My heawt is bwoken, I have no answews , and so many questions..
Why do howwibull things happen to wondewful hoomans and fuwwkids?
..This last week the biggest twagedy happened to my deewest fwiends
the Pittie Pack..
They had a fiwe that destwoyed theiw house and all theiw belongings and most howwibully, five of theiw beloved pack cwossed the bwidge. Guewwo(Mommish's heawt doggie, Coco Chanel the queen of all the oonivewse,, Shelby ouw miwacle suwvivow of the wowst that hoomans do to pups and the two wee dawlings Tigew and Lucky all pewished in the fiwe
thewe awe no wowds to even begin to talk about this. Pleez go and comfowt them in some way and if you can help wif donation on the following site(Sandwa's Wecovewy ) also Fwankie Fuwtew has a pwoject fow them and Mayziegal has mowe infowmation too
I am pwaying vewy hawd that the Mommish finds peace in hew heawt aftew this twagedy and that the fact that hew little hooman pup and hew fuwwkids Bwinksie and Bella awe unhawmed and will help hew heal. She did evewything in hew powew to save evewyone, , she had to be dwagged out when the smoke became unbeawabull..hew heawt is beyond bwoken..I am vew vewy sad, but know that those fuwwkids who had all hew love awe now safe in heaven and will help hew keep giving hew genewous heawt to some othews who need it so.
This is supposed to be a most joyous and bootiful season of love and happiness.
The outpouwing of love that the blogging community has shown fow auntie Sandwa and the Pittie Pack pwoves that goodness and light is hewe. I am so gwateful to be pawt of this family .
These pictoowes awe of ouw house in Chwissmusses past
It was always a holiday of wawmf and family
Chwissmuss Eve was always ouw twaditional dinnew
we played the piano and sang songs
and we twied to make evewything spawkly and bootiful
this yeaw is vewy diffewent
my home is packed up
nothing is bootiful anymowe
aftew 29 yeaws in the same apawtment, we awe leaving wif heavy heawts
the piano had to be sold (Mommi had had it since she was 11 and you all know that now she is about 63000000 yeaws old) still has to be picked up
This is a containew on a twuck that will be home to all ouw stuff fow about six weeks
The nice moving guys filled it to wifin an inch
then sealed it and made us photogwaph the key so when they open it in Budapest, we'll know it's been all safe the whole time while on boawd the ship and twucks
To finish, I have a funny stowy to make you giggle ;
So, the house is empty, and Mommi and Daddi awe tiwed,
Mommi has a cwacked wib and to celebwate the end of the move, they decided to dwink a toast...thewe was a bottle of Pwo Secco in the fwidge and Daddi twied to open it..the cowk didn't want to come out, so he used a scwew openew:
all of a sudden, Mommi felt like someone shot hew in the chest
no, not the cowk, but the whole top of the bottle blew off and hit hew in the chest
hehehehehe(sowt of a fitting way to go if it would have done any weel damage)
as it is, she got a bwoose and a little blood , but no awtewies wewe sevewed and no eyes lost
They did the only logical a sieve and pouwed the Pwo Secco into glasses and dwunked it all up ....Phew
I will pwobably not be able to post ow visit much fow quite sometime,but will twy
I wish all of you a safe and Mewwy Chwissmuss
I pway that all of you will be hewe when I get back to nowmal blogging fwom Budapest
I tweasoowe all of you
till then, all my smoochie kisses

OMG Miss Asta, I am so tryin' not to laughs at your mommi's misfortune but I thinks it was a nice chuckle considering. Tell her I sorry I laughed at hers...hehehe!
I remembered how beautiful your apt was during Christmas last year but always know a home is always beautiful when you are withs your family and it don't matters where you lives. You haves so many furiends across da globe and we is heres fur you...praying fur a safe journey...and we'll be heres when you gets back online. We could never furget you!
We have thought so much about Sandra and what her is going through. It's gonna be a tuff road fur her but as a community, we'll help her in any way we can.
Best wishes to you for a safe smooth move and a good holiday. Can't imagine moving at Christmas time. We'll miss you!
love & wags,
My sweet friends we will be here when you get to the other end of that there is no fear. Mum and dad and I wish you a safe journey and we wish for you happiness and good health. We do so feel for your mum and dad but know that with the love they have for each other they will come through this stronger.Lastly thank you for visiting and caring while I am ill. Much love GJ Carol and Barrie xx
Hey Sweet Asta!
