a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day two of my Mission

I had to come back the next day..despite my less than enthoosiastic welcome the day befowe, cause I pwomised Mango, I would see his bwuvvew Floyd pawticipate

I even have pwoof that I saw Mango's bwuvvew..a cawd fwom the Famous Kennel

I found him wight away, but he was in no mood to talk
I think a lot of these kids awe exhausted
a bootiful huntew sneeps wif his pwey

such a dappew gentleman..I had no idea Peanut was so elegant
honestly, this looked like the haiw was a hooman's and they put a doggie head on top as decowation...vewy confoosing
This bootiful Gentle giant, is a LEONBEWGEW...they awen't wecognized at Westminstew, but this kid weminded me of my cousin's doggie Steffi( who is now in heaven)..this lovely doggie is a sewvice doggie...YEAH!!!!!fow him
meantime, Floyd woke up and wanted to know how long he had to wait ..have you evew heawd how loud a welentlessly hooge can be????
this is the kind of ownew I loved seeing..lots of love fow theiw doggie
look at this lovely gwaceful giwl.I felt quite haiwy and fat next to hew
this kid looked genewally P*#&^ed about the whole thing
Ah TAD..just as pawfect in pawson as on the blog
Floyd------- mastiff #28 (Eastwind Comfortably Numb).(isn't that a pawfect name, hehehe)?
he was cleawly stwessed about his upcoming pawfowmance..such a high stwung beast, hehehehe..
finally , in the wing Floyd's behind
and hewe is his sisse (Eastwind Badabing)..well they didn't win..but cleawly should have!

this dawling Puggie was called Donald..(like Twump only soo much bettew looking and no comb ovew)
now we get to the twuly widicoolous (Mango, and Snowball, pleeez don't do this)

a hot comb fow stwaightening a doggie's haiw???give me a bweak

Hewe's the pawt I Weally Weally love!!!! these hoomans cawe about doggies ..all doggies!
this is a wondewful pwogwam that the Westminstew Kennel Club has (it's theiw chawity)
Angel on a Leash...I want to be one!!! If you want you can find out mowe fwom theiw site

All In All..I loved seeing all the doggies, and met a few supew nice ownews..but I don't think I would go again..it's a little bit like the pagents that cwazy hoomans make theiw young daughtews entew.
It's fow theiw ego..
I don't want to offend any of you who entew dog shows(especially Patience and the whippets..I know she adowes hew dogs and tweats them bettew than anyone can imagine) I'm suwe thewe awe many mowe hoomans like Patience in the doggie show ciwcuit..I'm just sowwy, they didn't give me a chance to meet them.

Mommi let me play wif Petey that day. and said"now this is what I love seeing..Doggies being doggies..playing and having a ball!!!" (Mommi is sooo eloquent, hehehe)
Thank you auntie Jane fow having me ovew!!!
I was hugged and loved and appweciated even mowe aftew the show..Mommi couldn't get enuff of my scwuffy , impawfect self.

If you'we still awake..pleez see the slide show..I twied to get pictoowes of as many dogs as I could
Click to play WESTMINSTEW
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love and smoochie kisses


Stella said...

Sweet Asta Fren!

You are the BEST behind-the-scenes reporter from that dogshow! I feel like I was right there with you. The photos transported me into Madison Square Garden.

I'm so pleased you got to meet Mango's brother, Floyd. I like his formal name. hehehe I think he was robbed (just like the Cairns & the Dales).

One of the things I noticed about all the Wirey kids I saw in the photos was that they didn't look too happy (but most of them WERE on the grooming table - and who loves that?)! I hope their time outside the dogshow is happy.

Thanks for representing DWB so well and for all your hard work reporting to us. We know you really had to pound the pavement to file your stories!

Goobery love & tiny kissies all over your sweet face,
Your BBFF Stella Bean Latifah

Dexter said...

WOW! Asta! I am so glad you got to meet my brother! He is totally my twin except less handsome of course. Thanks for all those wonderful photos of the doggie show.


