I'd like to pass it on to my vewy sweet fwiends Gussie, Butchy and Snickers, Putter,Ruby,and Stanley , ..you all helped me in my task fow this walk!!!!!

Today I went to Wivewside Pawk to pawticipate in Memowy Walk..it's to help people with Alzheimew's and find a coowe and suppowt theiw loved ones...my auntie Kawen's twue-love-husband Ed can't be home anymowe cause he has it..it's weally tewwible..so we wanted to help...
it was a bootiful day, wawm, but bweezy,
I got an official banana just fow me!!! isn't it pwetty??
Hewe we awe "Team Ed" we even had bloons that said that..we all have ouw official shiwts ow bananas on that they gave us fow helping to waise money..
you know evewybody aweady I think
you wouldn't believe how many doggies wewe thewe..they wewe all vewy polite and well behaved...I think we all knew this was sewious business even though it was fun
Thewe was a special place whewe doggies got tweats and watew
We wewe at the vewy beginning of theline,and thewe wewe thousands of people,so sometimes I got lifted up so no one would step on me hehehe
Thewe wewe places whewe they gave you juice ow coffee and muffins and croissants and bagels and enewgy baws befowe the stawt of the walk
I made these two little boyz giggle when I kissied them all ovew ..that was fun!!!
Thewe was a lot of saying hello to evewyone while we waited fow the walk to begin
Isn't that a lovely doggie??
Can You see who'se behind me???no not the mr. policeman, but the Mr. in fwont of him...it's David Hyde Piewse..you know he used to play Fwasiew's bwudder..now he's mostly on Bwoadway, and a big suppowtew of this cause!
Can you believe it ? We found a wiwe named Gypsy..isn't that cool?? I almost nevew see wiwes ow Aiwedales..that makes me sad..but this was gweat!
Gypsy and her Mom invited us to a fox tewwiew event in this pawk on Nov. 4th. can you imagine a doggie pawk all full of WFT???chaos,heheheh
I kept thinking I was seeing my fwiends..fow a moment I thought Momo was hewe..but no
We kept bumping into doggies who wanted to get aquainted
Aftew a while evewy one went at theiw own pace..it suwe doesn't look like the end of Octobew does it??
My Family likes soccer,and this is a pwetty place to pwactice..with the Hudson wivew behind and new Jewsey on the othew side
This is a nice place to play..i took this pictoowe fow Joe Stains and all my baseball fanatic fwiends
Towawds the end of the walk thewe was time to wun awound in the leaves a little bit..I love the cwunch
Walking makes you vewy thiwsty aftew a while
As you can see towawds the end, we wewe way behind..we slowed down to talk to many doggies and theiw hoomans
My Deaw fwiends..this has been a vewy bootiful day,but it's a vewy sad and sewious pwoblem!
Thank you my sweet genewous fwiends who helped me waise money fow this cause in the memowy of youw loved ones who suffewed fwom it and that you may have lost...
We'we lucky cause we wemembew them!!!
I appweciate youw help fwom the bottom of my heawt!
smoochie kisses
Hey Asta, I'm glad you had such a lovely day for your walk. It's certainly for a very good cause and I hope you raised lots of money for it. J x
Hi Asta,
You really are one sweet pup!! The pics are lovely and it's a great casue that you are supporting!
Hey Asta!!! Wow we just love your photoooos!! You are so cuteeee!!!
Well done you! What a great way to raise awareness and money.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
I love you getting a drink out of the fountain! You're sure a cute girl!
Bless you for walking for this wonderful cause!
Love ya lots,
Tu es fantastique Asta. Ce que vous faites toi et ta famille est tout simplement admirable...
Un park plein de fox terriers c'est pas le chaos....c'est le paradis !
Bisous à tous et bravo pour votre engagement...
Faya et Véronique
You're such a good gal Asta. Well done on raising money for such a worthy cause. Looks like you had a lovely day for the walk.
Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Ps, we love David Hyde Pierce. Did you get an autograph??