Wow, I'm sorry that we are all a little sad these days, but I am still so very glad to hear from you! Blogville is an amazing community and I am honored to be a part of it along with you. Best of luck with your move and I will be here waiting to hear from you once you are settled. Happy holidays to your whole pack.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Asta DARLING.... All of the Sparkly thingys are inside those boxes.. We can't SEE them Sparkle... butt we CAN feel the Love and Memories and the WARMTH that they give off. That WARMTH will be with you and your mommy and daddy NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE... and no matter WHERE the thingys ARE. THAT is the Magic of LOVE and Memories..
May you three have a wonderful Christmas.. TOGETHER.. and May your NEW YEAR be the BEST EVER.
I will MISS you something terrible so Please come back to us in Blogville... as soon as you pawsibly can.
It has been a sad and even scary December - even for us and here you are about to go on a huge adventure. We will be here waiting for you when you get all settled in in your new home and I bet there will so many new adventure for you to share with us.
We are so sorry to hear about your friends tragedy. - and we pray for your safety. Please let us know how you are doing in your new home.
The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy
We didn't know the Pittie Pack, but we were very sad when we heard about their tragedy.
No matter where you are, the Holidays will sparkle because you have a wonderful Mom and Dad who love you. We hope you get settled quickly, but don't worry...we won't forget you.
Merry Christmas, safe travels and we'll see you in the New Year!!
Smoochie kisses back to you,
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Asta, those were very nice words. The only way I can make sense of it is to think that there are five doggies out there that will eventually find homes with Miss Sandra that wouldn't have had one if it weren't for this tragedy.
Please come back as soon as you're moved in...we've missed you!
The Pittie Pack fire is such a horrible tragedy, but it has provided one more example of how wonderful the world of bloggers is - such awesome support and love for Sandra and family.
Asta, your home may not be decorated this year with material ornaments and such, but it is still a home filled with much love, that's what really matters. We don't have any decorations either since Mom broke her arm, but it's all OK - we still have Christmas spirit.
Lots of luck with the big move - we can't wait to hear from you in Budapest.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
New traditions, new friends, new adventures---and a lonely empty apartment in Budapest that's just waiting for exploding prosecco bottles, Mommi's gorgeous artwork on the walls, and oodles of dog toys! I am sure your new home will even be more beautiful in no time. (Though you did have the best long hallway for chasing after tennis balls!)
A new year filled with new beginnings. And best of all, no matter where in the world we live, our blog friends are just a click away!
Your pal,
We are sad that you are leaving, and wish we could all get together one more time. But Petey is wise, and we should look forward. Where ever you are with your Mommi and Daddi will be home, your Mommi will make it bootiful and you will be there to remind them to smile and laugh. Be a brave terrier, and a good girl scout..."make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold."
I admire your peeps spirit to take on this big move. Your pics of all those boxes brought back memories of our last move (we lived with boxes for 2 years until we were finally settled!) My asst. never wanted to see another box as long as she lived:) Hope everything goes smoothly, but usually there's a glitch or two. As others have said, you'll all get through this adventure and have a great new life in Budapest.
I'm glad your mommi survived the wine opening - who knew that could be so dangerous?! BOL
Safe travels... btw, how will YOU be traveling? On mommi's lap I hope!
The good thing is they didn't put you in the big container! BOL
I hopes that you and your Pawrents have a safe trip to far away. You will be missed while you are gone. Have a Merry Christmas!
woos, Tessa
Hi Asta
Things just do not seem the same without you. I was so happy to hear from you
I know this Christmas will be different for manys of us, but as long as we keep love for each other in our hearts - that is what matters most.
I know you are anxious to get all settled in. I would be too.
I am glad that powerful bottle did not hurt your mama too much! Thank goodness.
We are also so sad for Sandra and the Pitty Pack. The world of bloggers has their arms around them in love.
I will be waiting right here for you
We are so sad about the pittie pack.
hi Asta and Mommi and Daddi, we are so sad about the pittie pack and we are sad that you are leaving the home that you love and we are sad because it's christmas everyone is supposed to be happy. we will look forward to hearing about your new adventures in your new home. will you have to learn to bark in a new language? we hope that you will still remember us when you are far away. you and Bailey will still share the same birthday, so we will still have to have a celebration online.
woofs from your friends forever.
