I am vewy vewy sad
I was so afwaid that if I couldn't be hewe to check on my fwiends because of this stoopid move, some howwibull things might happen
today mommi finally went to the pootew to see if thewe wewe any messages, and I found awful things. Now I'm too afwaid to even look at my messages anymowe.
My sweet sweet fwiend Opus who has been my fwiend along wif his angel bwuvvew Woscoe had to cwoss the bwidge today I only found out because Anne (Zoey and Maggie's mom of Zoolatwy sent me this bootiful badge, along wif this message
To share your thoughts and prayers for Opus ... visit his family at ... CAT NAPS IN ITALY.
Wemembew when I went to Wome a few yeaws ago?
(hewe I am wif my Daddi and Opus's bootiful Mom )
well I got to visit Wowcoe and Opus at that time and I will keep bof of them in my heawt fuwwevew along wif the memowie of ouw many many adventoowes as pawt of the "gang"
CIAO my fwiends..I'm glad you'we young and togethew again and I will see you someday ovew the wainbow
at the same time , I saw that my othew deew fwiend Gingew Jaspew
is vewy vewy ill
and needs ouw pwayews and pawsitive thoughts
hewe I am kissing Flat Gingew Jaspew while sitting in his Mum's lap when they visited me eawliew this yeaw
(once again It was the Zoolatwy Giwls who let me know and sent me this bootiful image)
and if that isn't enuff sadness, Dr Tweety , that wondewful funny and kind and faboolous fwiend has got the howwibull C and may not be wif us fow much longew
(again a bootiful pictoowe fwom Zoolatwy)
Pleez evewyone go and visit these families who awe huwting and so vewy sad
and leave youw wowds of suppowt and love
I still can't come awound to see how all of you awe and I just pway that you'we all safe and well and getting weady fow a bootiful Chwissmuss and Hannukah
stay safe
sad sad smoochie kisses

oh Asta darling....you put your grief so sweetly into your post about your dearest friends...Opus and Jasper and Dr. Tweety. Kitties are such precious angels on earth...then they are called home after often a long illness to run and play free. Loving them so much is the price we have to pay in letting them go...I know my mommy would not have missed it for the world...loving me that is.
I watch over the cozy cottage from above and know what they need...Christmas is coming and I will play Santa cat for them....
All our love....to you and yours...XOXOXXO
ASta you are as ever so kind, and so sensitive to the suffering of others. But we are sure that none of your dear friends would want you to be sad too. Well at least I can report that I am bouncing around as usual, full of energy, fun, mischief and love, and although I miss your comments I do understand why yo u don't have much time for visiting just now, and wish you all the best for the festive season and the big move.
Toodle pip!
We are so sad about Opus too, Asta.
Opus and Roscoe were our bestest men at our wedding and we had so much fun with 'the gang' adventures. But I am happy they are together again.
We will treasure our memories and keep both in our hearts forever!! Until we meet again...
Headbumpies from me to you and your mommi and daddi
Sad news. I don't know those folks but I will pop and see them and send them lots of greyhound hugs and love.
Love and licks, Winnie
Oh dear Asta, please don't be sad. Your friends who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge will be met with love and joy from all our beloved pets who have gone there before. We have sent Ginger Jasper get well wishes too. We send gentle hugs to all who are in need of them. Hug, hug, hug. Extra love, Stella and Rory
P.S. Our sissy made mum a trifle the other day to remember Nana. Its was just lovely x x
We are very sad too at all this bad news, but e are crossing all of our paws very, very hard that dear GJ will get better son.
We are so sorry to hear about your kitty friends, Asta. We're crossing our paws and sending lots of AireZen for Dr Tweety and Ginger Jasper.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Nuts. So sorry to hear about your fureinds. Paws crossed for all of them.
I am relentlessly worried about little Ginger Jasper and sending good thoughts.
Asta, we agree that the news is pretty sad lately. We are purring very hard for all of our sick friends and offering comforting purrs for those friends that have gone to the Bridge. We were lucky to have known them.
We are still purring that your move will go smoothly too.
