a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall is Finally Here

The aiw is fwesh, thewe is a spwing in my step. I want to stay out and chase leaves all day and then plop in fwont of a nice fiwe fow a snoozette and dweam of all my fwiends playing in the leaves with me,
so I go out ouw whirlygig doow to my stweet

Do you heaw the sound of the wind?? it's weally stwong..I'm just glad Mommi is fat and doesn't blow away easily,hehehe . It blowed my eaws all back...

Thewe's a little pawk acwoss the stweet fwom me and thewe's lots to investigate thewe..biwds,and squiwwels and a watewfall...don't wowwy, when Mommi yanked me off the ledge,i didn't get huwt..I'm vewy bouncy

the wind kept blowing the camewa stwapp in fwont of the lens,I kept tangling the leash,Mommi was a tangled mess......but I stopped to smell the flowews, and then waited fow a puppy fwiend to come say hi...

all in all it was a tewwific walk...hope all of you awe enjoying the bootiful weathew!
smoochie kisses


Noah the Airedale said...

You could have been blown away Asta, it's so windy there. Lucky you're attached to your mom. That fall didn't look too good but your right you do seem very bouncy.

Have a good day.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Gus said...

Wowee! Lots of wind, but there were lots of interesting things to sniff too, huh? You're world looks lovely little one, as it should be.


arla said...

Asta is really cute!

Kirby said...


It looked like YOU were living in the Windy City! The day looked pawfect for a fall day. Cool and crisp, I love it like that. I'm glad you had so much fun on your walk. Hopefully the cool weather continues so you can wear your lovely new red coat.

Your pal,

Joe Stains said...

wow it sounds like a twister or something, that is a lot of wind! That is so cool you have a waterfall right across from your house! what is that spinny door, is that like a merry go round??

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
You had a very windy walkie! I liked watching you going up and down there! Sure you had many interesting things to sniff!
Have a good night

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hi Asta....I perhaps overdid it a tad today...Koobie got her driver's license yesterday, so she rented a limo to drive us to the PSU game. Scruff was in the front navigating with her, while my Dunstan sat in the back with me and fed me ice cream. It's really a shame I was feeling so under the weather with all of that alone time with Dunny-Boy. It's also a shame we had to stop every 5 feet as my tummy hasn't been feeling so good.
Isn't it exciting that fall is here? I can't wait for snow. What is snow?
Mumsie has to go and put clean sheets in my crate as I seemed to have had issues in it before.
Do you have any suggestions for my incision. I don't know what I should put on it to prevent scarring. Does this mean no tanning beds this winter? Just kidding...I know that's bad for my complexion!

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Oh Asta,

Chasing leaves is fun. It sure was windy today, good leaf chasing weather.

Today was bath day, checkout the pics when you get a chance. I have more pictures coming, you have to see the hideous halloween costume Mom bought me.

Luna Licks,


Koobuss said...

Oh Kousin Asta,

You had such a nice walk today. But it was very windy. It was not that windy here. Your ears look cute when the wind blows them up. You are a real sweety.

I really liked your videos.

Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobuss

Faya said...

J'adore regarder tes vidéos ! C'est vrai qu'avec le vent dans les oreilles on a l'air un peu bizare non ? Un fox terrier les oreilles en l'air ! hahaha....
J'aime l'automne..et jouer avec les feuilles mortes !
Bisous et bon week-end à tous,

Lacy said...

woofies asta girlie!!!heehee me luvs to watches u chases dem leaves...and burrrr da winds wuz reellly blowin hards...good thingies ur mama had ahold of u..not want u to blow aways...

b safe,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, were you waiting for me when you sat down? If I'd known I'd have come over! It sounded soooo windy! I like walking on the beach on windy days cos no-one else is there and I like to feel the wind in my ears. J x

Duke said...

Hi Asta!

Good thing your leash was attached to your collar or you would have blown away! hehehehe
BTW, your mom is not fat! I've seen it for myself! That was one fun day! I hope we can do it again!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

oooh Asta! mom loves watchin ur ears go up like dat! i can literally hear her gigglin away.

but i personally love how u walk. ur so gentle! u take small steps.. quick but small! can u teachie me? cuz im awiz in a rush so i take huge huge steps... ;p


the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we barked and barked while we watched your videos. we wanted to walkie with you. mommy says she's gonna take us to the little dog park today. since Benson has all of his shots, it's okay for him to go now. the little doggy park is a good introduction to off-leash for him because he can't get lost and it has a fence all the way around it. oh boy, we've missed our romps. we're gonna take our tennis balls and run run run! wish you could join us!

wally said...

Hi Asta! We love fall, too. It's much more tolerable for a gent like me. Sorry I didn't get to chat with you long this morning. We were busy bees!


Luckie Girl said...

It sure is WINDY at your side. hehe... It's always nice to get outside for a walk with your hooman huh? :)

Juno said...

Asta! :)

Fall is definitely here, isn't it? :) Looks like you had a windy day but I can see your smile which always makes me smile.

Momo xoxo

pee ess: I haven't found a halloween costume for Blue's pawty yet. As soon as I find it I'll post it on my blog. :)

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure are very bouncy Asta, and the wind was so strong I keep seeing your ears stand up. Good thing you didn't get blown away..

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

asta i loved how at the end of the first video you so smartly lifted your foot automatically to untangle the leash! :)

i love flying leaves too, i would attack all of them if i had that many heads.

i like the wind too but when it lifts all my hair up it's ticklish and then i freak out because i think someone is tickling my tummy while i'm walking.

good thing you were on the leash or you would have been blown away!


Sophie Brador said...

Hey Asta, You're going to have a busy couple of weeks chasing leaves on the street. You are very adept at that revolving door. I'm super impressed!


Ben & Darling said...

Oh Asta sweetie, you should have a big bite on that bread!!!

Stanley said...

Asta Girl!

You are so cosmopolitan! I've never seen the revolving door before, and I was impressed with the way you maneuvered through it like a pro.

It's so windy, good thing you and your mommi were leached together so neither of you blew away! I love watching you prance around all springy-stepped in your neighborhood. Who were you waiting for at the end? Hmmm?j

Goober love,

Amber-Mae said...

Oh the win was really strong! Hehehe, you really liked picking up those leaves on the ground. You looked very happee int he videos. Bet it's very very cold now. My momym can never take the coldness but for me, I have no problem even if I was being blasted with the coldest wind ever! Harharhar! faith would probably turn into a popsicle...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

Your Mummy could have flown you like piglet in all that wind.

Simba xx

Unknown said...

the wind.. i don´t like the windinday....
a big hug

Agatha and Archie said...

We LOVE your ears flapping in the breesze!! Ours do that too!!What a nice park!! And a water fall too!!Lucky girl!! Love A+A

Gus said...

wow...that is very much windy! But it looked like a good time. Your Mommi is not fat. She is like me. Substantial. My muzzer is also substantial. Maybe Jackson will let them be honorary members of the substantial wires club?
