We leawn mowe each day about how to live in this new place
Mommi says, we've gotten quite a lot done considewing we only got hewe on Monday aftewnoon
We'we all still on NewYawk time I think, cause Daddi falls asneep at seven in the evening(of couwse the fact that its vewy dawk by then doesn't help)
then he wakes up at nine and wants dinnew all ovew again hehehehehe..he's becoming like me..I fow one, could eat any time and all day
hewe is anothew little smilebox fow you
i hope you can see it
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today, aftew the pawty, we had to get up eawly cause the delivewy men bwought ouw half kitchen(we still have to buy the othew side) and a washingmashine/dwyew combo that ouw fwiends gave us..nothing is all hewe ow hooked up, but it seems like things awe moving in the wight diwection.
Fwiends continoo to help us twemendoosly in evewy way and people have been vewy nice to me on the stweet when they meet me
Yestewday on my walk I met two othew wiwy kids and we kissed and the hoomans wewe delighted
I'm discovewing gweat smells and have my wegoolaw walk all figoowed out
I'm not afwaid of the weewd old Oowopean elevatow and in genewal have no pwoblems adjusting..I just wish all my fuwnitoowe would be hewe aweady
(it's coming to the apt on wednesday)..I'm sowt of sick of only being able to sit on the blow up bed fow comfowt
I hope I can attend Blogville's Valentine's dance..mayow Fwankie Fuwtew has invited me in the nicest way and of couwse my Gussie has asked fow the dances
I'm vewy excitewed but sad that I still can't come visit all youw bloggies
pleeez keep being patient wif me and my Mommi secwetawy
smoochie kisses

Asta!! Asta! Hi! You made it!! It' SO nice to see you and hear your stories about Booda-pest. We are very happy you've landed and that things are moving in the direction of becoming a home. We've not been blogging much cuz our mom's a work-a-holic, but we're still checking on everyone. It's SO nice to see you!
-Bart and Ruby
Hi Asta, what a lovely Smilebox as always. We especially liked the little video of you playing with your balls in the empty apartment.
What a pity the humans want to clutter it up with furniture - it looked just perfect to us.
The human liked the big windows and the shape of the your living room.
So glad you are settling with the support and love of good friends.
Take care
Hey Asta! We are glad that you are there safe in Budapest! We hope that your getting settled in ok. We enjoyed your smilebox! I especially liked watching you with your ball!
Oh Sweet Asta I am so very much thrilled that thingys are coming right along fur you.. Not as FAST as you might like... butt this IS an adventure and you expected some Good and very INTERESTING pawts to remember.
I am thrilled that you will be able to make it to the Valentine's Pawty and dance. That will give us a chance to pick up on some of the grrrreat Smells.. to go along with the FABULOUS pictures we are now getting set into our minds.
THANKS fur showing us so many of the thingys you are seeing.. we were all worried that
Boot A Pest would not be a place that we would Approve Of fur you. I (Frankie Furter) can now PLAINLY see that it is BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT fur you.
Have you seen any.... Squirrels???
I hope NOT.
We just love your smileboxes, Asta, and thank you for the tour of your new home! Our mom loves the wood floors!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sweetie... I saw your comment about the Plaq Clnz... teefs stuff. Once you get all settled in... if you want to try this stuffs.. let me know and I will be glad to send you some.
I am very happy to know everything goes well there!
It is just a matter of time, right?
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Kousin Asta,
Wow, you had a real busy first week.
i see that you got your long hall back, and have lots of other room to play in, too. Your new apartment sure is nice and when your Mommi gets it all fixed up it will be bootiful.
Glad things are going good. : )
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Hi Asta - looks like things are comin' together for you. Your peeps are already making lots of new friends and goin' places......dunno about the "evil smokin'" though!!!
It will be nice when your stuff arrives so you will have some comfy seats to use!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Glad to hear everything is movin' along OK. I can't move from one room to another without everything going wrong...you moved halfway across the world!
Good to hear your are there safe. What an adventure.
love & wags,
Hi Asta I have been away from blogging for a while( cause my Mommy got lazy), but I am back and catching up. Oh my what adventures you are having. I can't wait for more.
licks and sniffs Sasha
Hi Asta
Thank you for showing us your world!
I hope all the furniture gets there soon.
We loved watching you play with your ball! Will there be room for furniture around you toys????
The Florida Furkids
So pleased that you have a nice regular walk sorted out and that you've already made some pals Asta. Somehow we knew it wouldn't take long. One day soon you will also have a whole kitchen and we have paws and fingers crossed that all you other stuff arrived safely. It looks like you apartment has lovely big windows too.
Lots of love and hugs to you all. Now that you are in Europe, it feels like you're almost next door.
Toodle pip!
Miss Asta,
I am so glad that you all arrived and are starting your next big adventure in life. No worries about being on NY time. Daddi can sleep whenever he wants.
It' SO nice to see you and hear your stories about budapest.
I wish you a wonderful adventure.
Nice woooh
Thanks so much for finding the time to share your adventures, Asta. We're so glad you are beginning to settle in. #1 says, speaking from numerous experiences, that the arrival of your stuff on Wednesday will make all the difference!
Sweet Astaroni Fuzzbutt of my heart,
My girl told me she chatted with your mommi and that you are taking Budapest by STORM!! I had no doubt that you would be a hit in your new neighborhood, and that you will gather all kinds of good people into your orbit.
All of us in GooberStan are sending you, your sweet mommi, and my Georgie loads of goober smooches and hugs. Whenever something tough or discouraging happens, remember that there is an army of folks who love you guys!
