I'm hewe again..tiwed, but safe in Budapest
the twip was smooth and wondewful until we got to the second flight fwom Munich to Budapest
in NewYawk, we got to the aiwepowt in wecowd time,
the lovely people at Lufthansa didn't chawge us fow ouw vewy ovewweight fouw bags and the cwew on the plane, fussed ovew me and loved me to deaf
then the hawd pawt stawted.
Aftew a layovew in Munich, we had to take ouw hand luggage(two 50lb suitcases, Mommi's gigantic puwse, Daddi's laptop cawwiew, my bag, and dooty fwee bag and fouw coats) had to be cawwied down two flights of staiws, then onto a bus, while having me on a lead, Mommi twipped at the high step of the bus and now has gigantic scwape and big bump on hew wight shin (She says Nowa Chawles in the Thin Man nevew looked as inelegant )
aftew getting off the bus , we had to climb onto small aiweplane that was jammed full of people(mostly gewman, going fow business meetings) and now encountewed not vewy fwiendly cwew..whew, but we made it
an houw and fifteen minutes latew we landed in Budapest
loaded ouw thwee thousand pices of luggage onto thwee cawts and sailed thwoo the gween(nothing to declawe line)
thwee wondewful fwiends (Vera, Otto and Zsuzsa ) wewe waiting fow us wif two caws and took us to ouw apawtment..they had bags of food and goodies fow us
we met ouw landlady in fwont and she showed us how to use ouw six new keys, hehehehehehehe(aftew she left, of couwse we got all mixed up and it's only today, the second day that we have figoowed out how to entew ow leave in less than ten minutes.)
The apawtment needs lots of cleaning and painting and Mommi was in teaws fwom seeing that and having not slept fow two days didn't help
hewe is a smilebox of ouw fiwst day
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This photo album created with Smilebox |
I miss all of you and hope to be able to keep witing and showing you mowe, but please beaw wif me..it will take many days of wowk hewe to make this a home and get back to time fow all of you fow visits
in the meantime, know I love you and hope all of you awe well
smoochie kisses to all fuwwkids and youw families

How furry nice to see woo've made it!
What great sights fur us to see -
THANKS fur sharing!
We think your makeshift frig is khwite khreative!
Please take good khare of Mommi and Daddi!
Helloooo Asta. Gosh we have missed you. It sounds like you have started a great adventure. We hope you feel at home very soon. Once your mum has a chance to have a big rest and then have a bit of a tidy up she will be fine. Good luck to you all in Budapest. Wowza!!
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory xxx
So good to hear from you, Asta! It sounds like you've started out on quite the adventure! Loved the photos :)
Wishing you and your family a smooth transition to life in Budapest!
Oh dears Miss Asta, I can't sees your smilebox but I'll come backs to see it.
I am so glad to hears dat you and your mommi and daddi finally made it Bud-a-pest all safe and sound...well, except furs your mom's non graceful fall.
You don't worry bouts us, you just gets your house all spiffied up and relax a little, we'll be hers when you gets back to bloggin'. And tells your mommi not worries, everything is gonna be just fine and we send ya'll our thoughts and BIG hugs.
We watched you smilebox twice, Asta! We are so happy that you're in Budapest and having all sorts of new and fun adventures!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I sure is Happy that you and your Pawrents got to your new home safely.
Mom and I sure did enjoy all the pics. Thanks fur sharin!
Take your time we knows how busy you and your Pawrents are. When you get all settled in we look forward to seeing more of your new home and country!
woos, Tessa
We have been waiting and waiting to hear from you and hoping your trip went okay. Snuffles and waggles - we knew you arrive okay but your poor momma....not nice having an ouchie. We can't wait to see all the wonderful sights of your new home - how exciting!
So gladsome dats yoo all mades in one piece well almost pleese givs yor Mommy a kiss better from us heres.
Wee is happisome yoo has worked outs how to gets in outs okays now , wee has missed yoo while yoo were ttavellin n are so very happy to hear from yoo
Uji, Izzy n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx
Hurray you made it to your noo home, wat an avenchure to gets there! I hopes you haz fun getting settled in an lerning how efurrything iz in a diffrint country. *purrrs*
Quick comment from me and Pippa - welcome back to Europe. Love to know you are much closer :) Great photo of trees too. Catch y'all later and will check out your smile box too.
So pleased you all arrived safely - and buen suerte por la nueva vida.
