a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Daddi's Birfday Pawty With family

Last night we had a belated Birfday pawty fow my Daddi! All ouw best fwiends(we think of them as family) wewe coming..I was weady! I wowe my blingy collaw cause it was a pawty and I wanted to look extwa special!
Evewything was all weady,now all we needed was the guests
Mommi bought these pwetty flowews fow Daddi..she says boyz like flowews too
Finally people came and we stawted the celebwation!
I guess they wewe having fun, although they nevew westled ow played bitey face ow anything..hoomans awe so weiwd..I could teach them a thing ow two

Boy can hoomans talk..blah,blah,blah...I lost intewest
In between all the excitement..I decided it was time fow a bully stick bweak
My Mommi is the silliest at evewy pawty
Daddi is that fow me????
I kept getting yummy tastes of evewything all evening long...I just loove pawties!

Mommi closed my eaws..I think I wasn't supposed to listen to the convewsation....not fow little pups,she said
That's my hooman sissy sewving some Hungawian peasant food we all love , while my kousin Chwis and Cawina awe aweady eating (unkel Tony has a big moufful..he looks like a chipmunk hewe don't you think?? and he hasn't even had his teef pulled out like Joey's dad)
The candles wewen't neawly enough..thewe wasn't woom heheh, but they spawkled when lit..it was funny
Awen't they the silliest bunch? That's my Daddi,unkel Tony(you wemembew the tap dancing this summew?), aunt Kawen and Mommi
Unkel Tony is twying to teach me a celebwatowy dance...sheees!

I'm not suwe that piece will be big enough fow me
I gave a humoungous smoochie to Auntie Kawen..we weally love each othew vewy much
a good night tummy wub fwom auntie Kawen
I finally got tiwed....( in between... I thwew up once and also had a nevew befowe seen peepee accident...I guess I was just too excited with all the pawtying..but no one got mad at me)
being a hostess is hawd wowk

It's two in the mowning, and I'm going to bed! Mommi will stay up and make evewything clean still..look how pwetty the waindwops were on the window looking out! It was a swell pawty..Daddi had the bestest time! I'm tiwed and vewy Happy


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

What an awesome pawty. We glad you enjoyed yourself. You be quite the devine hostess. Yay for you. Tell your daddy happy birthday for us!!

xoxoFour Pugz

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Asta, My mom loves those tables! She also is wondering if Uncle Tony is willing to come to parties in Montreal to liven things up. She is having one next weekend and is worried it won't be much fun.


p.s Happy B-day to your dad!

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, that looked like a great party. everyone sure was laughing a lot when you & unkel Tony were dancing. we were worried that he was gonna step on your toes! ouch, that would hurt, but we guess he didn't, huh. sometimes we throw up too, from too much activity before or after we eat, and strange and wonderful foods make us throw up sometimes too. it's a normal thing, you don't have to feel bad. and peepee accidents are just life - so mom says - since she got Benson. and when you live in a house without a dog door, what is a poor little terrier supposed to do???? you're okay, Asta fuzzy butt. we still wuf you.

Faya said...

Quelle jolie fête ! Mais ton Papa mérite bien la plus belle des fêtes... et tous ces gens sympathiques ont l'air de t'aimer beaucoup....A manger, à boire, des bisous....vive la fête !
Repose-toi bien, bisous

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what a great pawty! I hope your Dad enjoyed himself. And what's wrong with a little throwing up and peeing between friends? Hehehe! J x

Duke said...

What a great pawty and the rain even made it that much more fun and cozy! Did you get to eat that whole piece of cake, Asta? It sure looks yummy! Happy birthday to your daddy!

Love ya lots

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh Asta, that video was so funny. You were like a little rag doll. You must have been exhausted staying up so late. No wonder you were sick.
It looked like a real fun party though and you would have been the best hostess.

Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Hi Asta,

Happy Birthday wishes to your Dad. You and your Mom are great hostesses. I hope you got a nice big piece of birthday cake.

It looks like you had a great time, a Bully stick and a belly rub.

Bark at you soon...


Agatha and Archie said...

Looked like a great pahhty!! What's a little peepee and throwup???Big deal...happens here all the time!!!! Glad you had fun!! We went to the doggy store and bought TONS of cookies!! Tomorrow we get to CHASE THE RATS!!! WooHoo!! Love A+A

Harry said...

What fun you all had! Had Uncle Tony perhaps indulged in one or two beverages of the alcoholic variety?!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Juno said...