My girl can't wait to visit! Just let us know when the guest room will be ready!
Goober love & smooches,
Asta my sweet woofie friend. I am so glad that you are settling in and that you are in fact embacing the new life. The smilebox is wonderful and I loved seeing you play ball. Mum was so happy to see that there were happy smiling faces when you met with friends and that you are being made welcome. We look forward to seeing more of your settling in as and when you can manage to do it. Please though know that you have been in our thoughts often. Dad keeps asking mum if there has been any news and are you all ok. Mum will be in touch andwe hope the mail system to you is ok. HUgs GJ xx
Asta...we have watched your smilebox a couple of times, and really enjoy seeing your new house from your viewpoint.
Glad that y'all are settling in and maybe soon you will have your own things to curl up with. Kisses to Mommi and Daddi and your own sweet self.
Looking good! That view from your apartment is awesome. And a big fun party your first week? I'd say the Kroons have arrived!
Asta we are so pleased you all arrived safely. Thanks for showing us your new apartment. When your furniture arrives it is going to be just fabulous!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Hi Asta,and mum and dad
Such a big move but we can see things are moving along, so in a few weeks you will forget you only had a blow up bed.
The partys soon started, its nice you have good friends.
it sounds like every one is very helpful.
Licks Bobby
Hellow Sweet Asta, we are sooo glad that things are gradually settling down for you. Mum says she feels like eating all day too! Maybe she is on Boo da pest time hehehe. We loved the smile box and mum played it over and over cause she loves the song. We are so happy for you all and send hugs and slobbers (the slobber is from Rory but it is great for shiny fur!!). Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Glad to hear you have some friends, are making new friends and things are slowly coming together for you. Can't wait to hear you're sitting on your own furniture and sleeping in your own bed again.
Oh Asta, Budapest sounds just wonderful! We can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures. It sounds like you are making some lovely new friends! Miss you!
Your pal, Pip
Asta, lovely to hear from you and hear that everything is going so well!
It must be wonderful to have so many new places to visit and things to experience!
Clive & Murray
Oh Asta wee donts minds yoo cant visit all our bloggy's wee knows how busy yoo are. It wood bee great to see yoo ats da Pawty so wee can havs a good catch ups.
Yoo new place is certainly gettin dere isn't it n once yor comfy bed is in yoo will nots looks back.
Keep ups da good work our furiend
Izzy, Uji n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx
Ok so we are very slow here, only just realised you had posted again Asta. Think we need a new secretary!
Lovely to see you have made new friends already Asta, we are pawsitive you make losts more in the coming weeks. Hope all your boxes arrive safely, then you will have a lot of
supervising to do Asta.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie .
Hello Asta!! It's me Pippa, one of your near neighbours !! :D Well - at least there is no sea between us anymore. That was a nice smilebox - we could see it, but the other wouldn't open. We are so excited for you, and know what it is like to have to change circs. Master started a new job today which is bad for lifestyle but good for dogbiscuits. Nobody wants to employ Misery. I think Budapest and Europa suits you :)
Pippa xx
Hi Asta,
How's Budapest? We can't wait to hear from you more.
Hi Asta, so pleased you are settling in, ok it will take a while to make it a home but it must be is so exsicting, new people to meet and places to go. Looking forward to you showing us more.
Have a good week
Pucker up for a kiss, just think its dosen't have to travel so far ;) xxxx
Hi Miss Asta,
Fank ju berry mucho fow da smiley boxie..Boodypest Is amazing an we can not wait to see mowe picshures!
BTW, fank you fow da smoochie kisses at da end of you video!!!
Chloe, Cecil and Mom Shawn!!
Hello Asta, sweetie!!! We've been away, so we just got to read yur posts and look at the smile boxes. (It was great to hear your mommi's voice playing ball with you!!)
The apartment looks wonderful, and with such good friends, you'll be all set before you know it!!!
Lots of love and wirey woofs from us and our Mom and Dogdad!!
Jake and Just Harry
Maybe we can have a Valentine dance too?????
you are all amazing! So much progress has been made and you have already become part of the neighborhood! In no time you will find the perfect cafe and gelato spot. And just wait until your furniture arrives...it will seem just like the perfect home.
We are so thankful for your Smileboxes and the glimpses of your adventure. Thanks for sharing.
Hurray for half a kitchen! :D BOL! Y'all are really ruffin it Goodness!
Hope your furniture especially your bed Asta arrives safely and on time Wednesday :)
Bet that was a great reprieve to spend some time with friends out in the country :)
Waggin at ya,
Oh Asta and peeps! We are thrilled for you! Your apartment is gorgeous (love that room with the curved wall -there's a name for that, but we're at a loss right now-is beautiful-I'm sure your furniture will look just fabulous, too. Paws crossed that everything arrives in perfect condition!
We admire you tremendously and can hardly wait to meet all of your new friends! Glad to see that Asta is adjusting nicely:-)
P.S. Hope those mustard-colored leather chairs made the journey-forgive us for intruding, but we (or Parental Unit) just loved them from your photos!)
Asta, we are so happy that you are getting settled in your new home.
We understand that this big adventure must be hard on your people, so we will wait patiently to hear more whenever your mommi has the time to update us.
Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam
Oh Asta!!! So glad to hear that you are adjusting! You will rule the new place before long! And it is ok for the daddy to sleep early...my mommy does it and we still live on Eastern Standard Time!!! Haroooo!!!
Mya Boo Boo
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