a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thoughts on the night befowe Halloween

It was a bootiful cleaw,cool autumn day..tomowwow is halloween, and thewe is a pawty at my wun..tonight I sit in fwont of the fiwe thinking about stuff...

I had the best time at the birfday bash in Salem, but evew since i got home, I've been vewy sad, and wowwied..

My sweet Jackson had to go fow awful tests again, and I'm cwossing my fingews that no one huwts him and that they can fix him up,...

and then thewe's Janie, Bussie's fostew sissy, who finally had leawned to twust hoomans and enjoy life a little aftew being held as a sex-slave by evil puppymill monstews..and now she's tewwibly sick.it's all because of the awful things that happened befowe wescue

Hewe I am , all comfy, sowwounded by toys and love,and fwiends, and with a full tummy, while lots of doggies and catses and hammies awe being mistweated by tewwible hoomans

Don't you sometimes wondew at how unfaiw the wowld is??
I wish I could do something
I feel so helplesssometimes I almost feel like giving up
smoochie kisses

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween Birfday Bash, by youw woving Puppewatzi, Asta

Last night was the big Halloween Birfday Bash in Salem. to celebwate.six Birfdays at once.

Agatha and Awchie took cawe of evewything...inside the House of the Seven Gables the pawlow was set up with all the yummiest foods you can imagine...they had Lobstew,and chowdew,and baked beans,and Swuffy and Lacie bwought some fantabulous Kielbasa..Hawwy brought us bangers fwom England, and Noah and his sistews bwought kangawoo eaws...we had Sam Adams show up to quench ouw thiwst..and thewe wewe these supew special cookies Agatha baked..and that was all befowe we got to the tons of cakes...it was a gweat feast!!!

All the Birfday kids, Lowenza, Koobuss,Pwecious,Lola,Ambew-Mae and Dewey snuck in to see the food befowe the west of us..I think they had a tewwific suwpwise.

It was a spooky night and many of us doggies wewe shaking in ouw boots..scawed of the witches and goblins..but it tuwned out to be nothing but fun,,and the hobgoblins didn't huwt anyone at all..

Thewe was a full moon and a witch flew by on hew bwoom,but didn't huwt us(it tuwned out to be ouw hooman fwiend Blue,disguised as a doggie,hehehe)

Verdi and Gaucho didn't get lost this time and sat on the woof to get a bettew view

Siw Bacon came as the big bad Wolf and was leaning out the window, along with Jake and JustHawwy,who came as "Pinky"and the "bwain"(plottting wowld domination..actually I think we doggies could do a much bettew job on the wowld, but that's fow anothew blog

The fouw Bs all showed up. but wewe chasing tennis balls and wunning so fast that theiw costoomes fell off

Ronin came all the way fwom Romania as count Pugula

Noah and his aiwesisssies all came as ghosts(fwiendly ones)

Mojo was the scawiest as a gween aireboy with wed eyes going"BWA HAHAHA"

Faya came in hew wed Miss Popcown shiwt, looking vewy fetching as all the boys chasing hew would agwee(BTW we had the best popcown balls bwought by Scwuffy and Lacie),Yum!!!

Joey was a magician, and Tannew had been tuwned into a can of punkin fow most of the pawty..just befowe we tuwned him into a pie...pooof..he tuwned into Tannew in a punkin suit,whew...
Simba was supewman , Cwicket Louise was a lobstew,Snowball came as a wed Indian Pwincess, Ivy was abootiful faiwy sitting in the twee...Ambew the little chihuaha came as a chicken hehehe

Hammer even made it fwom Austwalia with a magic wand and a hat....

Maggie wowe a hat too and came as an old Lady, hew bwuddew Mitch hid undew a sheet and all you could see was his footie sticking out( this also wowked fow hiding when he was scawed..many of us wewe even if we didn't all admit it)

Thewe wew sevewal cutie witches..Powdew Puff was a wugwitch, Momo as a bootiful pink witch, LacyLulu as a shy little witch , Pwecious in a gowgeous blue dwess way too pwetty to be a witch,but then she was a birfday giwl, so it was fitting, and the othew Birfday GiwlAmbew-Mae was such a nice witch that she bwought a basket of yummies with hew.

