This is Petey's bwuvvew Mica..the wondew cat
Today is Mica's 18th BIWFDAY!!!..
I absolutely wefoose to believe he is a day ovew 9..just look at that face..a pawfect twiangle..and he puts up wif so much, hehehe
I absolutely wefoose to believe he is a day ovew 9..just look at that face..a pawfect twiangle..and he puts up wif so much, hehehe
now while I was doing this..Mommi and Daddi did this, and saw this:
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
(at fiwst I was weally upset that I couldn't go, but They pwomised me that when the weathew is bettew we will go all togethew, and I got to spend a supew fun day at him fashion advice fow his faboolous double date this weekend.....make suwe you go to his bloggie to see it................)
I mostly saw this!
I am continooing my pwayews and can't wait to heaw that Klaus (Bogie's Dad) gets to go home wif him and auntie Lulu.........thewe is so much love and hope!!!!!

Woo are khorrekht!
That khat is NOT that old!! mom is drooling!!!
PeeEssWoo: It is SOOOO furry khool Bogart got to visit his dad AGAIN!
Happy Meowday, Mica! You sure look much younger than your actual age.
Petey look so cute with the ball in his mouth. Is he going to bring his ball along for his big date? I will go visit his blog to find out. hee...
I am having my paws crossed for Bogart's dad too. I hope to hear good news soon too.
Happy Birthday Mica - you don't look a day over 9 for sure!
It is very good of you to share your house with a cat - they scare me. Maybe if I met a nice cat like Mica I would change my mind.
I hope Petey listened to your advice - Paree is such a stylish place - can't wait to hear about his weekend.
We have crossed paws too for Bogart's Dad - furry friends are the best kind of therapy - Th-aire-apy as Bogie says.
Lots of licks
Mica is a beautiful kitty and sure doesn't show his age!
We were just at Bogie's blog and Bogie got to visit his dad in ICU again! We sure hope that miracle arrives today! We're praying so hard!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I have a lot of respect for that old cat. 18 years is a LONG time!
wow, that is the oldest cat I have ever heard about Asta!
Petey sure looks like he has his mouth full!!
Thank you for sharing, lobster hat was cool!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
Hi Asta,
That's the cutest way Mica is that old.
Looks like your pawrents had a wonderful time with your friends but it look wat ti cold forme.
Love ya....Mona
Happy Birthday Mica! Asta you are right.. not a day over 9. We saw on A & A's blog your mom/dad's visit. How wonderful was that? YOu sure are a good sport about it.
We are purring our very best healing purrs for Klaus.
Petey is a real charmer, we are going by to wish Mica a Happy Birthday.
~S,S,C & F
Woof! Thank you for sharing the pictures! We enjoyed them muchly. Chilly here too, Teka was askin for her sweatshirt again
Hi, Asta...
Wow...Mica is 18 years old...She sure looks great for her age...
Happy Birthday, Mica...
Your Mom's pictures from Boston are great...My Mom said she went to that Legal Seafoods Place in Boston once...She loved it...The Chowder was Great!!!
Abby xxxooo
Happy Birthday, Mica. I'll drop by Petey later to say my best wish to him. He sure doesn't show his age at all. My mom had Miami the orange cat, she lived up to a little more than 18 years!
Your mom did a fabulous photobook about her trip to Boston, is she 100% better? Muahhhh!
Asta, Asta...just WAIT till you see the pressie I bought you in Paree!!! And actually I brought home the portable bidet water bowl...evidently it's the latest rage in French glassware!!!!! My Coke Zero is fab in it...wait till I work on some special bidetsmoothies...actually I may not even need the blender with it???!!!!
That Petey...all that womance and now he told me we'll always be friends...whatsup with that???????
As for your Peeps visiting A & A? Oh my...that was wude of them not to take you, wasn't it? Poor least you got to stay at Petey's...I'm sure you've had ur fill of tennis balls by now?
Oh...Scruffy wants to know if you can eat at "Legal Seafoods"...what they serve at illegal seafoods?? Hmm...maybe that's where Toffee's mom got that hat????
Missed you!!!!!
Ur BFF Laciegirl
Happy birthday to Mica! He definitely does not look like 18! We're sorry you didn't get go see the other doggies. Maybe when (if) the weather ever warms up! I bet you had a blast with Petey anyway!
We keep checking Bogart's bloggy for updates and we are very glad to see that they are letting him in to visit his dad. That should make all the difference in his recovery!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Happy Birthday Mica..
Too bad you didn't get to go on the visit. Maybe next time..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
WE looked EVERTWHERE for in(in your Mommy,s handbag, in your Dad's pockets) and didn't find you and then Archie remembered that you went to Petey's.........Don't feel bad, they didn't take us to Legals..the nerve.......Love and a squillion kisses A+A
We were just over at Bogarts oohing over those pics. We sure hope its just what Klaus needs. We will also head on over and visit Petey! Have a great day Asta!