We're sorry your apt is packed up and not decorated this year but the important thing is you're all together. For that, we're thankful. And that your mom is okay after being attacked by a bottle top.
What happened to the pittie pack is horrible!
Asta, we are so sorry to hear about the terrible tragedy at the Pittie Pack.We cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak.
WE are also sad that your time here is at an end,for a while.. This will be a different Christmas for you and your family. Still, you will be together and we wish you a safe journey and a Merry Christmas!!!
See you next year.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
and mom Nancy
Happy Holidays, we are wishing you a safe voyage to your new home and wishes that your new home be full of love and happiness.
Glad your Mommy survived the celebration. We loved the color of the blue bottle but it seems very vicious. Perhaps it didn't wish to be drank.
Blessings for all of you.
We're sending good vibes and warm holiday wishes to all of you! May the start of your new life in Budapest in 2012 be everything that you hope for and more!
Good Luck!
P.S. Your apartment in NY was stunning, and we're sure that your new home will be likewise.
Dear sweet Asta, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy remembering of all those great Christmas' in times past. Next year we will be hearing all about your first special Christmas in your new home. We are sorry too but we laughed about the bottle top hitting your mum. We hope she is ok. Mum said what a great idea to sieve the drink. Very very good idea. Bye bye for now. Merry Christmas and a Peaceful and Healthy New Year to all in your family. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
We did not know Sandra and the Pittie pack, but no-one could fail to be moved by their terrible tragedy.
And we understand too that you and Mommi and Daddi will have mixed feelings this Christmas as you think back on all the happy times in your Manhattan apartment.
But I'm sure I not the only one out here in Blogville who is looking forward to see how your wonderfully creative Mommi (with your help no doubt) fashions a beautiful new home in Budapest. And we know that you and Mommi and Daddi are such close knit gang that you will be strong so long as you are together and that you will also bring happiness to others wherever you are.
Happy Christmas dear Asta, and may you have a peaceful, loving and wonderful New Year.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (and Gail).
Oh and PS we DID like the story about the prosecco bottle!!
Your home was alway so beautiful, Asta, not only at Christmas but always warm and welcoming. We know your new home in Budapest will be just as warm and welcoming. Have a safe trip. We'll be waiting for you to post again. We love you!
Maggie and Mitch
Such a hard time in blogland at present. We were devasted to read about the awful fire.
Your apartment empty proves to us that it is the humans and of course the doggies and kitties that make a house a home.
Your mom is so talented and creative that we can't wait to see the new apartment and what she will do to make it a wonderful, warm home for you all and of course visitors.
We have no doubt whatsoever that you will all breathe new life and warmth into your future.
We are rather sad about the piano but it would have been hard to take with you all that way.
Take care, all of you, and do be careful opening bottles, that story did make us laugh!
Much love
Martha, Bailey and Humans xxx
Merry Christmas to you!! Have a safe move!
Miss Asta,
It must be so strange to have a house full of boxes instead of a house of nice decorations this time of year. Tell mommi to try and stay focused on two months from now when you will be snug in your new estate with all your things around you and opening a less dangerous bottle to celebrate having the move over with.
Happy holidays to you, Asta. I wish you a safe and easy move. Soon you will start making new friends and traditions in your new home!
We just heard about the Pittie Pack and can hardly believe it.
Our prayers go out to their sweet family.
And Asta, we know you are gonna LUV your new place! It will be a new adventure for a new year !
We love you guys!
-Mack & Mom
What a exciting start to 2012 - a new life in Budapest. We wish you all the very best with the move and your new life there.
We can't wait to hear from you when you're settled in!
In the meantime, Merry Christmas from Clive and all the gang here!
My mom's eyes got all leaky again reading your Most Beautiful tribute to the Pittie Pack. We miss them SO much but we know that they're watching over all of us from across the Bridge.
And gosh, I'm sure glad your mom didn't put her eye out! Good for them for going ahead and drinking the Pwo Secco anyways!
I know it's awfully sad to leaves behind so many precious memories. But just remember that you take Blogville with you wherever you go. Like Frankie's been saying, "Blogville is in the HEARTland."
Me and my mom are sending you lots of hugs and luvs for a safe journey.
Wiggles & Wags,
We wish you safe travels and fearlessness. To be honest, it is US who are a little afraid that YOU will forget about us in your glamorous new foreign life.