Rossi could be wecognised by his nosie and eyes..the west of him was covewed as a ghost,heheh

Fwasie-Poo was a skeleton as was SIllySuki

Lola the birfday Girl came as supewdiva girl! she was feeling much bettew..mr.Al Urgee was not thewe
Ouw othew Birfday cutie, the evew glamowous and pawfectly dwessed Lorenza had , as usual, the most pawfect halloween dwess made by hew vewy own gwama-coutouwiew

Dewey also celebwating a birfday was new to ouw gwoup and we all made him feel welcome..he came as Uncle Sam and was weally a fun guy..we wish he had a bloggie too

Scruffy and Lacie dwessed as opposite stuffies,heheh those kids awe the funniest,Scwuffy was a lakeland, and Lacie a WFT..it was all vewy confoosing..I don't know if Koobie the birfday giwlWho was a wed and black bootiful jestew pwobably kissed the wong stuffie,hehe and who knows what siw Dunstan in his ghost sheet was thinking of his anomewata Lacie dwessed as hew bwuddew??????? They spent most of theiw time chasing aftew baby Stella( they pwomised to baby sit hew) who showed what she's made of by sneaking in baby Cassidy and wecking havock..poow Stanny.
Luckily,Harry didn't know his baby bwudder was thewe..aftew all the food and dwink, he took a nice snooze, he was not bothewed by the ghosties(must have a vewy cleaw conscience)

Speaking of babies..Puttew, the supew Nanny got a night off and came in hew soccew outfit..she finally got to welax and play with all of us ..no wesponsibilities..

Gussie and Teka came as vewy sexy piwates, but by the time we took the gwoup pictoowe they wewe nekkid,hehe I'm suwe Miss Snickews in hew Saloon Giwl outfit(which is stupendous!) didn't mind..she was seen nevew leaving Gussie's side fow a moment.
Teka finally convinced Joey to welease Tannew

I, Asta youw woving pupewazi, came as Mawguewite St.Just..The Scawlet Puppewnell's twue love, and I must say I felt a lot less scawed being awound Stanley as that swashbucklew, Siw Butchy of Lamb, in his incwedible knight's outfit,and Jackson who came as a devil with wed eyes...we also took cawe that GiwlGiwl, in hew spidew suit, felt safe.

Ruby..ouw bestes pilot came as a skein of wed yawn..and aftew escowting me to the pawty, Stanny disappeawed with hew fow a while undew the twees.hehe

Agatha and Archie would have scawed me to death if I didn't wecognise theiw giggles..he was Count Dwacula(vewy handsome in tails) and she came as an evil sowcewess in a vewy pwetty puwple gown

This is ouw gwoup powtwait fwom the fabulous Halloween-Birfday Pawty
We all spent the whole night, and then went on a touw of Boston led by Agatha and Awchie..you can see it on theiw bloggie..what a weekend!

Listen fwiends, don't fowget to cwoss youw paws fow ouw little Janie, Bussie's sissy,and also ouw Jackson, who is going fow mowe howwible tests!!!!
smoochie kisses to all

Please help Janie!!!!


Do you remember Janie, the cutie little wire girlBussie and his pawents are fostering for Schnauzer/Fox Terrier of Florida rescue? Isn't she just the cutest?

Janie is sick, and rescue just does not have the money to pay for her vet bills. We are all sad, because Janie's transformation into a loving little doggie is so special.

Janie first came to stay with THEM she was so, well, we didn't know if she could ever be a normal dog. Janie was rescued from a puppymill - she had spent her whole life in a cage. She did not even know what a toy was! Janie was super afraid of you-mans and would run away so fast if anybody even moved toward her or said anything to her! NOW SHE LOVES TO CUDDLE AND STEAL BUSSIE'S TOYS AND IS A LOVING LITTLE GIWL.

Janie suffers from pancreaitis which is controlled by a special diet - this is due to her awful puppymill experiences. Over the past week Janie has a had a severe pancreaitis attack and is not getting any better even with her medicine. Unfortunately acute pancreaitis can kill doggies.

Bussie's Daddy is driving her way far away to a special vet tomorrow so he can do tests and stuff and see what he can do to help her. We are so afraid that if she does not get specialized (read expensive) vet care she will end up over the rainbow bridge.

WE had asked fow donations, but now Bussie said they awen't allowed to..so pleez pway fow hew!!!! and cwoss youw paws, and think positive thoughts!!!!!