Purrs Tillie & Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure & JJ
Dear Asta, Mommi and Unca Geowge!
It is sad for us who are left here to cope with things like moves and aging relatives, but your friends, and sweet Bear from the Brat Pack are happy at the Bridge, where we will all meet again.
Sending kisses to cheer you up. Do not let Mommi ship them to HunGarry, they are to share and use now.
Sweet Asta,
We has been prayin' fur sweet GJ, now we will add your other furiends and dere families to our list too.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
I am so very much sorry about our furends who crossed the bridge. We do have some Wonderful memories to keep them with us in our hearts and minds.. until we are all together again.
I am so very worried about GJ.
I know how bizzy you are right now.. snoopervising the packing and planning and stuffs. It was soooooo sweet and very ASTAlike of you to take the time to put this post up.
Happy Holidays to you and your mommy and daddy.
Sharing the sadness ... but also praying for you, that your move will not be too difficult. That you will find joy and excitement and beauty each day in your new home. Take care ... and happy holidays!
oh no. not good news at all. healing vibes and pawer of the paw to efurryone!
Thanks for sharing, Asta. We are praying!
Hello Sweet Asta.
I'm so sorry to hear this news, but I'm also happy to get to see and hear from you. I'm thinking about you and hoping your move goes smoothly. Take care.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
There has been a lot of sadness in the kitty world this week. We are very sorry for the losses of your friends Opus and Dr. Tweety. And we all have our paws crossed for our sweet pal Ginger Jasper to be doing so much better soon.
You are a great friend to all Asta, we wish you were having a better week.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Asta my sweet friend thank you so much for thinking of my sweet Jasper. I am so grteful for our friends.I have you in my thoughts also for a smooth move. Love Carol xx
Sending prayers for all our furends. Seems this has been a very hard year for a lot of the residents of Blogville.
This has been a hard year on many of our dear friends being ill or leaving for the bridge. My heart and purrs go out to all who have had ill sweeties.
I cannot believe that my nephew, Opus, is gone. My heart is breaking and it hurts so much. I know he is with Roscoe, his brother, and now they are together forever to run and play. Free from illness or pain. Some day we will all meet and be together again but until then the hole in our heart will remain. Thanks for your kind words, purrs, and friendship.
Oh gosh, so much sadness. Thank you for letting us know ...we will go visit right now. Prayers for all.
Your pal, Pip
P.S.: I sure hope your packing and preparation are going well!
You did a pawsome tribute for all your furiends! I am very sorry that they have crossed the bridge and that some are sick.
Good luck with your move!
A Merry Christmas and a Happy Hannukah to you and yours!
Woos, Tessa
You have a lot of happy memories of Opus to put a smile on your face in the years to come. But right now it's tear time, isn't it!
Sad news Sweet Pea. I'm sending paw power,wiry love and hugs over the big one for those poor kittie owners and for Ginger Jasper.
Kisses for you too. Eric xx
Asta we are so sorry about all the sad news. we are thinking of all your friends and families right now.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Dear Asta
We are so sad that you received all this terrible news.
I know the familys are all hurting.
We will say prayers for them,
Be safe my friend.
Oh Asta, they would not want you to be sad, especially as they know how busy you are, packing and carftering your hewmans. Poor dear Asta. I will let Bob know. He and GJ are good friends. He will need some hugs.
Bug hugs to you too, and to evevryone with purrbabys who aren't well. I know too well how awful a time that is.
Oh Asta! Oh oh oh! BIG BEAR HUGS!!!!! I am so sorry yor frend went to the bridge, an I am so sorry abowt Tweety an dear GJ. Oh my beads! I must go an giv them hugs!!!
I jus went an left a messidge. I ju mist yu thare! I wud hav liket to hav bumpt into yu and exchaynged nose hugs.
Oh my dear Asta.,this is such a bad news but I believed they don't want you to be sad.
Dog Fence
Pet Solutions
Its All About Bichon
Sissy Asta.... we didn't know our friend Opus went across the bridge. We used to have lots of fun together....
Good luck on your move and we'll look forward to reading your adventure again.
Happy Holidays!
Momo & Pinot
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