a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Twip to Gweat Bwitain continood

Eric and I had the absolute best time..we played so much We bof collapsed aftew ouw hot chocolate and snept like angels.
In the mowning ,I had to go to the aiwepowt to pick up Stella of Goobewstan ( luckily, the aiwepowt finally opened)

I pwomised to send fow my sweet bbFF Stella bean Latifah (my sweet boyfwiend Stanley's sissie)
so that I could dwop hew off at hew lovepup Taffee's..she dwessed to the nines fow the occasion

hewe she is aftew we got to London finally...the twaffic was tewwible, but I loove those big taxis
I dwopped hew off at Molly and Taffy's house, and they wewe speechless at the sight of us....I left aftew a showt play wif Molly....I'll pick Stella up on my way back fwom visiting evewyone else..meantime, Molly will keep an eye on them, hehehehehehe

I left fow Dweamingspiwes..I had a most gwacious invitation fwom my new fwiend Siw Woodstock..(he lives wif my fwiend Blue).
He is a handsome, cultoowed and delightful beaw.
We had a good chin wag, and delicious high tea..too many yummies to descwibe.

it was cozy and wawm inside wif bootiful snow to look at thwu the window

then it was time to see my deawest fwiend Jackson fow a visit..

I know he was gwumpy about the snow, so we decided todo one of ouw favowite things, hehehehe........... teaw up toys and have a gweat time playing and bawking up a stowm
it was so wawm and cozy..I took off all my clothes
I bwought him some pwesent and kisses fwom all his fwiends in the states. I think he was touched by all the good thoughts and wishes fwom his fwiends.

I was dying to see King Simba and pay my wespects,a dnmeet the newest membew of the woyal family..Pwincess Jasmine..so off I went to find NSF daddi and theiw house

I wanted to womp some mowe in the snow, but while simba wa game..Jazzie would have none of it...she said hew woyal toesies got too cold. she stayed in hew woyal cawwiege the whole time.

It was getting late, but Marvin Hollow Hound told me that if I kept going nowf, I could get to his house.
I cewtainly didn't want to miss going to bonnie Scotland to see him and his Jeannie when I was so close..so I got pwopewly dwessed and headed nowf..............................

I finally spotted Marvin..wunning towed me to welcome me! Whopeeeeeee..we'we going to have FUN!
this has been a faboolous twip

Thank you all my fwiends who welcomed me and let me enjoy youw hopsitality, love and snow.
I had a blast...
now I'm heading to Limbouwg Holland,...it's a silly suwpwise fow my fwiends fwom CCSI

love and smoochie kisses


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, Asta, woo sure know how to pack in a lot of visiting in your short trip to England. Glad woo had fun with all your furiends. Can't wait to hear what happens in Holland.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo surely have one very full pawsport!

I'm so furry jealous of all the fun woo are having!


Noah the Airedale said...

You jetsetter you!!! You got to see all our buddies, lucky thing.
Asta, Willow needs you and Lacie and if Aggie is available too that would be great. She has a an abscess that you might be able to sort out for her.

Noah x

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It sounds as IF you are having a grand adventure. We are glad to hear Jackson is doing so well. We think of him often. ~S,S & C

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
What a trip!
Sure is nice to see all our friends over there!
Kisses and hugs

Agatha and Archie said...

All of our favorite pals across the pond!!!! Stella's glasses are to die for and so is your Scottish outfit...simply divine..PL2 said to tell you that she thought she wrote you back thanking you buckets for the lovely card you made but she aid her head is not on too tight lately( whtEVER that means)and thank you soo soo much....Love A+A

Gus said...

OOh, I am soooo jealous. I wanna go visit Jackson and Eric. Maybe next time you go, I can tag along?


Sassy Kat said...

Boy oh boy, or should I say girl oh girl, you really know how to have a good time! You went from snow in NYC to snow in England.
Oh what fun we had at Ruis's place.

Koobuss said...

Kousin Asta,

You sure are having a nice time with our friends and all the snow over there in Great Britain! Jackson looks wonderful. So do you!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Unknown said...

I love all your outfits. You are one fashion diva. Glad your having a great trip!


i said...

Hi Asta, sounds like you're having a cool time in Great Britain!

Joe Stains said...

Other than the fact that it looked so very cold, it looked like a lot of fun. I have never seen so much plaid all in one outfit!! I am with Jackson, it is best to stay inside and have fun when the weather is that crappy!

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni!!

Thanks for taking the Stellanator off my paws for a few days! She had been talking non-stop for days about going to see her Taffy. I have no doubt that Molly will keep a good eye on them.

You look FABulous in plaid. Only you could pull off that amazing look. And, you got to spend time with so many great pals! I was with you in spirit even though I couldn't be with you for real.

