a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

As you know I was in Sicily fow Valentine's day wif my sweetheawt Stanley(who just won the bestest Tewwiew in MangoMinstew!!!!!!!!,and is in the wunning fow Best in show!!! ), and some of my best fuwwfwiends.
I twanspowted back in time to spend some of the day wif my family.

Thewe was hooge dwama, Mywna was sobbing..she hadn't weceived a Valentine as of last night fwom hew financee Gilbewt..she was inconsolable

I wanted to talk to Mommi about it, but I had to wait till she got off the phone, finished hew cligawette and pawtini(I know,I know..don't wite to tell me how bad she is..it's common knowledge)

finally we had ouw talk and play and I felt much bettew..we decided to cheew up Mywna by cooking a nice Valentine's dinnew

tah dah!!!!!!!!!!

This is a wecipe fwom a fwiend of ouws who is a witew, and also a chef wif a wondewful doggie named Blondie (we live in the same building and play on the stweet sometimes)

A faboolous steak, a simple salad..fwesh baguette and a bottle of wine!!!Yummmmmmmmm!

and then mommi decided to twy this dessewt!(if you biggify it, you can wead it I think)..it's fwom a westauwant two blocks fwom us

hews didn't look as pawfect as the pictoowe when she sewved it, but it was sooo good Daddi said he didn't cawe if it bwoke , he would eat it wif a spoon if he had to...(I only got the cweam..no chocolate)
then came a gweat Valentine's pwesent fow me fwom my dawling Twin Nicky and sissie Jenny!
Is it not gowgeous??? I will be sooo stylish fow spwing.. they have pawfect taste(so does auntie Anne and unkel Mawtin) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pawfect..

"Asta...I um was supposed to send this for Gilbert before I went on my around the world Valentine's Day tour spreading love and goodwill...mostly love. (no pun intended on the word spread....)

(It's hard to have so many boyfriends.....!!!)

Anyway...Gilbert was havin' trouble with his wheels and wanted me to send it. And um I forgot and now Myrna is hysterical etc etc. Try and smooth things over, Kay!!!

Love ya lots...

all's well that ends well..Mywna is swooning wif happiness again..
I also wanted to show you some of the cawds I weceived..............

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It's been a pawfect Valentine's weekend!
I hope all of you and youw families had a gweat weekend and celebwations
love and smoochie kisses


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Somehow I knew SHE was behind this too!

Poor Mywna!

Your mommi and daddi's food stuffs look furri yummi!

It was nice to see woo at MANGO Minster 2009!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So glad woo were able to smooth things over for Myrna, nothing quite like a broken heart on V-Day!!

Good luck to Stanley.

Woos, the OP Pack

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Asta....

Yer sure lucky ta live in a house where so much good food is served...glad ta hear that Myrna got a Valentine from her sweetie pie Gilbert....'n ya got so many nice cards too....we want ta thank ya fer the one ya sent us....Gram just isn't inta the blog right now and she wouldn't let us play with the puter either but we're glad ya still do.....

Happy Belated Valentine's Day ta ya all !!!!!

PS. Love yer heart blog overlay...we got directions on how ta do that ....but again....Gram.....we need ta get her motivated fer sure......

Dewey Dewster here.....

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a fabulous meal. #1 is drooling...

Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Unknown said...

Oh boy, that steak looks delish-- did you get some leftovers? That would be even better than a box of carob treats!

Your pal,


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...(Lacie clears her throat...) I um hadn't intented all the world to know about my um spreading of the love night...

Oh well...tra la la la la la~~

I had to throw a couple of extra la's in for good measure.

Thank you so much for smoothing things over with Myrna...Gilbert found out bout her sobbing and was um chasin' me around the house with a wrench and screwdriver mumblin' something about attachin' flat tires to my paws...Lacie sighs...just a little more drama in her life.

That dinner your mommi whipped up looked totally FAB Asta...

Gotta run Sweet Girl...

Oh...if ya go to Waldo's bloggie i've applied for a new job...

Heh heh heh..Lacie

Eric said...

Phew I'm glad Mryna got her card. For a minute I thought the wedding might be off and then Miss Enid would be broken hearted too. Otis tells me Mom has found something for Miss Enid to wear (as well as her moths,he,he)

Whata loved up valentine day...ooh the spottie orange collar and lead...you'll look even more divine than the steak and chocolate cake.

Wiry wags, Eric xx

ThePainterPack said...

Asta woos is such a high class pooch! Fancy foods and wines! I bet woo is big stuffs in NYC! I'm glad everyone had a good day! Happy Valentine's Day to woo, Asta!!

