Deeew dawling fwiendses
I know you'we all vewy busy wif the holidays and stuff,I hope you all had a most wondewful Thanksgivings wif lots of family and fwiends and good yummies to eat
but at ouw house it's chaos , what wif packing and twying to figoowe out how to make ouw big move
As mommi's painting assistant , I have a wequest
We weeeeely need some gween papews fow this move
(who knew how xpensive it was to swim all youw stuff acwoss the Big Pee and then a twuck all acwoss Oowope?)
I told mommii that maybe thewe might be some hoomans who might be willing to buy one of hew paintings
so I made hew give a 50% weduction pwice of all of them that we still have and I made a compilation photo wif the new pwices and sizes on them
if any of you know anyone who is intewested Pleez let us know at ouw pee mail addy OK?
thank you fow looking and I hope all of you have the most glowious and happy and healthy holiday season evew!!!!
smoochie kisses

Those painting sure are beautiful. :)
What beautiful paintings!!!! OMGoodness!!! Mommy wishes she could afford one, but we are poor! Woof! But they are so wonderful!!!
Your Mom is very talented. We know you'll make lots of green papers with this sale.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Those are some very beautiful paintings. I know someone will surly enjoy them. We hope the paintings all find new homes.
Asta your Mom is so talented! Paws crossed for a successful sale.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Tha painting are beauitful. I'm sure she will sell them all soon.
Asta please send on Birthday wishes to your mom from George and Tess XXXX
Sending you a big (((((Hug))))) to from across the pond.
Your mommi's painting are too beautiful for words, Asta. We hope she makes lots of green papers!
Happy birthday to your mommi! We hope she has a wonderful day!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
#1 sends sympathetic vibes on the cost of the move. Her last move, from Chicago to France, cost more than she could afford and she was bailed out by a friend.
The paintings are lovely and we cross or paws that there will be keen buyers out there.
Dear Asta,
I just heard that you and your humans are moving across the big pee to Budapest. While I'm sorry to hear you will be leaving us I wish all the best in your new home. I hope you will continue to update your blog. I still remember the time we did the walk around the lake up in Bear Mountain.
I have been slacking as far as updating my blog. Lots of changes going on here. I've been busy playing with my little human cousin Lilly and another is on the way.
I had a great summer on our sailboat but unfortunately Mom and Dad decided it was time to part with Sailor Dance so she is now sailing on the Chesapeake with her new owner. I will miss going out on the boat but I'm sure Mom and Dad will find new adventures to keep me busy.
Please keep in touch.
Your friend Luna
Miss Asta,
I sure hope your mommi can sell her beautiful paintings. Of course we already have one. The best painting of all.
Hey Miss Asta - I can't believe you are leaving us and swimming all the way across an ocean. I know you will have many new adventures to sahre with us - but we will still miss you in new york. Does your Mommie sell her painting on Ebay...thst is where my mommy sells her work and she has sold over 300 now. You don't always get what they are worth but in a hurry it is a good place to sell. Lots of luck - Denny and Reilly
Such grrrreat paintings Asta, I just know that your Mommi will sell them all!
woos, Tessa
Oh Asta, Mommy wishes she could by one of the paintings but money is very tight right now. My medicines cost a fortune and we're gonna have a Charlie Brown Christmas this year but we got each other so that's enough.
We love you.....Mna, Weenie and Mommy.
please do give your mommish lotsa pibble sugars extra slobbery and full of love from us for her birfday okie dokie?? please to be careful swimming to your new home we will keep paws crossed for your safe arrival
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Awww, those paintings are gorgeous! I hope the paintings are sold like hot cakes.
Your mom is so talented and artistic, Asta!
Thanks so much for your well-wishes, I had lots of fun and treats on my birthday and I hope your mom had all her dreams come true too.
Happy Belated Birthday to Asta's mom!!!
Your blog is so wonderful and we are glad that we hopped over. We'll visit you again soon!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful and talented mommy. Wish we had enough $$ to buy another painting, but we're on a tight budget. Phooey. Love you to pieces.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Happy Birthday to your mum Asta. The paintings looks lovely, Ebay is a good place to sell things like that - we will give your blog address to a few friends we know love paintings.
Good luck
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, Asta's Mom! Sorry we're a day late with those wishes-hope you had a wonderful day, despite your workload! We can't express in words how much we LOVE your paintings. They're stunning and captivating-we so wish we had those green papers now, but when we do...we'll have one (or more) shipped from Budapest!
We're very much looking forward to hearing about your move and seeing pictures of your new place.
All our best vibes,
Bocci, Bella and Parental Unit
Asta, I heard it was your Mom's Birthday! I'm late butt still please wish her the most Happiest Birthday fur me! :D
So nice of you to help your Mom out with the move Asta. Her paintings are incredible! Mom says we don't have the green papers right now to buy one ourselves butt will mention them to those who might :D
Happy Holidays to all of you!
Asta! I hav ownly just cort up wiv yor big news!
Oh my gosh! Budapest!
Just yesterday Daddy told me that his Mummy an Daddy -my Granny Ireland an Grandad Poppa- ar goin on hollyday in January......TO BUDAPEST!!!!! So I will tell them to send yu big hugs as they ar passing by! Teehee!!
I shor hope it all goze ok. Yu won't forget yor bloggy frends, will yu? Pleez don't forget me. Send us yor new address wen yu can, so we can send yu sumthing to welcome yu to Yurop. By the way, yu do hav a coat, don't yu?!
Ar yu goin to hav to go on a big plane in the air? Do yu hav to sit downstairs or can yu sit wiv yor Ma? Oh I do hope yu hav a cuddly wiv yu to carfter yu.
Yor Ma's payntings ar ace!!! But don't hav menny shiney pennys. We did hav a few but Scooter was unwell for so long that we had to giv most of them to the vet!!! An THEN we had to giv sum to the garage to fix the car! An now our front dor broke an Mummy an Daddy hav spent the eevnin fixing it wiv super-gloo....
I shor will miss yu if yu ar away for a long long time. Being away is ok if yu hav too tho, jus so long as yu don't ferget me, cos well, I, well, yu noe, I do, erm, well, I do sort ov l-o-v yu yu noe.
Oo it's gon hit in heer.
belaytid berfday nose-hugs to yor Ma :@}
Sweetpea, I have all my tootsies crossed for selling Aunti Ami's gob smacking wagging wonderful paintings. Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxxxx
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