a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A pawfect aftewnoon

As many of you know..this is my unkel Tony..he's not welated to us, he's an unkel-by-fwiendship
he is funny and sweet and a tewwific tapdancew too and has such spawkly eyes

we went ovew on a bootiful aftewnoon fow dwinkies and I bwought my ball along so that I could play on his deck

I'm weady to play! this is Mommi's favowite type of day..mine too..
bweezy,slightly wawm,but cwisp wif good smells in the aiw and pawfect Septembew light

I'm stawing at my ball, in a not too subtle fashion..
hooomans need lots of hints to stawt thwowing when you want to play
(just ask my pal Petey..he has it down to a Ski ence)

while the hoomans talked...I played..sometimes you have to take things into youw own paws

on the way home, we bought a hooge loaf of bwead at Pastis
(it's a westauwant, but they bake theiw own bwead at theiw sistew westauwant called Balthazaw and it's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
They aweady know us and will sell it to us wifout a pwoblem

I'm checking it out to make suwe it's the wight one..it's about 10 inches acwoss and wound

I also have to check the stweeet fow any peemails left by fwiends in the neighbowhood

as we appwoach ouw stweet and look up, this is what you see..
hoomans looking at the sunset and stwolling up on the high line

then you tuwn the cownew and you awe in fwont of ouw building wif the Hudson Wivew at the end of ouw stweet

I love lazy aftewnoons wif my pawents..we've had sevewal wecently..I feel vewy vewy lucky

Hope all of you awe having a vewy happy non-labowing Labow day

smoochie kisses


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Asta what a purrrrrfect afternoon you has with your family and friends...the bread sounds so yummy. Thank you for showing us a slice of the Big Apple from your magical view point. It must be an enchanting place to live.
Love your adoring Miss Peach

Martha said...

Lovely afternoon Asta - we adore bread!
Your Uncle looks like quite a character!
You have fun wherever you go. We are dashing round this morning and will come back and get the videos later.
Don't you just hate Mondays and work!
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Inky and Molly said...

We don't have many relaxing weekends, it looks like fun. Your uncle seems like a friendly character. We bet he gives you big cuddles and lots of treats. Enjoy!
Inky and Molly

Faya said...

Oh c'est vraiment très beau comme terrasse ! Un petit coin de paradis. J'adore regarder tes videos. Tu as l'air tellement douce..... Gros bisous, Faya

Huskee and Hershey said...

I can see that you are thoroughly enjoying yourself!! Hope you have a wonderful loooong weekend.. (((hugs)))

Noah the Airedale said...

What a wonderful sunset. That photo of your street just as the sun is setting is luuurrvly.

Looks like you had fun at your Uncle Tony's place.

Noah x

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a relaxing afternoon. We loved your pictures of it.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

PS- your Uncle Tony looks like one of the nice guys!

Dexter said...

Asta! What fun you had in your Uncle's garden and it was a beautiful day yesterday.

I know what your mommi was up to getting you to nod your head. Hee hee. Still totally cute.


Finni said...

Hi Asta,

Those are the sort of afternoons we like too! We can just smell that bread!

Finni xx

Gus said...

mmmmmmmBREAD! And we love Onkel Tony's Roof, but there are lots of pots and things to be careful of...I think I might be in BIIIIG trouble for knociking things over.


Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Sigh, that looked like a wonderful city afternoon! I hope I have one of those soon...

Unknown said...

Yikes, Asta, I got worried for a moment that the ball might bounce over the edge of the roof — you just know I'd go after it! It's that nice red ball that I desqueaked for you the last time I was over at your house. The weather sure has been delicious. It makes me all barky at boxers on the street...

Uncle Tony looks great with his beard!

Your pal,


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Is Unkel Tony growing a beard? Like yours, Asta??? BTW, how is your beard? Growing? (Lacie stills feels guilty about the destruction of Asta's beard....)

That bread looks like an amazing ball for a game of toss.....nom nom nom!!! Want a few pears to go with it????

Thanks for all the cookies you sent Stan and Scruffy...

Could you send a couple of gallons of milk to wash em down with????



