a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Bweakfast

It's vewy diffewent hewe on weekend mownings

Thewe awe pwactically no hoomans awound

I want to show you something weiwd about how i walk
I aways walk on the vewy edge of the sidewalk(Mommi says I look like I'm pwacticing fow the balance beam)
The stweets haven't been cleaned up yet aftew Satuwday night pawties,so pawdon theiw appeawance pleez

in the evening this place is full of hoomans going to westauwants and clubs ow just walking awound, but in the mowning..empty

luckily doggies still come out and socialise,so it's not all bad

awen't these kids cute? I asked them if they knew the wowld famous fashion model Lowenza
they wewe ashamed to admit that they didn't, but wewe vewy impwessed that she is a fwiend of mine

Daddi said it's such a bootiful mowning, why don't we have bweakfast outside
We had to wait..the inside pawt was open, but outside they don't sewve 'till 10

finally we wewe seated..I was anxious to eat because I had a date wif fwiends at my wun down the stweet fwom hewe

hmmmmm,that smells good what is it Daddi?, can I have some?
the answewe was no
appeawantly coffee is not fow tewwiew giwls, even if they'we aweady almost thwee

suwely thewe can be no wules about not eating this, hehehehe
(xept fow the choclate bwead, and the waisins and nuts wight?)

Mommi picked out bits that wewe OK fow me to eat
..she is the best bweakfast shawew in the wowld.

Hope all of you had a gweat stawt to youw day too.

smoochie kisses


Sally said...

What a great way to start a day! I love tea and a croissant in the morning - very civilised. Hope you had a nice play at the dog run

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

♥ Tiffykins ♥ said...

Hehe I love the way you walk on teh sidewalk Asta, it is very unique. I normally like to try and stick to the the sides of the building when traveling in the city. When we went to pick Rumer up it was a Sunday morning in Manhattan and it was very empty at first so we know what you mean. Your breakfast looked delicious.


Maxmom said...

Hello there, my dearie!
Your MAXDOG here!
mmmm...I like the way you walk!
mmm...Those cakes look yummylicious!
mmmm....why wasn't I invited?
Looks like you had a real fun sunday morning...Uptown girl!!!
Lots of licks

Duke said...

The pastry look so yummy, Asta! Your mommi is so nice to share with starving you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

You would make a great gymnast. How silly but it makes a walk fun. And I'm surprised those dachshunds never heard of lorenza.. probably would recognize her in a magazine though. Yummers breakfast. Thanks for sharing.

Inky and Molly said...

Well aren't you clever walking right on the edge there. We wondered what would happen in the pole scenario, if you would wrap your mum or yourself around the pole. You solved that problem masterfully as usual.
Your breakfast looks great. Shoes on the table aren't allowed around here so lucky you for getting away with that. Mum couldn't have any of that food. She would blow up to the size of a hot air balloon and lift off into the skies before coming down with a huge pop and then...finished with the Mama...so we could have all of that food for her..that would be nice if we could just come over and join you for breakfast....mmmhhhh...we're sad now :(

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a wonderful day you had - at least the beginning of it. And that breakfast looks absolutely divine.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Dexter said...


Momma clicked to download your bloggy and walked away to have her coffee and then the pooter started singing! She was so surprised.

Nice to be able to stop and have a bite before going to the dog park for your work out.



Lovely Sunday walk. My mommy remembers those quiet walks that she her mommy used to go on when she lived on Riverside Drive.

Yes it is quiet and those pastries! Well it only 6:00A.M. here and Mommy is about to have some coffee so that was a mean trick. We don't have no patries!

Riley and Star.

Gus said...


You are good on the balance beam! Teka likes to walk on top of the brick walls some houses have for fences. Scares Muzzer!

and muzzer is a pushover on sharing with doggies, just so you know. We have trained her well.


Hollie and Janie said...

You are such a little gymnast on the sidewalk! You deserve a gold medal for sure! I do that sometimes, too, but I would have made mama go around the street signt!hehe Your breakfast looks so yummy! Have a good week, sweet friend!

Deb Cushman said...

What a lovely walk! Those buns looked worth the wait. Your mom is a good woman. We see why you keep her around! (And your dad is pretty cool, too!)

Chef said...

Nothing like Sunday morning breakfast on a quiet terrace, eh Asta? I've done that too and sometimes I get eggs. We're both so lucky.


Agatha and Archie said...

YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! WE WALK THE SAME WAY!!!!! well I mean we are bff......maybe it is a wft thing..or maybe we were in the circus as babies and were trained that way,, or maybe it is just fun... Love A+A

Kelly said...

