a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, October 26, 2007

Costumes fow Pawty and Welcome to the Cwown Pwincess of Gooberstan

My Sweet Stanley and I decided to come to the Halloween Birfday pawty togethew as
THE SCAWLET PUPPEWNELL AND HIS LOVE( Mawguewite St.Juste).....He was a swashbuckling hewo..so any doggie ow Hammie who gets scawed fwom the ghosts ow goblins can just hang out with us..he'll pwotect us fow suwe!

Evedoggie has been tagged to wite a limewick to welcome Stanleys sissy,,the cwown pwincess of Goobewstan..hew name is STELLA......
well I wasn't going to do it, cause my Mommi is hopeless and I couldn't wite one by myself..but to the wescue came auntie Kawen's sissy ,who was visiting fwom Chicago! So thank you auntie Ro!
..thanks to you I don't have to have egg on my face and I could welcome Stella in style...hewe it is:
The Gooberstan's got a new sis
She's really a darling young miss
Though he's twelve times her size
He's a gentle sweet guy
And their life from now on will be bliss

I suwe hope you'll always be a happy family togethew..Welcome to ouw wowld Stella!
smoochie kisses


Lacy said...

woofies Asta!!!! dat was a gwreat limearick...stella is a cutie fur shure....heehee stanley gotta b on his paws for dat little girlie...and me luvs ur costume fur da pawty...cya dar...

b safe,

Juno said...

ohhhh Asta! thanks for telling us that Stanley boy got a sissy!!

I love the picture with you and Stanley! You always amaze us. How do you always come up with such a great idea??

I'll meet you at the pawty shortly!!

sleep tight!
Momo xoxo

Faya said...

Quel magnifique costume ! J'en ai essayé un mais ça pique ça gratte..grrr....
J'ai l'impression qu'on ne va plus voir beaucoup Stanley, le pauvre va avoir beaucoup à faire avec Stella...
Bisous et on se voit à la fête...

Stanley said...

Sweetpea Asta Pupcake!

Your limerick is pawfect! I feel so conflicted right now ~ I love Stella's sass, but I'm not so sure I want so much sass in my living room... every day!

Can't wait for the pawty! Your mommi did such a great job on our costumes! I will only pull out my swashbuckling sword if absolutely necessary! But, I am NOT afraid to use it.

Goober love & smooches,

Hammer said...

Hi Asta
I'll see you at the pawty. My mum decked me out in the most ridiculous pawty costume. The battery's gone on the digital camera so she can't post the photo yet .. I hope the battery fails permanently !!! I'll hang out with you guys coz I'm a gentle giant and I'm not into scary stuff. Stella looks such a sweetie. My brother, Hobson would just love her. He loves tiny little dogs, and he's so gentle with them all. Anyway, see you soon, Asta baby, and your mate Stanley.
Love from Hammer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what neat costumes! I'll admit that mine is a bit feeble, but I was saving my bestest costume for Howl-o-ween itself. Hehehe! J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

You both look great. Hope you are ready to party.

Simba xx

Duke said...

Your limerick is awesome, Asta! We're having a hard time coming up with one! Everyone elses is so perfect! You and Stanley make a handsome Halloween couple. I guess Stella has to stay home??
See you at the pawty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch

Amber said...

Hi pweety Asta, your costume is awesome!! I hope to see you at the pawty.
psssttt~ and thanks for your sweet thoughts. I'm feeling much better and I am sure Yuki really appreciate it too.
Many licks to you!!!

Putter said...

WOW! Asta!

What a goodest ever LIMERICK!!!!!!!! You are all so talented there!!!!!! I love your costume and Stanley's too! OMG! I can't wait to SEE you both at the pawty!!!!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Bella said...

you two make such a cute couple & your costumes are great

Amber-Mae said...

Aww, you both look great together & the costume are really nice too...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus said...

Asta: It pains me to admit it, but you and Stanley make a very handsome couple! Pawesome costumes, I certainly see your mommi's creative effort there. And a fine limierick!
Kudos to Auntie Ro,
Who knows how a limerick goes,
She does not quibble,
or eat your kibble,
and her poetry glows

Sophie Brador said...

FAbulous costumes Asta! You and Stan look great together. ARe you a couple?


Koobuss said...


Asta and Stanley!! You both look absolutely smashing! What a handsome couple you are! You no doubt will win the best dressed prize!!

Love your outfits!!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Koobuss said...


Asta and Stanley!! You both look absolutely smashing! What a handsome couple you are! You no doubt will win the best dressed prize!!

Love your outfits!!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Headgirl said...

What a great couple you make!
And, such clever outfits too.
Mines very traditional, but then I have to fly in, in diguise anyway, as no humans invited!!!
Do you think you'll recognise me?

Pats & pets

the many Bs said...

you two look very smashing in your costumes. our mom is still working on ours. she has to take us to the vetty today, then the dog park, then give Bailey a bath and haircut, and maybe THEN she will get our costumes ready.

we wrote our limerik in Stanley's comments. it's woofin' bad, but we did it all by ourselves.


PeeS did you get our memory walk donation? mom did it on Monday night.

Snowball said...

Hi Asta,

I am ready for the pawty too. See you there!!!


Joe Stains said...

what an AWESOME costume, you sure had a good idea. Your limerick is great, I will have to think of one too!

Bogart H. Devil said...

WOW Asta! Great limerick and the "couples costume" looks FANTASTIC!!! You should definitely win some awards with those...


Noah the Airedale said...

Love the outfits, you two are the pawfect couple. Good job on the limerick to Asta.
The pawtee is going to be a hoot with everyone dressed up. Hope we can tell who is who lol.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...u and Stanley look amazing! Scruffy only came out from under the bed cuz Stan has that sword. Koobie and I are gonna have the bestest time babysitting little Stella tonight. I hope she's able to stay awake for even part of the festivities. I know she needs her bottle of warm milk at 10PM. Hmm...does this mean we haffta do diaper changes too??? Oh...Scruffy.......


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...ur limerick rocks....kudos to your auntie!!! Isn't that Gus a talented guy...he just spits them out like they're mulch...he's quite the poet!

I'll be under somthing...Scruffy

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Asta! Great costumes! We've got our limericks up. Nanook got his TDI, Stella's here and soon Cassidy comes home! What a great week!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta
As always you chose the perfect costume for this party! You and Stan look great!
Your Auntie did a great job with the limerick. I like it!
See you at the party

Kirby said...

Hi Asta!

You and Stanley look soooo good in your costumes. I bet you were the cutest couple at the pawty! Your Auntie Ro wrote a wonderful limirick. Mommy and I tried writing one, but it's been a long, long time since she's tried and her attempts and mine were quite simply failures. Hope you pawtied down all night long!

Your pal,

Oh, Peee Esssss, if you're ever in town to visit your Auntie Ro, give me a call. I'll show you all the doggie haunts of Chicago.