Hansel said...

lazy afternoons are the best!

Golden Samantha said...

Oh what a dreamy afternoon on a roof garden with wine and friends and Asta! Can't imagine anything more lovely! Have a good Labor Day!
Hugs xo

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think yoo need a sine yoo can hold up wot sez throw the ball becuz yore hyoomans seem a littel preokyoopied with there chitchat or sumthing!!! ok bye

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Asta thank you for showing me some of your neighbourhood and your rather handsome and debonair uncle......(oh that was my Jeannie talking there.....). She also liked the video with the wine in it.

Of course she liked you as well in the video!!!!! We think Asta pics plus wine pics, make the perfect video viewing.....

lotsaluv Marvin xxxxx

pee ess I am undergoing a rather traumatic legal trial, any legal advice you may from CSI would be very useful. ;0D

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Asta,

Your Uncle Tony is a hunk!!
What a lovely yard he has. Looks like you've had great Labor Day holiday. We are still in the country with the Dachsies and are having a wonderful time.

Lots od squirels, rabbits and birds to chase after. Mommy took a video this morning of humming birds flying around and hopes she can get it loaded. They are beautiful!1 Nig Daddy bull came up to fence in the backyard and we barked & barked at him put he just keep on eating.

Have you ever been to the country? It is so much fun and me and the dachsies wish you was here.

Can you get your Mommy to take another picture of you with flowers? We need a new one to spotlight you on one of my posts.

Have a Happy Labor Day!!


Daisy said...

What a perfect late summer afternoon you had!

Rudy said...

Yep we're relaxing today from our long weekend. Ollie went with Mom to NJ on Wednesday night for dog shows and came back late Friday. Josie and I went with Mom to the local agility trials this weekend and now everybody's pooped. Today Mom wouldn't throw us a ball even if we begged her!


Hollie and Janie said...

What a fabulous way to spend the day! What's a girl got to do to get somebody to play ball with her? You are so cute in your videos!

Joe Stains said...

That rooftop garden is so nice, you really are lucky to be able to go there and run around. I always stop and sniff the breeze like your Mommi asked you. I am glad you are having a great weekend.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh my!

What a lovely day woo had!

I'm so furry jealous!

I khan sooooo see why woo told your mommi YES to liking it there!


the many Bs said...

hi Asta, our mom thinks that your uncle Tony is handsome. oh geesh, she embarrasses us sometimes!

that's so nice that you had a lazy relaxing day. it looks wonderful. good luck on getting your humans to throw the ball for you. humans are hard to train sometimes.


♥ Tiffykins ♥ said...

Me and Rumer enjoyed watching your videos and looking at your pictures. It looks like you had a very fun day!

Kali and Rumer

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta sissie, your Uncle Tony's eyes remind us of our Uncle Steve's eyes. So pretty and kind and sparkly. We felt like he was looking right at us, through the computer monitor!

It was wonderful that you shared your perfect afternoon on Uncle Tony's deck with us. It was almost like being there. Jake could hear your tags tinkling and I watched you chasing your ball. I hope I learn to play with a bouncy ball like that someday, because it's obvious that you have a lot of fun doing it.

Maybe best of all was hearing MommiAmi's voice and seeing Daddi sitting there relaxing and enjoying your friends and smiling watching you play. We're happy you've been able to share the long weekend as a family... in the perfect September weather in the big city surroundings. Awww. A touch of heaven.

Enjoy every moment of the time that is left, and then start making plans for the next perfect afternoon!

SissieFergi and BruvverJake xxoo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a lovely garden in the city!!! Looks like everyone, including you, was having a relaxing time. Hope you got some of that bread.

woos, the OP Pack


Oooh,oooh, We just LUV New York City! My mommy to live on 110th Street and Riverside Drive. She could see the Hudson River right out of her window.

Mommy luvs your blog! And we do too!

Riley and Star.

Hamish Westie said...

I can't understand why Gail keeps making me scroll back to the picture of Uncle Tony...
Cheers, H.

Deb Cushman said...