Phew! You must be poopeted after the walkie! Hehe, you all in blue? Now that's what I call team spirit. You are such a sweet & friendly dog Asta. I like to like to lick hooman pups feet & hands too. They smell like milky!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Good morning Asta. I was delighted to read about your walk. We sometimes walk for breast cancer. Our mother's good friend (who helped me, personally, find my new home here with mother) is a cancer survivor. We love to walk in her honor!. Good show!
asta.. you past a grate memory day...
your look with the blue badana is perfect..
a big hug
You are such an ambassador of love! I'm glad the day of the walk was so bootiful, and it looks like your mommi, daddi and auntie Kawen had a great time too!
How fortuitous that you met Gypsy the wire. Can't wait to hear about your WFT get together next month.
Give your aunti Kawen a big gooberlicious smooch & hug from me.
Goober love & smooches,
Stanley Boy
Such a serious face from you at the end. Thanks for walking for all of us...hope you get to go to the gathering in the park!
Hi Asta, mom feels really bad because she was gonna make a donation, but she didn't know when the walk was and she thought she had more time. she's such a procrastinator! can she still do it? she will if she can!
anyway, we are proud of you for supporting those poor people with Alzheimers. it's a terrible thing and we are all lucky to have our memories. the memories are the most precious things that we have, next to each other and each day together.
you really did have a beautiful day. did you walk on Route 66? that was quite an event. that was so fun for you to see another wirey kiddo. are you related to airedales? sorry we are so ignorant.
please let us know if we can still make a donation. mommy really wants to support the cause if it's not too late.
Oh Asta... indeed it was a beautiful day with a meaningful event... really hope the event can raise lots of money.. and glad u had a great time too!..
Hi Asta, that looks like a great event and such a bootiful weather for the walk. Is great to particpate in such special events. You're a very nice and friendly dog, mommy said I should learn from you.
Take care,
Kousin Asta,
You look even more beautiful on your pictures from the walk. Maybe it's because you knew you were doing something wonderful to help so many. It was so nice of you to do what you did. I luv you, my dear sweet little kousin.
And you met another wft! How wonderful!
I'm glad you recovered so quickly from our shopping trip on Saturday. I'm just about back to normal after our busy day and birfday celebrations, but my mom has a sinus infection and toothache, so she's not a happy camper. I think I'll hang around grandpa today.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
pee ess We were not able to watch your videos again. Weird. You never know with computers what you are going to get.
Asta, you are such a great girl and I am proud to be your friend. And I am jealous you saw David Hyde Pierce!! My mom used to watch "Frasier" and that's why she's always wanted a terrier!
Your friend, Lenny
Hi Asta! Hi!
OMG!!!! What a wonderful day you and your Mommi and Daddi and Auntie Karen had at the walk! You did a wonderful thing by being there Asta to help fight this sad and serious problem!!!!!! I will talk to you soonest, K?
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Hi Asta! Hi!
OMG!!!! What a wonderful day you and your Mommi and Daddi and Auntie Karen had at the walk! You did a wonderful thing by being there Asta to help fight this sad and serious problem!!!!!! I will talk to you soonest, K?
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Hi, Asta.
Glad to know that you were there walking for a very good cause. Team Ed sure did a great job! I hope you have raised lots of money.
Are you going to that WFT meet up?? Sure you will have lots of fun!
Have a nice day
woofies asta girlie!!!way to gooo team ed...sooo sorwy bout ur auntie karwens hubby..that iz a verwy bad illness, robs peeples of their life as they knew it...u gots a cutes little bum bum, no wonders they all wanna checks it out..i am wiff the 4xbs, me gonna go c if i can still donate sum moneys for u..(not know how i missed it, i always check ur bloggy several times a day)..might haff to go to the site and donate in ur name...me gonna looks into it..anyways u lookies cutes in ur blue banana...glad u hads a great time!!!!
b safe,
woofies again girlie!! i wents to the site for alzheimers and as fars az i cood tell it dont accept paypal and not a bank debit card either..jus credit cards (but u can mail a check) it gives the address..me will git mine in the mail soon...if anybody needs the site name its www.alz.org ... bye again
b safe,
pp's now me gots to go c if me can donate to ivy feed the hungry peeeples cause...
What lovely pictures Asta. You are an awesome pup to walk for a cause. YaY for you!!
