Last night was the big Halloween Birfday Bash in Salem. to celebwate.six Birfdays at once.
Agatha and Awchie took cawe of evewything...inside the House of the Seven Gables the pawlow was set up with all the yummiest foods you can imagine...they had Lobstew,and chowdew,and baked beans,and Swuffy and Lacie bwought some fantabulous Kielbasa..Hawwy brought us bangers fwom England, and Noah and his sistews bwought kangawoo eaws...we had Sam Adams show up to quench ouw thiwst..and thewe wewe these supew special cookies Agatha baked..and that was all befowe we got to the tons of was a gweat feast!!!
All the Birfday kids, Lowenza, Koobuss,Pwecious,Lola,Ambew-Mae and Dewey snuck in to see the food befowe the west of us..I think they had a tewwific suwpwise.
It was a spooky night and many of us doggies wewe shaking in ouw boots..scawed of the witches and goblins..but it tuwned out to be nothing but fun,,and the hobgoblins didn't huwt anyone at all..Thewe was a full moon and a witch flew by on hew bwoom,but didn't huwt us(it tuwned out to be ouw hooman fwiend Blue,disguised as a doggie,hehehe)
Verdi and Gaucho didn't get lost this time and sat on the woof to get a bettew view
Siw Bacon came as the big bad Wolf and was leaning out the window, along with Jake and JustHawwy,who came as "Pinky"and the "bwain"(plottting wowld domination..actually I think we doggies could do a much bettew job on the wowld, but that's fow anothew blog
The fouw Bs all showed up. but wewe chasing tennis balls and wunning so fast that theiw costoomes fell off
Ronin came all the way fwom Romania as count Pugula
Noah and his aiwesisssies all came as ghosts(fwiendly ones)
Mojo was the scawiest as a gween aireboy with wed eyes going"BWA HAHAHA"
Faya came in hew wed Miss Popcown shiwt, looking vewy fetching as all the boys chasing hew would agwee(BTW we had the best popcown balls bwought by Scwuffy and Lacie),Yum!!!
Joey was a magician, and Tannew had been tuwned into a can of punkin fow most of the pawty..just befowe we tuwned him into a pie...pooof..he tuwned into Tannew in a punkin suit,whew...
Simba was supewman , Cwicket Louise was a lobstew,Snowball came as a wed Indian Pwincess, Ivy was abootiful faiwy sitting in the twee...Ambew the little chihuaha came as a chicken hehehe
Hammer even made it fwom Austwalia with a magic wand and a hat....
Maggie wowe a hat too and came as an old Lady, hew bwuddew Mitch hid undew a sheet and all you could see was his footie sticking out( this also wowked fow hiding when he was scawed..many of us wewe even if we didn't all admit it)
Thewe wew sevewal cutie witches..Powdew Puff was a wugwitch, Momo as a bootiful pink witch, LacyLulu as a shy little witch , Pwecious in a gowgeous blue dwess way too pwetty to be a witch,but then she was a birfday giwl, so it was fitting, and the othew Birfday GiwlAmbew-Mae was such a nice witch that she bwought a basket of yummies with hew.
Rossi could be wecognised by his nosie and eyes..the west of him was covewed as a ghost,heheh
Fwasie-Poo was a skeleton as was SIllySuki
Lola the birfday Girl came as supewdiva girl! she was feeling much Urgee was not thewe
Ouw othew Birfday cutie, the evew glamowous and pawfectly dwessed Lorenza had , as usual, the most pawfect halloween dwess made by hew vewy own gwama-coutouwiew
Dewey also celebwating a birfday was new to ouw gwoup and we all made him feel welcome..he came as Uncle Sam and was weally a fun guy..we wish he had a bloggie too
Scruffy and Lacie dwessed as opposite stuffies,heheh those kids awe the funniest,Scwuffy was a lakeland, and Lacie a was all vewy confoosing..I don't know if Koobie the birfday giwlWho was a wed and black bootiful jestew pwobably kissed the wong stuffie,hehe and who knows what siw Dunstan in his ghost sheet was thinking of his anomewata Lacie dwessed as hew bwuddew??????? They spent most of theiw time chasing aftew baby Stella( they pwomised to baby sit hew) who showed what she's made of by sneaking in baby Cassidy and wecking havock..poow Stanny.
Luckily,Harry didn't know his baby bwudder was thewe..aftew all the food and dwink, he took a nice snooze, he was not bothewed by the ghosties(must have a vewy cleaw conscience)
Speaking of babies..Puttew, the supew Nanny got a night off and came in hew soccew outfit..she finally got to welax and play with all of us wesponsibilities..
Gussie and Teka came as vewy sexy piwates, but by the time we took the gwoup pictoowe they wewe nekkid,hehe I'm suwe Miss Snickews in hew Saloon Giwl outfit(which is stupendous!) didn't mind..she was seen nevew leaving Gussie's side fow a moment.
Teka finally convinced Joey to welease Tannew
I, Asta youw woving pupewazi, came as Mawguewite St.Just..The Scawlet Puppewnell's twue love, and I must say I felt a lot less scawed being awound Stanley as that swashbucklew, Siw Butchy of Lamb, in his incwedible knight's outfit,and Jackson who came as a devil with wed eyes...we also took cawe that GiwlGiwl, in hew spidew suit, felt safe.
Ruby..ouw bestes pilot came as a skein of wed yawn..and aftew escowting me to the pawty, Stanny disappeawed with hew fow a while undew the twees.hehe
Agatha and Archie would have scawed me to death if I didn't wecognise theiw giggles..he was Count Dwacula(vewy handsome in tails) and she came as an evil sowcewess in a vewy pwetty puwple gown
This is ouw gwoup powtwait fwom the fabulous Halloween-Birfday PawtyWe all spent the whole night, and then went on a touw of Boston led by Agatha and can see it on theiw bloggie..what a weekend!
Listen fwiends, don't fowget to cwoss youw paws fow ouw little Janie, Bussie's sissy,and also ouw Jackson, who is going fow mowe howwible tests!!!!
smoochie kisses to all