Deew Fwiends
Won't you join me fow the Thiwd Annual Wowldwide Moment?
At the Exact Moment
(11:00 PM GMT on 14 Nov 11)
Turn toward the Skies
Join together in One Silent Moment of Meditation, Contemplation, Reflection and/or Prayer
Whatever feels right to you
I got this infowmation fwom my sissie Fewgie and Bwuvvew Jake
and I thank them fwom the bottom of my heawt fow the wemindew
Sending Pawsitive Powew and Enewgy into the Univewse
to all the Fuwwy, Fuzzy, Feathewed Fabulous Fwiends
Who awe Hewe and no longew Hewe
Celebwating Family and Fwiendship
Sending Love and Suppowt
Follow that Silence
With whatevew means of Communication you choose
Awwooing, Bawking, Howling, Yipping, Wooing
Meowing, Mewing, Puwwing
Neighing, Whinnying
Tweeting, Chiwping
Squeaking, Squawking
You get the Idea
Wish and Send Whatevew is in your Heawts
to the Univewse
Send the Love and Suppowt OuwFwiends want, need and desewve
All at one time
All Awound the Wowld
To detewmine what time that is whewe you live
We awe suggesting you figuwe out the time for youwself
Set Your Alawms
I'll be thewe
Will you?
smoochie kisses

Thanks for the reminder, Asta. So much to pray about.
Wyatt and Stanzie
This is a wonderful idea and will be a wonderful moment-we'll do our best to remember to participate!
Thanks for reminding us...
Thanks for thinking of sending the time chart. For us it will be at 4 pm on MOnday and we will be joining everyone elsd.
I will most certainly be there! Last year, we were stuck in traffic during the world wide moment, but mama and I still managed to close our eyes (neither one of us were driving) and meditate. This year, we will be home looking up at the stars!
Your pal, Pip
Dearest Friend, you KNOW we will be joined with you as our spirits unite to ask the Universe to bless all in need!
It is a VERY extra special day for us because last year during the Worldwide Moment we were on our way home from adopting Nuka and bringing her to her new forever home. We pulled off the road at five minutes before so Quinn, myself, momma, dad, and Michael (and Nuka) could it is Nuka's Gotcha Day as well and this was her introduction to our wonderful blogging community!
My hu-mum has put it in her diary for Tuedsay lunchtime (our time) to take a moment with you all.
Miss Asta, thank you for the information. We will definitely join in this wonderful event. Hope you are all well and not too stressed with the business of moving. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Thanks for reminding us Asta. Thoughtful as ever. I have to tell you that even Gail goes all gooey inside when she sees that picture of you at prayer.
Hoping plans for your across the world movement are going well too.
Toodle pip!
We will be joining in too Asta. It is just too special to miss.
MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Joining in from Virginia, and glad that I will be home from the groomer in plenty of time to calm down and focus.
What a wonderful idea! Thanks for the reminder! Sorry we haven't been by lately! Thought you were in the midst of moving and just now catching up! LOVE your Halloween pumpkin outfit - you just wear orange so fabulously! Mom LOVED all those statues in the subway. Pretty cool! And, hey, they let pups right the subway there? That's awesome. Nobody lets pups ride public transportation here! Boo!
When are you all moving to Hungary? So glad there's no quarantine!!! That sounds like a super exciting adventure. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get there!
The Road Dogs
We will be there Asta count on it
Momma Tea and the Trio
xx xx xx xx
We are joining in too!
Lots o licks
Sally and Paddy
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay i wil be their!!! in fakt ummm it seems like their mite even be more then wun of me their!!! ok bye
Sounds like a wonderful thing to join in on. :)
We missed it but we think it's a cool thing to pawticipate in.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Love your header and your post! I missed it and think what a wonderful idea this was. I will be on the lookout next year.
That;s a nice idea. Not so sure about the time. I think we will be asleep. Twill be midnight here. We shall see.
Hi Asta we must say you on the world looks good.
It would be so nice to have peace on earth. No greed and much much more careing.
We will join in on the 14th we are sad and this might be a big help.
Licks Bobby
Hey Asta!
Wow, what a wonderful event! The world sure could use some positive vibes, thoughts, prayers. I'll be there fur sure and I'll get this info up on the Blogville Community Calendar.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Asta...we put a post up about the Moment just seems like yesterday we were prayin' for Miss Snickers...
How are you dear girlie??? You need to pop down and visit...I'll send the broom with a driver (Stan) but the driver has the runs so good luck with that...
Your BFF
Asta. Sissie. We knew we could count on you to help remind old friends and tell new friends about the Worldwide Moment. Can you believe this will be the third year? Seems like just yesterday when this all got started.
The wind's been blowing like crazy here ... so our wishes may fly on the breeze all the way to NY. Listen for us Monday. In the meantime, we're glad the wind's flying west to east, since we just read about Stanny's little problem. He might be able to use the tail wind (probably already has some of his own) and we are VERY happy to be west of him and the broom, out here in Colorado.
Take good care, sweet Sissie. We'll be including lots of good thought for you and your family during that moment.
Much love
Jake and Fergs and OurMoma, too
Thanks for this impawtant information, Asta!
A most excellent idea, Asta...thank you for sharing! So much to give thanks for EVERY day.
xoxo - Bella the Boxer
Hi, Asta -
Mama has been so behind in blogging - first it was her birthday and Kaci's birthday was a week later.
We are so sorry that we missed this!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Nice on sweetpea. I put my paws together close my pies and sent well wishes for everydoggie.
Hugs n kisses Asta sweet pea.Ooodles of love Eric xxx
Oh this momment passed us by, we have not been on the laptop that much over the last couple of weeks ;( and soo behind with all our blogging friends.Just so much going on, good luck on your move, just think you won't be so far to pucker up for a kiss :)
I see you had a visit from FG, its on this travel blog, we all have our paws crossed that Molly is going to be ok, Its very worrying.
If you get time you can vote on my blog where you would like to go on my B/day and join me on my B/day steps photo, it would make my birthday if you would.
Pucker up for a kiss across the pond
Love George xxx
The World wide Moment is such a powerful event! The air, in that single moment , just crackles with positive energy!
OMD!!! Stumpy and I are seriously overwhelmed by all the comments and positive responses to Willie's rescue. We’re working our way through your blogs and emails to thanks you individually.
I just want you to know that Stumpy and I were merely pawns in this rescue. The real thanks goes to Mayzie's Grampa J who directed Willie's rescue, The Briard network who ran to the rescue and to the Angel Lady who stepped up to the plate.
I know each and every one of us do whatever we can to support the animals, the rescues and each other in our quest to make the world a better place. Each little miracle is the direct result of like minded people doing what they can do.
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Hi my friend, hurdles came my way and I did not get to comment. But I want to let you know that I am still celebrating the World Wide Moment every day.
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