a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Asta dweams

Coming out my fwont doow the othew day. I wan into this Zebwa in my building's hallway
It was pwetty weiwd,given that I live in the middle of Manhattan
I politely asked if I could have a wide and he couldn't have been nicew,
so I hopped on his back

I dweamt, I had a fawm in Afwica...................

suwe would be nice to go thewe

bettew get back to weality..

I guess I'll nevew see it fow weal..

I think I heaw my phone..bettew go answew it..sounds like Petey babbling on about some twip
bye bye Mr Zebwa..thanks fow the wide

smoochie kisses


Dexter said...


Daisy said...

I would love to get to ride on a zebra's back!

Gus said...

Asta, you are such a sophisticate! Riding ZEBRAs! Hope you and Petey have a great time.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta....I totally forgot my SPF 5,736 sunscreen...do you have any??????

Sheeshch...so much luggage, too!!!

That zebra would look fabbers by you piano!!!!!


Unknown said...

I knew that zebra would come in handy! It probably hopped on the first boat when it heard Lacie was on her way to Africa!

Your pal and fellow adventurer,


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a wonderful rider you are!!

We saw Hootie and Aggie riding horses earlier today. All we ever get to ride is our Polaris

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great ride you are having!!! A trip? Where are you going? Can we join you?

Love this music.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

♥ Tiffykins ♥ said...

Ooo Africa, that sounds exciting Asta. Love the zebra, I think we need one here. Might satisfy moms want for a horse.

Kali and Rumer

Martha said...

Hi Asta
A zebra in New York!!!! Oh well looks like you are having fun. We cant wait to hear all about your adventures in Africa.
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
I am so looking forward to hearing all about your exciting African adventures, from the comfort of my sofa here in Aberdeen. (Myself, I have decided to retire from traveling, following my experiences on the train last weekend......)
Cheers, H.

Inky and Molly said...

We want one of those!!!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

The zebra is cool.What a great imagination you have Miss Asta! We like the African music in the background too.
XX-BRD & Hootie

Duke said...

Wow! Interesting things are sure happening in your neck of the woods, Asta! For your first time on a zebra's back, you ride so well!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Persephone and Buster said...

you and the zebra are ONE!! very cool animals are zebras .. we like your choice of drumming too. sort of brings us all on the trip to afreeeca...whooOOOoooooo0..
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone, Ms. Blue...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Birthday Asta, so glad you made it to the party and thanks for bringing sushi. We love sushi. Did you try the shrimp curry Mommy made, it taste pretty good. It was a new recipe and we were afraid she would mess it up. ~S,S,C & F

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I hope some (Lacie) pup (Lacie) doesn't khause woo to get deported!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
You have the best adventures... even in your imagination!
Kisses and hugs


Hi Asta,

We have an award for you so please stop by our place and pick it up.

Riley and Star.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

WE COULD HEAR UR MUSIC!!!!! OMD, ASTA...what cool selections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um...did the boyz unpack our baggage? I need my little purple tank to go with the matchin' purple shorts...and I have those amazing kicka** sandals...I hope my highlights don't bleach out too much....MJ sorta growled at me today when I sat on Mango's lap...guess I better only do my flirtin' when um she's cooking or something....

Do you want to go for a swim later? Scruffy brought all
his tennis balls so we could chase em...oh...I've only found fourteen of the nineteen blenders I brought.....and ice...who has ice?

Oh and I got a text from Mumsie that said me and Stanny are grounded for five years....hahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! As if....

Gotta run paint my nails zebra colored...are we roomin' together, Asta??? Gosh, I hope so...

Gotta run...Laciegirlie

Koobuss said...

Oh, Oh!! Looks like trouble's coming! This could get bad.

Better be kautious, kousin Asta! You could get devoured!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,'
Kousin Koobie

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Stay inside. If you need help dealing with Laci, let me know. I can use my Mommies buddy pass to join you.
Sally Ann

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a verry pretty zebra yoo hav their!!! wot kind of milage does it git??? ok bye

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Dearest Asta -

I think perhaps your Martini may have been a wee bit too strong for you, seeing giant Zebras is not a good sign!! ;0D

You look cute though on him!!

lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxx

pee ess thank you for your support in my legal case, much appreciated!

Joe Stains said...

I don't know what Mom and Dad are going to do without us over these next few days. Probably worry a lot.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

what a cute stripey horsey you have. We don't have them here.

Thanks for coming to help celebrating my birthday. You made me day!!!! I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful sissies and furriends.

Maxmom said...

Hey there, Asta

I take it, since you and your 'chommies' are visiting us, we can be friends?

Listen girl, you and Lacie better get sorted with all that luggage! I only have a small mud hut, so half of it is gonna be left in the street....and removed by the ever-present collectors.

By the way, I have fixed our TOFFEE up with Lacie. You want a dude too...we have TOMMY DOG HERE too. (I think he's still up for game hunting...I'll check)
Sorry, by I personally am unavailable!

Have a good trip and I'll see you at the airport.

Lots of licks

Hollie and Janie said...

You look so regal on that zebra! He must have been a very sweet zebra. Maybe you'll get to see Africa one day soon!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Your new friend has the same colors as Hershey... except that your friend hsa much nicer markings!! Do you think my lil' sister is part zebra??

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta, you are going to have the time of your life. Just think, you'll BE an African Queen. You ARE an African Queen. (Don't let anyone take that title from you!) You look absolutely perfect on that zebra's back. Think of all the new friends you are going to make! And the wonderful new tastes and sounds you'll experience. (That background music is awesome, if that's any idea of what it's going to be like!)

We'll miss you, but we know where we can come see what's happening and listen over and over! We can hardly wait!

Love and best wishes for a fantastic trip,
BruvverJake and SissieFergi xxoo

Be careful. Just had to say that!