a life consulting company specializing in canine and human angst
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Asta disappointed
I am vewy sad and disappointed..I just went to check on My fwiend Ruis' bloggie, and not a single one (who said you would) left a get well wish ow pwayew fow his woofie sissie Taylow.. is it because it's mainly a cat bloggie? if you scwoll down on theiw Bloggie , you can see theiw two woofies on oldew posts..it's not how I expect my fwiends to behave(asta shakes hew head sadly) I love you all smoochie kisses
aw Asta.. we are sorry the puppies were not able to pass by Ruis' blog as promised... we hope they all had good reasons though... we hope everything will get better.
I just went by there and left some love for Taylor and her peeps (and the cats). I never knew Ruis had a woofie sister until now. She is a majestic pupgirl. I hope she's not in pain.
I'm sorry you're disappointed in me (and the other pups). We all have good intentions, but sometimes unexpected things get in the way or the hoomans forget. But, I think some of the pups have been by there recently. I'm sure Taylor will feel the love!
Asta, it's not a lack of interest on our parts, but we went over to the blog and could not find even a single reference to Taylor! To us who don't know them family it would have felt like leaving a comment about a non-existent pup! Please tell them to feature Taylor some more!
w00f's Sweetie, me did go by there but me didnt c a woofie mentioned...me readed where u all wuz 2gether at that place..and me didnt c a woofie on the sidebar...me sorry me didnt read the whole bloggie...me will go back now...
Dear little one, We didn't read your last post until just now so we will go over and leave a message. I must say we have some retraining to do from whatI can see....Love Agatha( AKA Florence Nightingale) and Archie(aka Ziggy Stardust)
Hallo Asta, boy you have been a very busy young lady, I feel exhausted reading about your trips around the globe, maybe thats what happened to every dog and they forgot to pop over and send well wished to your friend. Next time you visit England drop in and have a piggy ear and tea with us. Snuffs George
Asta, I just read the post about your sick kitty friend. So forgive me. I hope you're not upset with me too...I'll leave my get well wishes for him over there. I promise!
Asta, pleeze send this kind of noos to me at tha Cat Blogosphere and The Purrs & Purrayers bloggie. We welcome noos of all critters an will send lots of purrs and purrayers to any sick critter. Mine email is kc AT catblogosphere DOT com. You can send one email an I post on bof tha CB an tha PPP. Purrs to Taylor... Love, KC
oh I have not been on the blogs for a day or so - although I called into yours for a short look this morning, without commenting.
I did not realise there were problems, I will go and check things out now.
Sorry, things been busy here, my human bruvs are back and eating my Jeannie out of house and home.
She says when you came to stay you were a real "lady" and only ate some dainty cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off and a few wee tots of whisky.
Hi, Asta! I went to their blog yesterday but Blogger did not let me leave a comment. I don't know why! But I went back today and I was able to do it! Please, don't be sad! We do care, but sometimes Blogger is weird! Kisses and hugs Lorenza
hi Asta, we are big losers and our mom is the worst. we admit it and we're sorry that our mom is such a loser. we did visit their bloggy, but when we saw all of the cat stuff and no mention of a dog or even anyone named Taylor, we thought that we read your blog wrong and were in the wrong place. we're sorry and we hate to disappoint you. mostly our mom is really good at disappointing everyone, especially herself. she's a flake and irresponsible and a big fat loser (literally), so don't blame us. it's all her fault. we've very sorry and we apologize, but we know that won't change anything. we're gonna go away now and hide under some of our rocks.
Ohhh Asta... don't be so hard on your friends!! I was disappointed in my typist (again!), it took her so long to make a post for Taylor.
But girl, we are VERY happy you found time to transport in your nursing uniform from Australia to Limburg! You're the busiest and sweetest terrier we know!!
The staff will make sure that you get a good time of rest while you are here.
sorree asta- mommeh waz bein a stoopid an didna halp us blog- we didna git ta visit yoo- an didna no her waz sick. We dropped bai now dough. We iz sorree
Asta...we only saw the post about Taylor now...we ran right over to leave healin' wishes...
Those pics of us in our nursin' uni's are classics...maybe I'll submit them to AJN...(American Journal of Nsg.)...
Oh Asta...I posted pics of your way too generous pressies on our bloggie...oh my...I'm still in shock. Um...do you have some special wrinkle cream for two year old doggies??? I just know I'm gonna wake up tomorrow with half my face down my my belly button.
(Lacie wrinkles her brow in puzzlement...picks through her fur with her nails lookin' for her bellybutton.) OMD, Asta...where is my bellybutton. Do you have a belly button???? Why is this the first time I've noticed this...oh...a new crisis...
It's all too much...I need my barkday sleep....I love you sweet Girl...
I went there but had blogger issues....but I've since returned...
PeeEssWoo: MissKylie's mom needs some cheering!
aw Asta.. we are sorry the puppies were not able to pass by Ruis' blog as promised... we hope they all had good reasons though... we hope everything will get better.
cheer up, pretty one..
drooly kisses,
I just went by there and left some love for Taylor and her peeps (and the cats). I never knew Ruis had a woofie sister until now. She is a majestic pupgirl. I hope she's not in pain.
I'm sorry you're disappointed in me (and the other pups). We all have good intentions, but sometimes unexpected things get in the way or the hoomans forget. But, I think some of the pups have been by there recently. I'm sure Taylor will feel the love!
Goober love & smooches (always),
Sorry sweetie but I'm late getting here - didn't read your earlier post till now.
