole lot more like meself, I tell ya...have a great week.
Dewey Dewster in fine form.....
yeah!!! the magic bus brought your friends over! hope you are all having fun...and it's good to see dogs and cats getting along so welL!
Hi, Asta!
It makes me so happy that you are feeling better now! I was so rare because you are the one who always cheers us up!
Glad you had a great pajama party with your friends!
Kisses and hugs
[That's baby Levi saying 'hi.']
Asta it is so nice at your place!!! we hope we can cheer your Mom up a bit - maybe if Sassy sings and the rest of us dances.... And then we should all just relax for a while....
Thank you for having all of us over!!!!
AStaroni FuzzButt!
You ALL have such nice jam jammies! (I see Ruis is in silk, of course.)
I've got to start hanging with the kitties more often. They sure know how to cheer a pup up! And of course, all your dog and hammie friends LOVE you and can't bare to see you sad. I understand, though. It's hard to say no, but as spunky as you are, you can't do EVERYTHING!
Relax with the kits and have a great time. Give goob smooches all around for me.
Goober love & extra juicy smooches,
Hi, Asta -
We like that flying bus. You and your friends sure know how to have a slumber party with cookies and milk. You all have some neat pajamas.
We are glad you are feeling better.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi Asta, glad to know you are feeling better :-) Ooh the slumber party sounds so fun!
Oh Asta...curled up with kitties, friends and milk and cookies...hope ur have fun at the slumber pawty tonight!!
Mumsie put clean sheets on our beds...I wish she'd get me a higher thread count than the boyz...it's not like they care!!!
Hope ur are feelin' better sweet Asta and ur mom too!!
Love and Kissies...ur BFF
I'm glad you are all cheered up & will still continue blogging...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Asta, wish I could come to cheer you up too, i'm glad you are feeling better now. What a fun time, cookies and milk. The flying bus is very cool!!
Amber :)
It so nice of them to come visit you and make your day better. ;)
~ Girl girl
That is so sweet of them.
We hope you are not upset anymore.
Boy n Baby
I'm glad they landed safely, it was getting scary there.
Simba xx
Oh Asta, I am so glad to be at your place with friends. We can not give up, girl! I missed so much more than you....., humans........ But I am going to marry next month and you're on the guest list. So it's time to go after a dress!! (think space, star trek :)
Hiya Asta
It's going to be difficult to get round everypup and remember them all when you are so popular and have so many friends.
Mistress forgets to visit half of my friends and I don't have as many as you.
We didn't even get to the DWB Pawty this year 'cos she claimed she was busy. We went last year, but I was a bit shy because I was sort-of newish and didn't know many pups. Ah well.
What a fun pajama party! They were very brave to drive/fly that bus over the tall buildings!
Wow! What an adventure you are all having! It's so nice to have friends who invite you to visit.
Hi Asta,
I hope you and Mommi are doing better today! Please don't worry about the things that were upsetting you earlier - we all know you are a GREAT friend!! We all love you and your Mommi, so don't forget that!
Love Clover xo
Another party! I'm glad to hear you're back in the swing of things, Asta.
The picture of all of the lights is soooooooooooo pretty! NYC must be a great place to live.
Thank you so much for having us at your place. You showed us such a nice time and it was nice just to kick back and relax after the casting process at CCSI III. As you can see we are ready to head back to our places and I will be at the studio barried in a pile of work.
Thank you to you mommie too, I know she wasn't up to company but still made sure we had our milk and cookies.
See you soon.
Sassy, Momo, Opus, Roscoe, Karl & Ruis
hey Asta, we hope your mommi is going to get better. that was nice of your friends to come visit you. our mom is such a loser and that stops us from doing a lot of parties that we would like to do. she still doesn't know how to put our photos into other pictures. anyway, we're glad you are feeling happier. you can only do what you can do, even though we know you are a super-dog!
Oh dear Asta! My mummy has been the sayme, reelly low an sad. She cuddent eevn log on an help me do my blog. I'm glad yu hav pulld throo. It's frends like yu that keep Mummy goin an keep her comin bak to her blog (an mine too!)
How lukky yu ar to hav all those visitors an wiv cookies too! Mummy hassent been abol to vizit Granny for neerly 6 weeks an she is missin her cats cos they liv wiv Granny. I think this mite be wy she is sad. I'm not shor. She duzz get very low sumtimes....
Nose hugs!
woof's ms asta, it wuz really fun chattin wiff u...mama gits her test results on da 5th...heehee her not use to takin meds to make her sleep and they gived her a ambiem, her been sleepy ever since..check the new pups wednesday when u gits time, me got 2 of 'em...heehee
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu;)
I sure hope your mummy gets to feeling better, Asta. Maybe she just misses all the great food in Rome. I know my mum was really sick with that flu bug forever it seemed and she had no energy.
I am so glad you are feeling a little better pretty Asta! I guess the pj pawty with your buddies did the trick!
I gotta get me a flying bus like that!
Thanks for coming to visit our blog. To answer your questions:
I’m a girl rabbit.
I have a room which I call the Home World, but I roam all over the house looking for mischief to get into. When I need a little privacy, I return to my cage in the Home World for a little while.
I sleep in my room, under the bed which is like a giant cave. It’s really comfy there and I can see everything that’s going on in the hall!
I’m going to add your blog to my bloglist so I can find my way back to your blog and visit you!
We stopped by to see how your mom is feeling today. We hope she is doing better.
You and your friends were good to let your mom rest.
I'm so glad you're not really giving up, Asta! We would miss you terribly, too!
Are you having a pawty with CATS?! You'd better be careful... You never know what those crazy creatures will do...
Oh wow! I hav just fownd the card from yor Arnt Karen!!! Oh WOW! The story waz a bit scary there for a minit! But it was all grayte in the end! WOW! Thank yu so much! This is the best e-card I ever had!
Hey Asta,
It was so nice of your cat friends to come and cheer you up. Pajama pawties are the best!
We have some bootiful spring days coming up, Asta. Get out and have some fun. Smell the flowers, take some pictures, and just enjoy being alive. Dogs are good at that.
Say "Hello" to you Mommi. Best wishes to her, too.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Woo hoo for pawties! How do I get on one of those flying busses!?! I can't wait to get one of my own, then I can come get you and cheer you up at my dog park!
Woohoo for happy Astas!!!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi Asta,
Glad to see tat your mood is etter now.. You got me worried cos you have always been such a sweet and paw-sitive pup. Big hugs to your mommi!!
aaawww my little angel!! I just want to reach through the screen and give you a huge smooch!!
My Mum has a real busy three weeks as My grandma went on vacation so Mum has to take care of my great grandma so she has hardly any time at all to help me with my blog. I miss all my friends so much but i do understand that Mum needs to be with my great grandma right now.
I completely understand how it gets you down though.
Cheer up beautiful one.. love ya!
Ben xxxx
I just don't know what to say I have been a bad fwend, I so sorry use and Mommi are sews upset,but pwease don't ever says use not going to blog what would this world be without use, worse than it alweady is. We wove use sooo mush and are sooo sorry we haven't called, Nanny will try to gets home early tonite and gives use a ring. We are sews sorry
Hugs, bellyrubs,smocchies
I sure hope your mum doesn't still have the di-rea. My mum says it is horribly miserable.
Kissy hugs to you and your mummy!!!
That looks like loads of fun..... we are glad you are feeling better. its so hard to keep up with things when everyone is soo busy.
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