Oh Joy!
It's fow me!
A pwesent all the way fwom acwoss the sea!
Precious sent me these vewy delicious tweats and a supew doopew toy, and a vewy nice note giving me love and good wishes and "muwacks!"fow my birfday..
it's weally gweat to not expect any mowe pwesents, and then PWESTO!! hewe comes anothew one!
Just look at this fabulous owange..not only is it my favowistest colow, but if I evew do suwgewy on it, i'm suwe it's full of vitamims and tewwibly good fow me!
This is the most delicious owange toy I have evew tasted..I've been chomping on it and chasing it non-stop since I got it..it's gweat,cause when mommi thwows it..it's not heavy,and doesn't knock down all hew stuff when she misses and hits things on tables(she's a tewwible thwowew!)
Hope wefused to play with me,so I just sat and chomped on my ball
Marcello was a little too fowawd..I don't think my Stanley would appwove..so I told him NO...then I came and gave a big smoochie kiss to all of you!all in all....a pwetty tewwific day!
Thank you again Precious!!!!! That was such a nice suwpwise!
smoochie kisses
Sweet FB!!
That Snowball is such a good buddy. Isn't it fun to get presents and mail unexpectedly? That's why my girl usually mails things way too early (or usually way too late) after holidays and birthdays. More fun that way, she says.
Don't worry about Hope. Maybe she was just too pooped to play. We all have bad days. As for Marcello... I can't really blame him for having such good taste! You are so good at the sweet rebuff, though. He still wanted to play after you told him no (and no more humping attempts).
Smooches to you, your mommi & your daddi,
Goober Boy
Hey Asta, you're so lucky to have that really neat dog park to meet up with all your maties. We wish we had an enclosed area where we could play with our friends. Wishful thinking I guess.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
What a wonderful surprise! I hope you enjoyed all of your goodies!
Hi Asta,
You have got some really nice pressies from Precious.
Asta!! I love your fabulous owange toy. It looks yummy and fun toy. It's good to be true! :)
Momo xoxo
Hi, Asta.
Nothing better than an unexpected present to get in action!
Sure Precious is very nice sending you those treats and the orange toy!
Enjoy them!
Have a nice day
How sweet of Precious to send you a pressie, Asta!
We have that same red roller ball that you were playing with at the wun only ours is green! It's one toy that doesn't get too much use around here and mom can't understand why because SHE likes it so much!
Love ya lots,
Did the orange toy smell like oranges? That would be cool.
That orange stuffy looks like it would be delicious on the inside, you will have to let us know if you do get to taste it!
I wonder why Hope did not want to play today, but I sure am happy now that I have an asta smoochie to start off my evening!
Oh Asta, if you rub ur face on the orange ball, I've heard that Vit. C is very good for the complexion, not that urs isn't perfect already!
Oops, back again. I was typing and heard an odd noise from the other room...it was Scruffy...he had climbed on the kitchen table and was happily chewing a Bic pen on the carpet...he had it almost to the ink. I alerted Mumsie who gave me a piece of candy for my efforts. Goooooooood Lacccccccie!
It's so hard being so good. Anyway, let me know about the wrinkle reducing properties of ur orange!!!
Youthful licks, Lacie
oh.. asta.. u sure are a lucky girl!.. precious is a nice friend..
but i think u did have a great time with ur friends there..
Hi Asta,
Wow, more prezzies! You are such a loved girl! I think your birthday is a month long celebration. Yeah!! I just love the stuffed orange. If you do perform surgery on it, let me know if it's really sweet and juicy inside. Your mom and mine must have the same bad thrower affliction. Mommy always knocks stuff over when she throws my toys for me. Daddy now prefers to be the main thrower to as he says, save the house.
I love how you were so tough with Marcello. I often get humped at the park, and I don't know what to do. Your method of removal was inspiring. I will now use the Asta method at my local dog park. Thanks for the big smoochie kiss!
Your pal,
Precious is such a good friend, isn't she? You're new toys look great!
Hey Asta, that was so nice to get a package from Precious. it's like having your birthday all over again. we liked watching you play at your run. that Marcello needs to have better manners, but you got rid of him. thanks for that smoochie kiss.
You go girl. Tell that silly schnauzer where he can get off! Solidarity and Sisterhood
Teka Toy
Wow! I was impressed. Remind me not to get on your bad side sweetheart, I've got enough problems with Teka tellin me off!
ps...muzzer can't throw worth a %^%% either!
that orange looks very delicious indeed! :) yeah HM is a terrible throw too, she's knocked over a pile of plates while trying to play fetch with me
Hope is such a huge dog! when she tugged on the ball she totally heaved you off the ground! scawie!!!
Hey Asta, you have so many doggie friends to play with. Precious sure is a nice friend to send you that healthy orange.
So nice of you to come give us smoochie kisses at the end of the vid
~ Girl girl
What a lovely surprise from Precious!! :)Did you pawform any opawration on your new stuffy toy yet?
woofies asta girlie!!!! wows cool pressies...wuz verwy nice of precious....heehee wuz u struttin ur stuffs in fronts of Marcello...lookies likies u had bunchies of funz at da wun today...heehee at least the winds wuznt blowin...
b safe,
Oh, what a surprise! Those treats are really yummy, tried those before. Hehehe, you really like your red ball. Sooo many doggies there to play with! Hope you had a fabooolous time.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Asta, pawsome gifts from Precious! What a naughty dog Marcello was! I'm glad you gave him what for! J x
Hi Asta
Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I've missed you. You deserve to receive presents all year round, and the orange toy looks a lot of fun.
Love from Hammer
The last video should come with an 18 rating lol. You told him.
Simba xx
Oh ce Marcello ! Quel voyou !
Heureusement qu'il n'a pas insisté.
C'est bien de recevoir des cadeaux un peu plus tard et pas tout le même jour....
Bisous, Faya
Oh boy! Email me your addy, so I can send yu a berfday pressie!!!
GASP! Look at that Marcello getting fresh with you!! You should have bit him in the butt.
Doesn't he know us Divas are nice girls???
What great presents you got too! I love that orange! It looks very sweet.
Precious be such a sweet friend to you. That orange sure looks like a lot of fun. Can we play also? Oh my pug, that Marcello was definately a little to fresh, oh my pug.
I love the burp burp bone!
That is my favouritest bone bone ever
That was great getting some goodies in the mail! You have some good friends, Asta. You ought to see my Mom try and throw rotten tomatoes out the door towards the garden -- you never know what she'll hit!
Hi Asta!!! That good your gifts!!! I imagine that it would do a lot of illusion to you!!! I hope that you were passing it well, already I have seen the video playing with your friends...
Love, Chloe
What a wonderful surprise!
you have a grate friends...
we love you
Asta, I have been visiting, see my comment up there from "Joe"? I dunno why blogger took away my picture and all that in my comments, I just dont understand it!
Joe Stains
We are catching up on posts as PL2 has had an iccky work week and the computer was shut OFF! Whoa!! DId you give him a what for !! You go girl!!! Love A+A
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