I hope Mica has a very happy birthday!
ps: I love the lobster hat!
Two Paws Up! It's LuLu's birthday today too and we have stated clearly that we would like choklit cake and choklit ice cream and the humans do not seem to be getting it! Surely the choklit is not bad for you on your birthday! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
Happy Birthday Mica!
Sure your mom and dad had a great time there!
Paws crossed for Klaus!
Have a nice sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday to Mica. What a handsome cat he is!!!!
Little Eric told me Mica is one cool cat. We went over and wished him a purrfect birthday this morning but he was sleeeeping.
Gee Asta, I've just been to A&A's. Your lucky leggededs look like they had a most crazy fab time. Apart from getting their heads taken off by PL2 of course. Gulp. (Mom was verrrrry green and wished she could pop over the other side of the big pee more often to visit)I loved your smiley box. It did make me smile and giggle. And the photo of Petey with shock! horror! a ball in his mouth did too. Yours kissing Mica was soooo sweet. Ahhh.
Lovies and kissies. Eric xxxxx
You kissed a cat, WOW! Hey, we've been reading, but not commenting, but now that I am feeling better, who knows what will happen.
Mica is one handsome cat! Please tell him I said happy birthday and my mom asked if he could let us know where the Fountain of Youth is cause she could use a drink!
OMDog, that cat is 18 years old? Well, Happy Birthday to Mica! He doesn't look that old at all!
Sweet Astaroni!!
I bet you made Mica's year by giving him that big smoocharooni for his birthday! He really doesn't look a day over 9. I bet he lives to 30 or more! (I'm heading over there now to leave some goober birthday smooches.)
I'm jealous all the way around that your mommi & daddi get to meet all of our cool dog friends. I probably would have eaten that lobster hat right off of Toffee's mama's head. Can't believe Agatha showed your mommi her bomb shelter. What a privilege!
Goober love & smooches,
Thanks for telling us about Mica's special day - Happy Meowday to Mica!!!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Kousin Asta,
Those were gweat pictures that your Mommi and Daddi took in Bawston. The slide show was wonderful. It was so nice go see Agatha and Archie in pawson! Good job!!
And Happy Birthday to Mica! Yes, he does look good for his age.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Ciao bella, Asta! Grazie, grazie for the dolce message you left on my bloggie, and I would love to be your amica, too. How wonderful that you visited Roma last year. I hope you got to have many samples of gelato while you were there and tossed kibble in the Trevi so you'll be sure to see Roma again.
Your pal Mica looks younger than springtime to me. He's one very handsome gatto!
Tanti baci!
Lucia on over...I have your pressie on our bloggie...straight from Paris....!!!!!!! Ya better be careful with all that picture hangin' in your housie...and don't run under the ladder, kay???!!!
Love and kisseis...ur BFF...Lacie
Happy birthday Mica. I got feline sis at home too but her tail always turn into squirrel's tail when I got near her.
slurpy licks,
Hi Asta,
I love the pic of you giving your famous smoochie kiss to Mica! He is one lucky birthday kitty!!
Yeah happy birthday to Mica. ;)
~ Bae
Asta, we have an award for you. S,S,C & F you really like it?? It's not too big is it??? I just adored the colors in it...and wasn't that fur look just sooooo Khyra???
Hey...Gussie said to ask you if you know bout this bidetbowl glassware fad hittin' the States yet??? He said he didn't think it had but to ask you as you are just all over the latest European trendies...let me know! Wouldn't it be excitin' if it's ME who starts the trend here????? AROOOOOO!!!
Love and kisses...Lacie!
Wow, 18 years is WAY old! I can't even count that high yet.
I hope you have a wonderful week, Asta my friend!
Asta, what a good looking mancat Mica is! And we also don't believe he is 18...
The carnival here is still in full swing, but after Saturday we made sure Luna is staying home with Bubbles and the others.
If we knew a good hangover cure we weren't a day behind for Mica's birthday...haha
Headbutts and (((hugs))) from us.
Karl & Ruis
Mica is 18? Wow! He's still looking good! Happy Meowday to him. Too bad you couldn't go see A&A but I bet your pawrents brought back alot of smell on their clothes from them.
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Asta--wow--you are brave to snuggle up to a kitty!
Hi Asta,
Thank you so much for the lovely message about Lemon and Hsin-Yi's father.
It's great to discover your blog and make new friends!
Honey the Great Dane
Watch out for the treadmill? Cabin fever will bring out the worst in uprights. They drink Blueberry Tea and watch the logs on the fire, we have to generate the electricity for the TV. Well, they are talking of doing that, evil devils. You look just like Sally only slimmer!!!
Rufus the Writer in Residence(Today)
What a wonderful smilebox!
Asta, don't mind mom she is just green with envy that you have Smilebox and she doesn't!
We loved seeing your mommi and daddi - you are obviously most appreciative of what worldly, intelligent and creative humans you have - you trained them well!
Hope to see you soon!
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