P.S. Were the working doggie people less snooty?

Gus said...

Asta...those are great photos, you should be the O-Fish-All photographer! Pawsonally, I am glad you are our friend and not on the show circuit. We wouldn't have met without your Mommi and your blog.


The Oceanside Animals said...

We saw a Leonberger at a local dog show a few years ago. Gorgeous and sweet and totally enormous!

Daisy said...

Being a dog-show star seems to take a lot of dedication and hard work! I think playing games and running around is much more funner. But I do enjoy watching those dogs on TV!

Ruby Bleu said...

Asta...how fun you got to meet Floyd! I'm sure he could tell you stories about Mango, huh? Yeah, I love watching the doggies...but they don't look like they are having fun. Better they should blog, right? You are a pawsome reporter, btw!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Mack said...

Was that Barbara Bush with the long-haired weenie dog???

You did a PAWSOME job reporting Astaroonie!

Petra said...

Thanks for all of your hard work, Asta! I loved looking at all of the pictures and felt like I was right there.

Jake of Florida said...

We were looking at the expression on the faces of the wire show dogs and wondering if they'd like to trade places with our impawfect selves.

Somehow it made us think about Roman Holiday, when Audrey Hepburn runs away from her royal keepers and has a glorious day with Gregory Peck.

You did a smashing job!!! Thank you Ms. Spy.

Jake and Just Harry

Dandy Duke said...

You did one heck of a reporting job, Asta! We totally enjoyed the dog show but we've come to the conclusion that we don't want to be show dogs - we just want to be regular old doggies who hang around and eat all the wrong things!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Asta.Pawsome reporting girlie. But it kind of made me an ittie bit sad. Not many doggies or leggededs looked all that happy did they? Though I was kind of green over the wiry with his brown trousers. Mind I might have had some brown trousers too if I had to go to that show,hehehehe!! And Mom says she know how un-white I am when it snows cos the snow looks a LOT whiter - even the yellow snow, HA!!! The best photo in my opinion was the one of you and Petey looking absolutely cracking pawfect.

Wiry wags and lovies, Eric xxxxx

Lorenza said...

Thanks Asta for this second part of your impressions there!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I love your report on the dog show, Asta! Mom said she's been to one here in Malaysia too, and like you...she felt that some of the owners were not very friendly(although there WERE some really nice ones as well!). Perhaps it could be they're nervous about showing or something, but Mom also wished she could talk more to the owners who show their dogs as she finds it quite fascinating.

I won't be joining any shows though...hehe! Mom doesn't think she can handle all the grooming and what not. :)

Peanut said...

Asta I've been neglecting all my friends (well mom has since Dad has been home and not working) but I am going to be keeping up now. I hope I didn't miss anything good.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great job!

Will woo be reporting MANGO Minster 2009 BIS?

PeeEssWoo: Your Mal Pal to open the slideshow was furry nice!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...what an amazing job you did at the show...

I loved that Longaburger Basket dog...did ya get his number???

Oh...I asked Mango to get me Lloyd's Breakwinds Comfortably Dumb's cell number unless you happened to grab it??? He's quite the total package, n'est pas????

They were flat ironin' that dog's fur??? (Note to self...pick up flat iron....) How utterly hooman...

Well...time for the Laciegirl to get her bootyrest...

Love ya lots...

Do you have any extra of that special powder for our fur for the ring??? I wanna go darker...blond is so out right now...


Rudy said...

What great coverage of the show, Asta! It brought back memories for me -- the crowd, the heat, the noise, all that grooming... I was the only Bedlington they pulled out of the crate for the public to meet. I'm a very friendly boy so I got to get out of my crate a lot.
I understand how those doggies feel on the tables getting groomed. Boring! I'm much happier doing agility, there's no comparison.

I thought I saw my Bedly pal Vegas on the table being groomed by a blonde-haired girl. I hope they talked to you, we know them. Mom can't vouch for the rest of them, just the people she knows!