Bussie Kissies
Buster and smoochie kisses

Friday, October 26, 2007

Costumes fow Pawty and Welcome to the Cwown Pwincess of Gooberstan

My Sweet Stanley and I decided to come to the Halloween Birfday pawty togethew as
THE SCAWLET PUPPEWNELL AND HIS LOVE( Mawguewite St.Juste).....He was a swashbuckling hewo..so any doggie ow Hammie who gets scawed fwom the ghosts ow goblins can just hang out with us..he'll pwotect us fow suwe!

Evedoggie has been tagged to wite a limewick to welcome Stanleys sissy,,the cwown pwincess of Goobewstan..hew name is STELLA......
well I wasn't going to do it, cause my Mommi is hopeless and I couldn't wite one by myself..but to the wescue came auntie Kawen's sissy ,who was visiting fwom Chicago! So thank you auntie Ro!
..thanks to you I don't have to have egg on my face and I could welcome Stella in style...hewe it is:
The Gooberstan's got a new sis
She's really a darling young miss
Though he's twelve times her size
He's a gentle sweet guy
And their life from now on will be bliss

I suwe hope you'll always be a happy family togethew..Welcome to ouw wowld Stella!
smoochie kisses

Thursday, October 25, 2007


It's all gwey and wainy hewe, and on top of that Mommi has been sowt of sick..I'm boooowed!
No one to play with, I'm, sick of pwacticing piano ow playing cawds by myself..what am I to do?

Since Mommi was weading, I decided to get a book too..but thewe was a slight misundewstanding..she said weading...not eating....gulp...this is what my book looked like aftew I finished it.

I hope you did bettew with youw day than I did..I think I'm in twouble again....so now fow a quiet legal activity, I'm going to fill out this questionaiw.

A billion yeaws ago someone tagged me fow this game...I'm sowwy ,but I fowgot who..but I'll do it anyway..if you haven't been tagged pleez pwetend I'm tagging you OK??

YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (favorite stuffie + tail characteristic)

YOUR GANGSTER NAME: (favorite kong-filler + favorite cookie)

YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color + favorite animal species)
OrangeElephant (That should fool them..I'm weally not that big)

YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name + city where you were born)
PupcakeDurham (I think I play the town floozie)

YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name + first 2 letters of your first name)
Kro-As (that sounds tewwible)

SUPERHERO NAME: (“The” + 2nd favorite color + favorite drink)
The Red Pawtini ( tah Dah..! I'm off to save the wowld!! if only I could stand up,hehehe)

NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Miklos Zsigmond

STRIPPER NAME: (your favorite scent + favorite treat)
Puppy Liver (now that's just plain wong!)

WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names)
Claire Ernst

TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (your vet’narin’s last name + a major city that starts with the same letter)
Farber Freiburg

SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday + favorite flower)
Winter Lilac

CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit + article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Apple Jamjamsie

HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast + your favorite plant)
Caffee Latte Tartine Lavender (I have big bweakfasts, what can I say?)

YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (“The” + Your favorite hobby + favorite weather element + “Tour”)
The Smooch Snow Tour (now that sounds illicit)

I can hawdly wait fow the big pawty in Salem..I have to wun and help Lacie and Agatha set things up fow the guests!
see you thewe!
smoochie kisses

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Memory Walk

I'd like to thank my Fwiends Momo and Marvin Bwaveheawt, who both awawded me this bootiful plaque!! Thank you so vewy much fow saying that!! I think you'we so vewy sweet too!

I'd like to pass it on to
my vewy sweet fwiends Gussie, Butchy and Snickers, Putter,Ruby,and Stanley , ..you all helped me in my task fow this walk!!!!!
Today I went to Wivewside Pawk to pawticipate in Memowy Walk..it's to help people with Alzheimew's and find a coowe and suppowt theiw loved ones...my auntie Kawen's twue-love-husband Ed can't be home anymowe cause he has it..it's weally tewwible..so we wanted to help...
it was a bootiful day, wawm, but bweezy,
I got an official banana just fow me!!! isn't it pwetty??

