(if you want to go to see the hotel click hewe) fow a Valentine's Pawty.
Natoowally I asked my Stanley heawtthwob to accompany me (sigh!!!!!)..he said yes
left to wight: Stella,Stanley,Me,Lacie,Charybdis,Momo,Socks and Scylla
in the Van :Ruis, Karl ,Opus and Sassy
Photo by SassyWe wewe bwought by Opus' magic flying Van..he had to make sevewal delivewies so we could all be thewe My bbff Stella Bean Latifah(Stanley's dawling sissie) got a wide wif us so she could spend Valentine's Day wif hew sweetheawt Taffy in Gweat Bwitain(we made a detoow)
Natoowally I asked my Stanley heawtthwob to accompany me (sigh!!!!!)..he said yes

in the Van :Ruis, Karl ,Opus and Sassy
Photo by Sassy
and that evew-anxious-topawtyBFF-of-mine, Lacie giwl packed hew biggest suitcase and came along too. We went to the hotel and fweshened up to get weady fow the west of the day
Charybdis, Scylla, Sassy, Lacie, Opus, Momo, Socks Karl, Ruis, Stanley, Asta
picture by Asta
just look at this place..they awe weady fow Valentine's Day!!!
We all met up in the weception woom of the hotel
fow Scwumtious Valentine cake, dwinkies, sowbets, and to catch up on all the news since we last saw each othew...evewyone was dwessed to the nines!
Stanley bwought me gowgeous flowews..and he looked HOT!
Well I guess evewyone did,but I only had eyes fow him

picture by Asta
just look at this place..they awe weady fow Valentine's Day!!!
We all met up in the weception woom of the hotel
fow Scwumtious Valentine cake, dwinkies, sowbets, and to catch up on all the news since we last saw each othew...evewyone was dwessed to the nines!
Stanley bwought me gowgeous flowews..and he looked HOT!
Well I guess evewyone did,but I only had eyes fow him
(thewe is a woomow that Opus is bwinging a mystewy guest)
My sissies Momo and Sassy and I had a little quiet giwl talk in ouw woom . We haven't seen each othew fow a while and it was gweat to catch up and welax .

We had lots of cookies and tea( I have a feeling this is going to be a vewy high calowy weekend..Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!)

photo by sassy
We decided to touw awound the town a bit
Here we are all together again at the theater in Taormina, befowe gathewing fow pawtinis and Niptinis in the Hotel...I know , I know, we'we all ovew dwessed, but we just felt vewy celebwatowy

and then the evening finally awwived fow the big valentine's Pawty
Lacie made hewself vewy comfowtable, Opus was vewy attentive to hew, despite the fact that he bwought a mystewy guest..(don't ask me, cause I have no idea who it is) the twins Scylla and Chawybdis aways stuck togethew, as did that happy couple, Ruis and Kawl.....