Maybe I can post some pics of me at Westminster; Mom has to go find some. I'm glad my showing days are over!


i said...

Wow, Asta! Really great pictures and reporting! You are a great reporter! Seriously they use a straightener for the dog? Good grief! There must be millions of interesting sights to see!

Joe Stains said...

woah Mango's bro is handsome, not nearly as cool as Mango tho. Looks like you got to see lots of cool dogs, Mom likes the powdering pics in your smile box, they do that to Bostons too!

Bae Bae said...

That sure is pawsome reporting Asta. ;)

~ Bae

Snowball said...

Thank you for such a great report on the dog show and all the fantastic pictures. The most good looking dogs are in the last 2 pictures.


Peess: Jie jie used to wrap my fur in those papers for my top knots and my tail but I protested and she stop doing that.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

What a lot of doggies at the dog show. We like the pictures of you playing with Petey best.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Sophie Brador said...

Asta! I'm kind of envious that you got to be a spy at Westminster, but I'm also kind of glad I didn't go. Mom went to a dog show here a couple of months ago and was very sad about how some of the doggies were treated. Mom is making her plans for NY today!!!!! She hopes to come to your house on the 14th and 15th, but will let you know for sure later today. She hopes those days are still fine for you. I wish I could go!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Wow, that was a lot of doggies Asta. We understand what you mean Fenris has several faults according to his breed standard. Assuming he is a GP, but we think he is purrfect and like the fact he has unique markings. See you tomorrow. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Hi Asta. ~Fenris

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi Asta, thanks for a spy job well done, sweety. We had cable before and watch the show a few times. Latety we didn't have cable but I'm telling you your report is much much better than pay-per-view.
You deserve the Pulitzer Prize, Asta( it took me more than 20 minutes trying to remember the name of that pretigious prize)
I'm thankful that most of us are not show dogs, we don't have to be confined in the kennel, being coifed by hot rod and then patiently waiting for a furever home after the show career is over.
Ximui told me never dream of becoming one, with my crooked teeth I'll be out of the ring right on the first round, hehe!
Love you lots, muahhh( with my crooked teethy)

Stanislaw said...

That's way too much Good Boy for me! When do those dogs get to play in the mud and skin tennis balls?

You are a great reporter!

Deetz said...

Thank you for taking us along on your journey to the Dog Show. Those were wonderful photos, I especially loved the Mango looking doggie. I am sorry the humans were snootie to you...no one should be snootie to Asta...you are too kind and cute.
My mum likes me better all crazy-haired and woolly...hehe
We should have a bad hair day contest sometime..I would definitely win that one.

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you are such an excellent dog show reporter. we had no idea what it is like behind the scenes and your report is truly enlightening.

we are sooo glad we are not dog show dogs. it looks really boring and also crowded. we would rather play at the dog park any day. we saw some poodle snobs there yesterday. it makes us sad and our mom doesn't like to be sad. we are not inadequate and you are PERFECT in every way. our mom says that about us too and it's just not fair for snobby peeps to feel that way about us.

we see leonburgers at the dog park sometimes. they are very big and beautiful.

that's so cool that you got to see Floyd. he is a very handsome dude. we wish we had a mastiff or a leonburger to guard us & our mom.

thanks for your great reporting. we are gonna post about our trip to the dog park and the poodle snobs and the nicest lady with Baxter's half sister! that was cool!


Maverick the Pirate said...

Looks like you had so much fun Harrrr. I know I would but the show ring is so much fun also the best part about it is the chicken Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Hansel said...

Asta! yoo been so busy werkin so hard! i hope yoo make millions an billions!

Agatha and Archie said...

Another fabulous reporting job.....Those kids look very tired.....I bet they don't get to dig in mud and stuff like we do....well maybe they do but not befor the shoe, they may break a nail or something.Love A+A

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Incredible reporting - woo do such a great job - we especially love your editorializing comments!!!

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Unknown said...

Excellent report ! I agree with Eric- the best picture is you and petey. They don't have an award for most caring.. that award would go to you.
