a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, February 6, 2009

Nuwsing awound the globe

Wif the help of Ruis and Karl's twanspowting machine..I was able to go to Maastwicht..the bootiful capitol of Limbouwg in the Nethewlands to be wif my sissfuws Sassy and Momo

We awwived in time fow thiew cawneval..What fun!!!

We disguised ouwselves in costoomes so Ruis and Karl, who wewe twying to have a womantic getaway, wouldn't notice us hehehehe

we hid in theiw hotel woom...I hope they won't notice us

(all above photo's by Ruis'maid Mawlene)

to see mowe of this adventoowe go to Ruis' bloggie

Meantime I had an uwgent message fwom Noah, that his Sissie Willow needs ouw nuwsing cawe..so I sent the twanspowtew to get Aggie and Lacie ...we all met up in Ostwalia
(good thing I got some clothes fow wawmew weathew at the wesowt collection fashion shows)
Poow Willow has a booboo in hew mouf..so Lacie's Special smoofies awe just what the dogtow owdewed...
of couwse Aggie thought we did evewything wong, but I think Willow is feeling a little bettew

while thewe I weceived a message fwom Ruis, telling me about his Old woofie Taylor..I packed my bags ..I knew Willow was in good paws wif Agatha and Lacie, so I could leave..I went back to Limbouwg, ( bwinging some cheewy toys to twy to cheew Taylow up)

"Probably she has had a TIA or stroke, but for a TIA it takes too long.
Taylor is home, but there's no progress since yesterday. She gets her food and water served at her bed (luckily her appetite is good -- of course labradors are renowned for having a good appetite! ;-) Only going out is very difficult, we have to hold her so she can walk a little and do her things.
Taylor feels terrible she cannot walk, play, snoop, etc... , we see it in her eyes...
but the VET is hopeful!
so with Taylor's will to get better we help her to this difficult time she feels so helpless."
I wan stwaight back to Limbouwg to be wif hew.
Pleez send hew youw pwayews and love and healing powew

Thank you so vewy much
smoochie kisses


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

With all of you helping everyone will get better...
Have a great weekend...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Woo, Asta, can woo send your healing powers to Overland Park, Phantom has a sore paw and can't walk on it furry well?

What a whirlwind of a trip woo are taking. All of woo should be getting some special stars to add to your nursing caps.

Woos, the OP Pack

the many Bs said...

you are such a good nursie, Asta, and we love reading about your adventures. did Lacie make her famous smoothies for all of the patients?

we're gonna go over to see Taylor right now.


Gus said...

Asta...you and the nursies do such good work, you should get a medal from the president, I think

Hope all are doing a bit better so you can have a bit of a rest before coming home


Anonymous said...

Asta ..............you are the World's Nurse.......

we love you!

going to visit Taylor just after this!

Eric said...

hey Asta, your visit was fabbie,made my week!! Glad you had such a good time at Jacksons, Simba's, Molly and Taffy's and Marvin's. I'm thinking you look divine in the tartan outfit Asta and the new cruise collection too and were you wearing Milano Barknics? MMmmm sooper.You know us metro dogs...we understand these things. So kind of you nursies to look after Royal Willow (shares her name with one of the Queen's Doorgies).

Now I need to pop over and see how Taylor is doing, send hi my bestest.
Have a wiry weekend. Love n kissies, Eric xxx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed fur all needing your nursing skills!

I'm not sure they need woo know who to visit!

I'm off to see Taylor now!


Duke said...

You surely are the most popular nurse we know, Asta! No doubt these patients will all get better after your visit with them!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Koobuss said...

Oh no!! Poor Taylor!! She is so beautiful. We wish her the best of luck for a speedy and complete recovery.

I really hate hearing stories like this. It just breaks my heart when I learn that one of my kousins is unwell. I could just cry.

Please get well, Taylor!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Sassy Kat said...

Too much fun we are having at Ruis' place. You must most certainly be worn out with all of your travels. How do you do it? Did you check out Opus'outfit? I always thought Roscoe had the flair for the style of clothing but Opus is getting pretty good at it too.

Unknown said...

Hope you won't be too jetlagged to go to the dog run tomorrow - I think it's finally going to be warm enough to get Mommy walking over to the run!

Your pal,


Stanley said...

Oh, Astaroni Sweetpea!

You are such a busy nursie pup! Be sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. I know you know how to deal with the jet lags, but be sure to hydrate and get plenty of sleep!

I'm so glad that you and the nursie team were able to help sweet Willow. Now please give a big batch of healing goober smooches to Taylor while she recovers. I'm sure you'll be giving her plenty of snuggles too. I hear those are very regenerative and healing, so from YOU it should be doubly so!

Don't worry about getting Stella home from Taffy's. She found herself a ride, and is already back in GooberSTan.

Have a great weekend, sweetpea! I love you!

Goober love & smooches,

Lorenza said...

With your help all of them will be like new in no time!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs

Deb Cushman said...

They are lucky to have such terrific nursing care! You are sure to cheer them up!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

well we got a bit lost looking for Taylor and to wish well, can you perhaps direct us, perhaps Blogger is playing up or something????

The Oceanside Animals said...

You really put the "traveling" in "traveling nurses"! Sorry to hear about your friend Taylor, hope she recovers quickly.

Chef said...

Hi Asta. I sure hope Willow and Taylor are feeling better. I know you are such a good nurse and I'm sure they're all recovering.

Did you know that I have two boo-boos? One on my face and one on my chest. The one on my mouth might be frostbite from sticking my face in the snow. The other one is coming off Tuesday at the vet. I'm so scared!!! Could you send me some healing vibes, please?


Bogart H. Devil said...

Miss Asta, mama and I are SO jealous that your mama gets to to go Westminster!!! We're gonna watch it on TV, tell your mama to wave at any and all cameras :)