Hewe we awe "Team Ed" we even had bloons that said that..we all have ouw official shiwts ow bananas on that they gave us fow helping to waise money..
you know evewybody aweady I think

you wouldn't believe how many doggies wewe thewe..they wewe all vewy polite and well behaved...I think we all knew this was sewious business even though it was fun
Thewe was a special place whewe doggies got tweats and watew
We wewe at the vewy beginning of theline,and thewe wewe thousands of people,so sometimes I got lifted up so no one would step on me hehehe
Thewe wewe places whewe they gave you juice ow coffee and muffins and croissants and bagels and enewgy baws befowe the stawt of the walk

I made these two little boyz giggle when I kissied them all ovew ..that was fun!!!

Thewe was a lot of saying hello to evewyone while we waited fow the walk to begin

Isn't that a lovely doggie??
Can You see who'se behind me???no not the mr. policeman, but the Mr. in fwont of him...it's David Hyde Piewse..you know he used to play Fwasiew's bwudder..now he's mostly on Bwoadway, and a big suppowtew of this cause!

now it was time to stawt the march!!!

Can you believe it ? We found a wiwe named Gypsy..isn't that cool?? I almost nevew see wiwes ow Aiwedales..that makes me sad..but this was gweat!
Gypsy and her Mom invited us to a fox tewwiew event in this pawk on Nov. 4th. can you imagine a doggie pawk all full of WFT???chaos,heheheh
I kept thinking I was seeing my fwiends..fow a moment I thought Momo was hewe..but no
We kept bumping into doggies who wanted to get aquainted
Aftew a while evewy one went at theiw own pace..it suwe doesn't look like the end of Octobew does it??
My Family likes soccer,and this is a pwetty place to pwactice..with the Hudson wivew behind and new Jewsey on the othew side
This is a nice place to play..i took this pictoowe fow Joe Stains and all my baseball fanatic fwiends
Towawds the end of the walk thewe was time to wun awound in the leaves a little bit..I love the cwunch

Walking makes you vewy thiwsty aftew a while

As you can see towawds the end, we wewe way behind..we slowed down to talk to many doggies and theiw hoomans
My Deaw fwiends..this has been a vewy bootiful day,but it's a vewy sad and sewious pwoblem!

Thank you my sweet genewous fwiends who helped me waise money fow this cause in the memowy of youw loved ones who suffewed fwom it and that you may have lost...
We'we lucky cause we wemembew them!!!
I appweciate youw help fwom the bottom of my heawt!
smoochie kisses

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Daddi's Birfday Pawty With family

Last night we had a belated Birfday pawty fow my Daddi! All ouw best fwiends(we think of them as family) wewe coming..I was weady! I wowe my blingy collaw cause it was a pawty and I wanted to look extwa special!
Evewything was all weady,now all we needed was the guests
Mommi bought these pwetty flowews fow Daddi..she says boyz like flowews too
Finally people came and we stawted the celebwation!
I guess they wewe having fun, although they nevew westled ow played bitey face ow anything..hoomans awe so weiwd..I could teach them a thing ow two

Boy can hoomans talk..blah,blah,blah...I lost intewest
In between all the excitement..I decided it was time fow a bully stick bweak
My Mommi is the silliest at evewy pawty
Daddi is that fow me????
I kept getting yummy tastes of evewything all evening long...I just loove pawties!

Mommi closed my eaws..I think I wasn't supposed to listen to the convewsation....not fow little pups,she said
That's my hooman sissy sewving some Hungawian peasant food we all love , while my kousin Chwis and Cawina awe aweady eating (unkel Tony has a big moufful..he looks like a chipmunk hewe don't you think?? and he hasn't even had his teef pulled out like Joey's dad)
The candles wewen't neawly enough..thewe wasn't woom heheh, but they spawkled when lit..it was funny
Awen't they the silliest bunch? That's my Daddi,unkel Tony(you wemembew the tap dancing this summew?), aunt Kawen and Mommi
Unkel Tony is twying to teach me a celebwatowy dance...sheees!

I'm not suwe that piece will be big enough fow me
I gave a humoungous smoochie to Auntie Kawen..we weally love each othew vewy much
a good night tummy wub fwom auntie Kawen
I finally got tiwed....( in between... I thwew up once and also had a nevew befowe seen peepee accident...I guess I was just too excited with all the pawtying..but no one got mad at me)
being a hostess is hawd wowk

It's two in the mowning, and I'm going to bed! Mommi will stay up and make evewything clean still..look how pwetty the waindwops were on the window looking out! It was a swell pawty..Daddi had the bestest time! I'm tiwed and vewy Happy