and then the evening finally awwived fow the big valentine's Pawty
Lacie made hewself vewy comfowtable, Opus was vewy attentive to hew, despite the fact that he bwought a mystewy guest..(don't ask me, cause I have no idea who it is) the twins Scylla and Chawybdis aways stuck togethew, as did that happy couple, Ruis and Kawl.....
my sissie Sassy had one on each awm, sissie Momo was wif hew Lovemancat Socks(don't you love his lavendew shoes??)
and of couwse I changed again so that I would be mowe comfowtable fow all the dancing I plnned to do wif my Dawling goobew Boy
and of couwse I changed again so that I would be mowe comfowtable fow all the dancing I plnned to do wif my Dawling goobew Boy
The fiwe was blazing..thewe was a fwagwance of flowews in the aiw..sweets and dwinkies and womance evewywhewe
alone wif Stanley my goob in the moonlight
I hope all of you had a fantastically bootiful love filled celebwations!!!.
I hope all of you had a fantastically bootiful love filled celebwations!!!.
Pleez .go visit the othews at this pawty..the catses have loads mowe infowmation, and would love to welcome you fow a pawtini and a chat !
(you can biggify the pictoowes by clicking on them)
Hey Asta girl!
Looks like you are having one wing ding of a Valentine's Day!
(And thanks for keeping Stanley occupied!)
Valentine sugars,
Happy Valentine's Day!
Joyeuse St-Valentin jolie petite Asta !
Bisous, Faya & Dyos
What a wonderful time you all had.
Happy Valentines Day sweetie!
And, thanks for the greetings.
Love, pats & pets
Sweet Astaroni!
You always have the best photos of everything we do together! You and all the girls had so many fabulous outfits you kept our head spinning. (The champaigne, pawtinis and all that dancing didn't help.) hehehe
Can't wait to enjoy the rest of our weekend of love!
Goober love & smooches,
How very continental you all look, so Vogue. Now that is a most pawsome place for a Valentine celebration with your friends and of course your dashing boy Stanley.Enjoy every second of it.Happy Valentines Day sweet Asta.
Ooooodles of lovies and kissies.
Eric xxxxxxxxxxxx
You always have the best parties! You and Stanley make such a handsome couple. Love, Martha
What a fun pawty! Happy Valentine's day, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Valentine's Day to you, Asta!
Asta, you and Stanley are pawfect together. The party looks like lots of fun. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
romantic tailwags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx
Happy Valentine's Day Asta!
(Was Stanley slipping you the tongue in that last photo? How racy! Remember, there are young pups on these blogs...)
Anyhow, I am a bit distressed at your BFF. She asked me to take her out so we're doubling with Eric and Toffee next weekend to celebrate Toffee and my birthdays in Paris. And now, not even a week earlier, I find her sprawled in a chair, showing off all her wares to Opus once again.
I know you say she's a "flirt" but there's a fine line between a flirt and a you-know-what and I think Lacie may have crossed it. I'm considering canceling the whole weekend!
Broken-heartedly yours,
Hi, Asta...
Now that's a Pawty...
Happy Valentine's Day...
Abby xxxooo
Quite the waggy Valentine's day. You lucky dog!
Okay okay - I'll be more patient with Lacie. But I won't be surprised if she has those mysteriously swollen lips again after today!
And of course, I flop in a chair - I'm a boy!
I think I need Stanley to take me shopping for some of those black velvet (or were they leather?) pants before next weekend. But he probably shops at the Big & Tall store whereas I have to frequent the Short & Scruffy shop!
Your pal,
You & your furrry friends have been having a good time eh? Happy Valentine's Day!
All stuffed after a BIG feast,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Valentines Day Asta.
We had a great time with you. This was such a fun party and Sicily is so pretty and the castle was so elegant. We wishes we could stay here for ever. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Happy Valentines Asta, I hope to be as well mannered a dog as you are one day. It is raining here and the ground is very wet so it is no fun to go outside. ~Fenris
Oh my...what a marvelous weekend. We hope the grand times continue. Muzzer loves your lounge dress.
Happy Valentine's Day Asta from your Bit of Rough in Scotland xxxxxx
wow, I am so amazed by all your photos, you are such a smart crew, I could never measure up to any of your Dudes.
however, I still love you lots.
Marvin xxxxxx
WOW!! What a great weekend, Asta! You sure know how to do it right!!
Love ya!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Romance under the moonlight-- wooff woof! drool drool. What else could a girl like on Valentine's day (besides your scandelous outfits).
Kiss kisses,
Happy Valentine's Day!
OMD...for once I have an innocent weekend and all that Petey can do is complain. I sat in a chair...with a dress on...is that illegal??????? Did he call me a tramp in not so many words...and HE'S thinkin' bout callin the Paris weekend off????
Lacie growls deep in her throat. Honestly Asta...how wude of him.
Anyway...this pawty is pawsitively divine...thanks SOOOOOOOO MUCH for letting me borrow those purple outfits...I know you look amazing in orange, but you could so wear purple too...can you see me in orange? I don't think so!
That Opus is such a gentleman kitty. Just a complete total sweetheart!!!
Speakin' of sweethearts, you and Stan surely looked coziest this weekend! I hafta admit he looked like he was pantin' just standin' by ya!
Happiest Valentine's Day, my Sweet BBF!!!!!
Love and kisses...Lacie
Pee Ess...do you think Stella has a smaller butt than me?????????
Sweet Asta! It's live a Love Bomb went off on your blog. I am feeling dizzy with adoration. What a lovely place your spot at DWB is today. I shall hang out for a while and feeeeeeel the love!
Your admirer,
Now that's the kind of party we all should be having - what a beautiful location for it to be held.
Happy V-Day from all of us to woo.
Play bows, the OP Pack
hi Asta, thank you for sending us the really sweet valentines card. we wuf you, little fuzzy butt friend!
you and your friends really partied it up. it looks like a lovely celebration.
Incredibly romantic Asta and Stanley and the whole Valentine party!
G’day Twinny,
Happy Valetines Day!
It looks like you weally went all out! I think PG would have liked that shopping twip wif all the othew kitties.
We awe vewy relieved the fires awe calming down,
Thanks fow checking on me! We awe vewy lucky to be in the centre of the city, but many unlucky animal pals had a tough time.
xxx Asta (Oz)
I was so cawwied away by youw exciting Valentine's Dav, I fowgot to say how impwessed I was by your photos of Pawminister. It looks like you and your mum had a pawtastic time.
xxx Asta (oz)
Wooo! Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!!! great to see you and efurryone again. We always have such enjoyable and fun-filled parties. Italy is just so beautiful and romantic.
Happy Valentine Asta! What a wonderful time we all had again together, we should do this more often, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
I just wish Opus would finally reveal his mystery date....
You guys sure know how to party! Mom didn't take us anywhere today, she and Dennis went to a gun show instead. Mom said Nothing says love like a gun show (she was KIDDING -- she was so bored in the house she went with Dennis to have some company!). At least she got some chocolate out of it and some hours outside the house. That's about as romantic as our Dennis gets!
Romantic Rudy
Happy Valentine's Day, Asta sweetie! It was so nice of you to wish me a happy day. It is a special day for me since I have an extra large heart!
wally t.
Happy Valentine's Day Asta!
I can see you had a great celebration!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day, Asta and Mommy & Dad!!
Last year I had a very special Valentine celebration when Karl ask me.... and this year again: a romantic trip together with our friends, all we love...
Have you seen Opus mystery date already???
Headbutts & (((hugs)))
ps-- the collective doggy love really helped, plus of course you, Sassy and all the family and friends good care!
G'day Twinny,
It's OK that youw secwetawy made a mistake. It's so difficult to get good help these days. Mum used to also have a cat named Octapussy.
xxx Asta (oz)
Hi Asta!
You and Stanley make a cute couple. Thanks for sharing your lover weekend with us.
Happy v day!
You really know how to throw a party! I had such a wonderful time I almost didn't have time to look at the photos that I took. It is always great to be with good friends. Thanks for hosting the party.
Oh, the group shot of us getting ready for the party is from Karl's camera. I had him make a copy for me.
Happy Valentine's Day!!! I am so glad you got to spend it with you Stanley.
happy late Valentine's day, sweet Asta!!!
wags from the whippets
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