Dawling Fwiends
As many of you know, fiwst Mommi was sick, then Daddi, then Mommi fell into hew black hole of depwession, but GOOD NEWS
Mommi is climbing out(she says it's mostly fwiends like you who have helped pull hew, and of couwse Daddi and me) and I hope you didn't think I fowgot you
I had a bunch of pictoowes I wanted to show you, but they wewe fwom a windy ,gwey day(the fiwst time we all went out aftew all the sickies), instead, I decided that it would be lots happiew if I showed you the lovely sunny days we've had fow a week now (I'll show you the gwey ones anothew time)
We go fow big walks evewy day explowing diffewent pawts of the city
This is fwom fwiday's walk up in the Buda Castle distwict
It's acwoss the Danoobe fwom us(we go by twam ow bus, and I can go on any of those..the metwo too)
hope you enjoy these pics
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This free photo slideshow customized with Smilebox now that mommi is bettew..no mowe excooses, I'm coming awound to visit all of you to tell you how much I miss you and think of you smoochie kisses |

Grweat pictuwes, we nebew tiwe of you adventuwes!!! Glad you Mommy is feewling bettew!
Miss Asta! Your new city is just SOOO bootiful. Thank you for showing us so much of it. We are very glad you are getting some sunshine. That will help your mommi to feel happier fur sure. It's so cool that you get to ride on public transport so you can show us so many great adventures. Glad mommi and daddi are feeling better. Our publicist says they are very brave. We don't know why. Did they chase a coyote??
-Bart and Ruby
Hi Asta
It is so good to hear from you again.
We must all stick together, holding paws and chasing the black holes away! Sometimes my moms find them at my house too- so I know what you mean. Sunny days help so much. I love your beautiful city and world.
One more thing to think about and remember is that even though you think you are far away from all your friends and your old world- well remember that that same sky and moon and clouds look down on you as they do on me and all our friends. So were all very close.
Glad to hear that your mom is feeling better. No fun having pawrents be sicky.
Oh my....we love the tram pictures, and the door picture, and the bacon/cheesey bread pictures, but most of all, I love the scruffy Asta pictures, because I am scruffy Gussie now (no appt until March 30!) and we MATCH!
loving smoochies and nips
your Gussie
Hello Miss Asta, we are so glad to hear you are all feeling better. Being sick for so long is no fun at all. We love, love, love, your photos of Boo da Pest. It makes us feel like we are there too except Rory would have eaten the whole cheesy bread!
Asta, we are sending your Mum the memory of a beautiful trifle to eat. It was made with love by our angel Nana (Mum's mum) and always fills your heart with happiness. Have a huge bowl full, Asta's mum, cause it will make you feel wonderful. Take care everybuddy. No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Rory (and Carol)
We sure do enjoy accompanying you and your parents on your lovely walks, Asta. And you're right, can there ever be too many stops for "wefweshments" on walks?
Glad to hear your Mom is emerging-that extra hour of daylight and sunny days seems to help...
Oooh, that was just WUNNERFUL! We loved all your Daddi's dawz, and your Mommi's "shop signs" (and her choice of moosic, too) ... thank you for the tour of your amazing new home and homeland! Now, s'cuse us while we go get some sherbet (the gelato made us hungary... sp?)
Thanks for taking us on another great adventure in your new city. I love all the architecture (including the doors). That must have been a long day since your mom and dad ate twice. At least they shared some with you. Keep the smile boxes coming. BTW I loved the music with this one.
Lovely pics and great to hear that Mommi is feeling better. SS can't wait to see you and your beautiful new home city.
Budapest is so beautiful! You look like you are always on vacation to me, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Asta DAHLING.. I am soooooo glad that your mom is feeling better. THAT is grrreat news.
THOSE are beautiful pictures.
We loves all those pictures EVEN all the doors!
Sam and Pippen
Oh Asta, how in the world did you contain yourself for as long as you did with that heavenly looking food!
And did you really climb ALL those stairs. I would have needed a lift!
I am so happy everyone is feeling better. Budapest looks like a wonderful place to be!
Your pal, Pip
So glad your mom and dad are feeling better and you've been taking long walks to explore. Have fun.
