my fwiends Mayzie & hew bwuddew Wanger are hosting wescue me week on hew blog. in honow of theiw Gwammpa J
You could win $100 for youw favowite wescue just by featuwing a pet who cuwwently needs adopting!
Thewe awe soooo many fuwwkids out thewe in need of adoption.
This little boy just about bwoke my heawt. his Dad died and now he is homeless and in uwgent need of a fuwwevew home....his name is DOOFUSS
Doofus is a handsome 8 yr. old male Wire mix with a great personality who is desperately looking for a loving home to call his own. He lived with an elderly man his entire life in rural Pennsylvania. This suddenly ended when his owner/friend passed away. For 3 months, Doofus was left to live on the 100 acres where he grew up. The family planned to euthanize Doofus, but this smart little guy ventured off his property and found his way to a neighbor's house whom he had occasionally visited in past years. Doofus is very appreciative to have good food, a bed, and a friend. Unfortunately, he does not get along with other dogs or cats. Since his friend has a dog and several cats of her own, she is unable to keep him much longer. Doofus is currently living in an outbuilding. He needs to be in a warm home very soon since the cold weather is coming. Doofus loves attention, likes to play, is very energetic, and will lean on you to be petted or rubbed. He will be a wonderful companion for someone who can give him a life like the one he once knew & misses so in a home where he is safe, cared for and loved. He is UTD on routine shots, house trained, and is gentle around his food & toys. Doofus is living in PA. His new home must be in the northeast. If you would like to give Doofus a home, please contact
PLEEZ help and keep all the homeless fuwwkids in youw pwayews...
thank you Mayzie fow highlighting theiw need..youw Gwammpa must have been a wondewful man
smoochie gwateful kisses

Oh we hope Doofus finds his most perfect home that ever was soon!
-Bart and Ruby
Hi Asta, Doofus looks cute.....hope he does find the perfect home really soon!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xx
Thanks Asta!
I just know that the perfect furever home is out there for Doofus and he will be in it soon!
woos, Tessa
Doofus is handsome!
Stop on by for a visit
Doofus is so cute and he looks so young for an 8yr old pup! We are crossing our paws that he'll find a furever home to shower him with the love that he rightly deserves.
(ps. Sweet Asta, we missed you and our blogging time is greatly reduced after our mom brought home the human pup. Kisses n tail wags xxx)
I have my paws crossed for Doofus to find a Forever Home and know love!
oh Asta, that story about Doofus just breaks our hearts. we so much want him to have a good home. i wish we could take him.
Surely someone soon will come along and find Doofus irresistible. You are so kind, Asta, to try to help him find the wonderful new home he deserves.
Toodle pip!
We will be praying for Doofus!
We have all our 16 paws crossed that Doofus will find his furever home very soon and be all snuggly warm for winter.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
We hope Doofus gets a home right away. Maybe one of your bloggie friends will help him out.
We would take him in a heartbeat, but there is the "Teka issue" ya know.
I have my paws crossed for Doofus!
Hey Asta!
Wow, another heartbreaker! He's so sweet and I'm sure he doesn't understand where his peep went. I hope some new sweet peep without pets decides to help him and give him a loving home. Sweet boy.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Poor Doofus. He must be so confused. Hope someone gives him a new home very soon.
Hi Asta! We so glad he escaped from the awful people that would put him bye-bye. We so worried for your friend. We wish we could bring him here. We bee purring he gets a happy love forever home soon.
Oh, Asta! Thank you ever so much for pawticipating in Rescue Me Week - specially since I know you've got SO much stuff to do right now!
Poor little Doofuss. Firstly of all, he needs a better name. Like maybe Winston or Edison since he Most Definitely NOT a doofuss since he saved himself before those mean peoples could get him. Secondly, he is a Most Handsome wirey fellow and he deserves to be cuddled and luved and cherished for the rest of his life! I'm crossing my paws super tight that that happens for him real soon.
Wiggles & Wags,
Stories like those of Doofus make us wish we could have an Army of thousands. Poor boy has a loving human and a human who adored him and suddenly that is all taken away and he is left facing homelessness or euthanization. He deserves a warm lap to sit in, a gentle hand to give him belly rubs, and the security of knowing he will be always safe. We woo to the universe that be given that opportunity.
We hope sweet Doofus finds a good home Poor little guy
Oh, he looks like he could be my cousin! We hope he finds his new forever home soon!
Thanks for posting this, Asta!
OurMoma wishes she could adopt them all ... and we've proven to her what good pups we are with more four-leggeds in the house. But she says, "We've only got two seat belts in the back seat."
We're hoping this pup gets a new home soon ... along with all the others who are waiting.
BruvverJake and SissieFergi
Doofus is such a handsome guy. My paws is crossed fur him. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi there, Asta! It's so nice to meet you. It's wonderful of you to take part in Mayzie's Rescue Me Week -- I am too! :) I'll keep my paws crossed that Doofus finds his furever home real soon -- he must be so sad!
I followed you. :)
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Misery told me to come and look, after she had spent FAR TOO LONG looking at Budapest photos I must say.
I will try and do this too, after all, I am a former street dog so who better than me to write up a good rescue tale?? Or tail? Or something. Now to decide which country to choose :(
Doofus you have quite the story pal. I am wishing for the pawfect new home for you to turn up ASAP!
Waggin at ya,
So sweet! I hope he finds the forever loving home he deserves very soon!
Asta Sweet Pea, aww you are a kind girlie. My paws go out to Grandpa J's family and to Mazie what a lovely memorial.
And Doofus dude. He deserves a new home lickety spit doesn't he, he's a heart stealer. I've got my paws crossed for him. And I back kicked them pesky wheelies wheels to cross their wobbly old wheels. Good boy Eric eh?
Wiry licks and love xxxxxx
YOOO HOOOOO Remember us? We are trying to make a comeback! Of course we immediately saw this kid and wanted him to come home with us until we saw that he doesn't get all too well with other kids.. and with us.. well who know WHAT would happen!! We are so behind it is going to take us a million years to catch up BUT WE WILL!! A million kisses and hug Love the A team PS you made a cute pumpkin...
We hope Doofus soon finds his new forever home!
Have a great weekend.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh, that is so sad when our fur-babies loose their owners. Doofus is a lot smarter than his name it appears. For him to wonder off to save himself is pretty cool. We hope he finds a new home real soon. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
That's just so sad. Thank you for featuring Doofus. He has such soulful eyes. His old man owner must have told him lotsa stories. I hope he finds a real good home real soon!
Oh poor Dufus, his story made us feel so sad. We are praying that he finds the best home that ever was!
Nubbin wiggles,
Poor little fella. He looks so sad. We will pray he find his forever home soon
Sniff ya later....Weenie
Makes me kind of sad to read that. Poor Doofus without his beloved master to take care of him. I hope he can find the right family soon. Maybe even somebody with a few mice in the attic.
Mayzie is so nice to do that. We did ours on Weds. Sure hope Doofus is able to find a great furever home. :)
Aw,Doofus must be so sad! I hope he finds a warm home and a friend vvery soon. I'm so impressed that he ran away from home knowing the fate that was in store for him - way to go, Doofus - and good luck!
What a great post and cause! I'm a rescue so I know how important it is for people to adopt. Of course, mama swears I rescued her!!
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