Miss Judi the Mom of (Sammy, Andy,Shelley and Siewwa ) Sass is in a lot of pain and facing the biggest challenge of hew life.
She is waiting fow some test wesults about hew health and it is vewy scawy
we in Blogville want to show hew ouw love and suppowt along wif all hew fwiends in the cat blogosphewe by dedicating this day to hew and calling it Hats for Hope. and having a blog hop.
hewe I am weawing my chef's hat pwepawing something delicious and soofing fow hew
Luckily , i found my nuwses oonifowm among my luggage..I was afwaid I had left it in NewYawk
it's a little tight what wif not having a doggie wun to go to and eating too many pastwies hewe
but it will do
I bowwowed Mommi's wawm hat and bwavely got into my new elevatow to go help my fwiends show Miss Judy how much we love hew
Miss Judi
We awe all cwossing ouw paws and pwaying and sowwounding you wif love and hope.
We will be wif you in youw fight!
i send my stubbown , bwave tewwiew stwength and howls to the dog staw and my healing smoochie kisses
nevew give up
love can wowk miwacles!
smoochie kisses
(special thanks to the Zoolatwy giwls fow the wondewful badges and to Pip fow the bloghop help)

this is a blog hop
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