a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Koobuss' gifts

I've been twaveling awound Washington DC wif my kousin Koobuss and hew neighbow Sadie, and ouw giwlfwiends Aggie,Stella and Maggie.....Koobie got hew kaw out of the gawage, and we decided we wanted to go see the chewwy blossoms....Just a giwlie twip...go see Koobuss' bloggie to see what we've been up to

I got a message fwom Mommi to come home cause I had a package...so I excoosed myself and wushed home.....well whewe is it Mommi???
OOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!! Gooodie! Pwesents fow me
These wewe my gifts fow winning the Eastew hat contest in the female categowie of viwtooal hats
Isn't this faboolous??
I weally shouldn't have gotten anything..I had so much fun just being in the contest and seeing evewyone's entwies....but if you insist, hehehehehe
OK I'm not a baby anymowe, but this is the cutest passifiew(ow binky?) I've evew seen..and it squeeks too Mommi was teasing me and wouldn't let go
finally I westled it out of Mommi's clutches, and settled down to a good play
Thewe was also a tennis ball!!!! , a yummie powk chewy!!!..and a silvew doggie book mawk!
Thank you fwom the bottom of my heawt Koobie and aunt Phyllis..fow owganising this gweat contest and fow giving me these cool gifts!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That pacifier squeaky sure is cute. Koobie is so nice to organise the contest and give prizes to the winners. :)

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

What great prizes. Well worth going home for.

Simba x

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh man...you guys were here in D.C. to see the Cherry Blossoms and didn't come to see us? We are BUMMED! We have a cherry tree in our front yard!

Your prizes are great...love that pacifier...looks like fun!

Duke said...

What super nice gifts, Asta! We love the binky! hehehehe
Congratulations on being a winner in the contest!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

No wonder you went rushing home, what wonderful gifts.
Asta, my sissie Willow and our friend Putter are turning 4 next month and they would like your help in organising a joint pawty if that's ok. They thought Lacie and Koobuss could help too. What do you think?

Hugs and tail wags

Ferndoggle said...

Did you say tennis ball??? I'm coming to NYC!! We'll have the greatest game of fetch EVER!


Cat Naps in Italy said...

First off, Happy Earth day!
We want to thank you for posting such a wonderful report about your trip. We and the humans have had fun reading all about your REAL LIFE adventure in Italy and we really enjoyed seeing the photos. It must have been hard to leave, but know that Italy will always be here and as long as we live here, you and will ALWAYS have friends in Italy (and that is gonna be a looonog time cause we ain't going no where)!

Much love from Italy,
Opus, Roscoe and Cyn

Stanley said...

You know, Astaroni. You are a winner in my book, EVERY day, but it's very cool of Koobie to honor you for your contest win. Very nice prizes! (Stella has a binky just like that and she LOVES it. Sometimes *I* even like to play with it.)

Give your mommi a few extra strength goober smooches to keep her well, and take the rest for yourself, sweetpea.

Goober love & smoochiest of smooches,

Pee Ess
Thank you and Koobie for getting the Stellanator out of my hair for awhile. I've enjoyed the break even though I love the little monster.

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Earthday Asta! Those are wonderful presents, you are such a lucky dog!
We looked at your last post from Rome and we got really hungry with that one, hahahahahahahahahah!
What a great trip you had. I think we prefer to cyber travel - but you seemed to really have enjoyed the real travel!!!
Have a beautiful day!

Daisy said...

Koobuss is nice! That pacifier looks like a very fun toy to chew up.

Moco said...

You really deserve all those prizes. You had a very fetching hat. Enjoy your treasures.

Deetz said...

Asta that was awefully sweet of them to send you all those wonderful gifts. It looks like that pacifier was the best and it squeeks, how cool!!!
I posted pictures of Charlotte and mum is thinking about having a scary eye picture contest if you are interested.

Faya said...

Bravo Asta ! J'adore la photo avec le nouki (lolette ?)....
Gros bisous, Faya

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey asta babe...

that pork chew looks cute on you.

