a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Waiting fow Ruby

I decided to weaw my jajamas fow Butchy's Birfday camp out. pawty
I heaw those Iowa evenings can be cool..and I've nevew snept outside....maybe I can sneak into someone's sneepybag...( we don't camp oout much in the city,so I don't have one.
I have my scawf too, fow extwa wawmth,and to wipe my hands fwom too many smowes .
I guess I bettew pack fow the twip..

I can't wait.xept fow the being scawed of the dawk and ghosts and bugs and stuff, but with so many fwiends along, I'm suwe I'll be fine

Ummm, let me just see..do i have evewything?

I have all my stuff..my toofbwush, my fwoggie in casre no boyz awe thewe to snuggle and spoon me at night, and I aweady stuffed the punkincake I made into my twusty backpack..I hope it doesn't get smooshed!
I've put on my backpack, but fwoggie doesn't want to stay in, he's so excited about the pond he can't contain himself...I know my eyes still look funny, but i pwomise I'm not contagious anymowe..so don't wowwy my fwiendz
I think I'm weady
The anticipation and packing got me weally tiwed..
Ruby is still not hewe..I suwe hope she didn't fowget me!
I tookt off my backpack, took out my fwoggie and went to sneep
I hope to see all of you at the big pawty! Happy Birfday my Sweet Butchy cousin-Love!


Lacy said...

woofies asta!!! u does lookie cutes in ur pj's and hmmm froggy bestest better behave..i hopes ruby not furgets me, its a long ways to walks....

b safe,

Faya said...

En plus avec la petite Dora sur ton sac qui veille sur toi... j'espère que tu t'amuseras bien. Gros bisous, Faya

the many Bs said...

hey Asta, we're gonna meet you at the camp out. we're all ready to go and have some fun. save a dance for us, okay?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You got such cute jammies. Will it really be cold there? I'm snuggling close to you. You sure are ready with your packed bag.

~ Girl girl

Unknown said...

Dont worry Asta, I will protect you from the dark and bugs. If you get cold you can go in Tanner's dumb cat tent!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

You look ready for anything. Did you pack an extra blanket in case it gets cold?

Simba x

Noah the Airedale said...

Don't panic Asta, air-ruby should be there soon. You look very cute in your pj's. Can't wait to see you at the campout.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Boo Casanova said...

asta you are so cute! you gonna be the center of the attention at butchy's campout!

wet wet licks


Ben & Darling said...

Asta sweetie, Ruby not here yet too....I have been ready since yesterday if follow Malaysia timing....I will play u a song at the camp, specially for you ya. *blush*

Duke said...

I don't think you have to worry about being scared, Asta! You have lots of cute boys to hold your paw - Mitch included!
You look so sweet in your jammies with your froggie backpack!
See you at the pawty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

Almost there Asta...almost there...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I will look after you Asta, and keep you warm, but I am a perfect Gentleman I can assure you!

lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxx

Putter said...

OMG! Asta! Have funnest okay!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I didn't get to go to the slumber pawty! I hope you had lotsa fun cutie-kins!

Bussie Kissies

Gus said...

You look so cute in your jammies, I am sure you will be warm and snuggly. See you soon

Snowball said...

Hi Asta,
See you on board Air Ruby. I am all set for to set off.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta
Your pajamas are very nice and you look beautiful! Sure we will have lots of fun there! I am nervous about being there overnight but I am sure we will be ok!
See you there

wally said...

Your pajamas are adorable! Does your mom hug you and smooch you and tell you how cute you are because my ma ape wants to do that through the computer screen.


ps. Thank you for sharing your blessings with my friend Buko. His human was very comforted by your kindness.

Veronica said...

What a cutey patooty!!!!


Sophie Brador said...

Hey Asta, I'm not very good in the snuggling department, but I will protect you from any ghosts or scary camping things. Don't worry my little friend. I have your back ... and froggies too.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hello Asta, I'm waiting for Ruby too. Maybe she's got held up? I hope there's going to be room on the plane for the giant sausages that I'm bringing along! J X

Lenny said...

Hey Asta,

You look so cute in your PJs and I am looking forward to snuggling with you!

Your friend, Lenny

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
You are so cute in your pajamas!And that back pack is perfect to carry all your stuff!!