It isn't the sparkly lights or fancy decorations or sumptuous foods that make Christmas special, dear one, it is the sharing and the love and the joy that lives in your soul. Christmas resides in your heart....Momma has printed your header and we are going to place you under OUR tree where you can guard the Christmas Angel and be a part of our celebration. Peace to you and Mommi and Daddi.
Best wishes with your moving, have a safe travels. May you also enjoy this Holiday seasons.
Dog Fence
Pet Solutions
Its All About Bichon
You're right, Asta. There has been so much sadness. But we hope the new year will bring joy with it, and that your move will go smoothly. We really like to think you will be on the same old continent as us! Maybe you can come for a visit?
This has been a sad month, but there have been some bright spots too. We are excited for your new adventure, Asta. You are such a fuzzy globe trotter and we will look forward to your posts from your new home. It's a place we have always wanted to visit!
Wyatt's Mom
Oh Miss Asta,
Mom got quite a chuckle weading about da exploshun of da booze bottle! My pawrents would have dun da same thing, stwain and dwink!
we awe vewy sad fow da Pitty Pack and been keeping dem in are pwayews.
Don't fowgets us! We look fowwawd to seein pictuwes of you new house!
Merry Chwistmas!
Kousin Asta, Auntie Ami, and Unkel George,
You know how we feel about you. Enough said.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie and Family
pee ess Will talk to you before you leave. : )
Our secretary is fired.... Ya know Asta, that bottle looks a lot like one of Tanner's corn shanks, doesn't it? Those boxes are horrid, but what fun you and I will have unpacking them in Booda Pesto....kisses and cotton candy! Lacie!!!
Asta! Please do haves a safe journey! We will be thinking of you.
We have been broken hearted about the loss of the PittiePack5 too. The family is in our prayers.
We have always enjoyed the photos of your folk's marvelous parties, and dream that we are there with you when you celebrate. The apartment does look different now. The shot of your piano in the empty room is very artsy. You have the pics to remember it, now on to your new life! Perhaps your mommy will get another piano or keyboard in Budapest. (Will you be in Buda or in Pest??) Okay. You be good and as long as you are all together we're sure you will have a beautiful Christmas. God bless you and your family.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Asta your Christmas past photos are so warm and welcoming :) Just think of all the fun new things you will find in Budapest to add to your Christmas decor next year! :D
I'm glad your Mom was not seriously injured by the 'de-corking' Sheesh!
Safe journey my furiends. Though it is a very different holiday season for you this year, I'm bettin it will be full of excitement, adventure and magical moments :)
Waggin at ya,
PeeS: My heart broke when I heard what happened to the Houston Pittie Pack and my heart swelled with happiness when I saw how Blogville came through for them. It will take time. They will find peace and happiness again. I know this in my soul.
Hi Asta,
Just want to wish you and your family the very best to your new home in Budapest. It might take a couple of months to get settle in your new crib, you'll get there.
Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas to you if I don't see you around. :)
We always thought your home was very beautiful, and it will be sad to say goodbye. But I'm sure you will make your home beautiful in will just take some time. We are still trying to get organized in our new home. Moving is a terrible lot of work...just be easy on yourselves. Good luck and we'll be looking forward to hearing about your adventures in your new country!
Purring for your family to have a safe journey and a happy home when you arrive at your destination and start a few phase in your lives. Though we have never met I have tears as the mom types thinking of you so far away. I will be waiting until I hear from you that all is well and can hardly wait until we can blog again. Please keep in touch. I know you will meet new friends but please don't forget your American friends, and family.
Holiday blessings and wishing you the most wonderful of new years!
Love your sissie,
Oh, so glad that your mommie wasn't hurt from that bad bottle. You didn't have a paw in that did you? You aren't mad or something because you are not decorated for Christmas??? No, you wouldn't do that. You don't have a mean bone in your sweet body.
Asta & family, I hope your move goes smoothly. Budapest doesn't know how lucky it is to have you all there!
Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam
what a horrible year this was.... we are heart-broken about the tragedy at pitty pack - and so many other things that happened this year...
while we aren't around much we think of you all the time asta, and hope you and your mom and dad will have a smooth move!
change can be scary and frightening while you go through it - but most of the times you realize afterward that it was for the best!
our maid is already looking forward to that glass of wine she'll share with your humans in your new home!
love and purrs
the cat realm
We send you our love and our blessings for a safe journey.
