My heawt is bwoken, I have no answews , and so many questions..
Why do howwibull things happen to wondewful hoomans and fuwwkids?
..This last week the biggest twagedy happened to my deewest fwiends
the Pittie Pack..
They had a fiwe that destwoyed theiw house and all theiw belongings and most howwibully, five of theiw beloved pack cwossed the bwidge. Guewwo(Mommish's heawt doggie, Coco Chanel the queen of all the oonivewse,, Shelby ouw miwacle suwvivow of the wowst that hoomans do to pups and the two wee dawlings Tigew and Lucky all pewished in the fiwe
thewe awe no wowds to even begin to talk about this. Pleez go and comfowt them in some way and if you can help wif donation on the following site(Sandwa's Wecovewy ) also Fwankie Fuwtew has a pwoject fow them and Mayziegal has mowe infowmation too
I am pwaying vewy hawd that the Mommish finds peace in hew heawt aftew this twagedy and that the fact that hew little hooman pup and hew fuwwkids Bwinksie and Bella awe unhawmed and will help hew heal. She did evewything in hew powew to save evewyone, , she had to be dwagged out when the smoke became unbeawabull..hew heawt is beyond bwoken..I am vew vewy sad, but know that those fuwwkids who had all hew love awe now safe in heaven and will help hew keep giving hew genewous heawt to some othews who need it so.
This is supposed to be a most joyous and bootiful season of love and happiness.
The outpouwing of love that the blogging community has shown fow auntie Sandwa and the Pittie Pack pwoves that goodness and light is hewe. I am so gwateful to be pawt of this family .
These pictoowes awe of ouw house in Chwissmusses past
It was always a holiday of wawmf and family
Chwissmuss Eve was always ouw twaditional dinnew
we played the piano and sang songs
and we twied to make evewything spawkly and bootiful
this yeaw is vewy diffewent
my home is packed up
nothing is bootiful anymowe
aftew 29 yeaws in the same apawtment, we awe leaving wif heavy heawts
the piano had to be sold (Mommi had had it since she was 11 and you all know that now she is about 63000000 yeaws old) still has to be picked up
This is a containew on a twuck that will be home to all ouw stuff fow about six weeks
The nice moving guys filled it to wifin an inch
then sealed it and made us photogwaph the key so when they open it in Budapest, we'll know it's been all safe the whole time while on boawd the ship and twucks
To finish, I have a funny stowy to make you giggle ;
So, the house is empty, and Mommi and Daddi awe tiwed,
Mommi has a cwacked wib and to celebwate the end of the move, they decided to dwink a toast...thewe was a bottle of Pwo Secco in the fwidge and Daddi twied to open it..the cowk didn't want to come out, so he used a scwew openew:
all of a sudden, Mommi felt like someone shot hew in the chest
no, not the cowk, but the whole top of the bottle blew off and hit hew in the chest
hehehehehe(sowt of a fitting way to go if it would have done any weel damage)
as it is, she got a bwoose and a little blood , but no awtewies wewe sevewed and no eyes lost
They did the only logical a sieve and pouwed the Pwo Secco into glasses and dwunked it all up ....Phew
I will pwobably not be able to post ow visit much fow quite sometime,but will twy
I wish all of you a safe and Mewwy Chwissmuss
I pway that all of you will be hewe when I get back to nowmal blogging fwom Budapest
I tweasoowe all of you
till then, all my smoochie kisses