Lizzy said...

You are very smart to wear your pajamas! I hope you have a great time!


Agatha and Archie said...

WOW did you see the sausages Jackson is bringing!!!!! Archie is drooling!! See you there!!( your PJ's are cute.I am wearing my Safari hatI didn't kno w WHAT to wear) Love A+A

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
You are a real fashionista!! That backpack is so cool!! See ya!

Persephone and Buster said...

Oohhhh...CAMP TIME!

Eat some 'smores for us. And be sure to chase a skunk or two!

The jammies look cute!

Seffie & Buster

Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

Your jammies are too cute,and I love your Dora backpack. Your froggy was truly traveling in style. I hope you had a goodtime at the campout, and I hope lots of doggies kept you all snuggly warm.

Your Pal,


Stanley said...

Asta Girl!

I was having pooter problems earlier too, so my girl is typing this whenever the pooter comes back up.

By this time we are already snuggling under the stars at Butchy's campout, but I want you to know that I especially like your jajammies! You are so organized, and provide Mr Froggy a comfy ride to the campout in your Dora backpack. You're so cute and look snuggly warm.

Of course, I know you'll be sharing your snuggles with others too (lots of love to go around). But, save your last snuggles for me, okay?

Goober love,
Your Stanley

Pee Ess
This is Lisa, Stanley's girl, Asta! I'm like Wally's ma ape. I want to crawl right through the screen and moosh you all up in a big snuggle, you cute bunny pup! Thanks for being so good to my boy!

Love you & sending smooches,

Amber said...

Hey Asta, you look so cute with your camping outfit and gear. What a cute love struck froggie. Where's Ruby? Hope you weren't late for the pawty. Anyways,hope you have a gweat time at the pawty!!
Have a gweat weekend~

ChaChi Lu said...

I love your Dora BACKPACK, BACKPACK!

~ChaChi Lu

DILLY said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Asta look luvvvvvvvvvvvley.


Koobuss said...

Kousin Asta,

Those jammie look so confy. I hope you don't sleep through the campout!

Love the froggie, too. Glad you are goint to bring him.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Hi Asta,
We have seen you mentioned in several pups blogs and wanted to stop by and give you a woof. You look cute in your jammies.

The Four Pugz

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Those wewe gweat stowies you told awound the campfire Asta!

xxx Asta down under

Bella said...

Asta - you look so cute in your jammies - i hope you had a great time.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I jus popt by to tell yu that I drew yu as a bear!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh..ur bringing ur froggie along?

i hope he dun ended up getting BBQed by those ppl

Juno said...

OMD, Asta!! You look so adorable as always. :) I figure wearing a pajame is the best. It's all cofy and relaxing. Thank you for catching up with me at the pawty!!

Momo xoxo

Anonymous said...

awww Asta! how cute, that little froggie! i think you need a bigger froggie, one that you can really cuddle up to :)

hope you haven't been too tired out from the pawty to post!


Maya and Kena said...

Thanks fur the comment on the costumes!! Are you gonna be anything this Howlloween? And someone's having a pawty? How cool! I hope we can make it!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Maya and Kena said...

Ooohh!! Can't wait to see you in your costume! My human sis LOVES cows btw! Hope to see you @ da pawty!
Wags and licks,
Maya and kena

fee said...

oopsy, i hope your conjunctivitis is gone and your pwetty oyos are feeling much better now. the wed coat is very pwetty; it makes you look like little wed widing hood! i've been a little busy entertaining my pawents... they been spending quite a bit of time with me.

are animals invited to church all year round or only on mister saint fwancis day? it's such a nice gesture!


Chloé said...

Hi Asta!!! I have seen your blog, in girl girl hamster´s blog, and have passed to greet you... I like very much your picture and the pajamas that you wear, I love it ... I hope that we are friends!!!

Love, Chloe

Faya said...

Tu vas avoir beaucoup de travail. On veut savoir : comment tu vas, comment vont tes yeux, comment va ton computer, comment va ta famille..... beaucoup de travail pour le week-end...
Gros bisous, Faya

Patty Nason said...

Hope you had a great birthday! Woof! Have you seen these paw-some dogs in their Halloween costumes?


What are you wearing for Halloween?
