hewe is anothew chaptew fwom the GREAT MOVE
sheeeesh, it's endless
I spend most of my days tied up , while wokmen ow movews come in and out
don't wowwy, I'm not getting mistweated ow anything, I get my walkies and plenty of food (my own, plus bites of Mommi and daddi's Pik-niks), hehehehehe
we thought we wewe going to have ouw kitchen today, but NOOOOOOOOO
once they stawted to twy to put things in , they made all sowts of discovewies, like bwoken watew pipe, etc had to dig into cement in wall, take apawt tiles blah, blah, blah
end wesult is, they fixed the pipes, and cemented again, BUT, they have to wait fow that to dwy befowe they can wedoo tiles, and the mistew's mothew's Biwfday is monday, so he can't come back till toosday, heheheh
mowe pikniking and washing dishes in the baftub.
SOOOOOOO, Mommi is dying of fwustwation, cause she's the type who wants evewything all at oncet and she can't put dishes away, thewefowe all the kitchen boxes awe still hewe
she can't put all books away, cause she and Daddi painted bookshelve and they'we not dwy
she can't put clothes away cause we can't affowd to buy closets this momf
You can imagine he wine and xanax consumption , hehehehehehe
Meanwhile, the good news is things awe moving in the wight diwection and someday, we'll have ouw new home all done
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Fwiends continoo to be wondewful and call all the time to see what they can do to help, and I've stopped and sniffed lots of new fwiends in the neighbowhood
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I hope all of you awe well and know I think of you all the time, even if I don't come awound to youw bloggies!!!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy the smileboxies at least.
Mommi sowt of collapses at the end of evewy day and becomes totally useless
smoochie kisses

We are keeping woo in our thoughts beautiful Asta! Da Mommi and Daddi are doing good wif da wine and other things!! Woofs!!!
Mya Boo Boo
I'm glad to see that things keep moving along. Even if it is not at a pace that your Mom would like.
Oh Girrrrrrl, those foodables look delicious. I am pretty green with jellyness over that.
I think your new NEST is gonna be just fabulous.
Tell your mom that Wome wasn't built in a Day... hehehehe
Keep these pictures coming... when you can... I am lovin every one of them.
Asta we are so happy all your stuff has arrived. Have you opened your box yet?
You look settled in your favourite chair, were you snoopervising Mommi and Daddi?
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie xxxx
Glad the broken pipe was found before you were all set up, but it sure will be nice when everything comes together and you can relax. Sending pawhugs for all.
Iz duz remember owr move last summer an it wuz horribulz Asta. We wuz locked up an taken on planes jusht likes you. Then we stayed at da grammies howse in a room, then we had teh cuzzin kittehs who I hates come lives at owr noo howse! It took furever but now we iz settled, cuzins iz gone, an we luvs owr howse! I no in a few monthss you iz going to all laffs an laffs abowt dis times an remembers it moar fondly (heehee rite). Keeps yer paws up an keeps smiling! Sending luvs an purrs, Pandy
Oh Asta, how lovely to have your own chair to sit on!!
Even better to get into your own bed.
Thank dogness the furniture has arrived.
What a lot of boxes - what is it with these humans! They can't need that many boxes.
The human is still loving her first glimpse of Budapest - the buildings, the cafes, the orchestra playing in the theatre.
You are all having such an adventure, meeting new pups and humans.
Take care
Martha & Bailey xx
Hey Asta your posts are all in caps! It's doing our awful (pawful?) eyesight in!!
Will check out your smilebox when recovered from the caps
(except she is logged in now and not me )
Thanks for the update, Asta! Hug your momma & daddy - it'll make everything better for them!
- Charlie
Ohmidogness, Asta! Moving to Boodepest sure does look like a lotta work! But hopefully real soon everything will be in its place and you all can just relax and enjoy your new home. I luved your pictures. That roast ducks looked SO good! Does it taste like chicken?
Please give your mommi some snuggles from me. They're better than wine OR xanax...heehee!
Wiggles & Wags,
Your Mommy has lots to do so we totally understand. Our Mommy says she HATES moving so we are staying put cause she never wants to go through that stress again.
Dear Asta, I expect it's having you there that most helps Mommi and Daddi feel at home. We think you are living in a beautiful building (never mind the dodgy plumbing - all to common in old buildings in Europe, we fear...)
Toodle pip and cheers!
Bertie and Gail.
Oh Miss Asta, we think your moving to Boo Da Pest is so wonderful and amazing even with the silly plumbing business and stuffs. We are glad you have your furniture back, the food looks totally yummers and we love, love, love the look of your new home.
Mum says its just like a wonderful movie. We cannot imagine living in such a place and find it totally captivating (mum's word, not ours hehehe). We hope you are all feeling settled and relaxed now. Bye. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (and Carol x)
Dear Asta..it was good to see you at the end of the smilebox, curled up in your special chair and resting comfortably! We are glad things are starting to sort out a bit - but must tell you that we are still looking for Teka's favorite coat, which is probably in the box muzzer marked "things we should leave behind but brought anyway!" Our movers thought that was pretty funny.
We have been suffering through muzzer's cold. It means that she doesn't want to do walkies, and the Dad is having a symposium, but no animals are being harmed.
We like your building, and we know your Mommi and Daddi will make it a wonderful place.
love always
Hi Asta! Great to hear from you! Tell your Mommi to look at the plumbing problem this way - you'll have the newest pipes in the building.
Glad everything is moving forward (if not fast enough), and we all look forward to seeing it when it's all done. As I'm sure you Mommi does too!