Petra said...

I have a blue pacifier just like yours, Asta! You are a winner for sure.

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hiya Asta

Shame you couldn't drop off in Spain or Gib en route. Silly mistress has been snuffling around so has only caught up with your posts tonight and thinks they are brilliant.

But I'm not sure whether she prefers the mosaics or the pizza (and she claims to have a history degree.....)

I suspect she will be back for more lookies. Ah well, back to normal life for you, and well done on the Koobus comp (you did look very pretty as I remember).


Mack said...

How sweet of Koobus!

I need to get Paris a pacifier, on account of how big a baby she can be sometimes!!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, congrats on your prizes. They look pawsome! Definitely worth returning home for! J x

Lacy said...

woofies and burfs asta, wow, watt nice stuffs u got from koobuss...me liked dat blingy fingy too...glad u girlies had fun in DC..

b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous prize package!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What a lot of toys to play with! you are a lucky gal, sis!

I'm in sunny Italy now with Opus and Roscoe. Please visit us at their blog to see what we are up to.

Joe Stains said...

You look so cute with your pacifier! I think Tanner needs one of those so I can shut him up when he starts barking, he is so annoying sometimes. Congrats on your win and great prizes!

Tesla and Hansel said...

mommeh saz a doggie dat was a wire fox terrier came in ta werk. She saz, she dunna care WAT dos peepolz sink, acause dat waz NOT yoo kind of dog. Didna look like a terrier at all!

Koobuss said...

Hi kousin Asta!

Glad that you like the prizes. I did not mean to imply that you were a baby by sending you a pacifer, Asta. I just thought it was the coolest thing going!!

Congratulations on your prizes! You deserve them. That was a great win in a very close contest!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you got some fun prizes. we're happy to see your mommy playing with you again.


Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

What a great prize pack from Koobuss! You looked so great in your Easter bonnet. I loved all of your wonderful photos from your trip to Rome. What a wonderful time with your parents. I drooled over all of your yummylicious gelato pictures. You are such a lucky pup to go on a wonderful trip with your parents AND get those yummy foodables. I'm so happy you're back, I missed you!!!!

Your pal,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
You got very nice things! I like the "chupon" (binky)!
Koobie's contest sure was fun! Congratulations!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Asta,
The 19th and 20th of May is when we'd like to have it. We thought maybe on top of Ayres Rock in Central Australia would be a good place for the actual pawty and we could also go touring around like the Great Barrier Reef and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Do u think everydog would mind coming here? We're not sure about the theme. What do u think? Austaliana maybe but it could be hard for some to find outfits.
Putter and I are very excited.

Willow xx

Myeo said...

i used to steal my sissy pacifier. now i know that we doggy have our own pacifier too.

Boy n Baby

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...perhaps she meant the pacifier for Myrna...it'd probably feel good on her gummies if she's teethin' yet!!!

DC is sooooooo georgous at this time of the year with all those cherry blossoms....AAAAACCCCCHHHOOOOOOOO!

Hmm...perhaps that's what started off my allegies!!

Sleepy...goin' to bed!!

Lacie girlie

Huskee and Hershey said...

That pacifier squeaky is too cute, Asta!! It's the first time I have seen a doggy pacifier.. your cousin and aunt have great taste!

meemsnyc said...

Oh my goodness, what a terrific package! Lucky!

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a day. A road trip with your friends and a package of prizes.

You lead a very exciting life!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You got great toys from being a winner in the contest. Mama told Kaci and I (Hershey) that Bosco (my older sister) had a pacifier that squeaked when she was a very young pup - 10 weeks old. It did not last long because she broke the squeaky part of the toy.

Mama will post something on Myrna's Wheely Wednesday post later.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Weeny&Daisy said...

Hey Asta! What a lovely package you got :) We like the look of the chewy :P

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Agatha and Archie said...

We love that binky!!! Love A+A

Eric said...

Asta, woo-peeee-do!!! You have some fab prizes!
Wiry wags. Eric x