Hi Asta!,
Glad to see you are in your new home sweetie and that you are out and about visiting with all of your new doggy neighbors. It's too bad that you had mean airline employees for the second flight but hey, you'll probably never have to deal with them again, yea!
Love to everyone,
We're so glad you made it safe and almost sound - sorry to hear about Mommi's shin - hope it's not too painful.
The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy
Hi Asta and your peeps, what a great adventure moving to Europe!! My mum would have been super stressed out too. It looks like a beautiful place to live - mum is jealous of that..... When do you think your furniture and stuff will be arriving in the big container?? That will make your peeps happy to see that again I bet.
Can't wait for your next pupdate.
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Dearest ASTA!! Whew... I am so very much thrilled that you have arrived safely and are starting to get settled in.
I watched your smilebox two times... your neighborhood is just LOVELY and I can tell your apt. will be Elegant.
Now as you know all work and no play makes Asta sad... sooooooo let me tell you Blogville is havin a Valentine's Day Pawty and DANCE.. We have booked PawsBang and Lucy has just started a NEW bidness.. Donkey DJ and Karaoke.. and she will be fillin in when you PawsBangers are on break. It is just fur that one day and evening and I think you deserve the time to have a Blast with us.
Do NOT Worry... we will take care of your travel plans and even have Overnight Accomidations.. in case you want to come Early or.. ummmmm NEED to stay a day longer.
We have your back girrrrrl.
I am just THRILLED THRILLED that you are THERE and SAFE!!!
Dear Miss Asta, Mommi and Daddi....First and most impawtantly, can I reserve a dance at the valentine's day ball? And if you need overnight accomodations, I will take care of it...Frankie is much too short for you.
We are glad you arrived safely. Please expect the Mommi to be weepy for a while...Ours still cries when she sees the boxes we have not unpacked! We hope you learn to love the new neighborhood, and cannot understand that second airline crew! You are the most lovable of dogs, and deserve the finest service.
Kisses to all of you.
Asta, the main thing is that you all arrived safely together. Sorry your mummy fell over though.
Hi Asta....glad you made it all safe and sound but sorry your Momma was welcomed by a big ouchie! Lookin forward to hearin more about your new home. I really enjoyed looking at your pictures!
We will be thinking of all of you but we are sure it will feel like home in no time with all of you together.
And your Mommy is so creative we are sure she will create a beautiful living space for all of you to enjoy.
Budapest ain't seen nothing yet! Wait until EVERYONE knows about the famous artist and amazing wonder pup that have moved into town! So glad travels were not too difficult (kisses on mommi's owies). We send White Dog Army positive energy to whip the apartment into shape in no time. Momma laughed because in the first apartment she and dad had they used the enclosed back porch for a refrigerator! Bring on the new adventures!
Hi Asta,
I'm so glad to hear that all of you have arrived at your new home safely. I can't wait to hear about your adventures in your new home and country. I like that elevator. It looks like it is out of a movie.
I has missed you! Thanks fur lettin' us know you gots to Budapest okie dokie, safe and sound. :) Your smilebox was great, Budapest looks like a wunderful city. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
YAY!!!!! We are so happy you all have arrived safely(except for your poor Mom) in Budapest!!!!!!!
WE know it will take some time to make the place a home, but we look forward to that day and when you post again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell your Mom and Dad to get some rest ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Oh Miz Asta,
We's so happy to heaw ju finalwee in Bootypest!
Fank ju vewy mucho fow da smileboxi, we watched it onwee one time butt will be going back fow mowe! Da apawtments wooks so BeaYouTeaFul, Mommie cant waits to see da finished space cuz she nose ju Mommie will fix it up vewy pwetty!
Purrs and Wirey hugs,
Chloe, Cecil and Winston
.,Hi Asta glad that you made it safe and sound...Good Luck
Dog Fence
Pet Solutions
Its All About Bichon
I am very happy to know you, Mommi and Daddi are finally there!
Sure you are going to have very interesting times getting adjusted to your new life but I know you are going to enjoy it a lot!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures!
I will be waiting for more!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hey there Asta... glad to see that you and your family made it safely to Budapest. It will take a while to make everything look like home again but i am sure with all of you together.. it is home wherever you may be. Hope your momma is feeling better too.
take cares.
woofs n licks,
Asta! We are very glad you made it safely! I hope you have lots of fun in your new country! I look forward to your new posts!