Mya Boo Boo

Allison Walton said...

Tank woo, Asta! We iz happee to be da winnur. We don't know how Khyra be choozing. All ov da doggehs were winnurs in arr eyez!

We hopez we can stay friends, too!

Gus and Waldo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Glad you all had a pawesome Valentine's weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Gus said...

Asta Sweetie...what a sweet wirey sissie you are to help Myrna sort things out. Poor Lacie. I think she is just overextended. She needs some yoga classes so she can FOCUS


Unknown said...

You can add cupid to your resume! Nice work smoothing things out with Myrna! Your valentine's day steak dinner looked deeeelicious! Glad u had a fun filled weekend!


Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta!

I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for Myrna. She seems to have some bad luck sometimes.

Your Valentine photos are fabulous. So are your cards. Nice job on the slideshow.

But my favorite pictures of all were the ones of the food! They were wonderful! As you know, I am on a new diet. My mom is being so kind to me. She took me off of the dog food and is feeding me raw steaks, chicken wings and other stuff! And she doesn't even need to follow any recipes because she doesn't have to cook it! (Great! She can't ruin it then. Heheh..) She did check out the steak recipe
from the link you included and she will keep it in mind for the future. Thanks for posting it.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Kooby

Huskee and Hershey said...

Poor Myrna!! Hope that she is not so heartbroken anymore after the message from Lacie!

Bae Bae said...

What a pawsome valentine's day you had Asta. ;)
I hope Myrna and Gilbert are ok

~ Bae

Duke said...

We're so glad that Myrna is a happy camper now! New love can be so frazzling!
What a fabulous Valentine's weekend you had, Asta! It was just pawfict!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my the food you rustled up looked so yummy.

I have a Mother with Bad Habits too!

My J says she loves the lamp on the right of the photo with your Mummy, she also like the look of the cocktail ......see I told you she had bad habits!!

lots of love from Marvin xxxxx so glad your Valentines Weekend was such fun.

Mack said...

I hope Myrna is feeling better now!
Looks like everybody had a wonderful Valentine's!!


Snowball said...

Those foodie look so delicious!!! You sure had a really great Valentines day celebration at home.


Daisy said...

I am so glad that Myrna is not disappointed now!

Asta, that orange leash is very beautiful and stylish, perfect for you!

Deb Cushman said...

We're so sorry that Myrna had such an unhappy beginning to her Valentine's Day -- but we're glad that it ended happily!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all! (a little late, but still in the spirit!)

Oh, and tell your mom that it is important that all yummy desserts break -- that lets the calories escape, so you can eat as much as you want!

Ruby Bleu said...

That Lacie...always causing problems - hee hee hee! Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL Valentine's day...you and Stanny much have had such a great time. Oh and that food...I'm drooling!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Kelli said...

Hi Asta!
It looks like you had wonderful Valentine's Day! That dinner and dessert looks pawsitively delicious! Thanks for sharing that recipe with us! I'm glad that things worked out with Myrna & Gilbert!
:) Tibby

Joe Stains said...

It looks like you had a great Valentine's Day! That steak looks so good I almost fainted. It must be a lot of work being BFF with Lacie, but you always manage to seem so calm and happy, so I guess she can't be THAT bad.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I'm glad to see Myrna is happy again at last.
Nice Smile Box card display, it's easy to create one, isn't it?
Asta, it always pleasant to look around your place, I like everything in there. Your mom looks relaxed and pretty with you sitting by, what a happy family on the Valentine day!

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta, i am so sorry you came from a great Valentine's day to a HUGE drama at home. Ok it worked out well at the end, but it is not the homecoming you're waiting for...

My typist "hates to cook" (she likes to quote Capt. Kathryn Janeway when it's dinner time ;-), but the Choc of the Town got more than her attention... she printed it out! Hahahahaha.

Headbutts & (((hugs))), also to Myrna!
~ Ruis

Patience-please said...

Oh, what a lovely dinner, and our servant is drooling all over our computer over that dessert!

wags from the whippets

duo_disaster said...

Asta! Happy Belated Pawlentines'

We've been so busy with Lafite that we didnt have the time to visit friends, well, we're much settled down now & I hope M would allow us to blog more often (we have so much to blog yet so little time)

Anyway... Our M said, she love the silk PJ your M wore, SEXY!!! And our M is one baddie like yours too! Psst, she has the same habits like yours. LOL!!

Sally said...

Why do they ruin the steak with that green stuff? Looks like you had a great day - love the collar - my D loves your Mommys silk PJs - very chic - one stylish family!