- Smitty
We just love your smileboxes, Asta. This adventure looks like so much fun to us! Your home will be just perfect for you and your mommi and daddi soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well, just try to think ahead to how nice everything will be once it's all finished. Then you can all sit back and relax!
OH THAT FOOD!!!!!! We are STARVED and it looks amazing!!!!! And to see you back in your own chair looks so....normal!!! Oh...if you pee on the bed they might be more charitable about tying ya to it....I'm just sayin'....
Kisses to all!!
Kousin Asta,
What a good idea from Scruffy, Lacie, and Stanley! haha....
Glad to see that your stuff has arrived and that your Mommi and Daddi have something to do now. : ) That's great. Soon you will feel as though you were there forever.
Good luck with all your unpacking. We hope that you find everything.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Oh Asta, I just love all these pictures of Budapest. I know it must be very stressful for your parents, but it sure does look exciting to us!!
Your pal, Pip
Hi Asta - my mum and I are just all agog looking at the amazing brave move pictures and sigh at how beautiful a place you have to live in. We think if only you had a backyard it would be absolutely perfect...;-)
Still - I laugh at your mom wanting everything done NOW!! because mine would be exactly the same - they sound like sisters!!
What a relief you have your stuff and boxes and now have your real bed and chair!! I think it is wonderfuls that you don't have a kitchen because your peeps can check out all the local eating places and then bring home doggie bags for you - make sure they have a roast duck leg in them ....... oh heaven!!!!
Love to all, Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Miss Asta,
I watched your smiley box with momma and Pea. I think that your new house will be beautiful in short order, but I understand how anxious your mommi is about the whole thing. She needs to follow your lead and have a nice snooze.
Thanks for updating us. Tell mommy to take more naps during such times or take you out for more walkies, that should help her feel better :D
Love ya,
Jon Terry
Thank goodness for friends to help you all through all the messes.
Broken water pipes! YUCK!
We hope everything gets under contol soon!
We think of you all the time
It's a great start! It's hard for terriers and terrier moms to be patient!
We want everything NOW...heehee!
Glad to see you all settling in, sending terrier kisses,
Wyatt and Stanzie
Those were great smile boxes, Asta! Thanks for sharing this awesome journey with all of us!
Sam and Pippen
Miss Asta, it is so good to see your smiling face. We've been a bit worried about you. How clever of you to use Smilebox albums to share your new adventures with us. We're glad you have good friends there to help you get used to your new city. We're keeping our paws crossed that you are safe and happy in your new home.
Jed & Abby
Loved the ShadowBoxes! Your mommy (& daddy) are good photographers. Very artsy photos. Your apartment will be ship shape in no time. Tell your mom to listen to you and chill! bol. Our mommy is trying to learn Polish now. She forgets so much, and here she is trying to learn a new language. Sheesh. Well, you keep on being the sweet little lady you are and give your folks smoochies from us.
Love you lots,
BabyRD & Hootie
Hello Asta - it looks like a beautiful city - with some very wonderful food. We are sure you will get everything in its right place very soon! Not that you are on this side - maybe we might get to meet one day?
We send you big cement drying/paint drying/water pipe repair vibes
Sally, Paddy, D and now little Klaus
Hurray for progress! :D Glad to see you got your bed and chair in their place and are making good use of them Asta :D
Waggin at ya,
PeeS: Glad to know your Mom and Dad are well supplied with food and wine ;) Oh happy times :D
Listen get ready He will be there in a few minute You'll know because he has on a little apron AND a chefs hat AND his accordian( the tuba was too heavy to carry) He wants to clean cook and serenade for all of you at the same time... We are a little worried because despite taking course learn how to speak hungarian in one easy lesson he is not shall we say ready to go with that..... Keep us posted on how this goes.. Love A+A PS we love the smile boxes and you look fabulous on your chair)
Hey Asta!
Wow, you live in such an amazing place now! I'm sure it will get a little more normal every day. My Dad's going all squeeeee for those pawesome buildings and Mom's going all squeeee for that concert! She liked the clip on the bottom left the best. Wohooo. Great pix. Hang in there!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Asta, so glad you got your furniture and are getting all settled in. It all looks so romantic and fun and exciting!
Asta, so great to see you all settling in so well.
take care
Clive & Co
So happy you are getting settled in your new home! Thanks for posting the pictures, your new home is going to be lovely.
We think of you! Mom watched the first thin man movie a couple of weeks ago and smiled at that Asta! We hope all works out!
Howdy Asta!
We are glad to see that you are settling in well in your new home. We are so sorry that you guys left New York but from your pictures it looks like you have a gorgeous city to explore.
Our mom's mom has been very ill which has kept her away from blogging and most fun things but she wanted us to tell you that she has a coworker named Julius that is from Budapest. His parents actually just moved here but they still own a bar/restaurant in Budapest. If there are any questions that you have about the area please let us know.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Asta it sounds very stressy, but it will all be worth it and Budapest already looks lovely. I know all the neighbourhood dogs will love you too!
I has beed keeping updated on GR on Mum's phone and we can't comment there but we has been thinking of you!
~lickies, Ludo
((HUGS)) Hope you and your pawrents get settled in soon. Thinking of you.
It is good to see pictures with furniture, and wonderful comfy places for Asta to snuggle and nap.
We think of you all often, and are so glad that you have found new friends in your new city.
Remember, I am your best boyfriend.
You have already made so much progress toward getting settled...especially since everything was coming so far! I know this part seems endless but in no time, it will truly feel like your home and sanctuary. We love sharing your journey.
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