Thank you for the update, Asta. We are happy to know you have arrived safely in Budapest. It must have been quite the adventure. It will take time to have the new place feeling like home, but we know your parents will get it done. Hope they are both doing well.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hi Kousin Asta,
We're glad to hear that you arrived safely, although you had an eventful trip.
We wish you and your Mommi and Daddi the best of luck as you start your new lives in Budapest. We will miss you.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Oh we are so thrilled to hear from you and that you have arrived safely in your new home. how COULD those Germans be not so friendly to you, when the whole world knows that you are the kindest pup on the planet.
We loved the pictures of your first walk round the block. Were you scared? Are the local dogs friendly?
Oh there is so much I want to ask, but I know that you and your dear Mommi and Daddi will be super busy. I am sure the new apartment will be looking beautiful before too long.
I have entered in the Adventure Animals category of Mango Minster, but I think you must be the biggest adventurer of all.
Happy New Year and all the best to Mommi and Daddi.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (and Gail).
WE are so happy you have arrived in Europe. What a journey you had and how good you were. We would have liked you in-flight snack...........
Just tell your Mommi to take settling in a day at a time. You will get there as we know your supervisory skills are second to none Asta.
Big woofs
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Oh Asta! We have been noticing a special light to the East and wondering whether it was you finally in Budapest! We are so glad that you made it safely and are now treading the same soil as us! We know these moves are huge and exhausting, but we also know that you will make a wonderful home in your new city of choice.
Woofs, Purrs, Neighs and Hugs,
The Poupountte Gang
You made it and even met some new friends on your first new city walk!! Mommy says she used to do that window trick to keep food cold while she was in college. Looks like a really swell apartment. Spacious. Give your mommy and daddy lots of good Asta smooches and it'll help them get settled in. Hope your mama's leg isn't too bruised. We love you.
Smooches from pooches,
BRD, Hootie and mommy too
We love your pretty new home and neighborhood. Nice to see you are getting acquainted with the local pups!
Asta how brave you are to fly, and such a journey.
We hope you get sorted a nd settled in and love your new life.
Good Luck to you and yours,
Licks Bobby.
Oh Miss Asta, I am so happy to hear from you and that you are safe and sound and the journey is behind you. It will take some time, but your new apartment will become home soon. Nothing a little paint and love won't fix! We love you and will patiently wait for more updates.
Your pal, Pip
Sorry your mom got hurted, but glad you are there safe and sound. What an amazing adventure! The block where you live looks so romantic and beautiful.
hi asta, we are so happy to see that you got to budapest safely.
email or skype us when you get settled in.
lots of love from nancy and sal*
He mailed the streudel to himself.....Love A+A
Oh that blow up dog er bed looks so comfy, dear girlie...Now you know we haven't gone ANYWHERE...we're right here and I DO have my Broom and Blender and can hop over EVEN FASTER than I could make it to Noo Yoork...and to hell with all those keys...I'm comin' in the window....you better move the butter.
Your BFF,
Miss Laciebobeastie and her brothers....
HI Asta
It is sooooo good to hear from you. We think of you all the time.
We are glad you are there and now just give it time and everything will work out.
I hope your mamas leg heals fast
hi Asta and family, we're so happy to see that you got to your new home all safe and sound. we know it is all new for you - a new beginning! it's very exciting. we are kind of jealous. we can't wait to see more photos of everything and hear about your adventures. we are happy and excited for you. get rested and settled.
Hello Asta, mommi and daddi!!
You made it! You made it. We've been waiting to hear this excitig news! Take your time to settle... we're sure you will enjoy lots of nice things in new home!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
Glad to hear you made it safely!
Stop on by for a visit
We liked the first part but the last part of the trip doesn't sound like it was much fun. Hope your mom's leg is healing and less painful.
How wonderful to have friends there to meet you bearing food.
We send pawhugs to you and your folks.
Glad to hear that all of you have arrived safely. Things will work out for good and can only get better!
Love ya,
Jon Terry
Asta! :D So glad you and your peeps made it safely! :D
Bit of a ruff arrival. Tail up! It will get better! :D
Waggin at ya,
Hello Asta! I was a regular follower of your New York life; but posted only once. I am enthralled by the story of your move and in awe of your BRAVERY to MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!
But please describe for us what do the streets of Budapest smell like and sound like? Is it very cold there? Are the people very casual, like Americans...or more formal? What does each of you like best/least, so far? Is life in Budapest what you had imagined it would be?
Happy Days, Asta!
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