Am off to see both Willow & Ruis.
Love, pats & pets
Asta, it's not a lack of interest on our parts, but we went over to the blog and could not find even a single reference to Taylor! To us who don't know them family it would have felt like leaving a comment about a non-existent pup! Please tell them to feature Taylor some more!
w00f's Sweetie, me did go by there but me didnt c a woofie mentioned...me readed where u all wuz 2gether at that place..and me didnt c a woofie on the sidebar...me sorry me didnt read the whole bloggie...me will go back now...
b safe,
Asta, I am sorry that you are disappointed. I left a message for Taylor just now. I hope you will still have a happy weekend!
Hi Asta, we just read about Taylor, we are going by to let them know we are purring for Taylor.
We hopes you have a Happy Weekend, we have a secret that we will share Monday or Tuesday. ~S,S & C
Dear little one, We didn't read your last post until just now so we will go over and leave a message. I must say we have some retraining to do from whatI can see....Love Agatha( AKA Florence Nightingale) and Archie(aka Ziggy Stardust)
It says Duddy Kravitz becasue we are at another computer....A+A
Hallo Asta, boy you have been a very busy young lady, I feel exhausted reading about your trips around the globe, maybe thats what happened to every dog and they forgot to pop over and send well wished to your friend.
Next time you visit England drop in and have a piggy ear and tea with us.
Asta, I just read the post about your sick kitty friend. So forgive me. I hope you're not upset with me too...I'll leave my get well wishes for him over there. I promise!
Boogie Woogie,
Solid Gold Dancer
Asta, pleeze send this kind of noos to me at tha Cat Blogosphere and The Purrs & Purrayers bloggie.
We welcome noos of all critters an will send lots of purrs and purrayers to any sick critter. Mine email is kc AT catblogosphere DOT com. You can send one email an I post on bof tha CB an tha PPP.
Purrs to Taylor...
oh I have not been on the blogs for a day or so - although I called into yours for a short look this morning, without commenting.
I did not realise there were problems, I will go and check things out now.
Sorry, things been busy here, my human bruvs are back and eating my Jeannie out of house and home.
She says when you came to stay you were a real "lady" and only ate some dainty cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off and a few wee tots of whisky.
You can come to stay any time!
lotsaluv, Marvin Snow Nose xxxxxx
Your right asta, friends shouldn't act like that. We're all fur babies. cats and dogs.
We'll head over now. We certainly want to wish them well and we HATE seeing that disappointed look on your face.
Hi, Asta!
I went to their blog yesterday but Blogger did not let me leave a comment. I don't know why!
But I went back today and I was able to do it!
Please, don't be sad!
We do care, but sometimes Blogger is weird!
Kisses and hugs
hi Asta, we are big losers and our mom is the worst. we admit it and we're sorry that our mom is such a loser. we did visit their bloggy, but when we saw all of the cat stuff and no mention of a dog or even anyone named Taylor, we thought that we read your blog wrong and were in the wrong place. we're sorry and we hate to disappoint you. mostly our mom is really good at disappointing everyone, especially herself. she's a flake and irresponsible and a big fat loser (literally), so don't blame us. it's all her fault. we've very sorry and we apologize, but we know that won't change anything. we're gonna go away now and hide under some of our rocks.
sad woofs.
Oh, Asta...
I didn't read your Blog til this morning (My Mom was being lazy last nite)...I went right over to wish Taylor well...
I hope Taylor feels better soon...I know how much our thoughts & prayers & Good Vibes help everyone...
They sure helped me when I was sick & I know they helped Rosco get better from his surgery...
What would we do without you making sure everyone is taken care of...Thanks for keeping us on our paws...
Abby xxxooo
We didn't see the post, but we sure will go on over, we don't like CATs but we always have vibes to share even for them!
Oh no Asta. I don't know that guy, but I'm heading straight over now to find out who he is.
We apologise for missing your post about Taylor. We are popping over there now.
Molly and Taffy
Ohhh Asta... don't be so hard on your friends!! I was disappointed in my typist (again!), it took her so long to make a post for Taylor.
But girl, we are VERY happy you found time to transport in your nursing uniform from Australia to Limburg! You're the busiest and sweetest terrier we know!!
The staff will make sure that you get a good time of rest while you are here.
We're on our way, Asta!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We stopped over and check on Taylor. Sorry mom is a scatter brain...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh Asta, please don't me mad at me. How can I make it up to you? If I promise to go RIGHT NOW to their bloggy will you forgive me????
sorree asta- mommeh waz bein a stoopid an didna halp us blog- we didna git ta visit yoo- an didna no her waz sick. We dropped bai now dough. We iz sorree
I lefted yoo an awardie... HERE!
Asta...we only saw the post about Taylor now...we ran right over to leave healin' wishes...
Those pics of us in our nursin' uni's are classics...maybe I'll submit them to AJN...(American Journal of Nsg.)...
Oh Asta...I posted pics of your way too generous pressies on our bloggie...oh my...I'm still in shock. Um...do you have some special wrinkle cream for two year old doggies??? I just know I'm gonna wake up tomorrow with half my face down my my belly button.
(Lacie wrinkles her brow in puzzlement...picks through her fur with her nails lookin' for her bellybutton.) OMD, Asta...where is my bellybutton. Do you have a belly button???? Why is this the first time I've noticed this...oh...a new crisis...
It's all too much...I need my barkday sleep....I love you sweet Girl...
Ur BFF...Lacie
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