You are one GORGEOUS girlpup! (*sigh*)

Goober love & smooches galore,

Bae Bae said...

Woh.. sure looks like you had a pawsome trip Asta. ;)

~ Bae

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
What great fun! I am sure everyone was delighted to see you!

Snowball said...

You sure had a good time visiting all your friends and the snow look like really fun! Stay warm!


Poopsie aka Blue said...

You are certainly getting around Asta despite the snow here!

Woodstock really enjoyed having afternoon tea with you - it was just a shame you left me so many dishes to clear away...

Love, pats & pets

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

It sounds like you are having a wonderful time in England. We can't wait to hear about your adventures in Holland.

Thank you for making a card for me (Hershey). My peemail is

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Simba and Jazzi said...

We should have just left that Jazzi at home. Thanks for coming to see us.

Simba and Jazzi

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You're being very adventurous, Asta, given the awfulness of the weather!

Princess Patches said...

It looks like you're having a great time visiting all our buddies across the pond! We just looooove your Scottish outfit!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Deb Cushman said...

Wow! What a whirlwind trip! You are as classy as ever, even while traveling! Thanks for sharing your activities. We feel like we were right there having fun with you.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Wow! I need to hire your travel agent!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Stylish Asta!

Thank you so much for visiting me, I could not miss you in the snow, you looked so wonderful all wrapped up warmly and stylishly attired for Scotland!

I am so glad you found me - and we had a good run together!

You didn't let on that we had a wee nip of Scotch Whisky to keep the cold out!

Hope to see you again soon, when the weather here gets warmer, you will have to bring your bikini!

lotsaluv from Marvin xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

in tartan of course!! (I think you call in Plaid over the pond though!)

Kelli said...

Hi Asta!
It looks like you had a great time! I can't believe all the amazing adventures you go on! You are one busy girl!
:) Tibby

Moco said...

Goodness to sakes. You are one busy pup. Are you living on 5 hour energy drinks?

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, wow what fun u iz having...next time take me too, me wood love to c sum of our friends..thank u sooo much fur me card, me sent u a thank u on the smileybox thingy but not shure iffin u got it...me lovvved it...

b safe,

Deetz said...

What a pawtastic trip Asta and you looked divine in your outfits...good thing you dressed for the occasion...
Today the color is Orange...that is your favorite color, ya know

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Asta....so ya finally got ta romp in some snow....who coulda known that ya would have ta go all the way to England ta enjoy it...especially since we have so much of it here....now we would love ta see it disappear fer the rest of the year but we bet that's not happenin'....

Enjoy yer trip ta Scotland....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh I bet it was so much fun to play in the snow especially since it is a rare thing for you..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Islay said...

Asta, what a stylish dog you are! And that cozy afternoon tea looked marvellous! Have a great trip and a good weekend!

licks & love,

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, Asta! Your trip sounded SOOO cool! I wish I was there with you...you looked like you had loads of fun meeting up with all the DWB-ers there in England! Of course, looking fabulous as well...*grins*

Thanks for the suggestion on wearing shorts with my errm...undies! That is a great idea indeed, and I will definitely force Mom to get me a pair if she ever makes me wear that thing again! *grins*


Anonymous said...

Good Morning my dear girl!

Glad you are having a smiffing time on your travels.
Hope you do not mind but borrowed a photograph or two of yours re our meeting.


Duke said...

You always have the best adventures, Asta, and you're always dressed so beautifully!
Wait till we tell Autumn that you had tea with Sir Woodstock!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

That was the best day of my life Asta, thank you so very much for bringing Stella over to see me. A really wonderful surprise!!

Taffy xx

Aki and Poopie said...

whew! that was some trip Asta! you terriers sure travel a lot! we enjoyed reading about your trips and rendezvous...

did you remember to bring something for your mum when you get back to NYC?

drooly kisses,


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...that outfit you wore to Scotland was DIVINE...I adore the plaid...it was pawfect for a trip up north there!!!!!

That Stella...what a sense of style she's developin'!!! I'm sure she is havin' the bestest time with Taffy!!!

You certainly looked as if you cheered Jaxman up! Isn't he just the handsomest...how did Eric get on top of that hooge snowball??? Oh my...I bet his mom was more than a tad upset!!!!!

Love ya lots, my BFF...


Mack said...

You are one travlin' terrier!!

I know you had a lot of fun in Merry Ole England.

The Cat Realm said...

my gosh asta! you travel more than dicky duck, the traveling duck! i hacked into karl's account to see what is going on - and sure enough, the usual: sassy and the gang sneaking up on karl and ruis, hihihihihihihihi
the maid