Four Pugz
Hi Asta,
You are such a sweetie to help with such a wonderful cause! I hope the funds raised go a long way to finding a cure!! Love the bandana you got, you wear it so well. Did you get to meet David Hyde Pierce? Mom loved to watch Frasier. Oh, are you going to go to the WFT event at the park? I'd love to see pictures from that event. Pure chaos I bet. he he he! Kisses to you, your Mom, Dad and Auntie Karen for walking for such a great cause!
Your pal,
It is very cool that you guys did that walk to help your uncle and everyone else suffering. It really is a sad and scary thing. At least you made those little boys giggle with your smoochie kisses.
hi asta :)
what a lovely day for a meaningful walk. i hope some cure for Alzheimer's can be found soon.
your daddy's birthday pawty looked like alot of fun!!! you looked very puzzled when your uncle tony was showing you the dance. maybe he should have choreographed a four-legged one for you instead :)
That's really a pawsome walk for a good cause. I like you in your bandana
~ girl girl
hey hey asta! wut a good dog you are to help walk for a cure to a terrible disease! i am glad you raised a lot of money too. good job.
it looks like a reelly good time you had wif all those dogs and kids! i luved the video of you giving the little boys kisses. tee hee!
That walk looks like great fun. So many doggies. You look super look in your blue bandana.
Simba x
Dear Asta,
What a sweet wire you are!
Lots of loves,
Mango & Party
Dearest little one,Your blog made PL2 a little sad as PL1's Mom had Alzheimers.We send your Auntie Karen a million hugs and smoochies because we know just what she is going through.On a happpier note,are you really going to a WFT event??? This we HAVE to see!! Love A+A
You sure brought a bunch of sunshine to the memory walk! You are a special little pup!
~ChaChi LU
oh Asta, after you doin your good work I think I love you even more.
It is such a good cause!
Thank goodness for kind and lovely doggies and people like your family.
sorry I not been commenting, my hoooooman bruv has needed to use the computer for his college work!
love and many licks, dont forget me!
Your Scottish Pal, Marvin xxxxx
Wow that looked like a fun walk! I was supposed to do the walkathon last month but the woman copped out. Somebody get me out of here.
Asta, how come you are always the cutest dog in the crowd. Inquiring Collies want to know.
Hi Asta!
Great pics!
And yes, we got really muddy! Mommy was so mad..heehee..
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Asta baby!!! I am so glad that you had a fantastic day!! I am also happy that you met many doggies and one of them reminded you of cavalier family like me. :)
I love your family photo as always. You're bootiful hooomans/doggie in this universe!
Momo xoxo
Wow, thats a pawsome walk...so many people and soooooo many doggie frens....I want to joi too!!
Looks like a wonderful day you had. So many friends to say hi too & so many hooman's attention!
U R so good with the kids. I hate kids. I hate all kids except kids of MaMa & PaPa's friends.
Asta, You always seem to have famous people flocking to you. You are a star magnet! Did DHP have a dog?
As usual, you made my mom miss New York. She hasn't been for ages and is so busy, she doesn't know when she will be able to go again. Maybe during her holiday break.
Hi Asta,
You are so sweet.I hope they raised a lot of money for Alzheimers.
Hey Asta, Tell your mom that me and my mom hope she is feeling better really soon. Being sick is no fun. They never take us for enough walks when they're sick. I just know you're snuggling up and helping her get better.
It sure looks like you had a super day and for such a great cause. That is so nice that you got meet new doggie friends and a new wirey friend too. There are no Wires, Airedales, or Terriers period in my neighborhood. One of these days we will get to meet and play.
On Sunday Mom and Dad are going to parade me around Port Jefferson Village in a Halloween doggie parade in my horsey costume. It is being sponsored buy the local pet store called Fetch. I hear there are supposed to be good treats for the doggies.
Gotta go terrierize...
What a terrific day and a wonderful cause
Great pictures! You look beautiful as usual!
And I have new pictures of me with my mama up on my bloggy blog.
What a lovely, nice family you ave, Asta! Just perfect for a lovely nice Asta!
Good job on the Memory Walk - you'd think if walking were good for memory, our Servant should remember to feed us on time!
nose dabs to our favorite hairy friend-
the whippet waggle
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