Asta!! Thanks for sharing wonderful pictures. I can tell everyone had a great time. It is nice to see familiar faces like Uncle Tony and Kawen!! You know.. we've never really seen your mommi's face before. She's so bootiful lady. Your family is picture pawfect. :)

Momo xoxo

Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

WOW, what a party. You guys really know how to put together a great event! Don't worry 'bout the peepee and throwing up. We've all done it a time or two. Doggies tend to get a bit too excited at hooman and pup parties. I'm glad you had so much fun, and you looked great dancing with your Uncle Tony. You should be on Broadway! :-)

Your pal,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Glad your dad was happy celebrating his birthday! Looks live everyone enjoyed the party!
Maybe you had those "accidents" due to all the excitment! I hope your are ok!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures and the video!
Have a good night

Lacy said...

woofies asta girlie!!! u wuz xciteded bout da pawty iz y u goted sicky..hope u iz better nows...lookies likes all of dem had a greats time at ur daddi's pawty..heehee u and uncle tony video wuzz sooo cooolies..u shoulda teached em all how to play wollie ball...happy birfday asta's daddy..heehee me cants rite a song fur him..me cants ryme...likes muzzer and gussie can..

b safe,

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! I bet the pawty was great & the food too, yum! Man, look at that humongous cake! Bet it was yummy too. Don't think my barkday cake will be that tall, hehehe! In the vid, who was laughing sooo evilly in the background? They all are laughing at you? I didn't laugh, I think your dance was nice! Bet you are soo pooped now. Hope you helped your hoomans with the dishes by licking them clean...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Barkday to your Daddy Asta. That looked liked the bestest pawty!!!! Glad your tummy feels better tho'

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

G'day Twinny,

Happy Barkday to your Daddy.

xxx Asta down under

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Everyone looked like that had a brilliant time, Asta. Woof Woofs to your daddy.

Putter said...

Asta! Asta!

OMG!!!! What a greatest ever pawty you had for your Daddi!!!! That looked super duper specialist!!!!! And that CAKE!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! Talk to you soonest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Juno said...

Hi Asta! It's Momo again.. I thought I have mentioned this but I guess I didn't. You've been awarded. Please come see me when you have a moment.

Have a happy Sunday!

Momo xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wooo Asta, Thank woo for sharing your dad's pawty with us!!!

Chloé said...

Hi Asta!!!! I like so much your picture, good party!!! Happy birthday to asta´s daddy!!! your and your daddy have the best horoscope, how my mum and me!!! ;)


wally said...

Ohhh! Happy burpday to your pops! I hope he had a great time. That cake looks DELICIOUS. Mmmmm. Glad you guys had a great pawty. You guys do know how to get down up there.


Joe Stains said...

You had a pawesome party! Your Mom and Aunt Karen are very pretty, for humans ya know. Your uncle definitely was channeling some inner chipmunk in that photo, and what was with the dancing? He is very silly :)

Gus said...

Another Great pawty at Asta's house! Sorry you got a tummy ache, but glad your Daddy enjoyed his party. Muzzer says to thank him for his very kind e-mail.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...what food, what dancing, what tummy spots!!! And ur Mumsie is boootiful...she's just glowing from the warmth and coziness of the night...and maybe from the cocktails too!!! Did the hooomans share????? That cake looked fab...mmmmmmmmm. Sorry to hear you tossed ur cookies and had a tinkle issue. Happens here all the time....mostly Scruffy...he's a master tinkler.
Mumsie sorta woke up from her trance...she actually posted tonight. Perhaps the "boys" didn't clean up the house as they should have after the poker pawty.

Sleepy licks,

Lacy said...

woofies, asta!!! ware r u at?? u must b plum tuckereded out from ur long walkie todays..hurrwy back to bloggy girlie...

b safe,

Stanley said...

Asta, Sweetpea!

Give your daddi some more goober birfday hugs from me. It looks like the most fabuloso pawty ~ with champagne, tummy rubs, smoochin', tasty food and tap dancing, how could it NOT be? Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you.

I bet you were not the only one there who lost some cookies or had tinkle issues! I guarantee you weren't!

Goober love & smooches to you,
Your Stanley Boy

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What a pawsome pawty, everyone sure looks like they enjoyed it very much. You're a great hostess Asta. You also look very cute dancing there

~ Girl girl

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

your pawty for your Dad looked just amazing.

Jeannie was so funny.....'cos she was so amazed that you have the same orange casserole dish as she does!!!!!!

How funny hoooomans are?

It all looked so good, hope your Dad had a lovely time! love and licks, Marv xxxxx oh and birthday licks to your Dad from us in Scotland xxxxx

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
Mommy stared at the food and dooled and then she kept trying to look at your mommas shoes!!!
I elbowed her out to take a look at you!