They sell all kinds of foods and clothes and stuff in a mawket that is not touwisty at all
We loved all the bootiful vegebals and fishes
then walked awound and found one of the most famous delis in the awea..called Volpetti
I wanted to eat all the cheeses wight then and thewe
and then the salumewie....look at all the yummie sausages......the pwices wewe like going to Dean and Deluca in NY(vewy expensive fow hoomans wif wowfless dollaws)
It was a bootiful day, so we just walked and walked
I met this cute wiwy dachsie..he was stawtled at fiwst
but aftew a few smoochies we came to be fwiends
on the way walking back to ouw own neighbowhood again
I love the twees in Wome
these pictoowes wewe fwom the bus..that's why they'we wonky
back to ouw favowite lunch place..Mommi and I had Fettucine all'awabiata
this is sooo gweat
Mommi and Daddi always had to have an espwesso macchiato...I didn't
I went back to the hotel fow a nap, while My pawents went to the GalleriaDoria Pamphilj
It was a pwivate Villa , and the pwesent Pwince still lives on the top floow...They had a pope in the family among othew things, and have most of the paintews of the Wenaissance wepwesented in theiw'we not supposed to take pictoowes, but Mommi is disobbediant always hehehehe...she thought the cwib in the above pictoowe would be gweat fow Hewc's new baby sissy
This is the couwtyawd of the Gallewie
They came back fow me and we went walking awound some mowe
Isn't the wystewia bootiful?
time to stop fow an aftewnoon cocktail, hehehe(thewe's always eatables wif that)
when is it coming Daddi?
Ah finally...I like the little smoked salmon samiches and the mini pizzas
evewyone is just walking awound enjoying the day
this doggie was sniffing the aiw
my vewy last Gealato in Wome...boooo hoooooo hoooooo
Mommi and Daddi went back to the westauwant they loved fwom the fiwst day fow theiw last dinnew
The next mowning I didn't want to get up, cause it meant going home and the end of ouw vacation
It was weally eawly in the mowning...the lights wewe still on in the baws and caffes
Mommi went up to the woof to look awound a last time
All ouw days had been pawfect, but on the day we left, it got cloudy and thweatened wain
We had ouw last bweakfast inside in the bweakfast woom of the hotel...what a wondewful twip !!!
We wewe so lucky...evewyone was nice to us..the weathew was pawfect..We wewe vewy happy!
I hope someday I can twavel again..I feel so lucky that I was able to go wif my pawents, and it wowked so bootifully, that if they evew have the money to go somewhewe again I'm suwe I can go along...thank you fow shawing my was fun to wemembew all the gweat times I had.