Asta, we send you and your people much love at a very different Christmas time for you. I think I barked earlier that Master and Misery have done similar things, so they feel for you very much. A new year brings a new start and new hope - and in your case a new home. I am sure you will make it just as beautiful as the old one. We are pleased your mommy wasn't rushed off to hospital and was ok enough to drink the Pro Secco. Misery once hit her nose on a cork (well it hit her nose actually) but glass can be dangerous, so maybe someone was looking after her. Merry Christmas in the circs, and very best wishes for the New Year.
Pippa xx
Hello Asta,
we are so sad about the pittie pack.
We wish you good luck for the big trip to Budapest. Now you are only 1200 km away from me. Ha ha.
Then you can pop over to share a bone with me. Don't worry you will find many good friends here too.
Europe is waiting for you.
Nice woooh
Oh, Asta, Miss Asta... There is just so much sad here at this time. So many friends gone to the Bridge, and now this heart breaking news of the five losses in the Pittie Pack... your Mom's piano, your pretty house... we just can't think what to say. All we can think of is we sure wish we could have had more time to know you before you had to move. And we send you hugs and bunches of love. And we look forward to when we hear from you again, and hope you like your new home.
Merry Christmas, Miss Asta.
Oh, Asta, Miss Asta... There is just so much sad here at this time. So many friends gone to the Bridge, and now this heart breaking news of the five losses in the Pittie Pack... your Mom's piano, your pretty house... we just can't think what to say. All we can think of is we sure wish we could have had more time to know you before you had to move. And we send you hugs and bunches of love. And we look forward to when we hear from you again, and hope you like your new home.
Merry Christmas, Miss Asta.
Ami and George and Asta ~ may you have all the joy of the Christmas season, and may you have safe travels ...
Hey Asta!
I'm sending you and your peeps wishes for a very joyous Christmas and a happy 2012!
Grr and a Merry Woof,
Sarge, Furiend
Dearest Asta,
We cannot beleevz all da stuff dat haz happened efer, but you havz been suc a good frend to us we cannot tell you how much it haz meant.
We almost fainted when we readz about your mommee beein hitz by da Pro-seconal bottle! MY Cod! Tank Heavenz!
Booty-pest????? Iz you becomin' cheeze makerz? & da beootyfull piano gone? Now da momee here iz feelin' blue fur your momee. Dat iz terrybull.
We hopes you will be abull to vizit once again when you getted all dat wunderfull stuffed container in da Booty-pested.
Wishin' you all da besty Holly-day,
Dr Tweety & da Fab Five
Asta.. A Very Happy Christmas to you you Mommi & Daddy. You may not have any decorations this year, but you are surrounded by love.
Wishing you a safe journey to your new life in Budapest. With all good wishes for 2012.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Safe travels to all. Asta, as long as you are with your Mommi and Daddi everything will be fine. You will take good care of them, they need you now to be sweet and cute.
Hi Sweety., how's your Christmas? I hope you enjoyed it.
Dog Fence
Pet Solutions
Its All About Bichon
Oh Miss Asta ...somehow I missed this post. I am so sorry. I can't imagine what it feels like to leave your home after 29 years. I just know your family is going to find so much love, beauty, peace, joy in your new home in Budapest. I hope your holidays were filled with love despite the upheaval in your life. We miss you and can't wait for you to get settled so we can see your sweet face again.
Lots of love, Pip
Sissy Asta, mommi and daddi!
All the best for your big move! We're sure you will report many many nice things from Budapest in the future! We'll be thinking of you.
Stay warm,
Momo & Pinot
Oh Miss Asta, Mummy an I hav teers in our eyes, an don't want to tell Granny or Daddy or Dilly, it is so sad, we don't want them to cry too. Wat a terribol thing to happen. So terribol to looz yor furrends an not be abol to sayve them, tho she did try an try, an I'm shor they new she was trying. Oh I do hope she heals inside as well as owt, this is so sad.
I can barely bring myself to wish yu happy new yeer, yet I will, an I meen a new yeer full ov promiss of good things, of new sites an sownds an smells, ov new furrends.
We ar sending yu an yor famly lots ov hugs.... now we off to leev sum hugs for that paw famly....
Happy New Year!
Barky New Year. We hope you have a wonderful time in Budapest.
Essex & Sherman
Happy New Year, Asta! We hope your trip goes well and you have a great time in Budapest.
Thank you for telling us about your friends.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi and Tiger Lily
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