Sheesch...I hadda put my sunglasses on from the glare!!! So you got snauasges AND gelato??? Member the unfortunate results of you eating 532 lbs of gelato in Wome? Like when you gained 3.2lbs and I got to borrow all your Prada till you lost it? Course with all those steps there, I imagine you can eat all the ice cream you want. And strudel. With fresh whipped. (Lacie starts to drool....)
And that restaurant you kept showin'....Gussie's Place...'cept it had an umlaut or something. Wow...didn't know he had opened an eatery in Booda Pest...
Spring is sprung here...XOOOOOO
Miss Lacie
Go to Mango's blog...it's even more disgusting than usual....
Sweetpea that smile box made ,me smile and smile and smile. I'm booking a flight, be over lickety spit. Save some sausages for me.Wiry ones Eric xxx
Hi Asta
We love the signs AND the doors, but most of all we love seeing lots of pictures of you, and smiling Mommi and Daddi.
Oh but those silly lectures humans will give us about not stealing food. Why ever do they waste their breath? We know we'll get some in the end.
It was especially thrilling to see the gelato place. Now that it open nearby, we absolutely insist that Mommi is not allowed to be depressed anymore. You tell her, please!
Toodle pip!
Bertie (and Gail).
Oh my dear Miss Asta...HAPPY SUNNY DAYS are here again! I am so glad your mommi is feelin' betters, I just can't stand fur hers to be down and sad...and sick.
I gotta say your new city is just absolutely beautifuls! It is sooo rich with historical stuffs...and OMD da FOOD! Girl, I was droolin' all overs da place lookin' at da cheesy bacon bread!
Hehehehe...my mum likes them store signs too. Those are purty darn cool!
I knows you is definately gonna gets used to it theres, it's just too purty not to.
Wonderful pictures, Asta! We're all looking forward to lots of sunshine and warm weather from now on!
Hey Asta!
Wow, I'm so glad your peeps are feeling better now! Nice walkies in a new territory will make everyone happier. I love those door pix! Doors are fun because you never know what's on the other side. Great steps too!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We just love the bright happiness that jumps out of those photos! glad Mommi is climbing up!
Guess what? MY dad loves doors, too! We have oodles of door photos from all over. And we all love struedel...every falvor including mushroom with sour cream!
You and your family are the BESt tour guides, we are in love with where you live.
Thanks for sharing your new city with us, I like the hardware on the door too. Tell Mom to be kind to herself, gosh can't even imagine taking on a move like that! Happy Spring to you
Asta! :) Haroooooo! Oh aren't sunny days just the best?!!! :D I saw your Mom teasing you with that t'work hot doggy lookin food she was eatin. Looked like she really enjoyed doin it too BOL! Mom says she really likes the cool shop signs too And the old doors :D So cool you get to ride on a tram Asta! How fast can it go? :)
Glad your Mom's feeling more chipper. Sending y'all big wags! :D
Waggin at ya,
all mommy did was drool and cry a little bit in her heart...
how we wish we could walk beside you through these portals of the old world...
the first door with the slanted grooves is just like the one at Oma's house in Augsburg...yes mommy got a little happy tear because you are so close to her beloved old country now....
so glad you are both looking well again and enjoying wandering around the beautiful city of your dreams...
stay happy and hug Asta for me
Hi Ms Asta,
Wow!! What a fantastic place you live in. You get to go everywhere with your Mommi & Daddi. How much fun is that!! All that food was making me hungery.
We love you....Mona, Weenie & Mommy too
That was a terrific video trip around Buda. Our mama really is intrigued by doors too. Her favorite is one from a blog friend's studio in Scotland. You really didn't look like you were going to pass out from hunger, but it was swell of your folks to give you some of their food. he he. You are a good little beggar.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Oh Asta - I know this is really, really late but I only just read this now about your Mommi's depression sickie (am trying to catch up a bit on your blog to find out why you're in Budapest!) - anyway, just wanted to say how sorry we were to hear that but also happy to hear that she is feeling much better now.
Honey the Great Dane
Look what sunny skies and beautiful doors and happy smiles and yummy eats and gobs of steps and doggie friendly transportation can lead to! Perfect pictures that actually drug OurMoma outta HER hole to take the (long long long overdue) time to tell you: We are so happy you are settling in an beginning to love life again. Just knowing that was enough to make OurMoma smile. And we always benefit from her smiles. We might even get a treat.
Much love, Asta. To you and your mommi and OurDaddi!
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