Looks like a wonderful, relaxing afternoon! We really enjoyed the pictures. You need to work on those humans and their lack of ball skills.

doyle and mollie said...

aw asta you are soooo sophisticated... we really do love your hooman parent's sense of life and style

Clive said...

What a great weekend Asta!

Love bread too, a lot!!!

lots of woofs

Ziggy Stardust said...

What a lovely day you had Asta. I could almost smell the breeze. I hope you got a nice chunk of that yummy bread.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Dear Asta, You always make NYC seem like a cozy little neighborhood. We want an Unkle Tony too! Mommy was impressed with the way you shook your head "yes" when your momma asked you a question. You are brilliant!!
Have a great week sweetie!
XxOo, BabyRD & Hootie

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

looks like a great day your uncle tony looks like alot of fun

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Looks like you had a nice Labor Day sharing with your Uncle!
Bread?? Mmmm...
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

What a fun outing. You got to smell bread, play with your tennis ball, and the bread is even going home with you. Will you get to eat some of it?
Sally Ann

Jans Funny Farm said...

You have a nice life, Asta. Lots of interesting experiences and people and dogs.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

What a great day Asta girl! (Mom loves Uncle Tony's sparkly eyes, btw. She says he looks like a fun person) When Mom was talking to your mommi the other day and she was explaining your neighborhood, these pics and your descriptions made it clear to mom what your mommi meant. Just lovely!
As usual you are beautiful. Hope you got a nice piece of that bread!
We must get together soon. I know I'm not wirey girl, or a terrier, but I consider you one of my bestest friends!
Hugs to your daddi and mommi and kisses to you all!
(Scooter is still hubba hubbaing over that pic. Though he has been ticked off at mom today....)

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

Looks like you had a super weekend. Great!! That's how holiday weekends are supposed to be.

We love to look at your Mommi's pictures of New York. Your big, bustling, beautiful city is just a whole different world from where we live.

I like the way you play ball, kousin Asta. You bounce it yourself and then get it. That's nice if you don't have anybody to play with, you can always play by yourself. Me, I'll chase the ball, sometimes, and then stand by it and make my mom come and get it. That gets old quick and usually ends the game in a hurry. Then I can go back to my nap. hehehehehehe.....

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Deefor said...

Hi Asta
I'm happy you had a nice day. We did too. Very relaxing. And starting to get breezy. I love putting my nose in bags to check out the groceries. Good thing you made sure that was the right bread.

Juno said...

Asta sissy!! What a lovely & pawfect afternoon! Yes, we remember your uncle Tony. Spending some time with him, mommy & daddy, getting some fresh baked bread, looking at boootiful sunset... ahhh... life is GOOD!!! We don't call it's lazy afternoon.. it's so pawfect!!

Thanks so much for your very sweet birthday wishes! No worries about not been able to seinging me a card. Your sweet message did make our day really good!!

Momo & Pinot

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are so lucky to have such a lovely garden to play in and a wonderful Uncle who is so kind!

I loved your videos!

Monty likes to check out the peemail too!

Bae Bae said...

What a pawsome day you have.

~ Bae

Katherine and Pippa said...

Oh Asta how lovely to wander around the place like that and relax. Just like I enjoy doing too.


Duffy said...

What a beautiful day you had to enjoy UnkelTony's gorgeous terrace! Nice photo of the high line at dusk.
Yor bruvvew,

ScrapsofMe said...

I'm glad to see you are in a bestest mood now....seems Friday you were outta sorts. We hates to see Asta-liscious all annoyed n grumpy face. Love the roofie top garden, it looks like some of the leaves are just starting to turn a bit around the edges. Soonest the streets will be lined with pretty fall colors. Time to go shopping for new fallie duds. Your peeps need some refresher training classes on ball tossing. Maybe if they weren't all yakkin it up, they could pay attention! Hope you got lots of warm fresh bread nibblies.
Bonnie n Puffers

Duke said...

What a great day you had at your Uncle Tony's, Asta! His gardens are sure pretty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

You are right Uncle Tony has twinkling eyes.... You did a great job getting the hoomans attention. The sunsets have been spectacular. That's neat to watch on the bridge.
Enjoy the fall!