Oh Asta! I loved reading about your wonderful weekend! You look so cute walking on the curb. I am thinking you could be a star on the balance beam for the pawlympics!!

Koobuss said...

Good Morning, Kousin Asta!!

Looks like you had a great start to your day! It sure was a beautiful morning, here, too.

The video of you walking the curb stone was interesting. I like your technique. You are very good at that. Fast, too. It's a shame that you have those poles in the way interrupting your pace. Nice job going around the pothole. Hehehe...

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Beckett said...


I might have to start calling you Nadia since you walk like a perfect 10 gymnast!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful way to start your day, Asta! You do a great job on the balance beam of NYC. We know you are just checking to see if there are any pupworthy goodies left in the street. Those breakfast treats looked quite tasty. And it looks like a nice day there too, we have heavy rain and t-storms here.

Woos, the OP Pack

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Hiiiiiiiiiiii sweet Asta!!!
We're back and we're sooooooooooo happyy!!!!
We missed you a lot!!!!
Are you all ok???Seems yes!!!
What a great way to start a day!!!!!!!
You're such a lucky girl!!!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Slurpppppppppp....Gnam gnammmmmmmmmmmm....
we're drooling watching you eating those delicious croissant!!!
Our mommy used to take from work some croissant for us when she have night turns at the hospital so we can have brfeakfast all together before she go to sleep...with us!!!!
We love a croissant in the morning like you and your family!!!!!
Have a great weeke sweet Asta and mommy and dad!!!
Tons of love and kisses

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That's a delicious-looking breakfast, Asta! #1 says that one of the things she misses most from the time she lived in Chicago is Sunday brunch!

Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan

Ruby Bleu said...

What a lovely morning! And Pastis...my Mom is very jellyfish! And I think the way you walk on the sidewalk is very cool...yous gots talents!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Daisy said...

Asta, it is so cute how you walk on the very edge of the sidewalk!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo do look sooooo furry graceful!

Tank woo fur sharing your walk, your furiends, and your treats!


Cat Naps in Italy said...

Hey, ain't ya got any cats in New York? Asta get ready cause I am gonna come to pick you up in the magic flying van just as soon as Opus goes to sleep. See you soon bella!


doyle and mollie said...

oh the culture asta you are so lucky to live in NYC my momma says its her favourite place over the seas

Clive said...

What a great way to start a Sunday! Yummy looking breakfast treats!

take care

The Black and Tans. said...

What a lovely way to start a Sunday. Breakfast with the hoomans before meeting your friends at the run.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Unknown said...

Oh Asta - that walking video is hilarious! I love the bit where you got to a pole and had to walk around it - but then quickly scooted back to the edge! :-)

Your breakfast looks so yummy - you're so lucky all the things you can do and places you get to go with your humans!

Honey the Great Dane

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure you, your mom and daddi had the best way to start your sunday!
You like exciting things... walking on the edge of the sidewalk!
Lovely doxies in 3 different colors!
Yummy breakfast and I am sure you had fun at the run with your friends!
Kisses and hugs

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta, we love your Sunday morning routine... the walk down the quiet street (you are VERY talented...never step on a crack, dodge the poles and balance with such grace and beauty!) ... and the quiet breakfast with your mommi and daddi (Moma says that coffee - mocha? - looks yummilicious, to say NOTHING about the pastries!) You are a very lucky Girl in so many ways. You and your family give city life the look of Sunday morning perfection. Can we come visit?

Your SissieFergi and BruvverJake ooxx

The Florida Furkids said...

Your walk video was furry cool! We loved looking at the pictures but Mom said they made her miss NYC!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Duffy said...

You could be in the Lympics with your balance beam expertise. As for the breakfast, well, what more could you want in the morning. Ya think your pawrents are spoilin' you?
Me neither!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay i dont blaym yoo for wawking along the kerb it is the smoothest part of the sidewawk!!! i like to wawk along the top of the wall owt in the bakyard myself on akkownt of it givs me a gud vyoo of both the yard and the hill ennyway yoo ar verry clever to go arownd the poll like that the other day i got rappd up arownd the poll at the stoodyo and dada had to unwind my leed and he calld me silly imadjin!!! ok bye

Sassy Kat said...

Rest up from your busy Sunday for the party! See you soon.

Joe Stains said...

You are so lucky you can go out and eat with your humans, we don't have any place like that here we can go to. Those buns looked DELICIOUS!

Unknown said...

Hi Asta...
your lips and paws must be stuck together from the sticky buns...

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Asta your mommy shares so nice with you from her very continental breakfast! reminds us of germany with all that yummy coffee and breads....yummy!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Can I join you sometimes? I love to eat food.
Sally Ann